
Authors Here at RPP and their Books

Below is a list of all the amazing authors we have here at Rogue Phoenix Press. Please feel free to browse the list below of all our authors and their books. You will also finds links to their websites, blogs or Amazon author page to learn more about each author. All book are available on Amazon. If you have any questions, feel free to get in contact with us! Enjoy 🙂

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Joseph Allen

Buy Rocky Point Road today! Buy The Monteverdi Manuscript today!   #Mystery #LGBTQ #Mystery $Crime #LGBTQ #Thriller @Suspense

Amanda Armstrong

Buy Ten Yen Forever today! Buy Ten Yen Tokyo today! Buy Ten Yen True today! 

Julie Beekman

New Release Two Trees

Greg Belliveau


Julie Boglisch

#YA #Fantasy #Action-Adventure #MYSTERY #DETECTIVE #Fantasy #ActionAdventure #Horror #Thriller #Suspense

Don Boles

Buy Mask today! Buy Neon Junction today!

Scott Boss

#SciFi #ScienceFiction

Marla Bowie

Max Burger



D. A. Cairns

Buy A Muddy Red River today! "Love #Sick #Love #Paranormal #Fantasy

Phil Canalin

Elliott Capon

Buy Damn The Torn Speedos today! Buy Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch today! Buy The Corps Vanishes today!

Jack J. Carroll

Buy Atavus Falls today!

Angela Castle

Buy Blue Fire today! Buy Stealing Fire today! Buy Healing Fire today!     

Rich Chambers

Buy 18 today!

James Charles

Buy My War with Hemingway today! 

Jeanne Charters

#Thriller #Suspense

Christian Chiakulas

Shane L. Coffey

Buy Community today Buy Identity now! #Calamity #Fantasy

Pierre V. Comtois


Jann M. Contento

Buy The Philip Dolly affair


Nancy Avery Dafoe

 #MYSTERY #THRILLER #Mystery #Crime

K.J. Dahlen


Ruth Danes

#HistoricalFiction #HistoricalRomance  #Paranormal #TimeTravel #Romance #Suspense

Shari Dare

Mariah Deitrick

William T. Delamar


 Catherine DePino


Sherry Derr-Wille

#FuturisticRomance #ContemporaryRomance #RomanticSuspense #Sweet #Futuristicromance #Futuristic #Romance #ParanormalRomance #RomanceParanormal

Greg Didaleusky

    #Mystery #Suspense #Thriller #Medical #Thriller #Suspense #Thriller #Suspense

Jonathan Dimmig


Susan Downham


Dan Ehl



Joe Evener

  #Revelation #Sci/fi #Fantasy

Julia Fellner

Jennifer B. Fields

Olivia Fields


Nickie Fleming


Brian Franzen

Jennifer L. Fry

 Mike Fuller

     #Suspense #GroundEffect

Genie Gabriel

   #RomanticSuspense #Mystery                  #Historical #Romance #Fantasy   #Fantasy #Romance #Paranormal #Fantasy #Romance

Eddie Georgonicas


T. H. Gerety

Greg Gildersleeve

#ThePowerClub #MiddleGrade #Sci/fi #adventure #YA #SciFi

Joe Giordano

#Thriller #Suspense #ShortStories

Michael Giorgio


Colleen June Glatzel

Nancy Good

Buy at: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google Play

Kirkus Review  of Killer Calories


Gregory Gourlay


C. L. Hagely


Jack Haines


Connor Harding


A. M. Harris

Ron Hartman


Catherine Haustein


McKinzie S. Heart


G. Lloyd Helm

An interview with G. Lloyd Helm

    #LiteraryFiction #FamilyLife #Sci/fi #Romance

Brandon Hill


Kurt Heinrich Hyatt


Rosemary Indra


Thomas M. Jardine

Zeke Jarvis

Lucia Carter Keates Interview

#NativeAmerican #Occult

Edward T. Keller


Ross Kennedy

C. L. Kraemer

            #Suspense #Thriller    #Fantasy #Romance #Meadows of Gold #Fantasy #Adventure       #Fantasy #Historical #Romance #Fantasy

Loretta Laird

Gillespie Lamb

#AmazonCart #1860sorphan, #OrphanTrain, #GertaScholler, #KansasPioneerLlife

A. W. Lambert


Caroline Langford

From Showbiz Legacy to Literary Voice

Carole Ann Lee


Jocko Lee

Sheri Lynn

Mindy MacKay


Bill Mathis 

#LGBT #GeneralFiction #GeneralFiction #LiteraryFiction #LGBTQ

K. G. McAbee


Richard C. McClain II

 #YA #Dystopian

J. E. McGraw

James B. McPike


Sid Meltzer


Daniel Meyer

Jennifer Milne

Ann Moran

R. S. Nanatevin

Michael Newlun

Christa Holder Ocker

J. R. Packard


J. F. Parcher

Ronald Paxton

#Mystery #Crime

Lee W. Payne

Wes Payton


Clive Radford

  #Humor #Satire #Humor #Satire


Elizabeth Randall

Courtney Rene

       #YA #Fantasy #Paranormal  #Fantasy #Paranormal #Romance

Clay Renick


Andrew Richardson

Ian Douglas Robertson

Jeffrey Ross

Buy The Philip Dolly affair     #General #Fiction #Poetry #Nonfiction #Action/Adventure

R. E. Rothermich

Andrew Rowberry

#DangerousLeads #Suspense #Crime

Preston J. Sexton

Sheila M. Sharpless


Robert Shepyer

#Mystery #DisneyLoand #Horror #Occult

Rebecca Siegel

John R. Sikes


Fay E. Simon


Jeffery J. Smith

Theresa L. Smith

Christina St. Clair

 Buy Ten Yen Tokyo today! Buy Ten Yen True today! 

Bill Stamos

Solstice Stevens

Ruby Stiff

Alicia Stone


K. P. Sweeney

Martin A. Sweeney

#Mystery #Crime


S. Milsap Thorpe

Genene Valleau


Terry Lloyd Vinson

 #Blacktop #roadtrip #horror #

J Joseph Vuono

Kevin Voglino


Robert V. Wadden Jr.



Derek M. Wade

Read A Review


Christopher T. Werkman


Tamara White


Stephen R. Wilk

#YA #Sci/Fi #TimeTravel

Hugh Richard Williams

#Action #Adventure

Richard H. Williams


Rod Williams

Alex Winters

Daniel Lance Wright

  #Beware the Bones #ParanormalRomance #Action #Adventure #Romance

Brian Young


Christine Young

#HistoricalRomance  #HistoricalRomance#HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #Highlander                     #Sweet Surrender #ParanormalRomance    #Fantasy #Romance     #HistoricalRomance  #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #SteamyRomance #HistoricalRomance #Scottish #Historical #Romance #Fantasy #HistoricalRomance #RegencyEra #HistoricalRomance #Paranormal #HistoricalRomance #Highlanders #Scottish   #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #Scottish #BadBoys #HistoricalRomance #BadBoys #Highlanders  

#HistoricalRomance #HighlandRomance #HistoricalRomance #ParanormalRomance #HistoricalRomance #HistoricalRomance #AmazonCart #HistoricalRomance

#ContemporaryRomance #AmazonCart #Humor

Nicolette Zamora


C. M. Zimmer


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