First Chapter Deadly Unknowns

Chapter One

The mysterious couple who had been observing the Federal Medical Investigators’ team since they arrived in Pennsylvania five days ago walked up to Simon and Janet who sat at a booth in the hotel’s lounge.

“Agent Woods and Bennett, we’d like to talk with you. My name is Tyler Welch, and this is Karen Rivers.”

“Please have a seat,” Simon said as he glanced across the table at Janet with a puzzled expression.

He was not sure why this couple wanted to talk with them at this time of the night when most people were getting ready for bed or watching TV in the comfort of their homes.

“Karen and I represent a private clandestine organization observing people with ESP and supernatural powers,” Tyler said in a lower tone of voice, apparently not wanting anyone in the lounge to hear their conversation.

The closest people to them were two guys sitting at a small square table about eight feet away. The music from the wall speakers dampened conversations in the room, making it difficult to clearly hear what patrons were saying.

“We gather information on these people for the purpose of determining how these abilities came about. We’re in the early stages of trying to genetically reproduce these abilities. Over the past five days we obtained DNA from you two and the rest of your FMI agents, including Danny Emerick who supposedly doesn’t have any supernatural or ESP powers.”

“I assume you obtained our DNA from the cups and glasses we drank from here in the restaurant?”

“We did,” Tyler answered.

“If you’re a genetic research company, why are you telling us about your organization? If you already obtained our DNA, what’s the purpose of telling us what you had done?”

“We believe we can enhance your extrasensory perception abilities,” Karen said. “We and our scientist are most intrigued of how Agent Bennett recently began hearing a forewarning voice in her head.”

“You seem to know quite a bit about us.”

“We heard about you and your agents’ ESP abilities two days before your FMI team left Ocala. Your foreshadowing visions of deadly events happening within twenty-four hours, Agent Bennett’s warning premonition feelings and voice, Agent Cliftwood’s vision of a yellow glow around people with impending danger or death within twenty-four hours, and Agent Littlefield’s super sense of smell. We didn’t want to interfere with your investigation in Ocala or the investigation in Chambersburg. We came to Chambersburg a day before you and your team arrived. We started to observe you and your agents the first day you arrived. We saw you all enter the first cave site. No, we didn’t see who placed the explosives at the cave entrance. We assumed the explosives were placed there prior to your and Detective Spurrier’s arrival at the cave. Tyler and I arrived at the cave site about an hour before you all went inside. We didn’t see anyone in the area of the cave.”

Simon wasn’t sure if he should believe these two strangers. Like everything else during any of their investigations, they needed proof, concrete evidence. “How can we be sure what you’re telling us is the truth?”

Karen smirked. “Tyler and I figured you’d be skeptical. Right about now someone from our organization is contacting your FMI director, Brian Littlefield. Since you all will be leaving tomorrow morning and taking a few days off from your duties, we didn’t want to wait until you and your agents returned to work.”

These people obviously have been listening to our conversations, thought Simon. Frank and Danny checked everyone’s room and vehicle for electronic listening bugs. They must’ve been using remote listening devices directed at us when sitting at the restaurant, the lounge table, and when we were at the cave sites.

“To know so much about us and our other agents, you must be using a remote listening device?”

Karen grinned. “Yes. This was one means of listening to your conversations. You’re probably saying to yourself, ‘you can’t record any of our conversations unless you have a court subpoena, or we give you permission to record our conversation.’ True scenario: if we were a government agency like the FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security. Since we’re a private entity and not gathering information to distribute to the public or for a legal proceeding, our organization can’t be brought up on invasion of privacy when everything we gather is from a public venue like a restaurant, including the area around the two caves and outside the Tillman’s house. Besides, I don’t think you want to let the world know about your unique abilities, abilities helping you solve mysterious medical deaths throughout the United States.”

Simon knew Karen was right in what she said, especially regarding FMI’s agent’s extrasensory perception abilities. “You are right in what you said. I guess we’re like you and your organization; we need anonymity to function at an efficient level.”

Janet placed her drink down on the table, causing a clunking sound. Everyone glanced at her. Staring at Tyler, she said, “I have a question. You more than likely know where our home office is in Atlanta, so where is your facility? I’m sure it’s a building you’re doing your genetic research at.”

Tyler chuckled. “You definitely get right to the point, don’t you?”

“You seem to know a lot about us,” Janet answered, “so I’m sure you already knew of my directness with people.”

Tyler sat back, raising his eyebrows. “Touché, Agent Bennett. We know of your assertiveness.” He then leaned forward, directing his eyes toward Janet, who sat across the table to his left. “To answer your first question, our facility is in Virginia Beach.”

“Are you associated with the Edgar Casey Institute?”

“No, we’re not.”

Simon thought how appropriate to be in the same city as the leading ESP institute for the study of people with extrasensory perception abilities. Also, the same place where he wanted to take Janet to for rest and relaxation. Quite a coincidence.

“What exactly do you want from us? I heard your explanation regarding wanting to enhance ESP abilities through genetic research…but there has to be something more you want from us.”

Tyler stared at Karen with a serious expression, then nodded, apparently wanting to her to answer Simon’s question.

“You’re very perceptive besides having foreshadowing visions,” Karen answered. “Yes. There is something else we want from you and your agents.”

“I thought so.”

“Right now, I’m sure our director is asking your director about working together as a joint adventure. We can help you solve mysterious deaths, and you can help us determine where ESP abilities originate in the brain and how genetics likely plays a significant role. We probably wouldn’t have pursued this relationship between our two entities if it hadn’t been for Agent Bennett recently acquiring her inner voice warning her of imminent danger. Our scientists are anxious to understand how this happened.”

“What you’re saying is, you want to look into my brain?” Janet asked.

“Not physically of course. But through the eyes of CT, PET and other types of scanning devices.”

Janet furled her eyebrows. Pursed her lips, then said, “Huh. I’d be a regular guinea pig for you to study.” She turned her attention to Simon. “What do you think, Simon?”

Simon was intrigued by their proposal. He knew there had never been a scientific explanation of how people obtained their ESP abilities or supernatural powers. Maybe this organization was legitimate? According to Karen Rivers, they were on the brink of discovering and possibly replicating or enhancing these gifted people’s abilities. “Even if what you’re saying is true, our director would have to approve your proposal.”

“By the way,” Janet said, “what’s the name of your organization?”

“Future Innovations Today or F.I.T. Exteriorly, we’re a company dealing with technological research and development. The core to our organization is trying to understand how people with ESP and supernatural abilities came about. Like what we told you earlier.”

Simon drank some of his rum and coke, then said, “In other words, a synergistic relationship.”

“Yes. A good way to explain the relationship between us.”

Simon’s cell phone rang. He glanced down at the caller ID. It was Director Littlefield. “Hello.”

“I assume someone from Future Innovations Today talked with you already?”

“Yes. Matter of fact, they’re sitting with Agent Bennett and me right now in the hotel’s lounge.”

Simon’s surroundings went completely away, replaced by the director sitting at his kitchen table with a mustached man in his mid-fifties. The five-second vision then disappeared.

“They told us their proposal. What do you want us to do?”

“We’ll accept their offer. I already vetted their director, who’s sitting across from me at my kitchen table, and their organization. He came to my house a couple of hours ago. The team can fly out tomorrow morning to Virginia Beach. I’ll notify the pilots of your change in flight plans. I’ll be flying out of Atlanta with their director tomorrow morning to Virginia Beach to inspect their facility. I’ll see you and the agents there.”

Simon put his phone away, then looked at Janet. “Director Littlefield accepted their offer. The FMI team is going to Virginia Beach tomorrow.”

His and Janet’s plan of being alone on a short vacation and walking along the warm and enchanting beach of a moonlit night had been altered by their new assignment, but not completely taken away. He winked at Janet. “I guess we’ll have to make it a working vacation.”

She grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

“It’ll be great working with you and your agents,” Tyler said. “We’ll see you all at our facility tomorrow.”

He and Karen slid out from the booth and left the lounge.

Simon reached across the table and cuddled Janet’s right hand with his. A sensuous warmth flowed over every inch of his body. “We’ll make the best of it the next few days despite the change in our original plans.”

Janet placed her other hand on top of Simon’s. “We definitely don’t have a mundane nine-to-five, Monday through Friday job, do we? You know what? I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“I agree.” He slowly brought his hands back and brought out his cell phone, then said, “We’ll need to call the rest of the team and let them know what’s happening. I’ll have everyone meet us in my room in ten minutes.”

“I’ll call Jean and let her know,” Janet said as she retrieved her phone from her blazer.

Frank, Danny and Jean were standing in the hallway outside Simon’s door when he and Janet walked up to them. Five minutes had elapsed from the time they called the three of them from the lounge. Simon removed his cardkey. “I guess everyone is anxious to know what were about to tell you?”

He and Janet didn’t mention anything about F.I.T. or what was going to be discussed, only about a change in plans for tomorrow.

Once everyone was in the room, Simon told them about Tyler Welch, Karen Rivers and Future Innovations Today. He then told them they’d be leaving tomorrow morning for Virginia Beach for evaluation and testing by F.I.T. scientists.

“What if we don’t want to be evaluated or put through a battery of test?” Frank asked as he stood with his arms crossed, resting them against his chest.

Simon wasn’t prepared for one of the agents refusing F.I.T.’s proposal. “I guess you can decline. I assume Director Littlefield didn’t think any of the agents would refuse being examined and…”

“I’m just saying,” Frank interrupted, “it would’ve been nice if all of us were involved with the decision.”

Frank is correct in his statement, thought Simon. Although, it was Frank’s brother, Director Brian Littlefield, who made the decision for the FMI agents to cooperate with Future Innovations Today. “You’re right in what you said. Next time you talk with your brother, you might want to bring it up with him.” Simon looked at Janet. “Was there anything I missed about the research company?”

“No. You discussed everything.”

Simon stood up from the room’s computer chair. “I want everyone to get a good night sleep. Like I mentioned earlier when coming to the hotel, our plane leaves at nine o’clock tomorrow morning from Hagerstown’s airport. We’ll leave the hotel around eight.”

Everyone left the room except Janet, who sat at the end of the queen-size bed. Simon walked over to her. She stood. He gazed into her eyes, enticing eyes heightening his amorous emotions toward her. Her lips parted slightly in a gesture of “please press your lips against mine”. Janet’s soft, moistened lips pressed against Simon’s eager lips. A surge of emotional electricity flowed through his body as he reached around her, drawing her closer to him. She reciprocated by caressing her arms around him.

A knock on the door sent a piercing chill through his body, causing him to release their communal embrace.

“You better answer the door,” Janet said, slightly out of breath.

Simon shoulders slumped as he glanced at the nightstand clock. It was five minutes after eleven. “Damn. Poor timing.” His amorous thoughts and emotions slowly dissipated. He reluctantly walked to the door and opened it.

A woman in her early thirties wearing a knee-length dark blue skirt and a white blouse stood in the hallway peering up at Simon with a smile. “Hi, Simon.”

Simon’s mouth gapped open. A cold emotional surge overwhelmed him. “What are you doing here?”

Janet now stood next to Simon. She gently laid her left hand on his back. A puzzled expression lit up her face as she stared at the mysterious woman standing in front of them.

The woman glanced at Janet without changing her elated expression. “I heard you were in Chambersburg,” she said slightly slurring her words. “I thought we’d get a drink and talk about old times. Plus, I wanted to tell you…”

“Are you crazy or what?” Simon interrupted. “I have no interest in talking with you. My fiancée and I were about to retire.”

He lied about Janet and his relationship but thought it would end his previous girlfriend’s untimely presence.

“Oh, you have a woman in your life. She can come with us.”

“Claudia. Please leave. Like I said, I have no interest in talking with you.”

“Huh. I wanted to tell you something important. You have a daughter.”

Simon’s heart began to race as he held his breath, not sure how to respond to his ex-girlfriend’s revelation. “What did you say?”

“You have a daughter. Her name is Alecia. She’s three years old.”

“I don’t believe you. If it’s true, why did you wait three years before telling me? None of this makes any sense.”

“It doesn’t matter. She’s your child. I’m goin’ to be filing for child support.”

Simon wasn’t going to accept anything Claudia said. He dated her for about a month. He then ended their relationship due to her overindulgence in alcohol. “I’ll say it again, why did you wait three years to tell me about a child?”

“It is what it is.” She swayed, probably because of too much alcohol in her system. “Since you don’t want to have a drink with me, I’ll see you in court.” She turned to her left and walked away.

Simon stepped forward into the hallway and watched her stagger up the hallway toward the lobby. Five rooms up the hallway from his room, Karen Rivers walked into the corridor from her room as Claudia passed her by. She walked toward him.

“I heard what Claudia told you,” Karen said standing in front of Simon and Janet. “Can I come into your room and talk?”

“Sure. Come on in.”

“Your ex-girlfriend never did say why she waited three years to tell you that you have a daughter,” Janet said, placing her hand upon the small of his back. “I have a gut feeling there’s more to her story then what she’s telling you. It’s my detective thinking and my woman’s intuition.”

Karen stood facing Simon and Janet in front of the turned off thirty-inch TV sitting on a long lowboy dresser. “I have to agree with what Janet said. Why would she want Janet to come with you to the lounge?”

Simon couldn’t believe Karen was able to hear their conversation when her room was so far up the hallway from his room. Unless she was standing in the hallway or her door was open. The former conclusion wasn’t true, since he saw Karen walk out of her room and into the hallway. Another possibility flashed across his mind. “For you to hear what Claudia said from your room, you must have exceptionally good hearing.”

Karen smiled. “Better than normal people. I was in my early twenties when my hearing suddenly improved to the extent, I could hear two people whispering from across a crowded room. At times, I had to put ear plugs in my ears to block out noises around me: not loud noises but ordinary everyday noises most people tolerate without any difficulty or discomfort. Two years ago, I was approached by Future Innovations Today about their work with people with extraordinary abilities.”

“You said a moment ago, you had to wear ear plugs to block noises,” Janet said leaning her head slightly and peering at Karen’s left ear. “It looks like you have plugs in your ears now.

“They’re not ear plugs.” She removed one from her ear and placed it in the palm of her hand. “The scientist at F.I.T. invented these reverse hearing aids. In other words, they lower the noise threshold, enabling me to function without the bombardment of a collage of sounds around me.” She reached into her slacks’ pocket and removed a small black gadget the size of a car’s remote-control apparatus attached to her car’s keyring. “I push this button to turn on or turn off my noise damping aid.”

“When we were talking in the hotel lounge earlier, I remember you saying, ‘This was one means of listening to your conversations.’ Referring to a remote listening device. You are the other means of listening in on conversations.”

“Very astute of you, Agent Bennett.” Karen put the ear gadget back into her ear.

She then turned her attention to Simon. “The reason I wanted to talk with you was regarding the allegations your ex-girlfriend, Claudia, had made about you having a three-year-old daughter. Since now we’re working together, Tyler and I can easily investigate this allegation. We’ll get the three-year-old girl’s DNA and match it with your DNA. We won’t need a court order or permission from the mother, Claudia. The fact is, she won’t even know we obtained her daughter’s DNA.”

It was a godsend Future Innovations Today happened to announce their synergistic partnership with FMI this evening. This was one coincidence Simon accepted with open arms. “Thank you. I’d appreciate you doing this for me. Won’t this be a personal task, outside your normal duties as employees for your organization?”

“No, since these allegations could impede your well-being, affecting your daily operations as an agent for FMI and an associate of our company.”

Simon felt relieved Karen and Tyler would investigate Claudia’s allegation. If it turned out, he was Alecia’s father, he’d take the responsibility of a father and take care of her. “Thanks again.”

“We’ll get back with you as soon as we get the needed information. It’ll be a privilege working with you and your agents.” Karen left the room.

The room was silent. No sounds from rooms adjacent to his or from the hallway. Janet stood a few feet away from Simon, looking up at him with a solemn expression. “I can’t imagine what you’re feeling now. One thing is for sure, it doesn’t change my feelings toward you.”

An emotional weight suddenly dissolved as he gazed into Janet’s compassionate eyes. “I’m relieved you feel this way.”

Janet stepped forward and hugged him. She then stepped away and said, “It’ll be best I go to my room. There are a mixture of emotions running through us. We both need a good night’s sleep after everything we went through today, including this evening.”

“I agree.”

He walked her to the door. He leaned down a kissed her. The amorous electricity created from her lips against his touched every nerve ending in his body. He then reached for the door handle, opening the door. “Goodnight.”

Janet gently squeezed his hand, then said, “Goodnight, Simon.”

She walked to her room across the hallway. After opening her door, she turned around and said in a soft tone of voice, “Goodnight.”.

Simon watched every step and action she took. He reciprocated with, “See you in the morning.”

He closed his door, locking it behind him, as he walked back into his room, a room several minutes ago was filled with endearment and on the verge of intimacy between two people with amorous feelings toward each other. It was amazing how in a moment his mindset of the world around him was changed or at least interrupted by a woman in his past. He undressed, then laid in bed staring up at the white stucco ceiling, a ceiling lit up by the nightstand lamp to his right. He reached over and turned off the lamp. Darkness filled the room. The day’s events ran through his mind: being introduced, then joining up with Future Innovations Today, and the disturbing, gut reaching accusation by an ex-girlfriend. The one thing standing out most of all was his embracing moment of holding and kissing Janet. The vision of Janet’s embrace lit up his heart with warmth and pleasure. Silence encased the darkness.

A knock on the door startled him, increasing his heart rate, and breathing. Was the caller, Janet? Did she decide to be with him tonight? Or was the person on the other side of the door, Claudia? He turned the lamplight on, then rushed to the door. Simon peered through the door’s peep hole. Something was blocking his view. He fumbled with the lock, as mixed emotions overwhelmed him.

He opened the door.



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