All I Want is Link: Bad Boys Book Nine

All I Want is Link: Sophia knows about men and how to control them, but Link Stewart is different from every other man she’s known.

All I Want is Link: Historical Romance


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BLURB: All I Want Is Link


He’s a bad bad boy…


Link Stewart is an incorrigible rake, a woman’s man who knows his way around the bedroom. When he travels to Virginia to solve the mysterious happenings on the Stewart tobacco plantation, he discovers there is more than one mystery that needs to be solved. A beautiful seemingly sophisticated young woman, Sophia Carter-Brown, sets her sights on him. She makes it abundantly clear she wants him for her next lover.


…but she’s a desperate woman


Sophia has learned about men. She knows them. Has controlled them. When she discovers she cannot control Link, she is terrified. This man is different from every other man she’s known. She finds herself out of her element, reeling in self-doubt, even afraid for her life. Link, confident as only a carefree, successful rake can be when it comes to understanding women, sets out to teach her who exactly is in charge.



Excerpt: All I Want Is Link


“Let go of me, Link.”

Her voice was too calm and too controlled. Her pulse beating so rapidly at the base of her neck, betrayed her. He wanted to rip that serenity from her and see the real woman beneath the makeup and the stoic veneer. He wanted to see and feel her passion. “On the other hand,” he whispered close to her ear, “perhaps I don’t wish to sample your charms at this instant. Perhaps what I truly wish to do is pay you back. Give you a taste of reckoning. Yes, that’s precisely what I want to do.”

“Link?” There was a small sample of panic in her voice.

He grinned.

Link carried her toward the river, having noticed a large mud puddle nearby. She began to understand his intent, struggling against his greater strength. He laughed as he stood over the large puddle of water and mud created by the river. It was deep enough if he tossed her, she would not be hurt. It was also dirty enough she would have to seek out a bath before this evening. He stood in the middle, ruining his soft leather boots, uncaring. He waded until the water hit his thighs. It would be cold, damn cold. He couldn’t quite bring himself to toss her into the river.

“Don’t you dare, Link Stewart? Don’t!” She was screaming at him, struggling and pounding on his chest, his arms his shoulders. The blows were inconsequential. He’d been hit harder in tussles with his brother when they were younger. He lifted her high then dropped her. She disappeared beneath the surface for a moment. When she came up, she rushed him, throttling him, knocking him over into the depth of the water and mud.

It was his turn to be surprised.

He grinned when he emerged and saw her. He laughed, thoroughly enjoying Miss Sophia Carter-Brown. This was growing more intriguing by the moment.

The water washed some of the makeup from her face, mud replacing it. Her hair was matted and filthy, hanging down in a horrible mess around her shoulders. She was charming. Enchanting. She was shivering as was he. The river water was very nearly frigid. He wanted to haul her out and oversee a bath. This time he laughed at himself, pleased with this afternoon. He lied to her. She was really one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

He stepped from the puddle, his hands on his hips, feet braced apart. “There, you little hellion,” he said with a calm he reserved for the weaker sex. Ah, but she was not one of those at all. There was nothing weak about Miss Carter-Brown, but he was becoming more convinced by the second she wasn’t a hellion. He needed to clear his head. “Don’t attack me again unless you want to pay more reparations.”

He laughed again while he strode back to his horse. Looking over his shoulder at her. “I mean it, Sophia. I am a gentleman most of the time unless I’m provoked into acting otherwise. Understand me. I will never allow you to do your worst to me again without complete retaliation. When you are around me, tread carefully.”

As she stumbled through the water, her skirts dragged her first to one side then to the other. Her boot went into a hole and she fell down on her face. She managed to regain her balance and rose with her fists clenched at her sides.

He mounted and on his horse riding away he looked back. He could not stop laughing. Then he shouted, “Tonight. Eight o’clock. Don’t be late. Ah, and make certain the place is aired out.”





Virginia, Romance, Historical


























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