The Queen’s Heart #YA #Fantasy

The Queen’s Heart:

Fale will stop at nothing to beat Source Wizard Gasten to the machine that will liberate her people—if she lives. One wrong step and it’s all over.

The Queen’s Heart: YA, Fantasy

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Read first chapter


BLURB:  The Queen’s Heart


The warrior princess now understands her purpose. Fale must find the machine that will set her people free, before it falls into the hands of the wizard who will use it to cross dimensions and enslave vast groups of people. Will the team make it to the island halfway around the planet? Will they find what they’re looking for in time? There will be a great price for winning. Can they afford it?


EXCERPT: The Queen’s Heart


“Where did she go?” Keron asked, wiping his face with his t-shirt and putting it back on. Lisle pointed east and Keron set out walking. He went to the rocky river bank and didn’t see Fale anywhere. “Fale?  Where are you?”

Hearing nothing but the whisper-roar of rushing water, Keron continued upstream until he saw a flat rock bathed softly in sun. Her hair was pink, reflecting the red sunset, and she spilled more tears than the water she filled. She believed she was truly alone, and it was partially his fault. He was about to go to her when movement in the shadows caught his attention. A great animal was advancing cautiously toward Fale. On all fours it stood as tall as Keron, and it was covered with patches of black and silver fur. It was an emaciated bear-like creature. They were said to eat people on this mountain because of the food shortage. Keron walked to the tree line and inched his way to Fale.

When she was only a few feet away, Keron stepped onto the bank and said, “Fale, turn around very slowly.”


Surprised by Keron, Fale jumped and shrieked.

“Keron, what are you doing?” Her eyes widened and he watched her gaze travel above his head. He turned around to see the hungry creature on two legs bellow at them. Fale moved toward Keron and clutched the back of his shirt. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know; they can run fast, so don’t run. What about your fire?”

Fale made a shaky flame. The animal’s ears, which were cocked forward, lay down flat. It huffed at them. Keron stood in front of her with his valezsan arm out.

“Fale, shoot your fire in his direction; see if he runs.”

She obeyed. The bear circled to their right on all fours, grunting his displeasure. The animal ran full-tilt at Keron and swiped at him with its paw. Claws gouged his left shoulder, but he bore his weight on his valezsan leg and barely remained upright, though he took several steps. His shoulder felt wet and he noticed the long marks through his torn shirt.

“Keron,” Fale said. He looked up at the bear, swinging its head from side to side, clacking its teeth, and put his hands up again. This time it hit Keron on his right side and he flew like a rag doll. Fale watched in terror as the bear went straight for Keron’s limp body, lying face down.

It bit his valezsan leg and Fale heard a ‘clink’ noise which seemed to frustrate the bear. Thank the stars, valezsan was as strong as nano-tech steel and it didn’t budge. The creature bit him again with no luck, but when Keron moved, Fale was horrified to see its jaws aim for his neck. Fale shot her fire at the bear and it turned to the top of Keron’s head and sank its teeth into his scalp. Fale screamed and ran at the bear. She turned herself invisible and screamed as high and loud as she could in the bear’s ear.

The bear began to drag Keron, so Fale shot her flame across its muzzle. It dropped Keron and ran back into the forest. Fale flopped onto the ground and pulled his head into her lap. She held up one hand with fire to see in the fading light and ran her other palm over his injuries.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone so far.” She cried tears of regret.

“No, you shouldn’t have.” He smiled weakly.

She smiled back at him. “Did you break anything?  I fixed what I can see.”

“Man, if you keep healing me, I’m not gonna have any good scars to show my grandchildren.”

“You never told me you wanted grandchildren,” she said, sniffing and swiping at her eyes.

“Well, babies come first,” he said, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Fale—”

“I think I know what you’re going to say,” she stroked his face.

“Yeah?” He pulled her mouth towards his.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Hey!” Lisle came running up to Fale and she dropped Keron’s head back into her lap. “What happened? I heard your scream all the way back at camp.”

“Great timing, nerd,” Keron grumbled.



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