First Chapter Dancing With Donal

Chapter One

Fall 1825

Glasgow, Scotland

“Well, I see nothing if anything has changed in these parts. It’s still raining and the wind whistles through the trees. I’m chilled to the bone.” Graham Chamberlin, Donal’s little brother walked into the front door, taking off his hat and the raincoat he wore before striding into the downstairs office.

“What are you doing back from Maryland? Didn’t expect to see you this soon. Why did you come home? You weren’t due back until next month.” Donal sat at his desk, a pen in hand, finishing correspondence to be sent to his brother who was supposed to be in the States overseeing the tobacco plantation.

“Came home to look for a wife. Seems there are not many women in the states, only married women and black folks; of course there are the natives. While the nights aren’t as cold there, it’s still nice to have a woman to welcome into my bed and warm me. A wife is what I’m needing these days, a good Scottish wife.”

“Daryl MacTavish is off limits to you.” Blessed hell that’s just what he needed, his brother chasing after all the eligible skirts in Glasgow.

“I suppose everyone else is too. Fine by me. Knowing you, she is most likely uptight and a prude as well. Prim and proper is not what I like in my women. I want wild and unrestrained passion in my nights, velvet softness beneath the lacy frothy trappings.”

His brother had never met Daryl, thank god, and he truly didn’t have one clue as to what he yearned for in a relationship. What he did know was that Daryl was far from uptight and a prude. “Where do you ken you’ll find a suitable mate? Not at the balls and recitals, I doubt. I ken, debutants don’t seem to be your sort of woman.”

“Don’t know yet, perhaps the markets. A lass who is not afraid to get her hands dirty with a solid day of work, one who will be warm and passionate in bed. One, of course, has to give this family an heir. You certainly are not accomplishing the job. What has you digging in your heels, if you ken who it is you want?”

“Yes, well, I’ve given that a great deal of thought, and it won’t be long before we have an heir.” Donal scribbled a few more lines to the message he was working on before sealing it and setting the letter aside. Even though Graham would not be on the receiving end of the missive, someone needed to see to the information written here.

“Has the little MacTavish lass agreed to go along with your proposal? She’s a tiny slip of a woman and you’re a great brute of a man. Do you ken if you’ll fit? You might just rip her apart.” Graham belly laughed, seeming to enjoy the cruder side of his comments with his staid and stoic brother.

“Are they all so uncivilized and unpolished in Maryland or do you have a first priority in that department.” Donal handed the letter over to his valet. He stared at his little brother, wishing he knew the real reason Graham was in Scotland. Nothing was obvious where Graham was concerned. While he had the reputation of a bad boy, Graham was the real bad boy in the family. A few years ago, he’d heard rumors about Gray, but one should never believe gossip.

“I’m the first,” he laughed, helping himself to the brandy. “The premier. Like to say I just tell it as it is.”

“How many bastards do you have?” Donal confronted him, a grim look on his face thinking about the hearsay that floated around his brother’s comings and goings. “Hope you are taking care of them yourself and not with Chamberlin funds. It’s likely you’ll go broke if you don’t learn to keep your sizable man parts in your pants.”

Graham grinned from ear to ear, “You jealous, big brother?” He sobered. “I’ve no bastards. While I lived with the Cherokee, I almost had a child. The boy died in childbirth as did his mother. You don’t have to worry about anyone soaking up the money. “There was another woman, and a child as well, but they are gone too.”

“I’m sorry about your children, the women as well.” He paused momentarily, thinking there was more to these stories than Gray was willing to tell. “Our business is doing better than ever, but I will admit to you the largest part of our strength comes from the production of the tobacco here in Scotland and the change into usable forms. Our factories out shine the money we take in from the crops. So, how many blacks do we have who are still slaves?”

“None, all the blacks I buy are given their papers, a choice as well. They are allowed to stay and work for us on our land and we take a percentage of their profits or they may move on. We provide quarters that have been updated and the ones who have learned to speak English have relayed to the others what their choices are. Whatever children they have will gain their freedom. After that they are given their papers and they can decide what it is they want to do with the rest of their lives.”

“And how many stay?” Donal asked, concerned they would have to continue to buy workers. Buying people for slave labor was abhorrent to him, but in order to keep the plantation a working one, he needed farmers. “Are we still offering a plot of land to those who stay?”

“Most remain on the plantation. They don’t have much choice. There is nowhere for them to go except north to Canada and that is a risk most don’t want to take. The journey is long and hard, fraught with untold dangers. If they can keep their families and earn an honest day’s living as a free man or woman, they are happy. I am constantly on the lookout for more land, but I have to keep traveling west. Don’t know how long we’ll be able to keep up the practice.”

“Good, good, let’s keep doing what works for us. I do understand we won’t make as much money, but I don’t believe in slavery. I want our plantation to run smoothly with working people earning an honest day’s living.”

“There are those who resent what we are doing. Their slaves grumble about the fairness of it all. They point to us as a symbol of bad luck and anarchy. They don’t want to see their way of life interrupted, and that’s what they fear we are doing.” Graham sat down, sipping his brandy and seeming to enjoy the comforts of home.

“Good, good, I suppose you plan on staying until you find a mate who wants to follow you to Maryland.”

Donal always wondered how long Graham would want to stay in a foreign country. Now he knew. Graham tied all the knots in the states that needed tying and was most likely back to stay. He had mixed feelings about Graham’s return and understood he would have to find someone he could trust to replace him, “You’re not going back, are you?”

“Don’t plan on it. We’ve an amazing overseer. He thinks the same as us about slavery, that is. I don’t believe it will be too many years before slavery is abolished all together. There are growing trends to do just that, especially in the north.”

“What will you do here? Laze away the days and play with the willing skirts?” He paused a moment. “Ah, you say you want a wife. I wish you all the luck in that endeavor. We are not getting any younger.”

“No, I only stopped here to say hello and perhaps let you feed me for a day or two. I’m off to my inheritance. The land grandmother left me in her will. As you well know, I was gifted with land in the highlands. A crumbling estate if I recall. One that is large enough to keep me busy for a while. Perhaps I’ll find a suitable lass there.”

“It is settled then. Dinner and in the morning you will be off to new inspiring adventures.”

Donal was pleased with his brother. He seemed to be growing up and taking on more responsibilities.

“You will be left in these vast spaces to woo your darling Daryl MacTavish. I really do believe she is too tiny for you. You should look for someone who will match you muscle for muscle, height for height.” Graham laughed, pouring himself a second glass of brandy. “I’m going to miss all this. Suppose I’ll have to make sure there are all the necessities where I’m going put down roots.”

“My brawn or her lack of it is not the point. She is the woman I want and will wed whether you think we will fit well together or not.”

His words had never been spoken truer. Something about the little lass with the bright and unruly red hair always intrigued him, as he recalled some of their past encounters.

He rose from the desk where he’d been sitting, thinking of Daryl and wishing he could see her this very moment. Striding to the window and trying to forget his brother was intruding on his solitude when he wanted someone else to be doing the same thing, he stared at the countryside. The rain must have stopped, but the wind still did more than rustle the leaves on the trees.

He smiled, his grin widening as his brother rambled on about something, he wasn’t sure. In any case he didn’t care. He now had plans for this afternoon. It was high time he said hello to his future wife. He was ready to begin to initiate her into the ways of a man and a woman. It seemed to have been eons since that night he kissed her. What age had she been? Possibly sixteen. The kiss made a lasting impact, but for the second kiss she’d only been a few months away from eighteen.

“Do you mind if I leave? Make yourself at home as I’m sure you planned. It seems I’ve an important errand to run.”

His heart raced at the idea of an encounter with the little spitfire as well as in anticipation of the kiss he envisioned.

He cleared his throat, turning then to speak to Graham. “I don’t plan on returning until later this evening. Close up the house and I’ll let myself inside. Enjoy your evening. If you’re hungry Justine will make sure you are fed well.”

Donal strode from the room with single-minded purpose and a primitive need he’d never felt before. He’d seen Daryl and he assumed Lacie racing across the grounds toward the tiny pond and waterfall Daryl often visited. He was looking forward to a spirited and passionate confrontation, but first he had to get rid of the youngest sister.

There were so many possibilities.

The afternoon was before them in all its glory. He couldn’t have asked for anything better.

In the stable he mounted his favorite stallion, Achilles, and urged him to run. They rode toward the MacTavish estate, hoping to see Daryl. In any case he would begin his pursuit of her today. He pulled Achilles to a stop, staring at the apparition in front of him.

Blessed hell, but even from this distance she was beautiful, strands of her wild red hair flying around her face and behind her, her small torso moving in perfect rhythm with her horse. His body tightened with need, thinking how well they would move together in bed. Good god admit it, sexual need was at the forefront of his mind.

If she wasn’t a virgin and innocent, he would ride after her and take her wherever they ended up. He would pull her from her horse and onto his lap. Lord, but he imagined what it might feel like if she straddled him as they made love while they rode. That fantasy, he supposed, would be nearly impossible. Still, it was a thought worth pursing one day if he dared.

He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this way; eager, enthusiastic and full of lust.

Lord, he had to retrieve at least a small amount of the control he was famous for. He had plans and he wanted to stick to them. Frightening her today with his thirst for her was not part of the strategy.

He grinned. Unexpectedly, Daryl MacTavish fell into his plans. He would have to be careful here, not too much persuasion, just enough of a taste for an innocent lass such as the young MacTavish girl to follow him willingly into marriage. This could turn out to be one of the best days of his life. From this moment on, he would diligently pursue Daryl in the guise of courting.

She was on his land. Trespassing. The thought gave him reason to smile, perhaps a favor in return for allowing her to enjoy the property.

His smile grew as his heart felt lighter for the first time in months. He’d been waiting for just this type of opportunity. She had been harder than the devil to get alone. It seemed she worked day and night in her bakery. He’d stopped by a few times, had coffee and a pastry of some sort. He never knew what he was eating because he couldn’t stop watching her.

Ah, this was indeed Saturday afternoon. She was taking a much-needed day and a half of rest. He knew first-hand the shop was closed on Sundays. Perhaps he could spend some time with her tomorrow, too, continue the courtship, the wooing of Daryl.

When they married, he’d remedy that. She didn’t need to work six days a week. Lord knows Flynt should have made sure his sisters were better taken care of. None of them should have the need to work. When they wed, he would give her everything she needed or wanted.

Having seen the direction she rode, he followed the path to one of the most beautiful scenes on his property, a place perfect for the first stages he planned, a kiss, a taste of Daryl. Again, all he needed now was to figure out how to get rid of the little sister, prompt her to leave of her own accord. Yet somehow, he felt she would oblige him. There was something amazingly astute about the littlest MacTavish. Only one year younger than Daryl, she would make some man a wonderful wife.

The ground flew beneath the horse’s hooves. He tried to formulate a plan in his head as he raced forward. He had followed her here numerous times and watched from afar as she would wade in the pond on hot summer days, showing her delicate slender feet and ankles. Today was not one of those.

He was ready for this encounter, more than ready.

When he finally reached her, she was sitting by herself on a rock, watching the waterfall that fed the small creek. Sunlight filtered through the budding trees. The light was meager but it danced and played on the ground as well as on her vibrant hair, creating a myriad of shimmering colors. He was sure the strands would burn his fingers if he touched them.

He stopped and for a few seconds watched, trying to commit the scene to his memory. Lacie was nowhere to be found and he delighted in that fact. Daryl would be alone with him for the first time since that unusual encounter a couple of years ago and the one at the beach house that sent his blood boiling. Lord, both were so long ago he couldn’t recount exactly, but he remembered the moments as if they happened yesterday.

The chase, the catch then the kiss.

The bad boys, Flynt, Broc, Cam, Leslie and himself had been in Flynt’s house on the third-floor drinking as they played cards. Flynt’s sisters were hiding in the room spying on them. Each man gave chase to one of the sisters. He didn’t know about the others, but he caught Daryl and kissed her. It seemed Leslie must have chased after Lacie.

He would remember that kiss forever.

She was too young then, but the kiss haunted him over the last two years. Well past eighteen years of age, Daryl MacTavish was no longer too young to pursue and conquer, to chase, catch and kiss. He was the man to do just that. He would court her in his own manner, taking his time with her. There would be no way he would give her a chance to say no to any of his proposals, including marriage.

She turned to look at him then, her eyes wide with surprise he hoped and not fear. He had been quiet. “Hello, Daryl. Mind if I join you? Nice day, don’t you think?” he asked, stepping forward, not waiting for an answer.

He stood beside her. She rose, pressing her hands down her skirts.

The smile on her face brightened, and he thought she might be pleased to see him although she appeared a tiny bit anxious. He wondered if she also remembered the kiss as well as the beach house confrontation.

“I didn’t invite you here.” Her voice held a nervous ripple as she spoke.

“It’s my land,” he told her, cocking an eyebrow while he took her measure.

She was wearing a light green riding habit, a bit of lace showing at the neckline. The hat she wore was tossed on the ground beside the boulder she’d been sitting on and the green plume appeared to have wilted in the sun. Her soft pink lips were slightly parted as her huge blue eyes shimmered with some unknown emotion, hopefully passion.

“No, well, of course you’re right. So, I was just thinking it might be time to leave.”

As if undecided, she stood then sat down smoothing her riding habit then she stood again. For a few seconds she gazed at the waterfall before turning her attention back to him.

“Don’t ken what you want to do?” He laughed, keeping the sound behind his teeth.

“No.” She smoothed the fall of her skirts again.

“I wouldn’t want to be the cause of your departure. You are always welcome to come and go on Chamberlin land.”

Once more he moved closer and as he did, she stepped back, bumping her legs against the large rock she’d been sitting on. She moved one step forward.

“Of course not, it’s just that…” She swallowed then he watched as her breasts rose with the deep breath she inhaled.

“There is no need to be nervous. I thought I was your friend.”

At this moment he was a man well pleased, her expressive blue green eyes lending good reason for the quick impression. He stepped closer and it seemed with each step he took she stepped back then she turned away from the rock.

“I’m not.” She moistened her lips before sucking the full bottom one into her mouth. “Nervous.”

Liar. Her lips were moist now, ready to be tasted. He grinned at the notion. “I watched you fly by on your horse. You were a bit reckless. I assume you don’t ride that way every day.”

When he became her husband, he needed to put an immediate halt on all her careless behavior.

Now and with little effort on his part, her back was against a tree. There was nowhere for her to go. “I ride that way when the mood hits.” She closed her eyes for a few seconds, long sooty black lashes resting in the pale hollow around her eyes, her breaths tiny and ragged. “Flynt doesn’t care so I do whatever I please.”

Now he stood in front of her, so close he could feel her tiny and very rapid breaths as they whispered across his face. He wanted to see if her heartbeat matched his.

That, the racing of her horse, would end with their marriage.

“You remember the day I kissed you?”

Lord, but he hoped she remembered as clearly as he did. He recalled the heat and the sweet velvet of the inside of her mouth.

She nodded her head, more mahogany strands of hair coming lose from the pins, spilling around her shoulders. He picked up a strand, holding it between his fingers. “Silken fire,” he murmured, hoping someday the length would touch him with fire and she would respond to him with the passion he knew she possessed.

“I don’t ken what you are talking about.”

Slowly, and unbeknownst to her provocatively, she swept her tongue across her bottom lip, her eyes shining with raw hunger that someday he meant to unleash.

“Chase, catch then kiss, that is what I did that evening and if I recall, you wanted my lips to caress yours just as much as I did. Would you like that today?”

Once more she moistened her lips, gazing at his mouth, and he had the most disconcerting feeling she knew what she was about then suddenly she looked away, breathing thinly again, her breast rising and falling.

“You did chase me when I ran from the room,” she agreed with him.

“You wanted me to catch you.” His grin, he was sure, reached from ear to ear. “I ken the fact as do you.”

“I would never admit to such a thing. I ran because I wanted to get away.” Her body quivered slightly and he hoped the trembling was the thirst for his kiss rising within her slight frame.

“Whether you admit to it or not, the fact remains I caught you. Just as I’ve caught you now. You do recall what comes next.”

“Don’t ken why you say that,” she murmured.

Once more, her tiny pink tongue swept across her full bottom lip. “I’ve no idea what you are talking about.”

“If I’m not interpreting all the signs wrong, you’re wanting me to kiss you again, just as you did that night.”

He bracketed her head between his hands, smiling, waiting for her to acknowledge the truth of her feelings. His mouth was close, her erratic breathing as well as the fluttering pulse at the base of her neck told him all he needed to know.

“You would be wrong.” Her breasts rose and fell again then again, with the blatant lie.

“Sweet little liar, but I will not kiss a lass who says no.” With his thumbs he created tiny circles on her neck. “Do you want to say yes or no to me? Don’t think too long as the opportunity to kiss me could pass. I might change my mind.”

She closed her eyes, her breath quivering as she waited. Then finally, “Yes, please.” She opened her eyes then, her gaze focused on his mouth, her question shook him to his core. “Are they as soft as I remember?”

She unmanned him with those words. Soft?

This was what he sought, her compliance and willingness to kiss him, but he meant to prolong this as long as he was physically able. His voice shook now with his need, “Please what? You must say the words if you want that kiss and Daryl, I don’t think there is any part of me that is soft.”

“Your lips are,” she said steadfastly, trying to make her point. “I wouldn’t say so if it wasn’t true.”

He bent close to her ear, shaking off her comment. “Say the words, lass. Tell me how much you hunger, no yearn for my kiss.”

Next to him he felt the slight shuddering of her body, her breasts now pushed against his chest, their rounded firmness enticing him to take more than he intended today.

“What?” she looked startled, confused yet she still stared unrelentingly at his mouth.

He felt the hesitant touch of her fingertip on his lips. “Ach, lass, you cannot tease a man this way. It is not well done of you.” At the slight stroke his body jerked awake.

“They are soft and wet, just like I remember.”

He groaned, the gist of her words going straight to his groin yet still waiting for her to say the words that would allow him to kiss her. “Chase, catch, now I’m still waiting for the last part. Tell me you want me to kiss you or we will be like this forever.”

“Please,” she sighed, his lips nearly touching hers. He felt her breath and nearly kissed her.

“Please what?” He continued knowing she wanted but seemed afraid to give permission. “Why do you hesitate so? What is it you’re afraid of?”

“I cannot say.” Her hands ran through his beard, curiously exploring. “Your beard is soft too. I like the way it feels on my hands.”

He groaned. He was sure she was remembering another time when she granted him more than a kiss. He’d been hell bent to teach her a much-needed lesson and went too far, even though he didn’t regret it.

“You must,” he said, wishing he had not started this game.

He knew she wanted the kiss, the caress of his mouth against hers. Giving what he knew she wanted should have been easy, but he needed more, craved her permission.

“Donal, I do want you to kiss me more than anything.”

He had heard enough. His mouth fashioned itself across hers. He forgot everything but the sensations the kiss evoked within him. The tiny sounds undulating from her told him she enjoyed the kiss even while her fingers sifted nearly frantic through his short beard and hair. He kissed her again and again, his tongue sweeping across the velvet heat of her mouth. He needed to find a way inside her, to touch the satin heat within.

He pulled away, slowly, one by one withdrawing all the pins from her hair until its massive unruly length curled around her shoulders and down her long slender back. He ran his finger through the strands. She was so beautiful he could barely inhale a breath. “Open for me, open your mouth and let me inside.”

Staring at him again, ignoring his words, “Your lips are soft and so is your beard. You didn’t have a beard two years ago.”

“The last time I kissed you and held you in my arms.”

He meant to remind her of other intimacies they could share if she was willing and would agree to be his wife.

She inhaled a sharp gasp, her eyes widening with the comprehension of that day and what she allowed him. “That is not well done of you. In any case, there are parts of you that are soft. Even if you are unwilling to admit to the fact,” her words indignantly whispered from her lips.

So affected by her sweet words, he could barely contain the passion and hunger warming his body. He needed more from her, “Part your lips, lass. I need to feel the warmth and taste the sweetness only you can offer. I need to be inside you in more ways than one, but I’ll settle for this small intimacy right now.”

“You didn’t do that last time.” She sounded confused but when he set his lips on her, she parted for him.

Before he took advantage, he whispered, “You were too young and I really had no business kissing you. The time after that…” He didn’t finish simply because he didn’t wish to remind her of the events at the beach house. If he did, she might run from him.

“You did.”

“So true.” He was inside her now, touching her teasing and exploring every sweet part of her. Her tongue met his with all the sweetness and heat he remembered. This was a heaven made in hell to provoke him and tempt him to toss her skirts right where they stood.

When she responded with a passion and hunger as primal as his own, he knew waiting for her had been right and positive. They would do well together as man and wife. Together they would share passion and sensual delights of the body. He would give her whatever leeway she desired, and he would pamper her even let her run the bakery if that was what she wanted. Even so he needed to hold back. This was uncharted territory for her and there had been no commitments between them.

It seemed he could not help himself. His hands cupped her breasts. The tips hardened beneath his caress. Her head fell back, instinctively giving him more access to her body. She was untried, inexperienced yet it seemed she knew what to do.

“Should you be touching me there?”

Surprised, he smiled at her. “Should you be allowing it?”

He didn’t wait for an answer, understanding he needed to claim her. Daryl MacTavish was a prize men would covet, and it might be some time before she would agree to a marriage or Flynt would agree for that matter.

He partially unbuttoned the shirt she wore so he would have access to her neck and perhaps steal a look at the valley between her breasts. Sucking and licking, teasing with his teeth, he slowly put a mark at the base of her throat. It was his claim to her and he decided he would make sure it remained until he could put a ring on her finger making their path together official.

Pressed against her now, his sex was hard and throbbing against her belly. Never before had he stopped when his rod felt as if it might burst. Everything with this woman was a first. He wanted her to feel him. If he guided her hand to him, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

Chase, catch, and kiss.

He drew away, having accomplished that as well as a bit more. When she opened her eyes, they were glazed, stunned, simmering with the sexual pleasure he introduced her to.

“Is that all?” she asked, fumbling with a button on her shirt and to his delight managing to undo one more.

The soft curve of her unveiled breast called to him. Taken with a brief moment of chivalry, he buttoned her shirt. “You need to keep your garments closed all the way to the top.”

The shimmer in her eyes changed to fire and he was sure it was anger, her tiny hands fisted as her sides, “I will button and unbutton my clothes the way I want them, when I want.”

Stepping back, his arms crossed in front of him, “Very well, what is it you want? Unbuttoned or buttoned?”

With his calculated words her eyes seemed to cross as she stiffened. “Unbuttoned of course. It is hot out here.” She finished with those words as if she needed an excuse.

“Please allow me. How many, two three or all of them? You must tell me when to stop.” He felt as if someone else took over his mind. He was a besotted fool for egging her on this way. If she continued in this vein, he’d be hard pressed to keep his promise to himself, but he would enjoy the view as long as she presented it to him.

~ * ~

Daryl unbuttoned the three he’d undone then the fourth she’d nervously fumbled with. “I won’t allow a man to dictate to me. I will do as I please.”

She understood she was stubborn to a fault and this could have serious complications if she continued on this path. She wanted those kisses and more. To her dismay, he stopped, grinning at her.

“So.” He began eyeing her open blouse with a soft chuckle that both enticed and irritated her, “If I tell you to do one thing then you will immediately do the opposite?”

“No, I will weigh the consequences of both choices.”

In this case she didn’t, she just reacted to him. Her head was muddled. She had dust for brains.

“Ah, I see what you’re about. Good thing I’m a gentleman. The result of your actions just now could have me tossing your skirts and coming inside you with my sex not just my tongue, although my tongue would be nice too. I would like to taste you. Is that a complication you’ve considered? I suppose it would also be an invitation to any man you might run across.”

She pursed her lips together, her body shaking. She was thinking about what he said and not understanding most of it except the part about him coming inside her since she liked what he did with his tongue. Her expectations wouldn’t go any farther than that, “I might like you tasting me. You, not any man,” she amended, smiling at his lips, “tossing my skirts. You did something like that before and…”

His scowl and the deep breath he inhaled led to him saying, “Do you have any idea what you just suggested?”

“No, not really. Maybe you could explain.”

What she did know was that she felt things in certain parts of her she’d only felt once before. Those sensations were at his hand. Also, she remembered, Hope, one of her friends, had tried to explain things to her but she still didn’t understand all of it, all Hope tried to tell her. Most of what Hope said came from the women she’d known in the Turkish harem where Hope’s mother had been taken when she was captured.

“I’d rather show you.”

He moved closer to her, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Yet the grim expression on his face told her he wasn’t pleased. His silver blue eyes were drawn together. They looked like smoldering steel.

“You won’t because I’m too naïve and inexperienced to understand. I ken it but I was hoping you would be the man to change that circumstance.”

She wanted him to deny her words. More than ready to find out what having her skirts tossed would be like with this man, she wanted to challenge him to the point where he would indeed show her. Being told as well as threatened about the things he was going to do was no longer enough.

“Not until we are wed.” His words were gritted out in a husky voice she’d never heard from him before. “When the vows between us are said…”

“Well then,” she paused, a fingertip pressed against her lips, “I will never have the experience of you inside me except of course your tongue. Is that what you want?” she tried to take a different route.

For a moment, he seemed puzzled. “Why is that? Of course I want more than my tongue inside you, but…”

“Because I’m never marrying. As I think I said before, I’m never marrying you or anyone else. If you want to have me, it will be only with me remaining in control of myself. You, or any man, will never own me. I’m not chattel to be bought and sold to the highest bidder.”

“I’ve no intention of owning you or buying you. The last thing I would ever want to do is sell you. That notion is absurd. I will change your mind concerning marriage but obviously not this afternoon.” He extended his hand. “Come, it’s getting late. I’ll take you home.”

She understood she was defensive, but she needed to make her point before time went on and he wouldn’t believe her. “I can get home by myself. No need to waste your time on me.”

“Of course you can. If I believed otherwise, I wouldn’t have chased, caught and kissed you. A woman who cannot take care of herself, I wouldn’t be interested in, if they could not find their own way home.” He still extended his hand, expecting her to take hold. “Now, I would love to hold your hand in mine while we walk to our horses. If you don’t want to then…” He seemed to be waiting for an answer.

She was too astounded by his words to think clearly. When he cleared his throat, his arm still outstretched and waiting for her to take his hand in hers, she accepted. His hand circling hers was big and warm. She felt overwhelmed as if he consumed her, yet the feelings were good and right for her.

The feminine part of her was pleased.

In silence they walked to the horses. He gave her a boost up and she waited for him to mount, watching the play of his muscles as they stretched his shirt as well as his pants. Touching her swollen lips with a fingertip then looking his way, she wondered if he felt the same as she did.

It seemed he read her mind, “Yes, the kiss was good for me, too, so good I’d like to try again after I see you home. Would you like that? Another kiss? Perhaps in the stables or maybe in the kitchen, or we could take a glass of wine to the parlor and kiss on the sofa.”

“I’d like that. Any place would be nice. I like the way you taste,” she spoke slowly, watching him as he pulled up beside her. It was difficult to remove her gaze from his luxuriously soft moist lips as she recalled how they caressed her, but she would try.

It seemed he needed to change the subject though, “Would you like to race to that tree down the road. It’s far enough to challenge your mare, but not so far my stallion would have the advantage of his great strength and size.”

He was referring to himself comparing them in a way she didn’t want to acknowledge. Yet a strange exhilaration filled her. She would race and win, showing him she was faster, more than equal despite his great size. Nodding, she nudged her horse forward, knowing she would need a fast start to even have a chance of beating his stallion in this short bout.


His words were loud as was his laughter. She bent over her mare, close to her neck as she urged her forward and faster. “Go fast. Don’t let that brute beat us. You can do it.” But she heard the pounding of the hooves behind her, closing the distance.

The tree passed her by just as Donal did. She didn’t know if he staged the tie or if they really did finish dead even. In any case, she didn’t care, pulling her horse to a slow walk.

“Did you plan that or was the race a tie?” she asked, smiling sweetly as she flirtatiously tilted her head to one side, understanding by the look in his eyes she would never know the truth.

“I beat you fair and square even after you started too soon.” He laughed and the sound filled the air. “You had to cheat to even come close to a tie. If you did not start early, I would have passed you sooner.”

“I like the way you laugh,” she sighed softly, wondering if all men were so obtuse. “You won’t tell me the truth and we both know you didn’t win.”

A cool evening breeze caressed her flushed skin. Donal challenged her. She liked the way the challenge felt. He baited and teased, still he never laughed at her or the conditions she was beginning to set for their relationship. It seemed to her he let every demand she made go by the wayside, giving her her way in everything. She reminded herself, he was a man set in his manly ways. He’d never let her have her life as her own or tolerate her disobedience when the stakes were different. This was just a game to him. It was too bad, because he was exceptional to look at and his kisses left her mind reeling as well as butterflies dancing inside her stomach.

Lifting his manly and very broad shoulders he continued to say, “I’m a man, of course I won. It goes without saying.”

The sound of his warm chuckle sent a little thrill down her spine. His words were another test he was sending her way.

He captivated her, enchanted her and aroused her to such a degree she couldn’t think straight. If he wanted, he could do anything, caress her anywhere and she would not say no to him.

What to do, because he understood the power he possessed.

“Men don’t win everything just because they are a man. Women are just as smart or smarter than men. We are quick and strong, strong enough to give birth. Could a man do that?”

She grinned, believing she held the best argument. He could not refute childbirth or deny a woman’s strength in that matter.

“Perhaps some are as smart. I’ll give that to you but as to decision-making, they are sorely lacking in said skill. If you recall, you were riding hell bent across the field, not a wise choice when there was no reason.”

“Nothing untoward happened and it never has.”

“Call it luck,” he said as he arched one perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Why?” She was shocked by his comment.

“Women usually think with their heart not with the logic that comes from rational decision making. You were lucky your horse did not step in a hole and throw you. Worse, your mare could have broken a leg and you would have been forced to put her down.”

She chose to ignore the latter part of his words in favor of her strength. “If they didn’t, no woman would have more than one child except those like my sister Bliss who had twins.”

She would not let down her argument, knowing she was right.

“As long as the man gives his woman a choice. There are those who don’t wait, holding their breath for the woman they are courting to give them permission to kiss them. There are some who take that which is not freely given.”

“Some men take. I ken it.”

Once again, she was thinking about Donal and his strange behavior today. He did wait for permission. She longed for him to do so much more than kiss. While she had ideas, she just didn’t know exactly how they would actually play out. So, she could not tell him what she wanted. When she used his words to say she would like him to do something wicked, he said no and he would wait until they were wed.

“As to men giving birth,” he paused as if searching for the right answer. “Maybe, maybe not. That does not make a woman stronger.”

“When you hear your wife’s screams as your first child is born, then you will understand what I’m saying. When you watch her lose her food for the first few months, then you will ken how strong she is. There is so much more to a woman that few men understand. I don’t care to elaborate.” She pointed, “Look, we are almost home. You have my permission to kiss me again.”

“Are you truly ready for another kiss or do I need to chase and catch you first? There is something nostalgic about the chase as well as the kiss.”

“I believe you’ve already caught me, at least for today. My body thrums with a need I don’t understand. I want things you plan to deny me unless we wed. It’s not fair, you know.”

“Tell me…”

She looked down for a moment unable to explain the sensations to him, didn’t know what she should say and what she shouldn’t. She was shaking her head, “I cannot.” Embarrassment consumed her as heat rushed to her cheeks.

“Why?” He persisted, a silly grin on his face.

“Do you always pursue things so tenaciously? I cannot. That should be good enough for you.”

He sighed deeply while his eyes narrowed suspiciously, “Sadly, it is not enough. Why can’t you explain to me how you feel?”

She glared at him, understanding he would not let up until he had the answers from her he sought. “Because I don’t have the words. Even if I did, it would embarrass me.”

“I will help you with the words,” he told her as he brought his horse closer to hers.

She nudged her horse forward, wishing the conversation into oblivion. Heading into the stables she dismounted, ignoring him the best she could. A stable lad approached but she waved him away, wishing to take care of her horse and hoping he would forget the conversation in the ensuing moments.

Before she could even give the horse water and food, he was leaning nonchalantly against a wall, watching her with his hooded eyes, seeming to study and evaluate everything she did. When she looked at him, he smiled, a masculine all-knowing grin.

He didn’t say a word, just waited, his expression unchanging while she brushed her horse. There was nothing more she could do, nothing to take up time. “You can go home now that you’ve seen me to mine.”

“I would be remiss if I did not accompany you into the house. Perhaps your cook left food warming and we could share a meal. I do understand you’ve not invited me inside to share food, but I would accept if you did. And,” he paused, “you asked for a second kiss.”

“I’m sure there is food. What I’m not sure of is if I can eat anything.”

She knew she could not. Nothing would sit well. The butterflies in her stomach just would not settle as they tenaciously somersaulted around.

“I assure you that you would be able to eat if you explained yourself. The omission is lying heavy on your breasts, rattling your nerves and making you irritable. Your stomach is now taking the brunt of all your confusing emotions. I like all sides of you though.”

“Perhaps you would like something to drink,” she murmured, latching the stall door and heading for the main house, still trying to ignore his presence so close to her.

“Only if you imbibe as well. A little alcohol would ease your mind and you would be able to divulge those feminine secrets I would love to learn about. Wine will help you relax.”

She didn’t look back. Her pace quickened. She’d never been so embarrassed. Heat flooded her cheeks at just the thought of explaining anything feminine to him.

“I’d prefer brandy.”

“Whatever you wish.”

She could not walk fast enough to distance herself from him. His footsteps echoed behind her. He was allowing her escape for now. Well, she decided he commanded and would expect anything he wanted, but she didn’t have to comply with his wishes. Wasn’t it after all her wish to have the control of her body, mind and thoughts?

Inside the kitchen, she sat down at the table, letting him decide whatever it was he was trying to decide. She wasn’t going to eat because she simply wasn’t hungry. He poked around, finally finding the meal cook left.

“Bangers and mash, perfect for a cold spring evening, don’t you think?” He dished up two plates. “Since you didn’t send me packing. I assume you would like to eat with me. Or is it the next kiss that has you in anticipation, unwilling to send me away?”

He poured glasses of wine instead of searching for the brandy before setting the bottle on the table.

“I don’t want to explain anything to you.”

“Eat up.” He waved his fork in the air, a manly grin stretching across his face. “You will need your strength for the good night kiss I’ve planned.” he paused again, “if you be tellin’ me yes when I ask.” He was enjoying every moment.

“You no longer want me to explain?” she felt a moment of relief.

“I didn’t say that now, did I? I will have my explanation before I leave tonight.” He sat back, washing his food down with his glass of wine then pouring another and topping off hers. “A man my size has big needs. Eventually, you will learn that and in time you will fill mine just as I will take care of yours.”

“I don’t think so.”

Slowly, she sipped her wine, scrutinizing him over the rim of her glass. Automatically her gaze slipped to his full lips as she recalled how soft and warm they were. She couldn’t stop the tiny mew of pleasure that sighed softly from her, nor could he hold back the manly grin on his lips as he realized she was thinking about that kiss and the ones to come.

“We shall see.” He lounged in his chair, tilting it back so it was settled on just two of its legs. “Should we continue this conversation in the parlor, perhaps a more fitting place for two adults to have intimate discussions about feminine things as well as another kiss.”

“I’m quite happy here.”

She wanted to put off said discussion, hoping the ensuing darkness would prompt his departure.

“Your very feminine ploy is obvious, and it won’t work this evening. If I have to stay all night, I will hear you out and teach you that you don’t need to feel embarrassment with me. You can say anything you want. I’ll never judge. You will learn that you can talk about feminine conditions and I will listen with grave interest.” His words were softly spoken but to Daryl very believable.

“It’s no ploy.” She was adamant and meant to stand her ground.

“No kiss then.” He challenged further. “By the way, your sweetly tasting pink tongue moistening your lips tells me you are anticipating my mouth over yours. You want to be inside me and taste me. Am I right or wrong? Be honest now, lass, or I might never trust you again.”

“Right, of course you are correct.” She rose then and walked to the parlor. Give him what he wants and embarrass him, she wanted to say.

He followed her, so close behind her she was sure she felt his manly warmth penetrating through her clothing. She waved a hand in front of her in a feeble attempt to cool her body and not beg him for that kiss.

“Are you hot?” he asked.

She felt his breath on her neck where he pulled her hair back. “No, no, never that. It’s just…”

He turned her then. His lips and teeth caressed her throat, teasing while creating a wild havoc the same sensations he wanted her to explain, exploding inside her.

“Little liar, don’t’ you know you must always tell me the truth. Your face is flushed, and it is your thoughts about me, us that cause the unusual brightening of your cheeks.”

“I don’t mean to lie, it’s just that I can’t think when you look at me that way. At times I’m not at all sure I even know my name. You do things to me. Don’t you think you should leave?”

While he was studying her, she sat down in a wing chair, folding her hands in her lap to keep them from fumbling with her buttons. What she needed was to sit on them, but that would prompt another discussion she didn’t want to have.

“Another glass of wine?”

He filled hers before she could tell him yes or no, before she could even figure out if she wanted one.


“I’ve left you tongue tied again? Did you want to unfasten another button? I didn’t request for you to fasten them. At least I can’t remember such a demand when I’m enjoying the lovely view you are giving me. Your breasts are quite beautiful. I believe they would fill my hands and I’ve large hands. Also, I believe you would like the way your breasts will feel when I hold them and touch the velvet soft nipples.”

She looked down then and saw what he was seeing. Her gaze went to his, her eyes she knew were wide with surprise. Yet she didn’t move to fasten them or cover herself. “I…”

“Again, nothing or very little to say?” He chuckled softly and it was an easy laughter, one that exuded confidence and male comfort.

Unlike herself he was at ease with this banter. It left her scrambling for words, her mind in a coil. She could not help but wonder at the lack of gray matter in her head. At the moment her brain must be filled with dust or cobwebs.

When she looked up and noticed his silver blue eyes seem to darken, she couldn’t help the words tumbling out. “You do things to me, things…” She inhaled long and deep, searching her mind for the words and came back to the explanation she didn’t want to give him in the first place. “Things I don’t know how to explain.”

“You have unfastened so many of the buttons I can almost see the dusky pink circles surrounding your nipples. I like it that you are not wearing a corset. Oh dear, but if I say that, will it mean every day in the future you will wear one of those horrible contraptions?” He paused, a fingertip to his chin. “I tell you honestly, you have to wear a corset. There is nothing more to it. Yes, a corset it is. They are so much fun to take off a lady, the right lady anyway.”

She nearly laughed at his posturing and wondered if she was indeed the right lady. “I will don a corset when it pleases me. You may have all the fun you wish to have taking it off. When it pleases me and not a moment before.”

“Ah, lassie, feminine wiles. I’m surprised you are not tilting your head a bit sideways and demurely lowering your splendidly dark lashes. I so dearly love to render them useless. I will make sure the notion of unlacing your corset pleases you when it pleases me.”

She stiffened, feeling the imaginary brunt of his hand against her face. He needed to go home as she was near total exhaustion, which was the reason why she could not stay a step ahead of him in this conversation, the verbal game he played.

“I would like that kiss now then you can leave.”

She turned prim and proper, needed a night of sleep so she could think clearly tomorrow not that she needed to because she probably wouldn’t see him. The breath she inhaled was not enough as she choked on the sip of wine caught in the back of her throat.

“I believe your words were, and I quote, ‘My body thrums with a need I don’t understand.’ You still need to explain that to me so I can stop doing those things to you if that is what you desire. My manly sensibilities need to know the truth as I only mean to please you.”

“You can’t really expect me to say what I’m feeling. You’re a man and you would never understand anything about a lady.”

She held her breath, praying for him to say she didn’t need to expound but knowing he would never give in. He would either get what he wanted or he would stay.”

“Ah, but I do want to know about feminine things only a lady knows. I’m always curious and eager to learn. How will I discover these truths if you don’t enlighten me? One cannot expect to learn without a teacher.”

“Can’t I just have that kiss and say goodnight? We really don’t know each other so well as to say the things I’m thinking. I know you don’t really mean everything you are saying. Do you?”

“Every day we are going to know each other better. Now, perhaps I can help with this difficulty you are having. What part of your body thrums with need?” He folded his hands in front of him, appearing to be waiting patiently as one roguish brow arched skyward.

She didn’t trust him in this. No, she didn’t trust him in the least. Her fingers went to the buttons on her shirt as she tried desperately to calm herself. For a moment she looked down then back to his eyes. “Parts I shouldn’t talk to a man about. Lady parts. Things men aren’t supposed to know about.”

He smiled, “We’ve made progress. Now how do they thrum?”

She moistened her lips before looking to the sky for divine intervention. Nothing happened. “They pulse and I’m hot, swollen. I need to…” She looked at him afraid she might die from mortification. “I want you to touch me, I think, and perhaps wet. I dinna ken anything else, but I believe you can fix my problem or make it worse. I’m not too sure.”

“Very good, you have earned your kiss. What you have told me is that your most beautiful feminine folds, the soft petals that will embrace me after we are wed,” he paused, “once we are wed, they will be ready for me to come inside you. Do you want that? Do you wish for me to come inside you?”

He drew her onto his lap. Once again, the kiss was long and sweet, so very deep and hot that she was swept away on the magical enchantment he created. “Donal…” she sighed into his mouth.

“Are you hot and wet, ready for me?” he asked as one hand cupped her breast and the other her waist drawing her closer.

She nodded, her hips seeming to move of their own accord, desperately trying to get closer to him, begging him to explore and plunder her most private feminine parts. She arched her back as she seemed to lose what little control she had from the beginning. “Yes, will you give me relief?”

“Not until you become my bride.” He kissed her again and again, his lips finding the mark he made earlier, enhancing the tender spot so it would stay there until he had another chance to sip in that beautiful place. His spot. “Your feminine folds are swollen and hot. Your body is slick with your cream. If you were not a virgin, I would delve inside your sheath, but you are and I want more than that from our relationship.”

“Please.” She wanted more than that too. “I will never be your bride,” she whispered with no conviction, “So you can show me what it is I need. You can come inside me now. You can have me whatever way you want to have me, you can have it with me. I willnae object.”

Abruptly, he pulled away, gazing at her, studying her. “Will you meet me tomorrow at noon by the waterfall? We can kiss again and perhaps I’ll introduce you to another part of lovemaking then we can go into town together. I would once again like to see you safely to your home above the bakery. If you’d rather go by yourself and have no one to talk to, I would not consider interfering in your peace and quiet. You would also risk the dangers of the road.”

With that said, he set her on the couch. For a moment he stood by the door, then with a nod he left.

Daryl leaned on the windowsill and watched him ride down the road. Her knees were so weak she could barely stand. He left her confused, disoriented to be sure. If she wasn’t mistaken, aroused significantly to be uncomfortable. Hope told her kisses would do that to a woman and that is why men kissed them. She touched her breast as he had. It was a light caress and all he did was hold them in her hands.

When she touched herself intimately, she was wet, slick with moisture just as he told her she would be. She wondered what it was he would do, how he would caress her to take away this strange ache. Hope told her things but not nearly enough. What he did at the beach house came to mind. She wanted him to do those things again.

Tomorrow she would tell him what she did.

~ * ~

The night before he left, Graham slept fitfully. He’d not wanted to tell his brother about the real and very threatening activities in the states and the talk that could set families against families. Leslie advised him against saying anything prematurely and told him he would look into the problem. He had emissaries he would send, but all that would take time. Leslie told him his brother Link would take care of everything.

No need to worry Donal.

“Well,” he murmured. “I’m on my way to the Highlands.”

He had no idea what he would find there or if there would be a wife for him. He would just have to see what developed. The crumbling estate, he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, didn’t exactly sound like a place where one could make a home and raise children. Even so, he was going to try.

Graham pulled Draco to a halt just as the large drive to the Chamberlin estate began. He’d spent too long in Edinburgh, enjoying the sites as well as the women. With luck on his side he made it to his ancestral estate, gifted to him by his grandmother, just before the first snows of winter would start. What he discovered in the city was that the life of leisure and balls he was invited to didn’t suit. Neither did any of the debutants he met there.

As he studied the lane and the row of trees leading to the front steps, he noticed three different heads poking out from three trees along with spindly arms and legs waving at him. He laughed outright, remembering days long past. Times when he and Donal played in the same trees, usually not in the dead of winter though.

After watching for a few minutes, he nudged Draco forward, keeping his attention on the lads, wondering just how old the boys were and to whom they belonged. Clearly, they appeared to be at home in his trees. He pulled up beneath the first trees.

“Come down, lad. All of you present yourselves. Front and center,” he called out in his sternest voice, hoping they would obey but not having any illusions.

They seemed to take his order to heart, all three dropping to the ground in almost perfect unison. Urchins, to be sure, landed sure-footed on the grass beside the lane. They all needed to be scrubbed from head to toe, possibly twice but they would clean up well. He needed to laugh but didn’t want the laughter to come at their expense.

The threesome lined up in front of him, straight faced and stiff as boards.

The tallest and he assumed the oldest of the trio spoke. “We were told to watch out for you and welcome you home. Heard you were coming just a week or so ago.” He inhaled a deep breath, obviously meaning to say more but was interrupted.

“No one told us we’d have to be here on the lane for two weeks. Did you know it’s cold out here?”

“I was never informed I had a deadline.” Graham’s laughter was unchecked this time.

“Well, someone should have done just that or you could have sent a message.” The tallest said indignantly. “Not like it’s summer.”

He’d just been properly chastised by the boy and meant to proceed with further introductions lest they think it okay to reprimand an elder. “Do you have names? I’m Graham Chamberlin.” He waited for acknowledgement and perhaps some information if they were agreeable.

“I’m Dodge,” the tallest said as he cleared his throat. “Been called that for a long time now.”

Graham reckoned he must be nearing nine or ten years. He directed his attention to the next in line.

“I’m Ollie.” The lad nodded, his hair falling in front of his face before he looked up and pushed it away with his hands. It was hard to tell Ollie’s age, but he was pretty sure the boy was younger than Dodge, perhaps eight or nine.

“And you?” This lad was small and seemed to need at least three good meals in his belly. The others must have helped him into the tree because he wasn’t tall enough to reach the lowest limbs.

“Midget,” he grinned, “Please to meet you, sir. We’re supposed to make sure you have everything you need and show you to the house.”

“Who sent you?”

From what Graham heard about the estate, he didn’t think anyone here would care if he was greeted or not.

The boys looked at each other, sharing glances several times before they seemed to come to a silent agreement.

“Ria sent us.”

Graham found himself nodding his head, rolling all the names around in the cobwebs that made up his brains right now and could not come up with one person on his list of employees who was named Ria.

He dismounted, intending to walk with the boys to the stables and discover a little bit more about their truths and how much more they would be willing to tell him. “Who is Ria?”

As he walked past them, he wondered if they intended to stay on the lane. Looking over his shoulder, Ollie was drawing circles in the dirt and Dodge was tugging on Midget’s hand. Once again, seeming to reach some form of silent agreement all three started walking.

“Ria’s no concern of yours,” Dodge said, his voice gruff and taking on a prickly edge. “We protect her as does Miss Millie, so you don’t have to worry about her or go near her.”

Protect her? Bloody hell who or why would she need protection from. For a moment he thought to ask them for more information. By the slant of their lips he didn’t think any more material about this mysterious Ria would be forthcoming. Instead, he decided to let them lead the way to the stables and give them time to become accustomed to him. Clearly, they had trust issues.

A few minutes later, Graham stopped in front of the stable doors. “Do you know how to take care of a horse? Draco needs a brushing down then food and water. Any of you want to do that?”

“Don’t know nothing about horses,” Dodge said, looking at him as he had mush for brains. “Don’t know how to ride.”

“I’m afraid of the huge beasts,” Ollie said, once again his gaze directed to the ground below and what he was doing with his foot.

“I’m not,” Midget volunteered. “Don’t think I’m big enough to brush him.”

“Then perhaps at least one of you should learn. What do the three of you do around the house besides wallow in the dirt?”

The words were uttered harsher than he’d intended but nonetheless he meant what he said. Everyone would have to do something in his household if they expected to be fed and clothed.

Once again Dodge, the apparent spokesperson for the trio, said, “I’d like to learn how to take care of your horse. As far as I know it’s the only one in the stable now but don’t have the time. Have to protect Ria and right now she could be in trouble. We’ve been away too long watching for you.”

His words were said defensively and to make a point of telling him he was at fault if anything happened to the mystery lady.

The boys looked at each other for a few seconds. Once again it seemed the silent conversation between them was understood. They took off at a run, and Graham watched them speed around the back of the house where the servants’ staircase would be found emptying into the scullery.

If there were no horses in the stable, would it figure there was no stable boy? Graham led his horse around the house, resigned to the care of Draco. Entering the outbuilding he searched for anyone who could help him.

“What can I do?” A man strode from a room at the far end of the building.

“Draco needs to be brushed down then fed and given water. Is that your job?” Graham asked, handing the reins over to the man, impatient now to discover what was going on in the main house and establish himself as the owner. Apparently, there were things that needed tending.

“I’ll take care of anything, sir. Nice to have you back in residence, sir. You staying this time?” the man asked.

Graham stared hard, his eyes narrowing. “Shamus, is that you?”

He held out his hand in greeting. As lads Shamus played with him as well as his brother and the Duke.

“It is and you’re a sight for sore eyes, I tell you. It’s about time someone arrived here to right the wrongs going on in this place.”

Graham clapped his old friend on the back, thinking he might have to take a few minutes more to find out a few things. “Got some questions if you’re up to answering them.”

Shamus looked over his shoulder as he rid Draco of his saddle and blanket. He took a few seconds to start brushing the stallion. “What do you want to know?”

Graham positioned himself against the stall, crossing his arms in front of him. “Let’s start with the lads. Who are they and why are they here?”

Shamus grinned as he stroked the horse several times. “The lads, so you met them. Not surprised that Ria sent them to greet you. What did they tell you?”

“Not much, just that their job is to protect this woman, Ria.”

He waited then, studying the man.

Shamus hauled out a bucket of water and once Draco had his fill gave him his food.

“Dodge do the talking?” Shamus laughed.

Graham nodded, his brows drawing together as he waited impatiently for Shamus to be a bit more forthcoming.

“He’s the oldest and if you were looking closely without assuming anything, Ollie is a little girl and Midget, of course, is the youngest. They came with Ria one day and they’ve stayed, although Ria keeps herself scarce with good reason. Not exactly sure why they stayed, but the house is shelter for them.”

“Where did they come from?”

“If Dodge can be trusted the worst streets in Edinburgh. Had to do things, if you get my drift, just to eat. I’m surprised they let on that Ria is a woman.”

“I’m beginning to understand a few things. Why does Ria have reason to keep herself scarce?”

He didn’t like the direction of his thoughts, although there were a myriad of reasons why the lady might not want to be found.

“Around these parts the main reason is well known and I’d be hopin’ that your first order of business would be to get rid of Leod, your manager of the estate. Don’t recall his last name, whether or not I was ever told I can’t be remembering. Think the lady is hiding from something that happened to her in the city, but that’s just my gut telling me things. There’s no evidence I could be right or wrong.”

“And why would I want to get rid of this man?”

He didn’t like the fact the questioning and answers began with Ria and ended with Leod. Again, his mind travelled in a direction Graham didn’t appreciate nor would he allow.

“He’s turned Granville Manor into a whorehouse. Pretty simple. Don’t think it’s what you would want for your home. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Answer more questions when I have them.”

“Whatever you like.”

“Millie still here?” he asked, as he pushed away from his position, meaning to see for himself at the main house.

“Only because she keeps praying either you or your brother will show up and set this mess to rights. Suppose her prayers have been answered.”

“Suppose they have.”

Determined, Graham strode to the manor, walking up the broad front porch steps. When he stepped inside, a man stumbled drunkenly down the stairway from above. His pants were unfastened and his shirt hung loosely from his shoulders.

This must be the man Shamus was alluding to a few minutes before. He spread his legs, his hand at his side. “Who are you?”

“I believe the better question is who are you. I’m the owner and didn’t realize anyone was living here. The home, I was told, is empty.”

“Leod is the name. I took up residency here when it seemed no one was going to claim the land and the crumbling home. Didn’t ken why it should go to waste. So many in these parts are homeless.”

“I see, well, you’ll have to move out.”

“How do I know you’re tellin’ the truth and you are who you say you are?”

He stumbled a bit then hanging on to the back of the chair, the man stared at him, his eyes narrowing in seeming concentration.

“You don’t, except for my word as a Chamberlin.” Graham couldn’t imagine anyone living here unless they were desperate. “You haven’t seen fit to make improvements?”

The man shrugged, his body seeming to relax. “No funds. If you’d sent money, I would have done something.”

“Most likely drink it away,” Graham mumbled.

A woman ran down the steps naked but holding a dress in front of her.

“You use my home as a whorehouse?”

Anger began to simmer inside as he perused the rapid flight as well as the woman’s backside.

“She wanted it. I was just obliging her wishes.”

The man’s grin was nearly toothless, and what Graham could see of teeth they were yellowed and brown.

“That’s why she was naked and racing away. Get out.” With a shaking hand, he pointed to the door.

“My things…” the man started up the steps.

“I’ll have them put on the front lawn. You can have them picked up when you please.”

Arms crossed in front of him, both impatient and angry, he waited for the man to leave.

When Leod finally exited the house, he let a long sigh of relief from his lungs. Striding through his new home, he examined every part of it, every nook and cranny. He was just about finished on the third and last floor when he noticed a movement, a tiny shadow push back against the wall and the softest whimper.

He reached the spot in two quick strides then hunkering down, he peered behind a lose wallboard. What he saw surprised him. Two huge blue eyes peered at him from behind a set of knees drawn to her chest.

“Who are you?”

She pushed back farther. From beneath her ragged skirts two sets of dirty, bare toes caught his attention. She pushed grimy and disheveled hair from her face, but the terror he saw in her eyes lingered.

“Cat got your tongue?”

He almost laughed but held it not believing for a second, she was seeing anything humorous in this situation.

She was shaking her head, clearly terrified of him. In all his life he couldn’t recall any woman every being frightened let alone terrified when he was present. His thoughts travelled back to the man, Angus.

“Did Leod hurt you?”

He would have the man tarred and feathered if he hurt this tiny delicate woman.

She was shaking her head no.

“Good then. Come on out and tell me your name.”

He held out a hand to her.

She pushed back farther.

“I promise I won’t hurt you,” he paused, realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere with her. “At least tell me your name.”


“That’s a fine name, Ria. Now tell me why you are hiding here on the third floor?”

“Leod.” Tears slipped from her eyes.

“Blessed hell,” he muttered. One look at the man and he knew trouble surrounded him. “You told me he didn’t hurt you.”

“Aye, but he wanted to rape me.”



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