Deadly Unknowns: Death Agents Book Three #Thriller #Suspense

Deadly Unknowns: Death Agents Book Three: The FMI agents go to Pine Bluff, Arkansas to investigate five people becoming deaf, mute, blind… followed by death. No medical explanation. All labs/autopsies are normal.

Deadly Unknowns: Death Agents Book Three: Thriller/Suspense


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BLURB: Deadly Unknowns


The Federal Medical Investigators, a division of CDC, continue their search for answers of unsolved medical deaths in the United States. The FMI agents are invited to Virginia Beach upon the request of Future Innovations Today for DNA evaluations for the purpose of discovering the gene responsible for their ESP abilities. They are also put through a battery of various brain scans. Pending F.I.T.’s test results, Agent Simon Woods, Agent Janet Bennett and the FMI agents are sent to Pine Bluff, Arkansas to unravel the unexplained deaths of five people over the past several days. The victims became deaf, then mute, then blind before taking their last breath. The FMI agents may face the Grim Reaper due to the evil intentions of The Circle toward the agents.



EXCERPT: Deadly Unknowns


“Yes. We reviewed it on the plane from Virginia Beach. Like your police report, no pertinent information. The autopsy and blood work didn’t reveal a cause of their deaths.”

“Hopefully, you and your agents can find a cause for these five deaths. If you need any assistance, please give me a call. I’ll give you my cell phone number.” He gave his number to Janet. She and Simon put the detective’s number into their phones. “Also, here’s the name, address and phone number of the deceased victims, along with their families.” The detective handed Janet two sheets of paper inside a manila folder.

“Thanks, Detective Rhodes. We’ll keep in touch.”

“I’ll walk out with you. It’s been a long day. I’m ready to go home.”

Janet and Simon waved to the detective as his car passed by them in the parking lot. “Sounds like we have a lot of investigation to do on these five deaths,” Janet declared. “As usual, no clues to direct us to an answer to these deaths.”

“That’s what I love about this job. Trying to find a needle in a haystack.”

Janet grinned. “If the haystack was the size of a loaf of bread, I wouldn’t mind looking for the needle.”

They both chuckled.

Simon pulled out of the police parking lot and headed for the hotel. Janet looked forward to being with Simon. What was she going to tell Jean? “I’ll be back in a few hours, there something I have to do.”Jean wouldobviously know where she’s going and who she’dbe with. Does it really matter at this point? She and Simon wereadults with no commitments with another person.

“Can you call Frank and let him know we’re on our way to the hotel. They’ll probably be at the restaurant. Tell him to wait for us. We’ll need to go over tomorrow’s schedule.”

Janet called and spoke with Frank. “We should be there in about ten minutes. Talk to you then.” Simon was correct, Frank, Jean and Danny had recently sat down at the restaurant and ordered dinner.

She and Simon walked into the restaurant. The front section of the restaurant was nearly filled with patrons. One empty table was left. No sight of the FMI team. The waitress said, “Are you two with Frank?”

“Yes. We are.” Simon answered.

“They’re in the back room to your right.”

“Thank you,” Janet said.

They walked toward the back room. She glanced at the people sitting at each table or booth and didn’t see a familiar face. Ever since she joined the FMI team, she had become more aware of people in public places, devious people wanting to do harm to her and the FMI agents. When they walked into the other section of the restaurant, Janet saw the FMI team sitting at a table to their far right about twenty feet away. The only other people in the room were a middle-aged man and woman sitting at a booth near the archway between the two rooms.

Frank waved his arms in front of him, acknowledging their presence.

Janet and Simon sat at the table next to each other. The waitress walked up to the table and wrote down their orders. After she left, Simon said, “Detective Rhodes, the lead detective, didn’t have any leads to the cause of the deaths or who was possibly responsible for their deaths.”

“Like we said on the plane,” Frank said, “this is our normal presentation of mysterious, undetermined medical deaths.”

“You’re right,” Simon said as he poured coffee into Janet’s empty coffee cup. He then poured coffee into his cup. “The agenda for tomorrow will be this: Frank and Jean will interview two of the victims’ immediate families. Janet and Iwill interview the next two victims’ families. Whoever is done first will interview the fifth victim’s family. We’ll then do the same at the victim’s place of employment. Pretty much our normal protocol for investigating mysterious deaths. We need to find a common thread connecting these deaths. As for Danny, I want you to check the victims’ social media sites for anything that might connect these victims’ deaths.”

After finishing dinner, they all walked back to the hotel. Simon asked everyone if they wanted to go to the hotel lounge for a nightcap before retiring to bed. Everyone declined except Janet. Simon stopped at the front desk to check in and get his room’s cardkey. They then walked into the lounge and sat at a table. Simon ordered drinks for them. “This will be your third case with FMI.”

“Hard to believe. Seems like I’ve been doing this for quite a while, not almost two weeks.”

“To be exact, you started working with us twelve days and…”Simon glanced at his watch, “…eleven and a half hours ago. I rounded off the minutes and seconds. You’ve been an FMI agent for seven days and about seven hours.”

“You sure seem to keep track of me.”

“Just part of my job, ma’am…just part of my job.”

Janet laughed along with Simon. She couldn’t have asked for a better partner, and one she cared about deeply. Within ten minutes they finished their drinks.

Simon inconspicuously sighed. “Would you like to come back to my room?”


Her heart raced, as it seemed to pound against her chest wall. She was anxious to be in the arms of a man she dearly cared for. As they walked down the hallway, her breathing increased as her body ached passionately for Simon’s body to be pressing against hers.

Simon removed his cardkey from his pocket, stopped in front of his hotel room and slid the cardkey into the door lock.

The TV was on, as were the room lights. Someone was in the room.






medical thriller, death agents, federal medical investigators, ESP abilities, supernatural medical investigators


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#Nonfiction #Action/Adventure

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