First Chapter Aidan’s Love

#HistoricalRomance #Scottish

Chapter One

Baltimore 1822

Aidan saw Blade leaning lazily on the light post across the street. With no doubt in her mind, he watched her. Her heart thundering in her chest, she picked up her skirts and increased her pace, fleeing from him and the real threat to her peace of mind he created. She knew he would catch up to her if that was his intention, yet she continued without looking back.

Before he spoke, she felt his presence looming beside her. Tilting her head a bit, she kept going, trying desperately to ignore him. Acknowledging his presence after he embarrassed her and humiliated her then had the gall to depart Baltimore for parts unknown without leaving a message meant he didn’t deserve to be recognized. She would make him explain himself but not before she took a moment to rebuff him.

“You can’t out walk or out run me, so why don’t you slow down a mite before you swoon from exhaustion or fall flat on your face?” His voice was gruff sounding as well as impatient with her.

Her pride wouldn’t allow her to give in to his request. Where she was concerned, he had no rights; none at all. She meant to fight him the only ways she could. Keeping her sights set on her home, she continued, her breathing coming now in short gulps. Damn and blast, she shouldn’t have worn the corset. She rarely did so why today? Didn’t know why she had Lilly help lace it this morning. There was no one in Baltimore she cared to impress.

Except Blade.

“Foolish woman, this isn’t good for you. I understand you’re just trying to make a point. I’ll acknowledge that point. I’ve not been a gentleman to you, but I mean to change that. Slow down, I’m not going anywhere.” His hand rested on her shoulder as if he meant to stop her midstride. Automatically, she brushed it off.

Foolish woman, she had a few choice words to say to him about that, but not until he apologized at least a thousand times. First, for what he did to her in London before her cousin’s wedding and second, for leaving town without telling her where he was headed or when he’d return.

Chin held high, she resisted the temptation to stop and give him a piece of her mind. It seemed he fell back a step, still shadowing her but understanding she wasn’t about to talk to him in the middle of the street or acknowledge his existence.

A gust of wind caught her skirts, tangling them between her legs. She fought for balance but knew when the struggle was over. Whirling her arms, she felt his hands at her waist, keeping her upright, pulling her against his hard body. She felt his entire length against her, every muscle.

Then, “Bloody hell.” He caught her in his arms and holding her close, he carried her down the street to her home.

“I don’t need your help, Blade,” she protested, beating his chest with her fists even while she wanted to melt into him and enjoy whatever he might want to give.

“Appears to me, you do, Little Fire.” He chuckled softly, seeming to appreciate her discomfort, while cradling her protectively in his arms.

“I can walk by myself.” She gave up hitting the stubborn man. He’d do exactly what he wanted and there was nothing she could do about it.

“If I hadn’t come to your rescue, you’d be sitting on your sweet little backside in the middle of the road,” he told her, pleasantly grinning from ear to ear. “I don’t want to see you hurt; only want to see to your pleasure,” he paused seeming to think, “now that you’re a woman grown.”

Her breath caught in the back of her throat. She knew exactly the pleasure he spoke of. He’d treated her to the delicious sexual fulfillment before he vanished, and without a note she reminded herself.

When they finally reached the porch, he set her down to open the door. Still not wishing to talk to him, she strode inside, pulling her hat from her head along with a few pins that left her hair in wild strands before setting it on the coat tree. She blew the errant pieces of hair from her eyes.

“I didn’t invite you in.” Ignoring him further she left for the kitchen, needing a cup of tea laced with whisky, knowing all the while he’d follow her. Lilly always kept a pot of hot water on the stove and tea leaves close by.

“Smells good. Lilly must have baked cookies this afternoon. I believe I hear my stomach rumbling.” He stood behind her now. If she turned, she knew he’d have his feet spread and hands on his hips looking as if he owned her.

“Help yourself.” She poured her drink before taking it into the parlor knowing he would trail after her. If she didn’t talk to him now, he would stay forever. Damn and blast, with the permission of her cousin’s husband, he moved in months ago. All his clothes were here. It’s just that he hadn’t been here.

In the parlor, he relaxed, sipping his whiskey, studying her. A few cookie crumbs had fallen into the stubble on his chin. She tried to focus on anything but Blade, his broad shoulders and steel blue eyes, the way his muscles flexed when he moved. Tried to concentrate on anything but the way his hands had touched her, every part of her, aroused her in ways she didn’t comprehend.

Rattled by enchanting memories of the time he seduced her, she ran her tongue across her lips while a searing heat rushed through her, reminding her of things she’d rather not think about. Against her will, he could do that to her; create a tempest swirling inside she was hard pressed to deny.

At times she didn’t want to reject any advances he might make. If she gave in to his ploys, she would find herself in his arms and his bed before she could blink. After all, she’d been in love with him since she was thirteen, nine long years ago.

Inhaling a long deep breath and setting her cup on the table beside her, she asked and with a patience that was rarely a part of her character, “Where were you? All this time…”

“Ach lass, I was enjoying the silence.” He rose and poured himself more whiskey. Returning, he sat next to her. Placing a hand on hers, he watched her carefully, his muscles tense.

“You don’t want me to talk? Fine. I won’t then. Be that way if you enjoy the sound of silence rather than my voice.” She wanted to bait him, needed to erase the all-knowing smirk off his face. This isn’t at all what she expected when and if he returned.

“Why are you so angry with me? I don’t believe I’ve done anything to deserve your wrath.” He brought her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the palm of her hand, allowing his tongue to glide across her skin.

“Where were you?” she repeated with a little more force this time, tugging her hand to no avail while he drew circles on the underside of her wrist with his thumb. He wasn’t going to seduce her so easily, she determined. She could and would resist him.

He lifted his shoulders, before nonchalantly speaking, “I left you a note. You should have read it. Then you would comprehend where I went and why along with the gravity of the situation. Truth be told, leaving you was the very last thing I wanted.”

“It’s been three months and I had no idea if you were even alive.” She succeeded in pulling her hand from him then she crossed her arms over her chest, trying to calm her escalating nerves. Lord, but he could bring her to anger just as quickly as he could create a storm of desire she couldn’t control.

He picked up her hand again, brought it to his lips. Gazing into her eyes before kissing the tips of each finger, he continued to explore the palm of her hand then her wrist. When he stopped, “I told you in the note I left on that table.” He motioned to the one by the door.

Thinking, breathing, even sitting straight was nearly impossible when he brought his lips away. “A-a note?” she whispered, enraged at the masculine smile on his face and the way she melted with a tiny kiss on her hand. The man knew what he did to her. For a second time, she pulled her hand away.

Instead of conceding defeat and withdrawing, he picked up her other hand and sucked each finger into his mouth, his teeth nibbling on each tip. This time he continued his path of discovery and exploration up her arm, kissing, biting. His tongue was warm and created its own magic against her flesh.

When he paused, “Yes, a note. Over there. It explained everything. Where and why. The gravity.”

“I never saw a note.” She stood, intending to show him there was nothing there. Before she reached the table, she faced him, and in a huff clearly confused by his seduction, “Regardless, you could have answered my question. You didn’t have to—have to…”

“Make you breathless with passion and desire? We could go upstairs. No one is home.”

“You did no such thing and no we can’t. Lilly will be in the kitchen fixing dinner any time now.”

“Make you breathless or write a note? I can assure you; I wrote one.” Still his voice was too calm, too sure of himself, his smile self-assured.

It didn’t appear that he believed she didn’t see a note. Even if she didn’t find one, it didn’t mean he lied. Bending over and on all fours, she searched the floor below the table then tried to reach behind the nearby chair, stretching, moving her hand along the floor. She sneezed from the dust.

“I can’t find anything.”

His hand settled on top her back. “Let me help.”

His mouth was close to her lips when she turned her head to reply. The warmth from his hand sent a whirling dervish of sensations spiraling to places he awakened a few months ago. A tiny whimper she had no control over made his grin broader.

She moistened her lips. “I don’t want your help.” Any more assistance from him and she’d drag him against her and make him give her those wonderful sensation he called a woman’s pleasure. Ninny, he would never let you take control. Yet perhaps he would.

“But you can’t reach as far as I can.” His lips brushed softly against hers then in a blink they vanished.

“You’re doing that on purpose.” She closed her eyes, reveling in the touch of his hand as he slid it up her back then down to caress her bottom.

“Looking for the note I left you? I need redemption. Of course, I’m doing it on purpose.”

“Then stop touching me and look for the bloody note so you can be vindicated. Or better yet just tell me where and why and I’ll take you for your word.” If he didn’t stop soon, she’d end up a mindless, spineless puddle on the floor.

“I like touching you, hearing those tiny mews of pleasure and the soft flush that stains your cheeks when I do. Why should I settle for anything less?”

She’d wanted this for so long and now she tried to rebuff the potent attraction between them. Trying to move away, his body stopped her as he reached farther behind the chair.

“There it is.” When he loosened his hold, she scurried away and standing, smoothed her skirts brushing off a few dust motes in the process. With a broad grin on his too handsome features, he held the object of her search high. “I believe this is what you were looking for.”

“So, you found it. Care to tell me what it says?” As he stood and stepped toward her, she backed up, needing the physical distance between them before she did something stupid like throw herself into his arms.

It seemed he didn’t mean to remain separated from her. Closing the distance, he read, “It says, my sister’s youngest child was ill and she needed help, more than her husband could give her.” He shrugged broad, masculine shoulders, “Since I was so close to Boston, I decided to visit another sister also. There you have it, proof of my sad tale as well as my vindication.” He held it out for her to take as if he still wanted her to read it.

“I’m sorry I doubted you.” There it was; she wanted an apology from him and she was doing the apologizing. Of course, she was. Women always apologized when it seemed the man should be doing that very thing, begging forgiveness.

“Come here.” He stepped toward her again and when she moved back, her knees buckled as she hit the back of the chair.

“Stay where you are.” She held her hands out, a tactical mistake he took advantage of.

“I need a proper welcoming kiss from the woman I’m now officially courting.” He held her hands and bringing her to a standing position, wrapped her arms around his neck while his hands bracketed her face.

“Hardly courting…” She tried to say more but his lips found hers, his hands at the small of her back pulling her closer, so close she felt the hard angles and planes of his body against hers, the raw energy of his strength, of the man.

The slow hot kiss reminded her once more of all he could do to her, all he made her feel when he touched her in certain intimate places. Yet she responded, letting him pull her tongue into his mouth, allowing him the freedom of exploring her body, with his mouth and hands.

Suddenly, he pulled away, a grim look on his face and with a soft almost regretful sounding sigh, “We should stop.”

Stop? If he didn’t hold her up, she would slide to the floor, melt in a pool around his feet. Her head fell against his chest while he ran his hands up and down her back, a soothing motion that calmed her nerves and eased the tension in her body but did nothing to eliminate the heat pounding through her.

“You can’t do that,” she whispered, barely able to speak.

“What.” He grinned as if he knew what she meant to tell him.

With her hands fisted at her sides, “Make me feel all hot and wanting you then tell me to stop as if the kiss meant nothing to you.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, studying her, meeting her gaze with the steel blue of his. “Would you rather I tossed your skirts and taught you a few new things about lovemaking here on the living room floor.”

“That’s a horrible thing to say.” Yet she did remember the first lesson, the one where he confirmed to himself she was truly a woman grown, no longer a child. If she’d thought for a minute the size of her breasts would have established her womanhood, she might have padded her dresses.

“But so true.”

“You haven’t the willpower to stop before you ravish me?” She had no idea the effect of her words on Blade. A moment of apprehension swept through her when his eyes darkened.

“Where you and your sweet little body are concerned, I have no restraint. I used up all my patience where you’re concerned years ago. With just that kiss, I was tempted to sweep you into my arms and take you to my room. If I did that, you would no longer be a virgin. Don’t temp me, Aidan, unless you’re serious.” His threat was clear.

“I didn’t know,” she murmured, turning away from him and his piercing gaze. Yet she was thrilled he wanted her and even more thrilled he didn’t revert to the excuses he used in the past, claiming she was still a little girl.

“Should we prepare dinner?” He led the way into the kitchen where Lilly had what appeared to be a meal simmering on the stove.

“You’re back, Mr. MacPherson. Did you have a nice trip and visit in New York? Your sister must have been very pleased to have more help around the house and with the children,” Lilly asked as she bent over to take something from the oven before setting the pan on the table.

“You knew where Blade was and you didn’t tell me?” She couldn’t believe what she just heard. “Lilly.”

With spoon in hand and continuing to stir while looking over her shoulder, “Mr. MacPherson told me his plans before he left. I didn’t mean to keep anything from you. He told me he left you a note. I thought you knew.”

“I believed he got what he wanted from me so he disappeared.” Aidan covered her mouth with her hands, appalled at what she just said when she saw the disapproving look in Blade’s eyes.

“Excuse us, Lilly. Aidan and I need to talk privately before she embarrasses herself again. Is there a good place close by?”

“Walk down the path to the lake. It’s part of the Andrew and Hepburn property and few go there. You should be alone,” Lilly told them as if she surely knew his purpose. “I’ll keep dinner warm for you.”

“Many thanks,” Blade spoke to Lilly then turned to Aidan, holding out his hand. “Come, Little Fire.”

“Do I have a choice?” Mortified, she wanted to hide in her room, not go for a walk with him and what seemed to include a forthcoming lecture.

“I’m not going to hurt you or ravish you as you put it. We need to speak of something your innocence precludes you from understanding.”

It was true, what he just mentioned. This courting stuff, if what Blade said was true was beyond her scope of knowledge or experience. She always had a way of blurting out her thoughts. This situation was no different.

She placed her hand in his before following him out the door. A cool wind blew in from the ocean. She shivered, wishing he could find someplace warm to talk to her.

“Wait here,” he said and quickly disappeared. A few seconds later, he returned with a shawl for her to wrap around her shoulders.

They walked in silence until the lake appeared, her nerves unraveling one fine strand at a time until her body shook. So much had happened in the last hour. “Did you know my bathing suit is at the bottom of the lake?” She didn’t know why she told him that.

His voice, dark and gruff as well as disapproving, he asked, “Just how did it get there?”

She sat down on a rock, picking up pebbles in her hand and letting them slide to the ground one at a time. “The logistics of its fall to the bottom aren’t known to me.”

He sat next to her, placing her hand in his. It always amazed her how small her hand appeared inside his. Lazily, he traced small circles on the underside of her wrist. She inhaled a long swift breath. He was doing it again, making her hot and breathless.

“Did you have an affair last summer before I got here? Edwin perhaps or was it that Hooley fellow?” His accusatory words shook her to the core.

“Why on earth would you think something so despicable of me? I’ve never? Edwin? Baxter? Goodness no—never.” She tried to tug her hand away, but he didn’t allow it.

“An absence of swimwear denotes nakedness. If you were naked in that lake with me, I would make love to you.” His low husky growl sent a shiver down her spine.

“Are you jealous or angry?” She’d done nothing like he implied and never would unless it was with him.


“I haven’t done what you said.” He brought the back of her hand to his lips for a quick kiss.

“Thank God. I’d have to kill the bloke.”

“You don’t mean that.”

He didn’t answer. “How?”

“How what?” She’d forgotten the question somewhere between his kiss and the words, kill the bloke.

With seeming patience, he repeated, “How did your swimsuit find its way to the bottom of the lake?”

“I wasn’t wearing it.” There, she silently patted herself on her back, having finally put an end to this story that seemed to anger him beyond anything she’d seen from him before.

“You think to make me feel better, woman,” he growled. “If you weren’t wearing it, you were naked.”

“What? I wasn’t. Not in the water.” The tempo of her words increased. She spoke so fast she barely understood what she said. “Tira was swimming with Jamie and she nearly drowned because she’d been working so hard at the shipyard. She was so tired all her muscles cramped and she couldn’t get to shore.” She stopped a second to inhale a deep lungful of air. “Jamie had to pull her from the depths to keep her from drowning and the suit was so heavy he had to cut it off her. If he hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t be alive today.”

Blade let a roar of laughter rumble from his belly. “Take another breath, Little Fire. I believe I’ve got the gist of what happened. Don’t ever go swimming in this lake unless it’s with me,” he warned, pulling her close and giving her a quick hug. “Promise.”

“Promise what?” She meant to be obstinate, didn’t like the way he laughed at her.

“You won’t go swimming naked in this lake, hell, any lake unless you’re swimming with me. Promise.” His hands rested on her shoulders, giving her a tiny shake. “I need to hear you say the word.”

“I promise but Blade, I don’t think I want to swim naked with you.” She’d be so vulnerable.

“I hope to change that notion.” He smiled, tenderly brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Now we have something else to discuss. The reason why we’re sitting here in the growing darkness talking about dead swimsuits.”

“So, why did you drag me out here?” She knew it was because of the words she spoke in front of Lilly, but what she didn’t understand was why he seemed so displeased.

He slowly repeated the words she told him, “I believed he got what he wanted from me so he disappeared.”

“I know what I said but what I don’t know is why you have to talk to me about what I said.”

Looking away from her, he ran his hands through his hair. “This innocent stuff is killing me.”

She straightened her back. “I’m not innocent. You gave me a woman’s pleasure, or so you told me. So, you know I’m not naïve.”

“I haven’t made love to you yet.” He paused in thought, running a fingertip along her arm. “What you said implied as much, however.”

“I did? I made Lilly think that? She wouldn’t care.” She felt as baffled as she supposed she looked.

“You implied I made love to you then left you to deal with any unwanted results. It will tarnish your reputation if you repeat such things in front of gossips. You’re right about Lilly though. She would never spread gossip.”

“Lilly won’t say anything.” She agreed with him still puzzled. “What unwanted result?”

“No, she won’t but now every time she looks at you, she’ll think we’ve been intimate. And if you think about it, you’ll figure it out.”

“Why can’t you just tell me what you mean? Why do I have to think? I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” she asked, fed up with the guessing games and needing honesty from him.

He sighed deeply then seemed to agree with her. “From what we did, you’re not going to be with child. But if I had my way with you, you might be carrying my child as we speak.”

“I can’t think of anything much more intimate than the way you touched my body, the places, the sensations…”

“Hush.” He placed a finger on her lips.

The wanton inside her leapt free. She licked it then pulled his finger into her mouth. She heard a groan emanate from deep inside him. She smiled, realizing she held some power over his big body. “Did you like that?”

“Too much.” He groaned again.

Too much, what did that mean? “I like the way you taste, not just your finger but your tongue and I want to taste other parts of you.”

“Bloody hell.” He couldn’t help himself. He pulled her into his arms, giving her a slow deep kiss that had her panting for more. When he finished, he set her aside, “We have to get back.”

“Are you hungry?” She ran a finger along his chin. “Because I’m not, at least not for food.”

“Famished for you, that’s why we should go eat.”

~ * ~

“Your dinner is in the warming tray on the stove. Let me know if there is anything else you’ll need. Enjoy,” Lilly smiled at them as she walked from the room.

“Is that your stomach growling?” Blade asked as he dished up the plates of venison stew and set out the biscuits. “I thought you said you weren’t hungry?”

“I guess all my blood was pumping to a different part of my body.” She took the plate from him, setting it on the table, gracing him with a precocious Aidan smile. “Something you did to me.”

Pure male laughter echoed in the room. While he knew Aidan McLellan would never bore him, had known that fact for many years, he’d never expected sexually laced comments from her, but did she know what she eluded to? “You can always say what comes into your head when you’re with me, but you do need to curb your impulsiveness when you’re around others.”

“Impulsive? Don’t know why you say that. If anything, I’m never impulsive.”

“Sometime I’ll show you, but I’m not about to explain anything while we’re at the dinner table.” The sooner he made her his wife the sooner life would be so much easier. Trouble was he was sure she was making him pay for past indiscretions. He’d pay whatever price she extracted from him to make up for his callous behavior over the years. Truth be told though, even as a thirteen-year-old, she overwhelmed him. From the beginning he’d understood denying her anything would always be difficult.

“Then we should move to the parlor,” she said, picking up her plate, her hips swaying as she walked away.

He stopped her, “Not the parlor either. Would you like wine?”

“Why not? And yes, I’m going to the parlor. You can come if you’d like. Or not.” She shrugged her small, delicate shoulders. “Your choice.”

“Why not wine? Or why wine? It tastes good, relaxes, might…no never mind.” He loved the myriad of expressions flitting across her face and the way her eyebrows narrowed when she was trying to figure something out. She pretended to know so many things but he was learning she was more innocent than he’d ever believed.

She stopped in the doorway. “Why not the parlor? There you go again making everything more difficult than it has to be.”


“Yes, and you’re deflecting.”

Of course, he was avoiding answering. He’d rather show her, pick her up and carry her to his big bed. Showing her would be so much easier. “Are you finished with dinner?”

He heard her huge sigh of frustration, he assumed, and watched as her eyes crossed for a second. “I’m done. Wasn’t really very hungry.” She brought her plate back to the kitchen and to the sink.

“Let’s take the wine into the parlor. You can sit on my lap and I can enjoy watching you purse your lips when you say something outrageous and I won’t explain it to you.” He grinned at the expression he adored, having only seen it a few times as she was growing up. During those years he kept his distance, hoping some day she would still have feelings for him. Some day was here now and he intended to relish every precious moment with her.

“I’m not sitting on your lap.” She picked up her wine and flounced from the kitchen, her hips swaying and provocatively enticing him.

“Suit yourself.” He grabbed the bottle as well as the crystal holding his wine before following her.

In the parlor and sitting in a single chair, she held her glass out for him. He obliged by filling it. “What do you want to talk about now?”

“Us.” The entire night, if he could have it his way would be about them. “What did you do while I was gone? Go out with Edwin? Or was it Hooley?” He didn’t know why he brought up the odious man, but his gut tightened at the thought of her keeping the man company.

“I went to church and prayed that some demon would rise from the sea and swallow you whole.” She peered at him over the rim of her glass, seeming to watch for a reaction.

His laughter rolled from deep in his belly. Of course, he understood. From her perspective he deserved that and more. “Anything else? You didn’t spend seven days a week praying in church for my demise.”

She sipped more wine, her eyes closing momentarily and when she opened them, they seemed to cross, her dark sooty lashes fluttering on alabaster cheeks. That gave him pause to think. Her lashes should be the color of her hair. When she opened them, their crystal blue depths never ceased to take his breath away, “No, I didn’t. I spent the other six praying at home for your termination.”

“I don’t believe you.” He stood in front of her. “Come, you don’t have to sit on my lap, but I’d like you close to me. By the way, how did you make your lashes black?”

“As you’ve said any number of times, that might not be the wisest course of action.” It seemed she ignored the last question and was thinking about where he was about to sit.

He picked up her wine and set it on the end table by the sofa then returned, “If I have to carry you to the sofa, I’ll keep hold of you.”

She didn’t move, her breasts heaving as he sensed her panic. One moment she challenged him with sexual innuendos she didn’t understand and the next, her eyes looked like those of a frightened deer.

“Give me a second to catch my breath.”


“That wasn’t nice.” But she pushed herself from the chair and with what appeared to be wobbly legs, she made her way to the sofa. Sitting down, she drank the contents of her glass.

Taking his place beside her, he filled her glass again. “What are you, we, going to do tomorrow?” He wanted to spend the entire day with her, watching her and waiting for her to say something shocking she didn’t understand.

“It’s Sunday,” she said, looking at her wine and frowning before twirling the contents around in circles.

“So, if you intend to pray, you’re going to have make that sea demon something else.” He put his arm around her, his hand on her shoulder, his fingers resting on bare skin. Pulling her to him, he made sure his chest was pressed against the soft curve of her breast.

“You’re home now and all is forgiven. It’s a church social and you will have to bid on my basket. Of course, you’ll have to bring a lot of money because Sam always buys it, and he makes sure he can outbid everyone else there.”

“I have to bid on your basket?” He wasn’t sure what she spoke of, having not attended church in years or a church social ever.

“Of course, you do if you want to share it with me. The basket goes to the highest bidder. If you want my company, you have to spend the most money.” She tilted her head provocatively, smiling. “All the money goes back to the church, who uses it for good causes.”

“If I don’t then Sam will win it and you will spend lunch with him. Not a chance in hell. Still…” Given what he knew about Sam, he understood the man was no threat to Aidan or winning her hand, so he didn’t understand the wave of jealousy he was experiencing.

“I spend every Sunday with him. I do believe he’s sweet on me.” She turned in his arms, smiling sweetly at him.

“He’s just protecting you from other suitors you might not want. Sam prefers men.” Now it seemed he was absorbing Aidan’s habit of blurting what he thought.

“What does that mean? Prefers men?” Lines creased her brow as she concentrated. “I don’t understand.”

This was not what he expected or wanted. Leaning toward her, he ran his hands through her beautiful red hair, extracting the pins, hearing them clatter to the floor. The length fell around her shoulders. Then he kissed her, long and slow, exploring her, tasting the essence of Aidan. He could never get enough. For him it was a drugging kiss. When he finished, “We should go to bed.”


“Do you remember the time when you stood naked in front of me in my solar? You offered yourself to me.” The image had been etched in his head for all eternity. She had been slender, coltish. Her breasts barely beginning to grow, it had taken a will of iron not to toss her on the bed and make love to her. He’d understood then, if he waited for her to grow into a woman, sex with her would be heaven sent.

Slowly, she nodded. He placed a finger under her chin, keeping her gaze focused on him. “That was a long time ago. I guess you thought I was a little girl.”

“Not a little girl, but a young woman just coming into her own and you still had a lot of life to live. I couldn’t take advantage of you although God knew I wanted to place you on my bed and have you then and there.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I waited and now I’d like to do that very thing.” Bury myself deep inside your warmth and give you a woman’s pleasure.


“If you want.” Bloody hell why was he provoking her? “I wouldn’t refuse you but by the look on your face, you’re terrified. I’ll walk you upstairs and we can go to our separate bedrooms.”

“You don’t want to talk anymore?”

“Are you relieved? It’s late and I know you’re an early riser. We can talk tomorrow after I buy your basket.”


At her bedroom door Blade pulled her into his arms for another kiss. The passion she responded with left him grinning, knowing when they finally did make love, she would give all of herself to him. “Goodnight, Little Fire. See you bright and early in the morning.”

When the door closed behind her, he stood in the hall for a few seconds before walking to his room. Spending the night with Aidan in his arms would be paradise, but not tonight.

In his room he slipped out of his shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on a chair. He unfastened his buckskins in an attempt for comfort. After splashing water on his face, he lay down on his bed, his hands behind his head, thinking about Aidan.

Tomorrow the social, and in a couple of days, he intended to take Aidan with him to deliver Andrews’ horses to his farm. Sam had been keeping them safe in the stable behind his blacksmith shop while he was gone.

He heard the knock on the door but didn’t rise from the bed. When he saw her face peeking around the door, he smiled, knowing all along what she needed from him.

“Can I come in?”

“If you dare.”

She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Hands clasped in front of her, she looked at the floor then met his smiling gaze. Her hair fell in tangled disarray to her waist. He’d never realized how long it was.

“Are you going to make this hard for me?”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, and I don’t want to make anything awkward. You’re in my room, remember?” His gut tightened as he slowly rose from the bed, stepping toward her.

“I can’t get my dress off. Lilly usually helps me but she’s gone to bed, and I really don’t want to sleep in it.”

“Let me understand completely. I don’t want to misunderstand you. You want me to take your dress off.” The look of complete mortification on her beautiful face left him very nearly speechless.

“Yes, well no. I want you to unfasten the back then unlace my corset. As you can see.” She moved so her back was to him, “I could only undo a few.”

“I believe you’ve come to the right person.” His nimble fingers worked their magic on the fasteners. As each one came undone, he couldn’t help but leave an impression of his lips everywhere he saw naked flesh. Unlacing her corset, he helped the garment slip to the floor beneath her dress. For some reason she’d not donned a shift, and while she hugged the bodice of her dress to her breasts, she was naked all the way to her sweetly rounded derrière.

In his arms, he turned her, allowing his hands to slide down her back until he cupped her bottom in his hands, pulling her belly so she was positioned next to his pulsing rod. Only a thin layer of fabric separated them. Lord, but he gritted his teeth trying to stop himself. She could tempt a saint and he certainly was no candidate for sainthood.

“Thank you,” she whispered, her breath wafting across his chest. The backs of her hands touched him, moved across him until she touched the hard buds of his nipples. “I like touching you. I like looking at you without clothes on too.”

Holding her dress with one hand, she spread her fingers then moving lower stopped at the top of his waistband. He wanted to push his buckskins to the floor and let her wrap those slender very female fingers around him. He sucked in air, fighting the lust that was rapidly taking over his conscious mind and body.

“You’re unfastened.” His lips met hers in a gentle kiss. “Go back to your room before I do something I might come to regret.”

She gazed at him, confusion in her eyes. “I thought…”

“That if you offered yourself to me, I would take advantage of the situation. You need to be sure sex is what you want before you give yourself to me. You must be sure the gift you’re giving your first lover, well, that he’s the person you want to give your virginity to. I’m not turning you away because I want to humiliate or embarrass you, or because I don’t want you, but because I’m not sure you’re ready.”

“How will I know, how will you know if I’m sure? If I’m ready?” Her lips trembled slightly.

“Come, let’s get you to your room.” Blade walked the short distance to her room, behind her and made sure the door was closed tightly before he strode to his room.

Lying on his bed, Blade almost regretted sending her away. He didn’t think he could sleep unless he found release. There were ways but he opted for a swim; exercise helped as well as the cold water. His Little Fire had no idea how difficult his actions this evening had been.

A few minutes later, with towel in hand, he strode down the dark path to the lake. He brought a lantern with him to light the way. For the end of April it was a warm evening. A sliver of a moon could be seen between a few strips of clouds and a slight breeze filtered through the trees. The croak of frogs and the hoot of an owl brightened the night.

Stripping to his small clothes he waded in until the water reached his waist. Then, inhaling a deep breath he dove. Swimming under water until his lungs felt as if they would burst, he finally surfaced. Sure, strong strokes propelled him to the waterfall that caught his interest. He found a path circling around the water and into a small cove behind it.

Trying desperately to think of anything except Aidan, he lost the battle. When he saw the secluded spot, all he could think of was Aidan and holding her skin to skin. He ran his hands through his hair, wondering if there would be any release for him tonight or ever, imagining a life in constant arousal.

He dove through the water into the lake. Making a list of things he needed to accomplish before he took Damian’s thoroughbreds overland to the Andrews’ farm, his mind strayed from the woman in the bedroom next to his.

They would meet Damian’s men before the first evening. Camping out in the forest would be safer, so he’d timed everything with Andrews. If both parties left on the same day, they should meet shortly before six o’clock that evening. Nothing could go wrong.

When Aidan was involved anything could happen. Clear your mind, Blade. Keep thinking of horses and the food you need to bring with you. He needed good strong coffee, but Aidan liked her tea.

This wasn’t working. Striding from the water, he found his towel. The lantern still burned. He tugged off his wet clothes and pulled his buckskins on then slipped his moccasins on his feet.

“Master MacPherson?”

“Yes.” Blade reached for the pistol he usually wore.

“It’s Joshua, Lilly’s husband. But I suppose you know that. Saw you leave the house and head down the path. It’s not always safe out here. Thought I’d stand guard for a few minutes. Figured you was havin’ woman trouble the way you plunged into that lake. Not the right time of year for a swim, if you get my drift. It’s mighty cold in there.”

“Much obliged.” Cold was what he needed. Blade towel dried his hair, looking to the house. No lights shown from the window of her room.

“We’re too far away from both the main house and my cottage. You can’t see lights. Sometimes drunken men from the bars stumble down here. I’ll walk back with you.”

“I wasn’t thinking when I left the house.” Well, he was but with the wrong part of his anatomy. “Left without my pistol or my knife. Had to get out of the house before I did something foolish.”

With the silence of the night pervading his soul, he walked with Joshua “Take care and thank you again.”

When he opened the door to his room, he stopped, traumatized by the site in front of him. Aidan lay on his bed, her wonderful red hair spilled across his pillow. She was curled up in a tight ball.

The vision of her was unparalleled. In his entire life he couldn’t remember seeing anyone so beautiful, especially asleep on his bed. His gut tightened and the effect of the midnight swim in the frigid lake vanished.

“Aidan,” he whispered, walking toward her.

The sound of her name in the silence seemed to wake her. She sat up, brushing hair from her face. “You’re back. Where did you go?”

Once again, he was nearly naked. He needed to rid himself of the damp buckskins but didn’t dare. Not for one second did he believe she was ready to see him naked and fully aroused.

“Why are you here?” That sounded too harsh. “Aidan, you should be asleep in your room. Where you’re safe.”

She shrugged, pushing the sheet and blankets to her waist, her red hair falling in wild disarray around her shoulders. “I heard a noise and I was frightened. I was looking for you. I searched the house but didn’t find anyone so I came back here. Somehow I felt safer in your room.”

“I’m glad of that. Would you turn around? I’m going to take my pants off.” He walked to his wardrobe and rummaging inside found another pair of buckskins.

When he looked to see if she did as he instructed, he found a set of wide blue eyes staring at him. “I mean it, Aidan. Unless you want to see me buck naked, you need to turn around and close your eyes right now.” At the moment he wasn’t sure how he felt.

“You’ve seen me buck naked.”

“True. Well almost. I never removed your clothing, but I did see certain parts of you.” How could he refute something that was so accurate? Bloody hell, how could trying to be a gentleman and do the right thing be so fucking hard?

“No. You can’t make me. I want to see you, all of you. I’ve never seen a naked man and I’m curious.”

His breath caught in his throat. She sounded like a little girl at the beginnings of a temper tantrum that made him want to laugh. He wondered if they would have a girl, one who looked just like Aidan. He groaned knowing he was overstepping his bounds.

He had no words. Instead, he turned his back on her and slipped from his damp clothes then changing his mind, he pulled on a dry pair of underclothes and strode to the bed. “Do you want me to walk you back to your room or do you want to go by yourself.”

“Neither.” She patted the spot beside her. Aidan’s angelic smile didn’t fool him.

Two could play this game. He walked around the bed, settling in beside her and pulling her to him so her head rested against his chest. Her hand rose to caress him, and he prayed she didn’t explore below his waist. He thought to scare her to her room, but he had the sinking sensation that tonight he would never frighten her away. Besides, if he were honest with himself, he wanted her in his bed and beside him for the rest of his life.

He closed his eyes, even while he kept his hands fisted tightly. A smile curved his lips while he thought of his first site of her this evening. In a virgin nightdress, she came to his bed to seduce or truly because she felt safer, he would never know. The gown was white and long, probably covering her beyond her toes.

He envisioned her in a filmy negligee, one he could see all her curves through, one he could…

She was asleep. The feel of her breasts against his chest, moving slowly with her breathing, caused such a wave of bliss to run the length of him. He would protect her always with his life. She was his through eternity and beyond.

She was asleep. He didn’t dare wake her. This was something he never thought of before. His soon to be wife sleeping beside him and in his arms, the sensations more potent than sex and more enduring.

~ * ~

Laird MacPherson, Blade’s father, sat up in bed willing his body to heal. He needed to stay alive until Blade returned with his bride, Aidan McLellan. It was too bad Blade scared her away, clear to the United States. If he died before Blade returned, there would be fighting over the land, MacPherson land. Blade’s younger brother had always coveted this ancestral home for himself.

“Sir? You called for me?”

“I did, Angus, come in and help me dress. It’s what I pay you good money to do. Besides I crave someone to talk to, a person I can trust. Then I need to have you help me downstairs. I must put in an appearance so the entire clan will know I’m alive and prospering. We must present a united front, you and I. Don’t know how long it will be until Blade returns with his bride.”

“You have a letter, sir. It’s from your son.”

“Ah, yes, it’s about time. No, it’s past time I heard from him. I pray this missive will tell me he’s on his way home.” The laird rose from his bed, extending his hand for the envelope. Quickly opening, he read.


I pray this letter will find you well and improving daily. As summer creeps closer, I’m sure the weather will heal what ails you. Take some time to sit in the sun and soak up the warmth of its rays.

As you know, I visited my sisters so my return will be delayed a month or two. I’m now back in Baltimore, courting the lady I mean to make my wife and hoping to return before the end of the summer. I vow I will be home by the end of August if not before.

I’ve promised Damian Andrews I would escort the horses he purchased from the Graham’s to his home inland. By that time, I do hope I’ve also convinced Aidan to become my wife. As a last resort we will handfast so my homecoming will be eminent. When that happens, I’ll sail for home. Nothing will get in my way.

Stay well,

Your son,


The MacPherson sat down, head in hands, moisture clogging his throat. Truly he didn’t know if he could hold on until the end of the summer. Pretending good health was taking its toll on his body as well as his mind. He looked at his valet and confident as if his old friend could give him the advice and strength, he needed to do what Blade suggested.

“Help me dress. Something simple and I’ll sit in the solar for a while before going downstairs to make my presence known. I need to regain their confidence and the only way that will happen is if they see me. Perhaps with the appearance of warm weather, my health will improve.”

“Good, Sir, you must present a strong front for your son. You cannot show any signs of weakness. None of us at the keep want his younger brother taking over. Blade must get home soon if his brother’s rise to power is not to happen and you must get well.”

He coughed then cleared his throat. He really did feel better this week as the warmth of spring seemed to permeate his soul, giving health to his body. Winters here in this land were always harsh and difficult to endure.

Washed and dressed, with the help of his manservant, he sat in the solar, soaking up the warmth of the sun. Funny how this tiny bit of sunshine made him feel better. A dish of eggs and bread sat in front of him. His stomach rumbled. It was a good sign.

As soon as he finished eating, he’d go downstairs and visit with his people. They would relay the message to the second son that he was healthy and working. Yet the sooner Blade returned the easier this would be. He wouldn’t have to spend the days looking over his shoulder for an enemy.

“Are you ready to make your appearance?” Angus asked.

The MacPherson groaned, understanding the importance of making his presence known. Each day he needed to go downstairs, mingle with his people, give them confidence. If he didn’t, it would only be a matter of time before Blade’s brother rode into the keep, demanding he step down.

Damn it, but this was his first son’s birthright. He would not let anyone take it away from Blade, especially not his younger sibling. His fist pounded on the table, unwilling to give in to this malady possessing his body.

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