Lakota/Pinkerton Boxed Set #HistoricalRomance

Lakota/Pinkerton: When Emma St. John received her brother’s letter imploring her to escape her stepfather’s vengeful scheme and to trust Dakota Barringer with her life, she was willing to chance it.

Lakota/Pinkerton Boxed Set: Historical Romance

"Lakota/Pinkerton #HistoricalRomance

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BLURB: Lakota/Pinkerton Boxed Set


Dakota’s Bride


When Emma St. John received her brother’s letter imploring her to escape her stepfather’s vengeful scheme and to trust Dakota Barringer with her life, she was willing to chance it. But the handsome, brooding riverboat owner Emma found in Natchez was a danger of another kind. For Emma soon found herself surrendering to an unrelenting desire.


My Angel


When her father decided to send her to a finishing school back East, Angela Chamberlain refused to be confined to stuffy drawing rooms. He’d come to America looking for excitement, but Devil Blackmoor got more than he bargained for when he encountered a beautiful rebel who answered his kisses with a wild innocence that touched his very soul.


The Locket


The year is 1894. Seeking revenge for crimes against his family, Misha Petrovich follows a path that leads straight to Ariel Cameron’s boarding house in Mist Harbor, Oregon. A family heirloom in Ariel’s possession leads Misha to believe she is guilty.


The Talisman


Running from a marriage that lasted one night, Dr. Moriah McKeown discovers the land she has settled on is coveted by determined and lawless men. Yet the proud young woman who once vowed never to abandon her home has second thoughts when her adopted children are threatened. Her only recourse is to enlist the aid of a dark, dangerous gun for hire.


Forever His


Struggling to come to terms with the part she played in Jacob St. John’s death, Etta Barringer resigns from Pinkerton Agency and seeks peace and solace in a Rocky Mountain Cabin. Jacob follows her, determined to discover the reason Etta has betrayed him, sold him out to his enemy and left him for dead.


EXCERPTS: Lakota/Pinkerton Boxed Set


Dakota’s Bride


Moonless and frigid, the December night sent chills down Emma’s spine. Yet she didn’t stop at the lighted inn nearby, nor did she break stride when she stumbled over a rut in the muddy road. Instead, she pulled her skirts higher. A carriage raced by, hell-bent in the same direction, spitting mud as it flew past


A frantic look over her shoulder did nothing to relieve the fear. He was closing on her, forcing her from her hiding place. She stopped for a moment while she quickly shook the mud off her cape, then she turned to the little girl.


“You all right, Clare?” Emma asked.


The little girl nodded but didn’t say anything, her face screwed tight with concentration, her breaths ragged and hard.


The big Mississippi paddle wheeler, due to leave in ten minutes, let out two loud, booming whistles. To Emma’s frayed nerves, the sound was heart-stopping.


The wind from the docks smelled of fish and tar. When it shifted, she could make out the aroma of fresh baked scones coming from the inn. Emma gripped the tiny hand she held in her own a little tighter, and prayed that Clare could keep up the pace.


“It’s only a wee bit farther. We can make it,” Emma told the little girl, her sister. Half sister, she reminded herself.


Clare’s father was not her own. His demonically hand­some face leering at her while he calmly explained what he meant for Emma to do in the bordello was something she’d never forget.


Clare was a tiny and very fragile seven-year old. She had loving green eyes and a long, slender nose coupled with delicate cheekbones. Emma knew that someday Clare would grow into a classic beauty.


One long blond lock of hair slipped loose from Clare’s cap. The little girl pushed it away with her free hand, wrinkling her nose disgustedly.


Frost coated the road, and each hurried step caused the almost frozen mud to crunch beneath their feet. A horse and rider passed them, the man tipping his hat as he and his mount thundered by. Church bells rang out, the sound hollow and thin. It was almost six o’clock. She had five minutes to reach the boat.


A gust of wind caught her broadside and whisked the hood of her cape off the top of her head. She grabbed the soft fur and pulled the fabric back where it belonged. Distracted by the wind and her haste to reach the boat, Emma caught the toe of her shoe on a rock and balanced precariously for an instant.


She swore softly under her breath.


Had only one month passed?


No, three weeks ago her mother had died and two weeks ago she had learned the awful truth. Lawrence Stevenshad slowly poisoned her mother. He had given her a small dose of arsenic each day until finally her mother took to her bed. Several days later Emma had held her mother’s hand while she breathed her last.


Emma would never have known about the murder if she hadn’t overheard Stevens speaking in harsh whispers with a friend of his. There were other things said and promised, things Emma had not wanted to acknowledge.


Disbelief and denial had caused her to waste precious time. Seven days had come and gone since she’d had her last horrible encounter with her stepfather. It was an encounter that had left her with no doubts that everything she’d heard was the god-awful truth. Stevens had meant to sell her to a whorehouse. Still, she’d had a difficult time believing the extent of Lawrence Stevens’s depravity. But when he’d installed her in Madame leBon’s bordello, she realized too late that her life was in grave jeopardy.


And Clare, sweet, sweet Clare, had understood all she’d told her and perhaps more. With the eyes of a child, Clare had somehow sensed the evil that surrounded her father long before anyone else did.


Five long days and nights they’d spent on the run. Clare had not complained. No matter how exhausted or hungry she was, the little girl had pressed on, understanding the imminent danger that faced Emma. Clare had somehow known that Emma had to get as far away from Lawrence as possible.




This incredible romance is one I positively fell in love with and is good enough to read again and again.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More 4 Cups

I can’t remember the last time I was so engrossed in a book: Dakota’s Bridetook over my weekend, and even now, am wishing to go peruse it one more time…

Rating: 4.5 Books
Reviewed by Snapdragon Long and Short Reviews

My Angel


Denver, 1893


A polished azure sky looked down on a day that vacillated between winter and spring–a day unable to make up its mind. Cool breezes lifted Angela Chamberlain’s brand-new canary yellow skirt off the moisture-laden sidewalk. A blazing hot sun dried the puddles in the street left over from last night’s deluge.


Unlike the day, Angela had no trouble making up her mind. Angela knew what she wanted out of life. She touched one finger to the sapphire earrings adorning her newly pierced ears.


She wanted adventure.


She had a terrible craving to see the world–to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, to walk the Great Wall of China. She yearned to fly in a hot-air balloon high above the earth, or ride in a gondola in Venice. She wanted to fall in love with a man who was as brave and smart as her father and as dangerous as Devil Blackmoor.


Angela’s wish list had no end.


Instead of adventure and romance, in three short weeks she’d be enrolled in Miss Somebody’s finishing school for young ladies, where knowing which fork to use was more important than riding with the wind on her favorite horse, Kangee. A place where changing one’s clothes three times or more each day was common practice.


Two days ago she’d told her father she didn’t want to go.


And two days ago her father had told her she would learn to appreciate the schooling and that she was a very lucky young woman. He’d also promised her a trip to the continent for a graduation present.


A graduation present! She wanted to yell at him, but wisely kept her mouth shut. She wanted to travel now. Today. But more than anything, she didn’t want to be confined to the stuffy drawing rooms in the East. Just like her father, she needed freedom. But her father meant to take the choice from her.


To gossip and chatter with rich society women was not her destiny. To know which wine was served with fish would not make her happy. This was his dream for her. Sam Chamberlain needed to look to his own heart and remember the choices he had made twenty-five years ago.


Her destiny was out there somewhere, waiting for her to snap it up and hold the moment close to her heart. She knew what she wanted, and to prove her point, she’d bought a camera and had the machine sent over to the hotel. She meant to photograph all her adventures, every nook and cranny, every monument, every intriguing person.


Across the street and down two blocks, Devil Blackmoor had just taken the saddle off his horse. He brushed the stallion’s back, all the while petting the animal’s sleek coat and crooning into the horse’s ear. Mesmerized, she watched his hands and the gentle way he stroked the horse.


She wished she had her camera.


Devil Blackmoor commanded her attention. He symbolized everything a father cautioned his daughter to be wary of. Despite the warning, Devil’s strong jaw, his powerful shoulders and the confident way he held himself beckoned to every feminine nerve in Angela’s body.


Angela clutched her hands to her chest, willing her gaze to shift to something or someone who wouldn’t shatter her senses and set her blood boiling. Helpless to control her wayward heart, she kept looking back at Devil. She noticed everything about him, the way he moved, the way his denim jeans clung to his legs and the way they molded to his backside. Devil laughed at something the bouncer from the saloon said, andwhen he smiled, one edge of his mouth tilted crookedly. Ange­la’s heart swooned and fluttered, and she thought she might never breathe again.


The Locket


Oregon Coast,1894


Bone-weary from a hard day at sea, Misha trudged up the long mud-rutted road to the boarding house that sat on top a hill less than a mile outside Mist Harbor, Oregon. A thick, cold mist hovered close to the ground wetting everything: the rhododendrons that grew wild, the azaleas that lined the cement walkway to the front porch, and the saw grass that grew easily in the sandy soil. Misha paused a moment to push back a lock of hair that repeatedly fell across his brow and into his eyes.


The land was windswept and salt battered, yet he enjoyed the salt-taste of the air and the swooping sea birds as well as the playful sea animals. He loved the way the trees bent to the power of the wind and found a way to survive despite the brutality of the elements.


His purpose here was short lived, he reminded himself. He didn’t intend to find himself attached to these parts in any way.


He smelled of a hard days work. The lingering aroma of sweat and Chinook salmon filled his nostrils. It was not a scent he had any use for, but for the time being the job on the fishing boat gave him a reason for staying in the small coastal town. Right now he couldn’t wait to submerse himself in a hot bath, wash the stench from his body, and ease his stiff, strained muscles.


The sea had always been one of his favorite places. But fishing?


By God no, he’d just as soon relax and watch the sails billow on a clipper as the majestic ship rounded the horn or stand at the tiller with the wind whistling around him. He’d even rather battle a hurricane off the Bermudas.


Blending in with the people who lived in this small coastal village had been imperative.


The quest he’d undertaken had led him straight to Miss Ariel Cameron’s boarding house in Mist Harbor, and there the trail stopped. Thinking about Ariel set his nerves on edge.


Ariel was willow thin, femininely delicate, and hardly capable of the atrocities he’d set out to avenge less than a year ago. Yet the evidence he’d uncovered had sent him here, to her home. The name he’d followed had been her name. The men he’d followed had landed in Mist Harbor more than once, her father one of them.


He walked up the immaculately kept steps to the house and opened the door to the screened in porch.


“Misha,” the captain boomed out a welcome. “Fine weather we’re havin’ now. Just right for the salmon runs.”


The rocker squeaked as the captain moved back and forth in the wicker chair.


“Just right,” Misha acknowledged and stepped through the next door to the parlor. A blast of heat met him as he nodded his head in polite recognition to the other borders. In a pale blue day dress, Ariel moved with a slight limp through the hallway and disappeared into one of the first floor rooms. Even though she seemed to favor one leg, the sway of her hips enticed all of Misha’s senses.


He didn’t understand the feeling but in a way no other woman had touched him, she beckoned to him. Her amber colored eyes were wide and when she smiled, they glistened and shimmered, reminding him of the bronze mosques in Constantinople when the sun beat upon them. Miss Ariel Cameron was unique–unconventional–and she fascinated him. She was the key to his revenge as well as his salvation.




The Locket is a very exciting tale with a dramatic setting. Overall, this is a very entertaining story.


Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance


The Talisman


Buffalo Creek,

South Dakota



Hot, dry air scorched the prairie grass. Sweat slid along his spine. Danger clung to every whisper; seemed to swirl and grow with each passing second. Ivan Civanovich watched the woman below. With deadly purpose, he studied the lady who had hired him–the woman who had bought his gun and perhaps death.

“Reckless courage,” Ivan mused.

“Si Senor, she does have what you call a great courage, but I don’t know about the reckless part. She is always so very careful,” Pedro said.

“I’m a dangerous man, Pedro.”

“This is why she hired you.”

“The lady has no business hiring men like me. She’s a woman. She is supposed to nurture lives.”

“She needs you to keep the bad men from taking the land away–our home,” Pedro said.

Ivan pushed the tip of his hat back from his brows. From his vantage point, he considered the woman while she hung the freshly laundered white sheets on the line. A strange shudder swept through him, his muscles tensing with the sudden feeling he knew this woman, had known her forever. The sensations were too strong, the feelings too acute, and it troubled him because knowing her was impossible.

Her hair, a wild mop of red curls, battled with the stiff, hot wind rising off the prairie. The breeze and her hair flowed in undulating currents between the lines, threatening to tangle themselves in the wire. She bent over at the waist, giving him a perfect view of her backside while she toyed with something on the ground. Seconds later she picked up the object of her curiosity, turned it over in her hands then tossed it aside.

He didn’t like to think about what could happen to her in the next few weeks. She’d advertised for a gun for a hire. She didn’t know what she bargained for, and he’d bet his inheritance she didn’t have any idea what kind of trouble she’d purchased.

When she looked up the hill, his grin widened. She couldn’t see him, but her shoulders tensed and she sucked air. Her hand touched her forehead, shielding her eyes from the blinding sunlight. She scanned the horizon, turning a complete circle before she stopped.

“Good,” he said, “she is cautious.”

“She knows someone is up here,” Pedro announced.

“She’s got more starch in her drawers and the stiffest backbone of any woman I’ve ever seen.” Ivan whistled through his teeth, his eyes intent and focused upon the woman.

“Si.” Pedro agreed. “She sure enough does but her heart is made of spun gold.”

Ivan wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. Beads of sweat dripped down his back. His gaze swept across the barren landscape then followed the line of trees that bordered the creek. He lifted the glasses to his eyes and turned his attention to a spot about a mile north of her ranch. The railroad wanted easement rights. So why wouldn’t she sell to them. “Spun gold, huh.” He dropped the binoculars, letting them dangle from their strap around his neck.

“Si, boss.”

“I see.” Ivan leaned forward, resting his forearm on the saddle horn.

Ivan wasn’t sure he understood. Women had a lot of fine qualities, many of which he didn’t want to live without but a soft, feminine heart shouldn’t be deciding life and death matters.

Spun gold.No, he’d never met a female with a heart of gold, spun or otherwise. He’d never known a woman who wouldn’t betray a man for a piece of gold. Save one, he amended, and his best friend had married her. Alexi Popov had his trials too. He had kidnapped Angela and spirited her away to his home in the Crimea. In the end though, he gave up his title, his land, and most of his wealth for Angela. He followed her back to America and married her.




This is a wonderful tale, full of action, emotion and a bit mystical at times. Enjoy this one.


Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More 4 Cups


Forever His


The sun beat down. Searing heat waves hit the hard packed earth, blistering, charring everything, even the dry prairie grass. Jacob St. John, his arms stretched overhead and bound to a whipping post, no longer counted the lashes tearing into his back, no longer felt the horrific agony.


More than a half-dozen men and one woman were gathered in the sage-patched backyard of the run-down shack. So far not one person made a sound as they watched Chavez wield the whip, stripping the flesh off his back.


If Chavez weren’t so angry and seeking revenge of his own, he would probably have just had him shot. Revenge was a powerful motive. Chavez wanted Jacob to suffer, to yell before he died. It seemed Etta Barringer did too. So far Chavez was toying with him, taunting and teasing him, cutting an inch here, ripping an inch there, not doing much damage but making mincemeat out of his back.


Jacob hadn’t made a sound yet, not even a sharp, indrawn breath. He wasn’t about to even though he knew Chavez would get impatient and start slashing. There was no hurry. Chavez had as long as he wanted. No one save Etta knew where he was, no one would come looking for him, at least not until the sun went down. By then Chavez would be done with him, and he would either be dead or buzzard-bait. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure why Etta would hand him over to Chavez. She had always been Pinkerton to the core, yet she had betrayed him once before. If he survived this, he meant to have answers. He’d move heaven and earth to search out the lying Etta Barringer and find out exactly what she had against him.


The pain of betrayal at the forefront of his mind, and vows of revenge against the instigator of this kept him going. He focused on the woman’s laughter and the scent of lemons that permeated his soul.


He had been taken by surprise. Still, he didn’t go down easily. It took all of Chavez’s men to get him bound securely to the post in back of the shack. And of those men, not one came away from the encounter without a scratch. Blood from the multitude of small cuts Chavez had inflicted ran in rivulets from his back, pooling on the parched thirsty ground, soaking into the dirt, staining it.


He stood, his head proudly erect and that seemed to draw anger from Chavez. The grip of his fingers curled around the top of the post, the only sign of Jacob’s pain–and fury.


The first real stroke of the whip felt like a red-hot branding iron searing across his back. Jacob didn’t flinch, nor would he as long as he could hear her laughter or smell lemons floating languidly on the breeze. He wished he could see her, stare into her beguiling, green eyes until she knew he’d never stop hunting for her. Fury at his own weakness rose, and the anger he felt deep inside simmered, because she’d always attracted him. Ever since she showed up in a small town in Oregon, seduced him then drugged him and left him to sleep off the opium-laced whiskey, she’d fascinated him.


Concentrate on her–on what you’re going to do when you find her again . . .




Christine Young has done it again in this historical romance. The blizzards, betrayal, deceit and a ruthless bandito like Chavez made this a great romance.


Melinda for Night Owl Romance     5 out of 5




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