Dragons among the Eagles #Fantasy

Dragons Among the Eagles: Aleda Sable faces the toughest decision of her life–to stay in dragon form, live as a two-legged or put one foot in the human world and one talon in the dragon world.

Dragons Among the Eagles: Fantasy


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BLURB: Dragons Among The Eagles


Aleda Sable faces the toughest decision of her life–to stay in dragon form, live as a two-legged or put one foot in the human world and one talon in the dragon world.

An urgent call from her newspaper editor sends Aleda to report on an accident whose driver appears to be a dragon. Authorities have the scene locked down and aren’t allowing access to anyone. Television broadcasts flash pictures of scaly legs hanging from a crashed car. However, the bodies disappear into thin air. When the stations try follow-up reports, all they find are state highway workers busily tearing up the roads.

In determining the truth of the shifter disappearances, Aleda finds the truth of her own dilemma.


EXCERPT: Dragons Among The Eagles


Rain thwacked against Aleda’s leathery black a

ppendages. Her arms ached; heck, every muscle in her body ached. This flying thing was going to take more practice. The continual downpour of the spring night slithered past her shielded turquoise eyes, bathing her scales in cool refreshment. As much as she would like to have frolicked in the showers, she was more interested in landing in one spot, curling up and sleeping for the next four days. If only…


Cyre winged up to her side.


“You go in first and I’ll follow. I want to wash off the grit of the trip.”


Aleda pulled back her lips in a semblance of a smile.


“No problem,” she shouted over the wind drafts.


When Cyre’s sister, Brittany, had first suggested Aleda attend the dragon council in China, she’d been ecstatic. Her recent discovery of her true identity–half human, half dragon–had put her beliefs to the test. She imagined being around those like her would make her transition simpler. Cyre and Brittany, full-blooded Celtic dragons, had helped as best they could by explaining rules of dragon protocol and pointing out the good guys from the bad guys at the council meetings. By the end of the week, Aleda’s fairy tale illusion had fallen abruptly on sharp rocks. Politics and power were as rampant in the dragon-shapeshifter community as in the human community.


Brittany was going to spend a night or two in Cyre’s den before continuing her journey back to Scotland. Then Aleda and Cyre would be faced with the decisions they’d both been putting off since their first meeting.


She felt the solid rock beneath her talons and breathed a sigh of relief. The council meeting had been exhilarating, educational and overwhelming all at once. It was nice, really nice, to be back in the Northwest of the United States. Aleda stood, getting her land legs then shook the extra moisture from her body. Placing her talon on the button in the rock wall, she pushed and the door of the cave slid open. Watching the heavy glass trundle into the backside of Mt. St. Helens still gave her chill bumps. So much about the twenty-first century dragon world made her shake her head. How could they survive with all the advancements humans had accomplished? Knowing the answer still didn’t stop her from asking the question.


The few minutes she’d stood contemplating questions already asked had given the cavern a chance to air out. While her sense of smell wasn’t as acute for some things, sulfur being one of those, she still hadn’t been able to adjust completely to the acrid aroma Cyre tolerated in his cave.


As she dragged her tired feet over the threshold, Cyre backwinged his way on the landing. Aleda turned just in time to catch the wicked twinkle in his eyes.


He sprayed water over the landing, his laughter bubbling over the surrounding rocks like thunder.


“Cyre! I just dried off! Jiminy!”


Aleda wrinkled her brow and glared at the young gray-green dragon. His mirthful smirk did nothing to help her anger.


“Hey, you two. Get in here and dry off. I did some hunting before you got here and there’s dinner in the great room. I’ve had mine and to be quite frank, I’m exhausted. I’m going to sleep.”


Brittany tromped back to the great room and found a warm spot near the back wall.


Cyre and Aleda located the carcasses of the deer where Brittany had dropped the bodies. Each took one and moved off to eat, alone, before settling in for the night. Minutes after devouring their meals, the trio of dragons were fast asleep, the decisions of the previous week set aside for the normality of life.




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