First Chapter_Gotta Have Fayth


Chapter One

London 1820

Jarret Kingsley sauntered down the busy London street waving at friends and nodding at women while enjoying the summer heat. He’d been at sea for more than six weeks. His ship was his second home, but when he sailed into London, his first stop was always The Boar’s Head Tavern.

When the ship docked, he sent messages to his best friends, Logan Maxwell and Drake Montgomerie, enticing them to meet him at the tavern when he finished overseeing the unloading of the ship’s cargo. From there, they would find entertainment for the night, willing women if they were lucky.

Dressing for the evening, he splashed scented water smelling of leather and spiced liqueur on his face and chest. He donned a white shirt with a v-neck and laces to tie if he wanted and a clean pair of buckskins. Looking in the mirror, he ran his fingers through his shoulder length hair, giving him a rakish appearance.

A smile in his heart, he anticipated an afternoon of laughs and recounting of tales and hoped the evening might bring him luck with a lady. He’d have to find one first, and the last woman he’d a few dalliances with married a farmer in Kent. At the moment, he had no prospects.

Before he opened the door, two drunken sailors stumbled from the tavern. He waved a hand in front of his face to fan away the smell of sweat, stale whiskey and ale.

“Hellooo, matie…” one slurred. “Havin’ a good day?”

Stifling a laugh, Jarret nodded, proceeding inside. Nothing would shatter this day for him. The dark room gave him pause. But he knew this establishment and had spent many an evening with his friends, which was exactly what he intended for this afternoon.

A table in a far corner caught his attention. As he maneuvered around drinking men and flirting barmaids, he made his way to their favorite spot. “Logan, Drake, I see you didn’t waste any time getting here.”

The two men rose and Jarret hugged each one, slapping his buddies on the back and laughing.

“We took the liberty to order you a pint.” Logan pointed to a full glass of ale. “Sit and enjoy.”

“Thanks,” Jarret pulled out a chair and sat down. Tipping the chair back so it rested on two legs, he surveyed his best friends. “What’s new?”

Drake leaned forward, setting his forearms on the table. “The duke is growing impatient. He wants heirs.” Drake grimaced. “I’m not ready to settle down, but I have to show him I’m interested.”

“Is that all?” Jarret laughed, feeling content he didn’t have to please his father. “Your father has wanted you to marry and start making little dukes and duchesses for the last five years. I’m surprised you aren’t wed and bedded.”

“Bloody hell, you don’t mean that.” Drake downed half of his beer, looking for someone to refill his drink. “I’m putting the state of matrimony off as long as possible. All I want are willing and very passionate dalliances, nothing permanent. The last thing I want is a cold unwilling wife.”

“What about you, Logan? Got any marriage plans? Or are you just interested in your orchids and the chateaux in Bordeaux?”

The liquid in Logan’s mouth flew through the air. His subsequent cough had Drake slapping him on the back to keep him from choking. Jarret grabbed a towel from one of the working girls to wipe up the beverage on the well-weathered wood.

“Not in the marriage market. Enjoy being single.” With his hands, Logan wiped the excess ale off the front of his shirt. “And yes, my orchids and vineyard keep me busy. Plenty of things to do.”

“What have we here? You gents want another pint?” The young lady bent down, obviously showing as much cleavage as possible. Her head angled to one side, red hair falling provocatively around her shoulders, as she appeared to wait for an answer. Her grin showed the lack of a front tooth.

“Come here.” Logan pulled her onto his lap, letting a hand rest on her thigh. “Jarret just got here but you can bring me and Drake another pint, bread too, and cheese.” When she rose, he patted her backside and she tossed him a cheeky grin.

On the other side of the bar, a loud roar of laughter erupted. One of the barmaids apparently had let everyone see a bit of her tits before prancing away.

“I need a bit of that,” Jarret rubbed the back of his neck as his cock rose, pressing against his buckskins to the thoughts swirling in his head. “Been at sea too long. Miss my little lady I used to visit.” The men kept the names of their paramours secret. Didn’t want any talk, the ton had too much to gossip about without word of their affairs.

“There’s a debutant ball tonight.” Drake mentioned with a chortle. “But that’s not going to get you what you want. No lovemaking tonight with any of those young ladies.”

“Nope, and neither will any of these tavern ladies gain a coin from me. Don’t want the clap.” Logan spoke his piece. “Maybe I’ll make an appearance just to see the new crop of debutants.”

“That sounds callous. Need a widow or a lady whose only interest is some good sex with no strings attached.” Jarret gazed around the room, knowing his prospects were slim and thinking Logan was right about the barmaids not the debutant ball.

“A trusted servant might work.” Drake hesitated, seeming to think about his statement. “However, in my home, father won’t allow any of that. Doesn’t want to lose anyone he likes. Too many servants end up with child and the ensuing scandal can be bad.”

“And you know any other place where I might find one of those, a trusted servant, one who is willing to spend one night in my bed?” Jarret studied his friend, knowing the answer would be no, but it was worth a try. The Montgomerie family did not tolerate scandal.

“No, you could look for a nanny. I hear their education makes them more amenable.” Logan spoke up, sporting a grin.

“Where?” Jarret let the two legs of his chair, which had been up, slam to the floor. “Where the bloody hell would I find a nanny or a servant? Or any woman wanting no strings attached to a sexual relationship?”

“You’ve found ladies at other times,” Drake said with a chuckle.

Sitting next to them a lopsided grin on his face, Logan coughed. “Looks as if you’re in a real pickle. How long before you sail? A week? Two?”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Irritated with his friends, he dismissed their remarks. Thinking he needed to go places where he could meet willing and somewhat proper women, somewhere besides debutants balls and bars, he searched his mind for possibilities.

“Well, we could take a stroll to the markets. Might find a lass or two buying provisions for their households, perhaps even a widow,” Drake suggested, lifting an eyebrow.

“You’d have to get lucky,” Logan pointed out.

“Or you could walk up to that barmaid and ask her if she’s a virgin.” Drake added.

“You think this is funny. What are you doing for sex?” Jarret leaned forward, feeling as if his world had been turned upside down.

“I’ve a mistress,” Drake told them nonchalantly, a crooked grin highlighting his devilishly handsome features. “Who hasn’t married anyone yet.”

“I find mine with a widow. She’s always there for me. I’ve gone to some of the balls and galas, but the ladies there are off limits, all but the matrons.” Logan added.

“As I said, there’s a debutante ball tonight.” Drake brushed a rakish lock of hair from his forehead. “We could all go and check the lasses out. I’m avoiding it but I’m also expecting a visit from my father’s right hand man insisting I go. I’m just putting it off as long as I can. Want to enjoy ale and the company of my friends until I’m caught.”

“I heard The Duchess will be presenting three young ladies. Was told they arrived here last week.” Drake shot him a lopsided grin and one cocked eyebrow. “You could always check them out.”

“Don’t think so. The Duchess has a reputation in London, and I don’t want any part of the ladies she’s introducing. I heard about the last three who were sent to her.” Jarret felt his gut churning. He wanted a night of lovemaking with no strings attached, not a forced marriage to a debutant.

Abbot Rushley stepped through the doors of the tavern and made his way to their table. “Good day, gentlemen. Buy you a drink?”

“What do you want?” Drake asked, his attitude clearly unfriendly.

“Don’t sound so coldhearted. Just want to say hello to an old friend.” Rushley tipped his hat, taking a step back.

“I’m not an old friend,” Drake countered, meeting his gaze as if challenged.

“Tsk tsk; you’ve heard The Duchess is bringing new flesh into London.” Rushley went on. “I’ve a mind to check it out tonight. Might find a choice morsel for my entertainment.”

“I’ve heard. Not interested and best you do the same or I’ll be forced to call on The Duchess and tell her what you just told me.” Drake set his pint on the table, glaring at the man he’d hated for longer than he could remember.

Strange thoughts swirled through Jarret’s mind. He didn’t know Rushley, but Drake obviously didn’t like him. And threats to go to The Duchess if he tried to court one of her new charges left him befuddled. More went on here than met the eye.

“I’m not afraid of idle threats,” Rushley backed away from the table, a nefarious grin marring his too handsome face. “I always get what I want.”

“You should be afraid.” Drake shuttered his expression. “Go on. Find another table. You’re not welcome here.”

Rushley gave a short snort, turning on his heels and striding through the tavern to the opposite side of the room.

“Bloody hell, what’s going on with you and Abbot?” Jarret set his pint on the table, studying his friend. More than what he observed during their conversation directed this chat, and he’d like to get to the bottom of it.

“Despise the man for no proven reason. Just gossip and rumors.” Drake said frowning.

“Drake’s right,” Logan spoke up. “Rushley was involved with a young girl. It was a he said, she said situation. He didn’t refuse to wed her but she left the city. Most believe the woman didn’t want anything do with him. Rumor has it he was rough with the girl and might have got her with child.”

“He’s rough with all the women he beds,” Drake said. “Let’s leave it at that for now.”

“Guess I’ve been away too long. Haven’t heard any of the rumors or gossip.” Jarret signaled for another pint. “Maybe the only fun I find tonight is with the pair of you. Things aren’t shaping up the way I’d like.” He looked around the bar, searching for an answer to his predicament.

Their attention once again was directed to the entrance. A young woman stepped through the door. Jarret’s mind centered on her face; she was so beautiful he couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping. She could have been the largest woman he’d ever seen, but her face seemed angelic. Gorgeous. Stunning. Yet she was petite with coal black hair, intricately coiffed with a few tendrils framing her cheekbones. She wore a travelling dress that had seen better days, but it didn’t distract from her slim delicate figure.

He swallowed hard and his breath caught in his throat. He wasn’t sure he could speak. “I want her. Gotta have her. Tonight.” Maybe my fortune is changing for the best.

“What did you just say?” Logan turned to stare at Jarret.

“My wishes for this evening have just been answered. This is the woman I’ve been waiting for. The next lady who will find my bed and enjoy all the pleasure she deserves.” Jarret rose, striding to the enchanting vision.

He reached her, feeling for the first time he could remember, tongue-tied. The air around her was filled with the scent of lemons. “Can I help you?” He touched her elbow, gently guiding her to the corner of the room where he’d been sitting. He couldn’t resist her aqua colored eyes or the tilt of her chin. When she moistened her lips, all he could think was that he had to taste them, breathe in their essence.

She stared at him, appearing a bit bewildered. “I…”

“I…” One eyebrow rose and the smile inside him grew realizing this woman, whoever she was, would be his next affair. All that remained was convincing her. He didn’t think that would be too difficult.

“I need directions.” She said, her voice assuming a note of command, yet at the same time breathless.

“You entered a tavern for directions?” he queried skeptically. “Then direction you will have.” His heart pounded in his chest, a sudden heat sweeping through his body. More than willing to give instructions to the captain’s cabin of his ship.

She let him lead her across the floor and pulled out a chair for her. “This is…” he began, only to shift his attention from his friends to this gorgeous lady.

“Fayth,” she said.

“And I’m Jarret Kingsley.”

An easy peace swept through him. Gotta have Fayth. He touched the top of her hand with his. Its softness sent a warm shimmer spiraling straight to his heart.

“Fayth, a beautiful name,” Logan said, grinning at Jarret as if he knew his intentions.

Jarret slanted him the best hands off look he could manage. Logan appeared to receive the message, and Drake downed his second pint, signaling for another.

“Kingsley, if I haven’t missed the clues, I believe your wishes for tonight have been granted.” Drake told him. Guess you won’t be going with Logan and myself.”

Now I just have to convince my lady. “Don’t the two of you have somewhere to go?” Jarret asked, nodding his head in the direction of the door.

Fayth slipped her hand from beneath his and placed it on Jarret’s arm. “I came in here for help. Can you help me?”

“Of course, directions where?” Jarret asked, knowing where he wanted her but still trying to figure out the details.

“To my new lodgings. I’ve been travelling for days and I’m confused. I’ve never been in London and I thought…”

“No fears. I’ll make sure you get where you want to go.” Jarret had every intention of taking her wherever she pleased but only after he knew her better, intimately.

The pint of ale Jarret had ordered for her appeared. She licked her lips and stared at the glass. “I don’t know if I should drink that.”

“Only if you want to. I can get you water or wine. The water is horrible, but the wine might be better if it comes from Logan’s vineyard in Bordeaux.” Jarret ignored the conversation between his two best friends. Without listening, he knew what it was that they talked and laughed about and he didn’t care, knowing he was smitten he wasn’t about to deny the emotion.

“I’ll try this.” She sipped the cold brew, a strange expression appearing on her delicate features.

“What do you think?”

“Good.” She licked her lips, and he wanted to follow the path of her tongue with his fingertip.

The conversation seemed to lull. He searched his head for something to talk about. He wanted to know everything about her but not enough that he’d have to take her to her new home before he could bed her.

“Where do you live when you’re not in London?” he asked, hoping this would be innocuous.

“In a place with my family, somewhere northeast of here. I’m not really sure. It seems I’ve been on the road for days. I’m dusty and I was thirsty and hungry. May I? She stared at the bread, half reaching for it, and as if manners held her in check, she waited for an answer.

“Of course, help yourself.” Jarret smiled inwardly, not wanting to give too much away.

He watched delicate fingers break off a chunk of bread, her manners impeccable. Bloody hell, but he was falling in lust. He didn’t care if she had a pedigree. Lord knew he didn’t. During his teen years he’d been brought up in Drake’s home and given every opportunity available to become an adopted son. But he wasn’t nobility. Had never expected anything but to earn an honest wage. Many times he’d expressed his gratitude to Lord Montgomerie but again, he’d never had expectations and had always wanted to make it on his own.

Gazing at her as she ate and swallowed, made his body hard with desire. God, but this was insane. “Eat,” he encouraged her. Her pleasure in more ways than one was his goal. He wanted to satisfy her in every way, all of her needs and all of his.

Breaking off another piece and speaking with her mouth full, she said, “Thank you and what are your names?” She looked at everyone.

Jealousy swirled in his gut, and he shot his friends a look he hoped said she’s mine. He spoke before they could. “This is Drake Montgomerie and Logan Maxwell. Friends of mine.”

“Nice to meet you.” Her head bobbed as she ate another piece of bread. “Sorry, I’ve not eaten since this morning. We were in such a rush to get here. And now I don’t know where I am. Is there anything else to eat? I’ve money, I’ll pay for it.”

“You’re at the Boar’s Head Tavern.” Logan laughed with Drake.

Jarret said, “You don’t have to pay for anything.”

“Thank you and sorry, the name of the tavern doesn’t mean anything to me. As you know, I’m not from around here.” She stuffed another piece of bread in her mouth.

Jarret signaled to the barmaid, thoroughly enjoying this moment. “Can we get some meat and more cheese here?”

The lady curtsied, walking to the kitchen. A few minutes later she appeared with a tray.

“Thank you,” Fayth said. “I’ve money.” She reached for her reticule and pulled out a few coins to offer.

Jarret stopped her. “No need.”


“Don’t worry. I’m not expecting anything in return.” Liar. Not expecting anything she doesn’t want to give.

“Thank you.” She ate.

He felt pleased with himself. He wanted to see to her every comfort then his. His body tightened with need and a sexual hunger he’d never felt before.

“What do you do to make money?” She chewed, turning her attention to all three. Her smile hit him square in the heart.

Drake laughed, “I help my father with his estates. I’m good with numbers so I calculate most of the ledgers.”

She looked to Logan. “I’m a farmer. I raise orchids in my conservatory and grapes at my vineyard in Bordeaux. Wasn’t born wealthy, just smart.”

“Jarret?” She turned her attention to him, tilting her head prettily and batting her lashes as if she flirted with him.

“I sail the seven seas,” he told her waiting for a response. The fact he’d bought his first ship six years ago and now owned a fleet of three, gave him good reason for a pat on the back. He’d grown up with little money, his family living on the meager wages his father brought home and didn’t gamble away.

Fayth clapped her hands together. “What fun. Can I see your ship? I’d so like that. Can we go right now?”

Lord, luck found its way to him today, the perfect introduction. Miracle of miracles, she wanted what he did, a little sweet pleasure before he took her home. “Of course, as soon as you finish eating. I’ll be happy to show where I work and live.”

“Oh, I’m done. Can we go now?” She grabbed some more food and her reticule. “I’m not known for my patience,” she added, batting her sooty long lashes.

“Drake.” The voice came from a few feet away and boomed over the noise in the tavern, catching everyone’s attention at the table. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Drake stiffened and said, “Well, there he is the man I knew my father would send. I’ve been waiting for you. Hoping you wouldn’t find me though.”

“Your father expects you at the ball in one hour. You need to meet him and attend the festivities. He doesn’t expect no for an answer.” With that said, the messenger turned on a boot heel and left the tavern.

Drake heaved a heavy sigh before downing the last of his ale. “I expected no less.” He turned to Logan. “Want to join me? Could be safety in numbers.”

Logan shrugged his broad shoulders, not gained from sitting at a desk but hours in the boxing ring as well as hard work. “Seems Jarret has another interest. Yes, curiosity calls. I’d like to see what the new season has to offer.”


~ * ~


Fayth remained by the table, chewing on the food she’d grabbed and waiting for Jarret to say his goodbyes. Adventure called, damn the trip to The Duchess’s home. Whatever her aunt had planned for her and her cousins could wait. The last thing she wanted was to be hauled off and paraded in front of the gentry as marriage material. From the conversation, she’d overheard the men didn’t like it any more than she did.

She wasn’t in the market for a man. Her life with her parents had hardened her against the establishment of wedded bliss. She knew paradise didn’t exist, except possibly for her sisters Storm and Ravyn.

If she could find a way, she wanted to ruin herself for the possibility of marriage. A virgin, she knew, was the only type of female the men in the ton wanted. And tonight if she could, she intended to lose her virginity.

Jarret had caught her attention the moment she stepped foot into the tavern. His grin warmed her heart, his smoldering eyes and the way he carried himself with such ease gave her reason to fan herself. Heat bubbled from deep within and spread throughout her body shimmering across her skin.

“You sure now? You want to see my ship?” With a smile, Jarret touched her elbow and the small of her back to escort her from the tavern.

“Of course. This is my coach. I’ll tell him…” She stopped to speak to the driver before turning to Jarret and clasping her hands beneath her chin. “Where are we going? I need to give him directions.”

Jarret leaned in and told the driver where his ship was moored then he turned to Fayth. “It’s close. Would you like to walk? The evening is warm, and the sunset will be beautiful.”

“Yes, I’ve been sitting for days and bumping along horrible pot-holed roads. The idea of stretching my legs is grand.” Getting to know Jarret seemed the thing to do. His touch heated her, and she hoped that was a good thing. Seducing this man was important to her, but she didn’t have a clue how to do it. Lord, but she might not have to seduce him. If his attraction to her was as strong as hers to him they would smolder before the night ended.

The couple walked along the streets to the pier. A warm breeze caressed her face and seagulls chattered above. Jarret seemed to know everyone. He nodded and spoke to most all the people they passed. A slender moon poked its head from behind a light veil of clouds even as the sun began to dip below the horizon, which was now painted in an array of gorgeous oranges and pinks.

“Do you know everyone?” She looked into his eyes, noticing the sparkle and a bit of humor. Every time he gazed at her, she fell deeper under the spell that was Jarret. Even beneath his clothing, she could see the play of muscles as he moved. Freshly shaved, the strong line of his jaw coupled with the rakish dance of his hair across his face sent her heart racing.

“In this part of London, possibly. When my ships are in, I spend a lot of time on the docks. These people help load and unload the cargo I bring to the city. Most of them, I’m pleased to call friend, the captains and the crew.”

“Ships? As in more than one?” Fascinated didn’t seem a strong enough word. But she was captivated and enchanted. The night seemed romantically magical.

Laughter erupted as his smile grew broader and he said, “Does that impress you? I like that.”

“Oh yes. My brother in law Hadden owns some ships. I don’t know how many. He doesn’t sail much anymore. He likes to stay home with my sister and their family.”

“Is that so,” he said, sounding for the first time a bit reserved and standoffish. “Do you want family?”

“Did I say something wrong? And no, I don’t want family or a husband. Ever.” Spoiling this night by saying the wrong words could put an end to her plans. Emerging from this encounter a ruined woman was her intent. Good Lord, but she hoped he wouldn’t hurt her. Listening to her mother at night when her drunken father would rape her with the idea of conceiving a male heir had long ago put an end to the notion of conceiving a child.

“No, it’s just me. I was thinking about another place and another time. So, you say you don’t want to wed. That’s unusual for a woman.” With a gentle fingertip, he tilted her head, gazing into her eyes as if studying her to make sure she spoke the truth.

Without conscious thought, she moistened her lips. Instead of kissing her, he pushed a wayward lock of hair behind her ear. “Good, I wouldn’t want to say something wrong. I don’t have much experience with men and it’s very true, I don’t ever intend to give myself permanently to a man, any male, and his whims. I won’t vow to obey.”

“I’m curious. What do you know of men?” He seductively traced tiny circles on the palm of her hand where he held it in his.

Tremors of heat nearly stole her breath and every rational thought. “Nothing. I kissed a boy once a few years ago, but I didn’t really like it. I hadn’t really liked the boy either. He stole the kiss and I pushed him away, running all the way home. But I’ve watched my sister and she seems to like kissing her husband.”

He cleared his throat. “I feel the need to change the subject. Let’s get to my ship. She’s over there.” Bending low and close to her cheek, he pointed in the direction.

Delighted and startled from the soft heat sweeping across her face, she clapped her hands together then held them under her chin gazing at the ship floating on the River Thames. “Oh, she’s beautiful. What’s her name?” Fayth felt awestruck watching the powerful ship rise and fall on the tide. “I’d love to sail on it somewhere, anywhere.”

“I call her Seana. Do you like her? Well, that was a stupid question, in light of what you just said.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close then stopped. “I like to watch her shift and move with the water of the Thames.” One hand rested just above a breast.

She inhaled a sharp breath of air, wondering how appropriate his action was. Proper had no place in this evening. “Yes, I like the Seana. Will you give me a tour? I’ve always wanted to see faraway places and visit new countries.” Her pace quickened. She wanted to laugh with the pleasure and the idea of adventure.

When they reached his ship, he stopped to speak with her driver. “Leave her trunk here. I’ll see to it, and I’ll make sure she gets home tonight.”

The man nodded and left Fayth’s trunk by the ship. Jarret signaled for one of his men. “Will you take this onto the ship and see that’s it’s safe?”

“Aye, Captain.”

“Are you ready for a stroll above deck, my little adventurous one?” He placed her hand on his arm. “I enjoy your company as well as your enthusiasm. To a night of pleasure and mutual satisfaction.”

“Yes, I like that, pleasure and mutual satisfaction.”

Slowly they walked to the ship and boarded. Strolling around the vessel, he gave her details and names of all the various parts. When they reached the bow, he stopped to look over the city, bright with lights.

She heard the cries of the seagulls as they glided and dipped overhead. Touching the well-crafted wood railing, it was smooth and strangely warm.

For a few seconds they gazed on the river. A soft wind caressed her face. The heat of his hand on the small of her back sent her heart pummeling. Everything about this man intrigued and excited her. Adventure could be part of his name, and she wanted some of that.

The touch of his hand roamed up her back then down as if he traced her spine. She moved with him, shuddering slightly. Kiss me, ruin me for the debutant hunters. She looked up turning to see his face. He seemed to ask with his eyes, might I kiss you?

Then, “Will you let me kiss you?” He pulled her a bit closer. Her hands rested on his hard chest his around her waist holding her close. His thumbs drew circles just below her breasts. She felt his strength and the power of his body. Everything about him emanated danger and intrigue.

Moistening her lips, and in what sounded to her as a breathy whisper, “Yes, please do.”

Without another word, and with his gaze never leaving hers, he lowered his face until it was a mere inch from hers. The scent of ale and warm man floated around her. “Are you sure? You have to be sure or I will take you home this minute.”

In answer she placed her hands on both sides of his face and brought his lips to meet hers. A small husky groan started deep in his throat. She didn’t know what to do and hoped he knew more than her. And she also prayed this kiss would be nothing like the one in her youth.

His tongue outlined the seam of her lips. Wanting to do the same to him, she opened for him, immediately tasting his tongue, for a moment dueling, exploring, savoring and reveling in the new sensations then he let her inside his mouth. She let out a tiny sound in the back of her throat.

New territory for Fayth, she touched his teeth, sketched the top of his mouth, listened with pure delight to the husky sounds she’d elicited. His tongue followed suit, pushing hers back while exploring the inside of her mouth. She purred softly, winding her fingers through his hair and tugging him closer.

One of his hands rested on her shoulder, his work-roughened thumb running up then down her neck. She moved into him, trying to get closer. His other hand held her chin so she wouldn’t have to strain.

He broke the kiss only to begin kissing her jawline and trailing warn moist kisses around her earlobe, touching his tongue inside, swirling. She shuddered against him, wishing he would never stop, the feelings so exquisite she wanted to cry out her pleasure. With just a kiss, he made her burn with desire.

“Do you like this? Is my kiss better than your first one?” he pulled back, gazing at her, appearing to wait for a response, a chuckle giving her the impression he knew her answer.

Swallowing hard, she rose on tiptoes to kiss his chin but couldn’t reach his ear. She wanted to return every caress and create new ones. “Yes. You can do it some more, but you’re so tall, I cannot return the favors.”

“So passionate, my sweet one. I will make sure you can do whatever you please with my body.” Jarret pushed at her tiny sleeves, bringing them slightly over her shoulders to bare tender flesh. His caress across her collarbone brought more shivers of delight and an inferno started in her core and burned throughout.

Fayth ran her hands across his shoulders then to his neck, reveling in the feel of his muscles beneath her fingertips. “Are you passionate?”

A burst of laughter, followed by the question, “Would you like to see the captain’s cabin, my sweet one?”

“I would. You would let me in your quarters? I’ve never been on a ship or in a captain’s cabin before.” The intimacy of a room alone with this incredible man might bring about her ruin. She could only hope.

“Move heaven and earth to have you there this night. If you like, you can stay until morning.” He swept her into his arms and strode across the ship, setting her down long enough to open the door before cradling her into his arms once more.

Once inside, he let her body slide down the length of his, pulling her close and kissing her. Again their tongues battled for supremacy. She unlaced his shirt, pushing it aside as he was tugging the sleeves of her gown to rest on her upper arms.

Inhaling a long deep breath, she stepped aside, thinking she needed a moment to control her escalating emotions. “Will you show me around?”

Angling his head to one side, he seemed to study her, to reach inside her soul. “Not much to show, but I’ll give you the grand tour if that would please you.”

“Of course there is,” she sounded winded as if she’d run a race.

“Well,” he pointed in one direction, “there’s the bed.”

She couldn’t hide the smile, “Is that where you want to be? The bed?”

“Only if you’re willing.” She watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down while he ran long fingers through his already disheveled hair. “I’m more than willing and I’m ready to show you how much.”

“It’s a nice bed. If I go there with you, will it ruin me? Never mind.” His knowledge of her plans was not her intentions. She needed to keep her secret to herself, not spread it everywhere she went.

“Ruin?” He appeared a bit puzzled.

“I said never mind,” she walked to the small window. “Is that what you see? Foreign lands? Pirates?” The need for adventure swept through her again. Until now she’d never left her small village except to visit the McLellan castle and the Hepburn estate.

“Foreign lands, yes, but as of this minute I’ve never encountered a pirate.” He looked to the bed.

For the moment she chose to ignore his obvious intent, too curious to learn more about the man who was about to ruin her. “You have books. Books tell a lot about a person. What do you read?”

“Do you want to be in my bed?” It seemed he’d lost patience with her game of stalling and query. He was standing behind her. She felt his fingers in her hair, pulling all the pins that held it in place. The massive length fell down her back. “Beautiful. Silken fire.” He lifted a strand, “The scent, lemons,” he murmured.

“Yes.” She was sure her quick answers were what he wanted to hear. Lemons, of course, Hadden always brought lemons from Italy. She and Storm made the lemon wash. “But I warn you now, I’ve never been in any man’s bed.” She moistened her lips, suddenly realizing she had put herself in a very precarious position, one that could go terribly awry. Infatuated with this man, yes, but she didn’t know anything about him.

“Glad to know. I will treat you gently. Now come into my arms and I vow you won’t regret a moment. If you change your mind, all you need do is tell me. I promise you if you say no, I will honor your request.”

Feeling more confident with his announcement, she did want to be with him in his bed and once again he swept her into his arms, settling both of them on his large bed. “I like you.” She swallowed, anticipating his next touch.

“Good, I’m glad of that. I like you too.” He kissed her again, nibbled softly, caressing and licking the tender skin. Her chin rose, giving him further access. She moaned softly, purring her contentment. This time pushing the sleeves so far down her arms the neckline barely covered her breasts.

Looking down, her nipples had almost popped from her bodice. While he trailed kisses across her collarbone and lower to almost touch the small buds, she shuddered in response. “Do you think that’s alright? I mean, no one has touched me like this.”

“If you like how it feels, of course it’s more than right. Do you like my kisses?” Yet he didn’t wait for a reply. He pushed her slightly backward, watching her, seeming to pause once more asking for her approval.

“Oh yes, I have this strange sensation.” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell him that, but if the feeling meant she’d be ruined, she wanted to continue.

“Good strange or bad strange?” He tugged the sleeves a bit more, and her breasts burst free. “Exquisite. Absolutely perfect.” His gaze did not move. He stared at her, bringing a lock of her hair to his face to enjoy the lemon scent.

“So good, I don’t want you to stop but I also need to know what it means.”

“You are getting ready for me.” His lips closed over a nipple, stroking it with his tongue, biting down gently with his teeth, licking and suckling.

She arched for him, a small mewling sound followed then giving him even more access to her body. “Oh my, I think, I believe…” Good lord but she felt wet and hot in parts she’d never before known could feel that way.

“What is that?” he turned his attention to her other nipple, repeating the process.

She squirmed beneath his attentiveness. “I’m so hot and wet…” She didn’t know how to explain this to him.

“So good,” he murmured. “So perfect. Hot and wet is how I need you to feel.” One hand rested on her leg, touched her ankle as he slipped off her shoes. While he kissed and tugged at her nipple, a fingertip drew a line to her knee then higher. He did the same to her other leg.

She clung to him, shuddering, her breaths a raspy whisper, her blood heated and racing within. “Don’t stop. I want to be ruined.” She moaned softly, totally lost in the feelings he was eliciting.

For a moment he paused, inclining his head to one side then followed her instructions. His hand touched her thigh, raising her skirts. She watched fascinated, clinging to his hair, wishing she could touch his skin and feel the play of his muscles against her fingers.

When he looked up, a wicked smile on his face, “You’re captivating, so charming.”

“Take your shirt off. I want to see you and touch you the way you do to me. Will you feel hot and wet too?”

His smile stretched a broad arc across his face, but he didn’t answer. “Help me then.”

Hovering over her, he let her lift the bottom of his shirt and as he raised his arms, she lifted the fabric over his head. He pulled her close, her breasts touching his chest. His scent, leather and spiced liqueur enticed her, pulled her inexorably closer. Was it always this sweet, this good between a man and a woman or was it just him?

Fayth almost swooned, the sensations so amazing. “That’s astonishing.” She touched his nipple with a fingertip, then pushed her way downward to take it into her mouth. “You taste divine.”

“Don’t.” He pulled her up and kissed her, swept his tongue into her mouth while he rolled her nipple between thumb and finger.

His response confused her and when he ended the kiss to continue with their lovemaking. “You don’t like me to touch you.”

“Darlin’ I like it too much. I’ll show you later. We have all night.” He swept his hands through her hair, letting the length fall behind her then running his hands through it again, “You smell like a lemon grove on the Italian coastline.”

“What does that mean? You like it too much.” she pushed back from him so she could see his eyes and his expression.

“I’ll explain when you’re ready. For now just let me touch you and let yourself enjoy the new sensations sweeping through your beautiful body. I want to give you fulfillment as well as joy. Let me.”

“That sounds wonderful to me. Can I do the same for you? Will you show me what to do?” She allowed him access to every part of her, taking pleasure in everything he did.

“Of course,” He watched her, seeming to study her face. His hand roamed the length of her leg again. She felt him untie her drawers, pushing them down until they fell on the floor. Then he rested his fingertips on her stomach. She cried out, the sensation overwhelming, and felt her hips rise to meet him.

“I like your stockings, nice little flowers decorate them. Did you pick them out?” he asked, his tone changing slightly.

“No, they were a gift from…” She couldn’t reply, his fingers touched more intimate and personal places, places she’d never thought a man would explore. Her hips bucked from the bed.

“From who?” his hands, his lips, his tongue were everywhere. Her hips bucked again, and instinctively she knew something more was about to happen.

“My my my…”

“Who?” He stopped, gazing at her; an expression she couldn’t read on his face.

“I can’t breathe, don’t stop. Sister.”

He did shout with laughter. “For a moment I was jealous. You are so soft. Is every part of you this soft?”


“Your wish will be fulfilled with my pleasure.” He returned his attentions to her.

She couldn’t speak, just feel, and didn’t know how he created such magnificent sensations in her body, but she wanted something else, something more, some kind of release from this exquisite agony.

Suddenly, her body shuddered, and the power or force of what was happening amazed her. Control of her body vanished. She cried out and he covered her mouth with his while his hands continued to work their magic. The wondrous feelings swept her up and over some precipice she couldn’t define. Then the feelings slowed, as did her body.

“What did you do to me?” Her body still tense seemed to calm slowly.

“Gave you pleasure. Did you like it?” He gently kissed a nipple then her lips.

Swallowing hard, all she could do was nod. After a long pause, “Am I ruined?”

The banging on the door seemed a dream. “Jarret, Jarret, Open the fucking door.”

“Bloody hell.”

“Open the door if you value your life.”

Jarret pulled up the bodice on Fayth’s dress then pulled down her skirts so they covered her before striding to the door.

From outside his first mate hollered, “I told them you were busy, but they wouldn’t listen.”

Jarret stood in front of his friends, Drake and Logan, blocking their view into his cabin. “This better be a fuckin’ emergency,” he whispered harshly.

“The Duchess is looking for Fayth. Her men are covering the city. It is only a matter of time. She’s one of her new charges.”


~ * ~


Abbot Rushly paced the tiny room at the whorehouse he preferred, muttering to himself. The three of them… he smacked a fist against his hand. “I’ll make you all pay. All of you, Drake mostly but Logan and Jarret because they’re his friends.”

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he wiped it away with the back of his hand. “Fuck you all. And your arrogance.”

He adjusted his cravat, stomping from the room and the house and signaling his man to get him his coach.

Tapping his walking stick on the pavement, he waited impatiently. He would see Drake at least at the ball, and he’d discover if any of the women interested him and his friends then he would make those women pay and in the process Drake too.

He had access to the underground in England. There were ways to send girls into white slavery or even to the medical underground. If there was someone Drake fell in love with, well, he would make Drake’s life a living hell. The arrogant man would never find the lady, ever.

The coach stopped in front of him, and minutes later they arrived at the ball. When he stepped inside the room, his hat, coat and walking stick were stored for him before he was introduced.

On the way through the hall, he took stock of the people assembled there. The Duchess stood with two of the three women she’d been charged to find a husband for this season. So what happened to the third debutant? His mind spun with no obvious conclusion.

Striding to The Duchess, he bowed. “Good evening.” His gaze traveled to the women. “And who do we have here?”

The Duchess stepped back and in a haughty voice, “Ella Hepburn and Eveleen McLellan. They are here for the duration. I’m hoping to find suitable husbands for them. You may dance tonight or call on them tomorrow.”

“Nice to meet you. I thought you were to have three charges this season.” He gazed around the room. “Where is the third lady?”

The Duchess theatrically lifted her chin and stiffened her back and shoulders in the way only she could manage. “She traveled today and she’s tired, exhausted to her very core. I’m sure you will see her at the next ball.”

Abbot took his leave, sauntering around the room checking out the young debutants. He had no desire to marry, but a mistress…

Well, even he knew these young women were not mistress material, but he could always hope one would fall from grace. If so, no one in the ton would marry her. They would consider the lady in question ruined and they’d become ripe material for a mistress. Perhaps that was what happened to the third lady, the one whose presence or non-presence was in question.

A fanfare from the front of the ballroom stole his attention and left him staring in anger. Even before looking, he knew it was Drake Montgomerie, the future Duke of Richmond. Drake and Logan strode into the room as if they owned it. Abbot’s hatred grew exponentially while sweat beaded on his brow.

The two men roamed the room as he watched with interest. A well-known fact was that Drake wasn’t looking for a wife but his father seemed to insist. Perhaps Drake would find a lady tonight and he’d set the underground in motion. If not white slavery, perhaps a flash house. Even if the Duke found her, she’d be ruined and unmarriageable. Abbot chuckled deep in his throat.

Drake and Logan seemed to head straight to The Duchess. He was introduced, and Abbot watched them speak for a few minutes.

Drake seemed to take his leave, Logan following. They exited in a rush, the Duchess staring wide-eyed at their hasty departure.

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