Deadly Seizures Author: G. L. Didaleusky

Deadly Seizures: Deadly Seizures takes the Federal Medical Investigators, who possess different ESP powers, on a quest to solve mysterious deaths of six cavers.

#Thriller #Suspense

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BLURB: Deadly Seizures


Deadly Seizures is the second book in the series called Death Agents. The mission of the Federal Medical Investigators (FMI) agents is to investigate unsolved medical related deaths in the United States. Each of the agents have their own unique supernatural, ESP powers and together they search for the cause of these unsolved deaths. The agents’ newest case is in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania where six cave explorers die mysteriously inside a cave. Chief agent, Simon Woods, M.D., Agent Janet Bennett, newly acquired former Marion County Sheriff Detective and the rest of the FMI agents search for the cause of the cavers’ deaths before other people die… including them. Hidden amorous feelings between Simon and Janet intertwines with potential death-defying events leading to an unexpected climatic ending.


EXCERPT: Deadly Seizures


She rotated her head, stretching the muscles in her neck as she raised her shoulders. She heard and felt a nonpainful click in the back of her neck.

Simon glanced at Janet. “Looks like you need a shoulder and neck massage.”

“Know someone who’s good at it?”

She stared a Simon’s hands holding the steering wheel. She knew they were soft, non-calloused hands, probably capable of caressing tightened muscles, like her neck and shoulder muscles. Her face felt as if a heat lamp passed across it. Janet, this isn’t the time for these thoughts. Get ahold of yourself.

The corner of Simon’s closed lips raised. He then said, “Matter of fact I do. I charge by the minute.”

They both laughed.

The lateral aspect of Janet’s abdominal muscles spasmed from her burst of laughter. She leaned forward pressing against her side to relieve the spasm. Tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks. She now leaned back in her seat, rubbing the tears from her face with the back of her hands. “I’ve said this before. I love this job. Being an agent of FMI, there’s suspense, adventure, hidden danger, death defying traumatic events and laughter. Plus, we get to solve medical mysteries.”

“I have to agree, there aren’t too many dull moments.”


~ * ~


Their interview with the two employers was unrewarding. Both victims were liked by their employers and fellow employees with no blemishing marks in their personnel files. There wasn’t any change in their work performance or complaints of any medical issues the past few weeks. Simon and Janet got into their vehicle in the parking lot of the satellite company.

Janet picked up the sheet with names of the cavers’ employers. “I wonder how Frank and Jean are doing? I’ll give ‘em a call.”

“Good idea.” Simon turned the vehicle on along with the air conditioning. Inside the vehicle, the temperature had to be in the nineties from the relentless rays of the sun.

“Hi, Frank. How you guys doing?”

“We completed four employers. One more to go. So far, there hasn’t been anything out of the ordinary. No smoking guns. Only water pistols. Any leads at your end?”

“Maybe. We think Brighton Research isn’t telling us the complete truth about two of the victims, Rhode and Whitman.”

“Why do you think that?”

“We believe there hiding something, something relevant to the deaths of the cavers. It’s like The Circle, suspicion but no hard evidence to prosecute.”

“Jean and I are a few blocks away from the last employer on our list. We’ll call you when we’re done. Talk to you then. Bye.”

“Bye.” She glanced out the side window at a billboard with a guy standing with his hands on the handle of two revolvers secured inside a leather scrolled western two-gun belt holster. Beside the image it read, “Need a private investigator? Call Sam Lawless. 717-555-3290.” Janet chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

She told him about the billboard. “It sounds like this guy will get the job done one way or another. Maybe we should hire him?”

“You seem to handle situations and your Glock just fine. The flower shop comes to mind. We don’t need anyone else.”





supernatural powers, ESP, Unexplained deadly seizures, foreshadowing visions, Death Agents, Federal Medical Investigators.



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#Thriller #Suspense

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