First Chapter Harris’ Reckless Heart

Chapter One

Scottish Highlands 1757

Music played. Harris Frasier’s foot tapped in time to the lively tune of the bagpipes. She watched Ashton whirl her sister-in-law, Maisie, around the dance floor. Hawk, Maisie’s husband, leaned, one hip on a table watching the pair. The scowl on his forehead told Harris her brother was not pleased. He was just like all the males in Clan Chaton, possessive. What did he have to be worried about? Maisie was madly in love with her husband. Theirs was the type of love Harris wished for herself. She wondered who Ash would dance with next. Another sister-in-law or someone from the village.

The wedding tonight was celebrating Roc’s marriage to Lainie. Just like Kit’s wife, Lainie came from another time. Lainie arrived from the future. Somehow in Roc’s life…well…if Lainie had not returned they would be fated to never find their one true love. Harris swallowed the lump in her throat, turning away from the dancers. She could not bear to watch the scene. As the days ticked by in her life, she often wondered if she would find her mate. A year ago, she thought Ash would be that man. Now, she wasn’t certain. He didn’t act like a man infatuated with her. She wanted to see that look in his eyes. The same look Roc sent Lainie. The same one Hawk sent Maisie.

Harris wandered outside to the gardens needing to find a respite from the celebrations. Her head ached with all the questions swirling in the muddied depths. Since Ash returned, he’d acted standoffish, aloof. True, she would never let him get too close. She was afraid if she did allow him to kiss her, hold her as he’d done in the past, she wouldn’t be able to think one coherent thought. She would give in to his bold maneuvers. Ones he knew would have her melting at his feet. She didn’t wish to melt in a pool on the floor in front of him. Harris needed her feet firmly planted when she was with the man.

Not that she didn’t want her brother and Lainie to be happy. She looked back to the hall. Light filtered out from the open doorway. Her mother along with the other women would be taking Lainie to the tower soon. The men would bring Roc after a signal that all was finished. She couldn’t go with the women because she was still a virgin, unmarried.

A long-drawn-out breath of air left her trembling lips as she turned to continue her walk down the path. In her case, she was trying to figure out what made her happy. Ashton told her he wanted to marry her. Harris didn’t know if she should believe him. The man was Sassenach. He was assigned to the highlands. All Sassenach despised the highlanders. Highlanders reciprocated the notion. Highlanders could not abide Sassenach. Her cousin, Crissie, wed a Sassenach. They were happy. At least it seemed that way when they came to visit. They had two children now. There might be another on the way.

She searched for her mate. Had to find the man who would be hers…had been hers in the past. How the devil could Ashton Wolcott be her mate? She didn’t feel the connection as she thought she should. There was no mind changing event that told her the man was hers into eternity. Stopping in front of a rose bush, Harris plucked a flower. Touched the soft velvet of the petals to her cheek. “So soft,” she murmured thinking about all the things Ashton told her after he kissed her that first time.

She found she wanted more from him. Acted the outrageous flirt to his arrogant confidence. Thought the world was hers to explore. So, she teased him, challenged when she should have backed off.

A little over a year ago, she made a huge mistake. She ran after Ash when he was leaving Scotland. Harris understood she should have let the man ride away. Watched his back as he disappeared. She didn’t. That day he’d been angry. Harris didn’t understand the reasons. He always kept his feelings about her bottled up inside. Knowing he’d be gone for months, she had to see him one last time. So afraid he would never return, she…she made a fool of herself.

He told her he would give her a woman’s pleasure. As usual the man never asked if that’s what she wanted. He seduced her into believing what he wanted was what she wanted. That day while she watched the leaves above her flutter with the soft breeze blowing through the glen, she let him have his way. He made her promise she would not see another man. Told her she was his. Told her she must wait for his return. After that he left her.

The blasted man didn’t think the vow went both ways. This was something she couldn’t forgive. Harris wished for a partner who would not chase skirts or keep a mistress. Who would be satisfied with the woman he married. After his return from England, they spoke. Ash wanted to know if she kept her promise to him. Of course, she did. She didn’t want to allow any other man to touch her, kiss her.

When she asked him if he kept the same vow, he stared at her, his brows furrowed. After that he said, “I didn’t promise anything.”

His words were harsh. He turned from her, walking away for a few tense seconds. While she stared at his back, he stood stiff as if stunned by her question. After he turned, his face was blank.

Harris’ heart hurt. She turned from him unable to accept the salient fact he was sleeping with other women. If she wasn’t enough woman for him, she didn’t want to have anything more to do with him. She didn’t let him kiss her. That wasn’t the only reason. Harris understood if she allowed him to get close to her, she would give him whatever he asked for. In doing so, she would betray herself. She couldn’t do that. Would never become his pawn.

Keeping her distance was imperative for her peace of mind. She sipped in a deep breath, smelling the tantalizing aroma of the rose she held in her hand. Inside the castle, brilliant lights cast shadows on the grounds. She held the rose to her breast wishing she dared trust Ash. More than anything else, she wished she could.

In the weeks following the incident at the cave that left her brother along with Lainie wounded, Ash did keep his distance. Harris tried to confide with Laine. Roc intervened, threatening Ash with violence. Despite her deep-seated anger with Ash, she didn’t wish for her brother to hurt him. Harris needed her fears assuaged so she could move on. Ash never explained himself.

Who was she kidding? Ash was capable of defending himself. He didn’t need her intervention. Because of Ash’s size, Roc didn’t stand a chance in a fair fight against Ash.

Harris supposed she should return to the wedding festivities. If she didn’t show her face soon, someone, Ash, would come looking for her. Getting caught alone in the garden by Ash would be difficult to explain. Her brothers along with her cousins were protective of her. As was every encounter she had with the man. Alone or with company, he had this icy way of staring at her. The blue of his eyes filled with thoughts she would never understand. Harris didn’t appreciate how he could say he wanted her then look at her without warmth.

Harris shivered. Wrapped her arms around herself.

She didn’t wish to return to the McKenna keep. Didn’t want to have Ash confront her. Dancing with him would put her in too close proximity for her to think straight. There were places he could take her so they would be alone. Harris didn’t want that either. She couldn’t be alone with him without coming out of the experience damaged in some way.

The last two weeks he tried to get her by herself on numerous occasions. So far, she’d been successful by surrounding herself with friends as well as family. As the days passed, it was only a matter of when, not if, she would find herself in his arms again. She passed her tongue across her dry lips. Looking at the man made her heart beat faster, made her remember that shattering climax she felt in his arms over a year ago. That day, Ash didn’t take her virginity. He stole her dignity. Her pride. Robbed her in part of her purity. In too many respects, her innocence vanished that day along with her pride.

After the single experience with him, she would never be the same. She was no longer innocent. He stole that from her, too. Harris sank to her knees before sitting on the grass, staring at the star-studded sky above. Once, not so long ago she believed in fairytales, in dreams coming true.

Ash never told her why he was leaving. Something about being called home. Elaborating was not something Ash did when it came to himself. He expected her to trust without explanations. Now, he was back. That was the problem as well as the blessing. Harris wasn’t certain which was the case. Night and day, he left her guessing as to his plans. A week ago, he told her that he would again have to leave soon. He couldn’t stay here until she stopped acting like a petulant child telling her she sulked. He didn’t elaborate about his imminent departure. Harris supposed he thought her childlike behavior was because she wouldn’t obey all his mannish orders. For all she cared, the man could go to the devil.

The snort she emitted was far from ladylike. Running her hand along the soft grass rifled through her senses. Harris couldn’t help what she felt. Ash didn’t have the right to call her names. He didn’t commit to her. Didn’t ask her to marry him. Except that he did ask…once. Never told her he loved her.

Love was something she needed. Wanted. Desired. Even prayed for.

Ash said he was going back to England. Told her she was coming with him. Harris had something to say about that notion. This was a choice about her life she would make. He would need to do something nice to compel her to return with him. Nice, as in marry her at the keep in front of her family along with her best friends. Next week would not be too soon. The women were adept at managing quick weddings. This would never be a hardship.

When he told her that wasn’t going to happen. She wanted to toss her wine in his face. His reasons for leaving were not compelling. She would continue to tell him no until he gave in to her wishes. In this one thing, Harris meant to have her way. It wasn’t right or fair that he would order her life around him to suit him. He never asked. Wasn’t this something that should involve a conversation?

He told her she was acting like a little girl, pouting because she didn’t get her way. Harris didn’t see this ongoing drama in the same light. She had a right to her feelings. It was only fair that he listened to her. Understood her needs. The devil, he was so closed off. Didn’t he understand about discussing something?

A shadow passed across her. She looked up. No!

Harris jumped to her feet, her heart flying to her throat. The rose she held fell to the grass. Petals falling around her. “Who is it?”

She didn’t know why she asked. She knew who the man was.

“Only me,” Ash said, his tone gentle. “You’ve nothing to be afraid of. Know I won’t hurt you.” He stepped toward her, shortening the distance between them. He reached out to her before dropping his hands to his sides.

Ash stood too close. Harris caught the spicy tang that was his scent. Backing away she ran into a trellis. Felt a few thorns from the rosebush prick her back. If she moved forward, she would be far too close to him. “You were dancing.”

In a masculine gesture, he lifted his massive shoulders. He was tall. Way too tall. “Missed you. Was going to ask you for the next dance. Your mother told me she saw you wander outside. Decided I would follow. Hear the music?” Ash looked over his shoulder. Held out his hands. “We could dance here.”

“Mother gave me away?”

Why? Harris didn’t understand why her mother would send Ash to find her. Her mother knew she didn’t want to be alone with this man who twisted her heart every which way.

“Because.” Again, Ash lifted his broad shoulders in a lazy shrug. He stared at her, his gaze penetrating, uncovering parts of her she didn’t want him to understand. “She wants us to talk. To figure out what we want. We both know we won’t see eye-to-eye. So…” He paused while he gazed at her with his clear blue eyes. “So…” Ash dipped his shoulder to her waist.

Before she could counter his words with the truth. He spoke again. She was atop his shoulder. What? They would never agree on anything. His long strides were taking them from the keep. “What are you doing?” Before it was too late, she should scream. Her voice wouldn’t work. She tried to wiggle off his shoulder. Pounded on his back with her fists. A strangled soft, “Stop,” let her mouth. The words were so weak no one would hear.

“Taking you with me. Have to go. Waited for you as long as I could. You are far too stubborn.”

Perched on his shoulder, she tried to look up. Pushed on his hard back to see around him. “You can’t. Where? You can’t do this!”

Her mother and father would have his head. Her brothers would tar and feather his big hide.

“Tried to do everything your way. Ran out of time.”

He jostled her so she wouldn’t work her way off and fall to the ground. She didn’t want to land head side down. “Put me down!” Harris understood the words were wasted on the uncompromising man. They were going out the big gate. Soon it would be too late to scream. The devil, no one would hear her shriek over the bagpipes.


“Ash,” she paused while she tried to think of words that might sway him to tell her what was happening.

“I’ve both your mother’s and your father’s permission. If you’re worried about your brothers rescuing you, think again. They both know what will happen. Since that day at the cave, they’ve known all about me.” There was an inevitable silence while she tried to digest what he said. “As well as their blessing.”



“What are you talking about?”

Ash stopped. Just as she was snatched off his shoulder, she tumbled to a seat in a carriage. She tried to rush past him, the need to escape overwhelming.

He stopped her. “Not so fast, love. You aren’t going anywhere except with me.” Ash stepped inside before sitting down across from her. He thumped on the ceiling. The coach picked up speed.

His last words were an outright lie. Harris understood she could try for the door. Try…he would stop her if that was what he wished. Ash never used brute force on her. She felt as if he did just now.

“Seems I am…”

Harris retorted, a glower of displeasure crinkling the lines around her eyes. She scowled at him even though she felt certain he wouldn’t be able to see the expression of disdain she shot him. Tempted to stick out her tongue, she restrained herself.

“Imagine so.”

Unable to do anything else, she leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. Impatient for him to explain, she tapped her foot on the floor. “I’m waiting.”

“As I did for several weeks. Now we’re doing this my way. I’m going to London. You are traveling with me. After that we will move on to my country home. I’ve business that cannot wait for your petulance to vanish.”

Harris felt his lopsided smile to the tips of her toes even though she couldn’t see the smirk. He was grinning from ear to ear, pleased with his accomplishment. She hated being small. Despised not having the strength to get her way. If she were his size, this would not be happening.

“You’re abducting me? Against my will? Isn’t that against the law? If it’s not, it should be. Should be a hanging offense.”

As soon as the words left her lips, she understood them for the truth. Ash couldn’t get her to leave with him by his sweet-talking ways. He had to result to force.

“For yours as well as my best interest. For our future.”

“That’s your opinion.”


Harris knew his grin was growing. “I object.” She told him.

He wouldn’t heed her two words. She found herself shaking her head at him. “Don’t have clothes.” Harris understood he wouldn’t mind if she wore nothing.

“Your mother packed what you would need for the next few days. They will bring or send the rest in the next week when there is more time. I will buy you anything you might need.”

Mother packed my clothes?

She was pouting. Sulking all the way to the tips of her toes. Ash had an answer for everything. “As soon as we stop, I’m going to find a means—”

“You can try.” He was quick to say the words as if nothing she did would work.

If necessary, she would shift. In her cat form, he wouldn’t be able to keep up with her. At night they wouldn’t be able to travel far. The distance wouldn’t be so great she wouldn’t be able to get home on her own. The pure confidence she heard in his voice made her angry. She could try. Of course, she would try. She didn’t wish to go with him to England or anywhere else. Had told him numerous times she wouldn’t. He never listened.

“I will,” she blurted before she realized she should not have said anything. Why give him a reason to watch her. She was an idiot. Should have surprised him with the deed. Caught him off guard with the effort.

“You can try.”

The sheer fact he repeated himself set her on edge. Her nerves seemed to unravel more with each passing beat of her heart. The fact he discounted all her feelings set her teeth grating. She wasn’t going to get over this transgression anytime soon. Somehow, she would set the record straight.

“Let’s start over.”

This train of conversation wasn’t getting her the information she wanted as well as needed. Though Harris felt certain her guesses would pretty much be right on the mark.

“Good idea. Where do you want to begin? I’m more than willing to talk. Would be much better than the silence of last week. Speech between us is good. Unusual but good.” Ash stretched out his long legs that took up most of the space between the two seats.

“You are taking me to your home. Which one?”

“As I said a moment ago if you cared to listen, the country estate in Dover. We will stop in London first.” He crossed his legs then his arms, his pose relaxed, negligent, all powerful. Male.

“Was that so hard?” she asked her words coated with sugar. “I don’t want to go. I’m telling you no. Take me home.”

“That’s too bad. You don’t have a choice.”


“You’re going to marry me,” he said the words with no expression. “We will have a life together. Raise children. Love one another. All that…”

“Don’t I need to agree?”


Harris didn’t understand how his confidence seemed to overshadow her words. She was negative to his suggestion. He must understand that fact. “So, you are going to force me. Don’t see how you can do that. A preacher would never marry us if I say no at the altar.”

“Let’s just say, I will change your mind.”

He sat up. Pushed his too long hair from his face.

“You can’t.”

Well…he could. Harris didn’t believe he would spout tender words of undying devotion or love. A few words of love would, indeed, change her mind toward him. I love you, Harris, would change everything. She didn’t believe that would happen.

“You want me, want that wonderful climax my fingers seduced from you a little over a year past. Remember? Admit it, Harris. You are just being obstinate.”

Seems he cut to the chase. Yes, what he claimed was true. She wasn’t going to tell him so. There was more to a lasting relationship than a climax. “No, you’re wrong. There was nothing special about that afternoon.”


All he said was true. She wanted what he could give her. Nevertheless, she also needed what he couldn’t give her. His love. “I’m not going to settle.”

At that juncture, Ash closed his eyes. By his silence he was telling her speaking with a child-woman as he often called her was a waste of good time. Harris stared out the window. After that she focused on Ash; at his chest, down his torso, to his feet then back. He was her dream of a man.

For several seconds as the coach rumbled down the road, she turned her attention on his lips. They were firm, sensual. His jaw strong. His nose straight. Since he returned to Coronach, he had kissed her a few times. Whenever possible she resisted the emotions he ignited in her along with the way he commandeered her body. Harris didn’t want to like the man.

The heat he ignited.

Dragons seemed to shoot fire into places she’d rather not think about. She fumbled with her skirts. Rubbed her hands down her arms. The night was growing chilly. She needed a coat or a blanket. His chest moved up then down with the easy breathing of sleep. His eyes twitched. Was he asleep while she roamed his body with her gaze, wishing he didn’t see other women when she should be the only one?



Sharing her man wasn’t possible.

Her fingers feeling like icicles, Harris began her search for a blanket in earnest. There must be something. After looking beneath her seat, she turned her attention to the space beneath Ash. One knee was bent, the other stretched out to the opposite side of the coach. She was kneeling on the floor, between his legs. Her face was at his crotch as her fingers searched the drawers beneath him. She gulped. Years had gone by since she saw her brothers naked. He would have… Her cheek almost touched…


This whole unannounced ride was bad planning on his part. He swept her from the garden in the gown she wore at her brother’s wedding without a thought for her comfort. If she didn’t find something soon, she was going to freeze to death. She gave the area one last swipe with her hands. Bumped his thigh with her chin. Looked up.

The devil.

What she wasn’t looking for was to see him wide awake, a smile forming on his lips. Heat flooded her. Silence circled around her, threatening more mortification if she could come up with a satisfying reason for being here.

Where she was.

She wasn’t.

Couldn’t be between his long muscular legs, her chin almost on his…

“Looking for something?” The low husky timbre of his voice shocked her. There was humor to his tone. “I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.” His deep base chuckle sent vibrations thrumming.

Harris didn’t see anything humorous about this situation. Her chin rested a bit above his thigh. She swallowed down the lump of surprise. “You…you’re awake.”

“Never been asleep.”

“Is this new position, kneeling at my feet, something I would be pleased with? Are you asking forgiveness or praying? You seemed to spend a great deal of time staring at my crotch. If you say the right words…” He cleared his throat. “Never mind.”

Her face flamed more. How could he be so insincere? “Why would I do that? Stare at you…your…your…?”

“Crotch?” he added to her thoughts.

“No…well…don’t mean…” She pushed back giving herself much needed distance feeling disjointed. Awkward.

“Why don’t you tell me why you are on your knees staring at my crotch. Could be an interesting story. Would you tell the truth? Would you concoct an interesting tale? Hmmm….”

“I wasn’t…staring there.” If she could disappear without a trace, she would do so right this instant.

“If not staring, what were you up to?”

He sat up, catching her chin in his hand. His thumb brushed across her bottom lip, once, twice.

The touch seared… She was shaking. Trembling. “I’m cold. Looking for a blanket.” Take that you over…you arrogant Sassenach. “You ripped me from the festivities without a shawl or anything to cover myself.”

I’m not staring at your male parts. You just wish.

I do wish.

She wondered if the shock on her face showed. How did he know what I was thinking?

Ash patted the seat beside him before stretching out his arm. “I can keep you warm. Come here.”

He could do that. Heat her body to an inferno. She wasn’t about to give him that opportunity. Harris recalled how she burned when he touched her, stroked places on her body that sent a tempest boiling in her blood. She couldn’t give in to her hunger. Wouldn’t let him badger her into doing so.


“Ah…well…a man can hope.”

Not too many seconds passed before his frock coat was settled around her shoulders. Even with the coat gone from his broad shoulders, he was covered in more clothing than she wore. Harris pulled the lapels close around her. The coat smelled of Ash. The tangy spice he wore.

“Not going to give anything away about your feelings? Can’t compromise even when your lips along with your fingers are blue. If you sat next to me, you would be much warmer.” Ash settled back against the seat again. “We’ll be at our first stop in a bit. You can warm up there. If you wish, I’ll order a hot bath.”

Harris found her breath, after that another resounding no. Both of them knew if he closed that distance, if she was curious about his plans. If he expected her to sleep with him, he needed to readjust his thinking cap. As long as he kept his distance, she would be able to tell him no. If he kissed her once, she would be a liquid puddle at his big feet. Would melt all over him just like warm honey. So far, it didn’t seem he meant to do any of those things.

“I’m fine now,” Harris told Ash through her chattering teeth.

She didn’t know when the temperature dropped to frigid. “A warm bath would be nice as long as you give me privacy.”

Harris didn’t know what he expected. How he planned to move forward. The man would have to understand her feelings about the abduction.

“If you think so, I won’t bother to argue. If you get any colder, your shaking is going to turn over the carriage.”

Ash opened his arms again as if she would jump at the chance to have him warm her up. Harris turned her head away.

Pulling his coat closer she settled into the seat. The large coat held the promise of the man. She breathed in deep, enjoying the semi-closeness. This was as close as she meant to get to him. It didn’t matter what he said or how he cajoled.

Harris had a plan. She would not be with him after he fell asleep. She was going to leave. Tonight.

~ * ~

Leaving Harris over a year ago was the hardest thing he’d ever done. Bloody eyes, he never wanted to leave the woman behind. She had a penchant for trouble. Acted with little to no thought. Had not intended to be gone for more than a year. For him, there’d been no choice. His father fell ill. The older brother who was supposed to inherit the title couldn’t be bothered with anything except himself along with his newest lady-bird. Chandler was the family reprobate. He gambled. Drank too much. Spent a fortune on each new mistress. Thought the family’s wealth was infinite.

When his father’s butler wrote begging him to return, he had no choice except to stop what he was doing and come home. Ash didn’t waste any time selling his commission. As a younger son, it had been expected for him to serve his country. He spent five years in the Scottish Highlands. Those years…much of the time was used to protect Clan Chaton. Some members of the clan were reckless. Some a bit wild. As the years passed, they became more cautious. The posters asking for information about the shifters were numerous. Ash burned everyone he found.

In doing so he met Harris. She was young. Beautiful. Vivacious. So flirtatious he had a difficult time resisting her. Until he could not. When he left, she’d been seventeen and full of herself. Harris. He should have taken her with him. Doing so would have been so much easier than leaving her behind.

Harris. His mate. She didn’t know that pertinent fact. Had failed to recognize the signs or the potent surge of hunger between them. He’d known her in other lives. Would know more to follow. She would learn. Ash never told her. He wanted her to figure it out for herself. So far, she’d not done so.

She was the spoiled younger sister of two doting brothers. Before he left, she taunted him with the name of another man. Told him if she felt like seeing him, she would. Those few words were his nightmare for over a year. If she saw this man, it would change nothing. She was still his mate. Ash was surprised when he returned to find her working at her oldest brother’s office as a doctor’s assistant. Hawk told him she was good at what she did. Her stitches were neat as well as small.

At first Ash thought Hawk talked about needlepoint or sewing dresses. He couldn’t figure out how she was good in his office. Hawk was a doctor. He didn’t believe the Frasier women sewed their clothing. He was certain they went to the village modiste. Doubted if Harris ever sat down long enough to enjoy needlepoint. Ash was also surprised when he discovered Hawk was talking about stitching his patients. Her brother along with her cousin went into enough details he was left with no doubts she was useful at the office. When he realized what she did, he felt proud of her.

Well, his Harris was still full of herself, still spoiled thinking she could have her way in everything. She could have her way with him anytime she wished as long as he agreed. The woman was a fighter. She was courageous. At times, too brave. Willful. Spoiled. He kept coming back to the spoiled part of her character. She wasn’t ready to become his wife though if he had his way that was going to happen in a month. The banns would be read as soon as they reached his home in Dover. Her parents along with some of her family would arrive in two to three weeks with the rest of her things. Convincing her this was right would be a formidable task. He smiled. That was what the three weeks were for.

Convincing. Courting. He’d never had the chance to court, romance or anything else with her.

Ash knew he had his work cut out for him. If he told her the truth about his nonexistent sexual activities, she would believe he was lying. His silence cut deep. She wasn’t going to forgive that moment when she took him by surprise, left him speechless. Bedeviled by her accusations, he’d not had words to utter in his defense.

Bottom line, Harris needed to learn to trust him. She thought his silence about seeing other women convicted him of the crime. What she didn’t understand was that he was too dumbfounded by her inquiry to answer. By the time she made her lack of trust in him clear, he decided silence was the best way to proceed. He was hurt by her indictment as well as her lack of faith. He was celibate now for the two years he’d known her. The brief time they had together the day he left, took all his restraint to keep from making love to her. She was right to deny him. Harris wasn’t ready for sex then and he wasn’t positive she was now either. He never wanted to risk leaving her with child. Despite her unwillingness to travel, this visit he had to take her with him. Had to bind her in marriage. He couldn’t take the risk of her seeing or becoming attached to another man. She was so damn irresistible. Beautiful.

Ash remembered their first encounter. Even though he wore the red and white uniform of a hated English soldier, she flirted with him. Lowered her sooty lashes only to open them wide to show him the silver-blue of her gorgeous eyes. Tossed her hair over her shoulder then had the audacity to wink at him. Did he recall she was flirtatious? The little minx.

He was certain he lost his heart to her the first time she flashed him her signature smile. As if she was a siren, she beckoned to him. Called his name. His body jerked to attention every time he was with her. Ash knew from the first encounter with the pretty girl sashaying her hips as she walked in front of him, she was his mate. What he didn’t know at the time was that she was also a shifter. As to this point in time, Ash didn’t believe she knew he had the ability to shift. Her brothers knew. That very fact gave him the needed advantage if she tried to shift and run back home. She believed she would outrun him. Impossible.

Their first kiss was in the alley between an inn and the local printer’s shop. She teased him as they walked together. When they reached the alley, he pulled her into the sheltered privacy. His hands on either side of her face held her still. He captured her mouth, touched her until she made this throaty beautiful sound in the back of her throat. It was all he could do to stop himself from taking everything she offered. He found out later the printing shop belonged to her middle brother, Cameron. Lainie was the only one who called him Roc, which was a short version of his middle name.

That kiss was memorable. He held the short moments close to his heart. There would be more kisses. Thoughts of that first time still held him spellbound. Harris didn’t know the first thing about kissing. She learned. It did not take long for her to flash her pretty smile then get what she asked for. Until that day in the glen, he only kissed her. On the day he left, he needed to show her all he could give her. Needed to bind her to him in ways she would never be able to deny. Ash needed for her to remember how she felt when he loved her, touched her with the intimacy they needed for the rest of their lives.

Roc was the brother getting married tonight. Ash closed his eyes, wondering what plans Harris had for escaping him. He understood she would try. Told him as much. Harris had not been given a choice to come with him. She was with him because of brute force. He didn’t appreciate the fact he had to toss her over his shoulder for her to accompany him. What must infuriate her was the simple fact she was with him by her parents’ permission. Harris would feel betrayed.

That day, the first time he left Coronach, Harris ran after him. She’d told him she didn’t wish to ride with him. Implied she didn’t want to see him again. That surprised as well as ghosted him the entire time he was in London. He had not expected to see her again until he could return to claim the woman who was supposed to be his wife. The gamble he was taking left him sweating as well as breathless. When he walked with her, kissed her, he was certain she didn’t think of him as her mate. He was. There wasn’t one doubt in his head.

Harris had not wanted to promise him to remain chaste. There was a boy she insinuated who could hold her attention. He was furious at the notion another man would kiss her. That she would allow that. When he seduced her that day in the sun dappled glade, he didn’t take her innocence. He hoped to have that privilege either on his wedding night or when she committed to him. When he claimed her in his clan’s ceremony. As was their custom, he would declare for her before the marriage ritual. The sooner the better was his thoughts on the subject. In doing so she would see their pasts come alive. Then and only then she would understand his persistence.

Watching her with the top of her head close to his crotch, her silken hair brushing across his hands, his thoughts of celibacy where she was concerned vanished. She had no idea what she was doing to him. His attention was directed on her. He clenched his teeth tight then breathed in deep once and once more to calm his raging body.

She might be the death of him before he could slip a ring on her slender finger. Harris had the most beautiful hands. The fingers were long, slender, soft… The nails well-manicured. When she clung to him, her hands sifting through his hair, it was all he could do to keep his deep groan of desire behind his teeth. Since his return, she stayed as far from him as possible. Ash understood what she needed.

Words of love.

When the time was right, he would say the words she wished to hear. Now, he needed for her to return that love. At every turn, she denied him. Fought her feelings. More importantly, he needed her to move away from his crotch. His pants were growing tighter by the second.

Her body was womanly, soft, pliant. She was passionate. Ash knew she wanted him. Could have made love to her, stripped her of all her clothing that day. He felt the same way she did. Leaving her pregnant to face the consequences alone would have been unconscionable. If he’d had courage that day, he would have taken her with him. Set her atop his horse then left. She would have gone willingly. That day, she would have followed him with no coercion, no abduction necessary. Followed him without her parent’s approval.

Harris would try to leave him tonight. They were so close to McKenna land the short distance would be easy for her to navigate. What he didn’t know was how. He thought of as many different possibilities as he could. His mind was a muddled mess. He kept coming back to the notion she would shift to get away. That was a dangerous strategy…for both of them. In the highlands there were still factors at play they must guard against.

If she tried to change shape, she would find out he was also a shifter. While he never meant to keep that bit of information from her, it also was never prudent to divulge a secret too soon. She would need to be his before he wanted to enlighten her.

Harris was his now.

The woman didn’t know it yet. Maybe she did know. If she did realize, she wasn’t accepting.

He smiled. Watching her was like devouring candy. Harris was so full of flavors; spicey, sweet, soft in the center, hard nowhere. She wanted to make all decisions. Needed to control all events. She would learn it would be bloody hard for her to command him. Her parents let her run around the village unchaperoned. Sometimes into the highlands. It was one of those times he first saw her. He was on patrol that day. In her cat form he saw her swimming. Thank the god above he rode ahead of the other soldiers. He was able to lead them away. When he returned to make certain she was alright, she was sunning herself.

Naked. Human form.

The sight remained etched in his head over the years. She’d been young. Her womanly curves just beginning to blossom. Smitten might be an apt way to describe the sight of her. Furious at her stupidity might be another description.

After that, he kept an eye on her. When she flirted with him, he couldn’t resist her. Two weeks passed before he was able to spend a few moments with her. Her spontaneity delighted him. She was never boring. Kept him on edge. Still did.

When he looked up, Harris was staring at him, playing with a long strand of hair that fell from the elaborate chignon that had been created for the wedding. She was twirling the lock between her fingers before examining the ends. Ash didn’t understand. She noticed him looking then dropped the hair.

“Oh,” She lowered her lashes.

Once that was the way she flirted with him. Lowered lashes. Playing with long strands of her hair. Ash wondered if she was after something. Thought to keep him on his toes. She could try to bargain with him. He understood she would like him to turn the carriage around.

“We’re almost there.”

“Where?” she asked, her voice butter soft beguiling in the extreme. She was searching for a means to get her way. An about face seemed to be her first endeavor. Harris meant to lull him with her complacency.

The woman did want to have things done the way she envisioned them. She was willing to do anything to get her way. He wondered if she would go as far as making love with him if she believed he would return her to her family. He could push that idea when they reached their rooms. The thought shot across his brain. “Believe you know where.”

She scowled at him. “What inn?”

“The Witches Inn.” He laughed at her new expression. “It is almost Halloween. You do know they change the name during the month.”

“There is no inn by that name this close to Carnoch. You’re making things up.”

“We are close. Close enough for you to try something. I’m warning you, Harris. If you try to run, I’ll bring you back. You won’t like what comes next. If you do manage to get home before I catch up with you, your father will bring you to me. Suppose we might meet half way. That…would be an incredible waste of my time as well as your father’s. We are both busy men.” Ash thought of running his fingertip along that vertical crease in the middle of her forehead. Smooth it out. Perhaps ease the tension.

“Did I tell you I don’t want to be here?” she asked, her voice petulant with her annoyance. “Doesn’t that make a difference? Force doesn’t become you.” She fell back into the sulk mode.

If Harris intended to look sullen for the rest of the trip, that was her prerogative. While he did care, he didn’t have a means to put an end to the grump in her voice. Would love to trace his finger along her bottom lip. Encourage her to smile. Scintillate all her senses until she begged for his kiss.

“Yes, you told me. In this situation, no, what you wish for doesn’t concern me. From this point on, we will do this all my way.”

The coach rolled to a stop. Ash jumped out to give her a hand down. She stumbled when she tried to dismount the carriage by herself. His hands caught her by her waist. She fell against him. He swore. Held her for several seconds that didn’t need counting for him to feel her precious curves flush against him. Something he needed to avoid for a while. Harris was so right for him. Fit him to perfection. His nerves screeched, raced with anticipation of more delights.

Holding her elbow, he escorted her to the inn. Nodded to the man in the front. “Bobo.”

Bobo tossed him the keys. “A bath along with a bottle of wine. Perhaps a small plate of cheese.” Ash turned to Harris. “Are you hungry?”

“I overate at the celebration feast.” She was still in a sulk.

“I’m famished.” Ash would rather devour Harris than the cheese board that would be sent up to the rooms. Thought if he could get enough wine down her throat, she would fall asleep. Hoped when that happened, he could rest and not worry about her slipping out in the middle of the night. He resigned himself to a sleepless night. He could always sleep in the carriage tomorrow.

“Should have stayed to partake of the meal rather than kidnapping me. If you’d done that you wouldn’t be so hungry.”

Bobo grinned. He too had been warned about the possibilities of tonight. Harris would take flight. The man was on duty until the wee hours of the morning. How and when were the only questions. Ash bent down close to her ear. “You can try.”

Harris stiffened. Tilted her chin.

“You won’t get very far.”

She still didn’t speak. Her back stiffened. That pointed little chin of hers went up even higher.

“There are twenty miles you will have to run. Flee if you wish… Are you that afraid of me…of us? What we can have together if you allow us…” Ash left the sentence hanging in the air. “Let’s get you that hot bath. Some wine inside your stomach to relax you as well as warm that chill that keeps you quivering. A wee bit of food to blend with the wine.”

“A hot bath would be nice.” She slipped out of his frock coat, handing it to him. All so prim and proper, she spoke. “Thank you.”

“Yes, it would. The door will stay open. As long as I hear you splashing, I won’t come in to see if you are still in the room. I’ll give you privacy. Unless…”

Wrenching her elbow from his grasp, she lifted her skirts then hurried up the stairs. Fascinated with her pert bottom, Ash watched the provocative display. Every now and then, he caught the view of a slender ankle.

“Fine…very fine… You did find a pretty one.” Bobo said with a grin as he also observed her display of pique. “Think you can keep up with the lass? She’s spirited. High-strung. Going to keep you panting. Run you a merry chase.”

Ash nodded then followed in her wake to discover her standing at the top of the stairs studying the closed doors.

“Waited for me? That was full of thought.”

He almost laughed at her when she grunted. Harris wouldn’t know which room was theirs. Rooms, he amended. They would only use one door. The other one he had Bobo lock it from the outside as well as the inside. When she tried to run, she would have to go through his room. That fact gave him a needed edge. He slept light. His years in his majesty’s service taught him to sleep with eyes as well as ears open.

The small bag her mother packed for the trip arrived. After that the hot water for the bath was brought to the room. The bottle of wine along with the cheese board appeared next. He poured her a glass of wine. Brought it into the room he told her was hers for the evening.

“What’s wrong?” Ash was looking at the well-known scowl. This time the expression was different. He realized as if she hit him in the gut, she couldn’t get out of her gown by herself. When he walked in with the glasses, her arms were behind her back, her breasts taking center stage in a provocative fight with the fastenings behind her. In his line of sight, they were pushed out…so tempting. If he didn’t know better, he would think they were begging for his attention.

“As if you didn’t know.”

“Not at first. Had to study your provocative body posture. Would you like help?” Ash was thinking the line of her spine would be a delight to trace with his lips. All the way down to the crack between her delicious backside.

“You…!” Harris fumed her shoulders shaking. Her bottom lip quivered. “Alright. It’s the only way I can get out of this gown. Don’t touch!”

Of course he would touch. A brush of his knuckles here then there. Tiny shivers from her body. A bit of foreplay that wouldn’t amount to anything except making her want him. He wouldn’t be able to touch to see how wet those few caresses would make her. It was just as well. She wasn’t ready for anything intimate between them. He wasn’t a gambling man. Didn’t want to stake his future on one moment of bad judgment.

Ash studied her trying to decide if there was anything he could say that might diffuse some of her anger. “Would never dream of touching you, love. Last thing I want or need. You’re too bloody prickly tonight. Have been since I returned. To think I believed you would be pleased to see me. Found how far from the truth my thoughts roamed. All my dreams of a wonderful reunion shattered to pieces.”

With a loud splutter she turned her back to him, holding the corsage as if he’d unfastened everything holding her together and the gown was about to reveal all her luscious curves. He expected Harris to call him out on his lie. She didn’t. That was another point of confusion for Ash. She ran hot then cold. The little woman confounded him. Never knew what to expect. Didn’t know how to handle the confusing aspects of her piques. Women were so damn hard to understand.

Ash proceeded as planned. He meant to tease a few emotions from her. Needed to tempt her passion. See if he could seduce her. The first caress brought a shiver to her slender shoulders coupled with a small gasp followed with a quiver. The response was encouraging. He thought of another ploy.

“You promised you wouldn’t touch me,” she accused as the tip of his finger settled on one bone. After that the one below then the one lower still. He slid his hand along the contour of her back. Her skin was silken, so soft.

“Never promised a bloody thing, love. Now let me see if I can get you out of the gown then perhaps into the bath, after that your nightgown. Don’t want the water to grow cold now, do we?”

Another touch and a shudder. The brush of his palm on her nape to move long hair away from the fasteners. He let strands slide through his finger, teasing the insides. His gentle seduction continued. She held herself stiff. He understood she was fighting her feelings. Was pleased by her reaction. Felt each small quiver. Caught the scent of aroused woman. His sensual evocative woman.

He stepped back, satisfied with all he accomplished. Ash knew she lied. Understood by the soft sound, the little sighs of pleasure, she wanted him. “There, all finished. Don’t spend too long in the bath. You’ll look like a prune. If you need me, I’ll be in the other room. Call my name.”

Ash sat. Sipped his wine. Heard her skirt swish across the floor when she turned. Listened to the sound of her clothing hitting the rug by the bed. He wondered if she would leave all her clothing there to be picked up by someone else. No one besides her would pick up her discarded clothes. In this she was on her own.

Water splashed onto the floor when her body filled the tub. He hardened. His imagination spun. Blood roared to life. Those sounds could drive a man mad. He reminded himself this might happen every night on their trip south. No, in the future, he would lock her in then go downstairs for a pint of ale coupled with a few laughs with the locals. He wasn’t into torture. His anguish.

After she rose from the bath, he heard everything. Knew when she slipped what would be a virginal night dress over her head. Pictured her sitting in front of the small fire combing her hair. Imagined how the hard tips of her breasts would press against the fabric inviting him to touch.

“Your turn.” She stood in the doorway between the two rooms, the glass of wine he poured her in one hand. She sipped. Backlight from her room highlighted her slender form. Even covered by the thin white fabric he could see the outline of her entire body. She was too beautiful for words. The hard tips of her breast did push against the fabric. Her lush curves were outlined in shadows.

His gut clenched tight. He brought in a large breath of air. Nothing calmed the raging heat searing him. The beast within him was awakened. He was so aroused by this virginal apparition, he ached. Bloody eyes, how was he going to last through this trip into his homeland without benefit of touching her? It might be best if he returned her to her family before she reduced him to a pile of ashes. He could do things her way. Marry her here. To torment him, if he gave in to her wishes of marriage in Carnoch, she would still say no. He had his father to think about. His need to be in England, for him, overshadowed all other desires.

Ash just didn’t have the time now to give her what she wanted. He would tell her as soon as she was willing to listen that in another year, they would return to Carnoch. At that time, if she wished to be married in the traditions of Clan Chaton, he would never protest. While he’d been speaking with her parents, he’d told them he would bring her home. Going back on his word was not an option.

“More wine?” she asked while she walked into the room holding her glass out. Her smile flipped his failing restraint.

Ash tried not to look as he splashed the red liquid into her glass, filling it to the brim. Looking down he saw her bare toes. They were small. Exquisite. Hell, toes weren’t exquisite. They were appendages. Most of the time toes were ugly. His were. Each had hair growing on them. Her toes, he wanted to…wanted to see how they tasted after her bath. He’d never stared at any other female’s toes. Was this some new fetish that would suck him under? Drown him. Incapacitate his mind. He shook off the thoughts to concentrate on this next phase of the evening.

“Is the water still hot?”


As hot as he was at this moment, tepid would do fine. Freezing would be better. “I won’t be long.”

“Don’t hurry on my account.”

“The door is locked.” Harris wasn’t in any shape to run. Not in that nightgown which hid nothing at all. Her feet were bare. The thought of her running around the countryside in that attire left him sweating. No man except him should see her dressed as she was. He fetched in much needed air catching her scent as he did so. Lavender. Woman. He would end up bathing in her fragrance. That was not a bad notion. He needed to learn her scent, memorize it in case she did slip away. It would be easier to find her. He wouldn’t need to search. By her scent he would know where she was.

She tossed him that flirty all or nothing smile that always left him with his gut turning over along with his tongue hanging out, panting. The plans she had would not come to fruition. Ash understood she was biding her time until he let down his guard enough for her to slip from the room. She would wait until he was sleeping. He didn’t plan on doing that. Tonight was the most precarious of all.

In the adjoining chamber, he undressed then slipped into the tepid water that smelled of Harris. Ash groaned. Set his head on the lip of the tub long enough for him to bring his emotions under control. Washed then slipped on a clean pair of buckskins. He’d thought to put on a robe. Thought better of that when he realized he might have to make a hasty exit in the middle of the night. He needed to be ready for anything unexpected that might happen.

Once in the other room, he filled the wine glasses again. He hoped she’d fall asleep. Pass out might be better. Ash was pleased. Harris drank deeply. She’d also eaten. He sat down next to her. She moved away as if his touch was abhorrent. How long would she play at this game of hers? He knew firsthand this wasn’t the way she felt about him. She was angry. He needed to change that passion to something more fulfilling.

He sat back, stretching out his legs, trying to relax while at the same time tried to see into her pretty head. Wished he could get closer so he understood what she plotted. “Why, Harris? Why have you taken such an aversion to me? I can recall when you wanted me to kiss you. Touch you. You flirted with me. Sashayed your hips back and forth to entice me. What happened?”

“I don’t share.” She stared at him over the lip of her glass. “Won’t be part of a threesome. Want the man I wed to want only me, to think only of me.”

Bloody eyes, where did she learn about something like that? A threesome? He wasn’t positive, he wanted an answer. “You don’t trust, either. There is more. Tell me.” Ash needed to get to the truth before she convinced herself they were all wrong for each other. “What if I told you, I was so flabbergasted by your question, I couldn’t breathe, let alone think or spout an answer?”

“You mean the one where I asked if you saw other women while you were away in London doing whatever was so important you had to leave?”


“I don’t believe you.”

“Why don’t you try honesty? What else has you so steaming mad at me you turn your back on everything we can have? I’ve offered marriage numerous times. I know that is what you wish for too.”

Ash watched her features pale. Saw the shaking of the wine inside her glass. The red liquid caught the ever-changing light from the fire.

“I didn’t see the man I told you about. Expected you to remain…didn’t expect you to continue seeing women. Do you even now have a mistress you are keeping somewhere? Is there someone waiting for you when we reach Dover? I won’t be a part of that. I cannot stand thinking of you making love to another woman. It’s not right!” Her fisted hands came down hard on the table.

Bloody everlasting hell. Ash thought of Abella. She lived in his Dover home. Had played the mistress there for seven years. She meant nothing to him except as a responsibility. He rescued her from a bordello in Paris. She spoke little English. Harris would meet her. He would need to tell her about the woman. There would be another nail in his coffin. Something she would never believe. Abella was a gorgeous woman. Though Abella wished it to be different, he never touched her sexually. She was his best friend’s mate. Because of his father he’d not acted on his desires either.

Abella had never been his mistress. He never slept with her. Though she made her feelings clear. She wanted to be in his bed. Harris would never believe that fact.

“What if I told you I haven’t taken a woman to my bed since the day I first saw you. That was three years ago when you were barely fifteen.”

He sat down, crossing his legs studying her ever changing emotions coupled with the play of shadows across her face.

“I wouldn’t believe you.” She set the empty glass on the table. “Is that all you have to say? Should go to bed. Imagine tomorrow will be a long day.”

“Don’t you want to know when that first time was?” Ash asked, thinking she would be shocked when he told her. He wanted to see her eyes when he mentioned to her the minor fact that he watched her sunning herself when she didn’t wear a stitch of clothing.

“Should I wish to know?”

Harris didn’t get up to leave. Instead, she downed the last tiny drop of wine in her glass.

Good, her curiosity was growing. Her back wasn’t as stiff as when they entered the room. “Only if you want. What I will tell you is that it wasn’t that first day in Carnoch when your outrageous flirting caught the eye of every soldier in the vicinity. Were you flirting with me or the other men? Everyone wanted a piece of you including me.”

Her eyes widened to huge pools of silver-gray. “If there was wine in my glass, I would toss it in your face. If you must know, it will make you more arrogant than before. I’ve never flirted with anyone except you. If those Sassenach thought I was flirting with them, they were wrong.”

Her words warmed his heart. “Since I met you…saw you, I haven’t taken anyone to my bed.” He would say the words until she realized he spoke only the truth. How the bloody hell long would that take? He wasn’t about to beg.

~ * ~

Heather lay in Elliott’s arms. She was thinking of all the things she should have done differently. They didn’t tell Harris about Ash’s plans…or his request that the two should leave during the festivities. Since Harris was still a maiden, she would not be allowed to go with the married women to prepare the bride for the wedding night. They didn’t tell her he was a shifter…on his request. There were too many secrets between the couple. They argued constantly. Except at night when she went to bed, Ash never left her side. He tried to soothe her temper along with her constant pique. Their little girl was too stubborn. Spoiled too. Something about Ash spooked her. Before he returned, she meant to marry him. Talked of little else. Harris told them she loved him. For some unknown reason all that changed. For their future, what ailed the couple must be made right.

Ash told them he needed time alone with her. Time to ease the one major conflict that rose between them. He told her he felt as if he was banging his head against a brick wall. She was still too young but as things progressed, he needed to marry her as soon as possible. He expected to spend only a few days in Carnoch. Instead, he spent a few weeks. Told them about the danger circling his father. The sooner he returned the better.

“Did we do the right thing by our daughter? I worry so much. Ash is right. Harris is still young…idealistic. She is a romantic at heart. While Ash would love to romance her, he explained he didn’t have time. Did we do right by our daughter?” Heather asked a second time as she smoothed her palm across Elliott’s chest. “I just don’t know what to think any longer.”

She felt his shrug against her cheeks. His big hand roamed her back. “We never heard a scream. Who knows she might go willingly. Sometimes you over think. They will be fine. Believe the man loves her.”

“I ken she loves him.” Heather was still attempting to make sense of this relationship that fired hot then cold. At the moment, for Harris, the connection between them was frigid.

“You’ve noticed the way they stare at each other as if they are star-struck. They are meant to be together. We’ve seen that same look on our sons’ faces when they found the woman meant for them. They are each other’s mate. Of course, we did right by our daughter. She is with the man she is fated to be with.”

“She doesn’t ken anything about the man. For the life of me, I don’t ken why, he wants it that way.” Heather lifted up so she could look at her husband. She touched his mouth with her fingertip.

“Our daughter was too young to marry a year ago. By the way she is acting, I’m still not certain she is old enough,” Elliott said, biting with gentleness Heather’s finger. “I ken age wise she is old enough to be a wife.” He paused, running the strands of Heather’s long hair between his fingers, enjoying the sensation. “She is spoiled. Expects to have everything her way. Ash won’t accept that version of our daughter. He will not spoil her to suit her whims.”

“Willful,” Heather said with a snort.

“Used to getting her way in everything.”

“Isn’t that overindulged?” Heather trailed small biting kisses down his neck.

“That too.”

Don’t believe he’s a man to allow our daughter the kind of freedom that would put her at risk,” Elliott continued as he caught her hand descending lower threatening to end the conversation. They still had a few things to reassure each other about.

“There are no highlands in Dover.”

“No Sassenach soldiers to catch her while she runs wild,” Elliott agreed. “He was a Sassenach. Was…he told me he saw her first when she was swimming in our favorite loch then sunning herself.”

“Imagine he saw her without a stitch of clothing.”

“Imagine so…,” Elliott said, pulling his wife on top of him. He held her bottom, caressed. She felt him against her. Felt his need. He pulled her up so she could sit on him. He filled her.

“They will have a few rocky days ahead of them. Are we expecting her to come running home tonight? The first place they are staying is not far from here. Quite doable for a stubborn woman bent on having her way about everything. We should be ready to expect our little girl. If she comes here, she will be sent back to the man who is her future.”

“I would tell you yes, except I’ve more confidence in the young man. He will thwart whatever wayward plans she has. Nip it in the bud,” Elliott said. Groaned when Heather moved up then down on him.

“If I know my daughter, she will shift then run.”

“The man is stronger as well as faster than Harris. My guess is that he won’t sleep until they are far enough away from here she won’t be able to try anything stupid,” Elliott said as he found tender spots that made her squirm.

His hands cupped her breasts. Played with the hard buds he always adored.

She would never get her fill of this man she loved so much, was so lucky to find. Every day he filled her heart with joy. All she wanted for her daughter was to marry her mate and find the same type of love. Ash was that man to fulfil all Harris’ dreams.

“We will leave in two to three weeks unless we hear that the wedding has been canceled or delayed. We will see her then. Will have the answer to all our questions,” he nipped her shoulder.

“It won’t be. I’m praying nothing will be canceled. Ash will never let her return here even if there is not a wedding. Don’t know how he will keep her against her will if she doesn’t want to stay.”

“With gentleness…”

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