Check In And Share Day: Positive Thoughts
It’s Check In And Share Day.
Let’s Make Fireworks: Check In and share what you did.
Time to pay the piper! How did you do? How much did you write? Did words explode on your WIP? Check In
This is the Rogue Phoenix Press weekly Check In. Every Sunday we encourage our authors and visitors to let us know how their writing is going.
How well are you doing?
Had problems this week? That’s ok. Just sit down this coming week and write. Whatever you do, don’t let difficulties from the week before get in your way this week.
Every word is one word closer to the finished product.
Please share your accomplishments in the comment section.
Be sure to use this post to set a goal for the week then try to accomplish that goal.
Promotions: Check in and Share how you promoted your book
There are many ways to promote your books.
- Share with your promotion group of family, friends and fans
- Tweet: If you don’t have a twitter account, it’s easy to set one up.
- Instagram: refer to earlier post.
- Pinterest: refer to earlier post.
- Goodreads: refer to earlier post.
- Build your email list: refer to earlier post.
- Add your author profile to Book Bub
- If you know other ways to promote please share in the comment section.
Outlines and Character building: Check in and Share
Maybe you didn’t add words to your WIP, but developed your book.
How are your characters developing? Check out the character development articles on my personal blog.
Tell us what you did in the comment section.
What could be more positive to share than my novel was released this week? I can’t wait to get my copies. I have two readings/book launches set up, and two more in the works. Online on Facebook pages, in Tweets, on my two blog sites, and encouraging others to share. Lots more to do. Marketing is that other hat we have to wear, so I’m adjusting it on my head.
Congratulations Nancy!
My week has been spent marketing my first novel which was published on the 1st and editing its sequel. (I have written a trilogy and I am giving the second and third books a final polish).
Sold books at the Antelope Valley College Campus Craft Faire. Did very well. Lots of interest.
I’m glad to see all the progress being made. I’ve had a busy week with more babysitting than usual but my WIP is still moving along. I’m at 73000 words heading to approximately 100,000. I didn’t think it would be this long when I started it.
Met with my critique partners on Thursday. One is former military, the other lived with military relatives so the feed back by them on my new series is important. Glad to say they find the story believable and fast paced. Yeah. Onward and upward.