How to use Goodreads to sell more books: Friends

How to use Goodreads to sell more books: Friends

Follow my blog with Bloglovin FRIENDS/FOLLOWERS ON GOODREADS An author needs friends and follower–lots of them. We need them for our email promo group, twitter, blogs, google +1, snapchat, Instagram and so many more that I’ve probably not heard of. Goodreads offers the ability to friend people you don’t know and follow authors whose books interest you. The reader/author can be selective or accept anyone […]

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Growing Your Blog: deep links, questions, and SEO

Growing Your Blog: deep links, questions, and SEO

Today I want to talk about steps that will help grow your blog. If you want to be successful, you will utilize deep links and  SEO-ready images. Also, if you want comments, you will write a question at the end of the post. All of these things will help the reader identify with your blog. What are these three points and how does a blogger accomplish […]

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