The Day Before Christmas: Good Thoughts
The Day Before Christmas : It’s Check In And Share Day, Positive and Great Thoughts.
Let’s Make Fireworks: Check In and share what you did this week: Positive & Great Thoughts only.
Time to pay the piper! How did you do? How much did you write? Did words explode on your WIP? Check In and share something positive from your week.
This is the Rogue Phoenix Press weekly Check In. Every Sunday we encourage our authors and visitors to let us know how their writing is going.
How well are you doing?
Had problems this week? That’s ok. Just sit down this coming week and write. Whatever you do, don’t let difficulties from the week before get in your way this week.
Every word is one word closer to the finished product.
Please share your accomplishments in the comment section.
Be sure to use this post to set a goal for the week then try to accomplish that goal.
Promotions: Check in and Share how you promoted your book
There are many ways to promote your books.
- Share with your promotion group of family, friends and fans
- Tweet: If you don’t have a twitter account, it’s easy to set one up.
- Instagram: refer to earlier post.
- Pinterest: refer to earlier post.
- Goodreads: refer to earlier post.
- Build your email list: refer to earlier post.
- Add your author profile to Book Bub
- If you know other ways to promote please share in the comment section.
Outlines and Character building: Check in and Share
Maybe you didn’t add words to your WIP, but developed your book.
How are your characters developing? Check out the character development articles on my personal blog.
Tell us what you did in the comment section.
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Wrapping up the story lines in the second book of my Collie Chronicles series, but a lot of editing left to do. Still, I’m liking the way this has come together! Am continuing promotion for the December release of the latest anthology from Rogue’s Angel–Once Upon a Christmas Moon–and planning much more promotion for other books in 2018.
Today, is the first time I can celebrate holiday spirit with my Mom and relatives in over seven years. I am excited to eat, laugh, drink, and to be. I say “to be.” To be, as in: to be in the moment with delicious food and wonderful company. To be, as in: To be so happy face muscles hurt from smiling. To be, as in: to be here and to be in the now is basically a dream wave where sight, sound, touch and tastes explode all day and night. To be present today is the perfect gift. Happy holidays to all sharing positive energy and waves of thought to everyone.
Working on my own stuff this last week. Set up bios for the characters to avoid name confusion and give details for later use. I also am finally transposing the handwritten onto the computer screen. Wishing all a Merry Christmas.
A review of my new novel which isn’t going to be out until August, but it is so good that I had to share it.
Borrowing a Moose head from Cole Porter
By G. Lloyd Helm
Review by Nancy A. Dafoe
Skillfully balancing absurdity with pathos, G. Lloyd Helm creates a portrait of living in middle America that is as surprising as it is deeply affecting. Protagonist Jack Wells takes us on a ride with his family to rural, Peru, Indiana where he continues to ask, “What is wrong with these people?” From the humorous analogy of Broadway on the edge of Peru to New York’s Broadway, Helm lets readers in on extra-diegetic humor even while his characters remain true to the story. Although Jack and his wife, Kathy or Sarge, and son Mitch have lived all over the world through her military assignments, Jack sums up their short time in Indiana in the darkest of terms, at once comedic and striking: “We’ve seen more deaths and darkness and drugs and general awfulness than anywhere else in the world.”
From Helm’s great opening line with his “bad feeling” and foreshadowing, Jack’s first-person narration of his family’s lives and those in this small town, in which farmers and “Base” [Grissom Air Force Base] people mix uncomfortably, is natural. Jack’s son Mitch is a handful and as much trouble as his leading lady Cheryl Menville, who stars with Jack in a theater production of Saving Grace. Mitch’s habit of juggling balls at the oddest times reminds us of Jack juggling his Deacon duties with his amateur acting, leading to near affairs, genuine performances, a parody of the Oscars, drug deals, and military police arrests. Yet, all of life in Peru rings true as we anticipate an Ole Olson Theater performance then head to Author’s for a drink.
This is writing in the hands of an experienced author whose metaphors make you laugh and stop and wonder at the same time: the old Dodge car handling “like a herd of cattle.” Borrowing a Moosehead from Cole Porter is timely and incredibly relevant. It is an American story.
Reread my novel Strange using a new edit program. Found errors not picked up by normal editing methods. Our community had a parade of Christmas decorated golf carts. We paraded around our community. Great fun. Later had cookies, coffee and hot chocolate at clubhouse. Sang Christmas songs. Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all!
With the release of Spirit of the Amaroq in February, I look forward to a rewarding year. Thanks everyone.