Check In And Share ~ Positive Thoughts

Did you set goals for the new year?: How Did You Do? It’s Check In And Share Day, Good Vibes Only

Set Your Goals for the week, month and year: Check In and share what you did this week: Good Vibes Only.

#Check In and Share Day

Time to pay the piper! How did you do? How much did you write? Did words explode on your WIP? Check In and share something positive from your week.

This is the Rogue Phoenix Press weekly Check In. Every Sunday we encourage our authors and visitors to let us know how their writing is going.

How well are you doing?

Had problems this week? That’s ok. Just sit down this coming week and write. Whatever you do, don’t let difficulties from the week before get in your way this week.

Every word is one word closer to the finished product.

Please share your accomplishments in the comment section.

Be sure to use this post to set a goal for the week then try to accomplish that goal.

Promotions: Check in and Share how you promoted your book

There are many ways to promote your books.

  1. Share with your promotion group of family, friends and fans
  2. Tweet: If you don’t have a twitter account, it’s easy to set one up.
  3. Instagram: refer to earlier post.
  4. Pinterest: refer to earlier post.
  5. Goodreads: refer to earlier post.
  6. Build your email list: refer to earlier post.
  7. Add your author profile to Book Bub
  8. If you know other ways to promote please share in the comment section.

Outlines and Character building: Check in and Share

Maybe you didn’t add words to your WIP, but developed your book.

How are your characters developing? Check out the character development articles on my personal blog.

What are your goals for the New Year? Don’t forget to set some.

Tell us what you did in the comment section.

3 responses to “Check In And Share ~ Positive Thoughts”

  1. Christine Young says:

    I’ve been working on Tavia’s book. I’m up to 39,000 words. My goal for next week, another 18,000 words.

  2. Ruth Danes says:

    Last week I wrote about three or four thousand words of my novel. I have planned the outline of the book but there are parts where I’m not sure how they will work out. I am currently in such a part!

  3. G. Lloyd Helm says:

    My Story TUBURCIO’S TREASURE is going up on a short story site called Jumbelbooks on the 23rd of this month. Now if I could just entice the muse to visit me as I work on my next novel.

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