First Chapter Devlin’s Angel

Chapter One

Late spring 1828


Merry Stewart walked from the kitchen in Daryl’s bakery with a tray of her newest accomplishment, sticky buns. Justine, Donal’s cook and Daryl’s helper in the bakery, had been teaching her to bake with great success. Merry could list the string of conquests, as it seemed she had an aptitude for baking.

She set the tray on the huge round table where her sister-in-law’s sisters sat chatting and letting their children run around the empty tables. It was after closing time. They all made it a habit of meeting in the bakery once a week, mostly on Saturdays. Their men would join them in a few hours to walk them home.

Five boys ages a few months to five years were gathered around the table. The newest addition to the family was Lacie and Leslie’s little boy who would grow up to be the next Duke of Southcliff. Except for the littlest one, each was given a sticky bun. Each little boy managed to get the melted sugar and cinnamon butter everywhere but in his mouth.

Before too many minutes they would be sticky from head to toe and need to be dumped into a bath before dinner. Merry knew from experience growing up with her brothers, little boys just found ways to get dirtier than little girls.

“Auntie Merry, can I have two,” Grant asked, tugging on her apron.

“If he can have two, so can I,” Garret’s little voice followed. “Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

Bliss cleared her throat ruffling both boys’ heads, “Neither of you can have two so do stop asking. Your begging is grating on my frazzled nerves.”

Merry laughed at the boys, wishing she could have one of her own, but that opportunity was taken away from her nearly three years ago when her brother, the Duke of Southcliff, ended her elopement with Douglas simply by informing the man she was fifteen years old. Well, she understood her lie would be uncovered but she’d hoped that Douglas wouldn’t find out before they were married and had consummated the vows.

He did end the hasty engagement and immediately cried off. In less than a year, he was wed to another heiress. Now he had two sons. Well, he wasn’t worth her time anyway. All he wanted was her money. She’d been brought low by his beautiful body coupled with the twinkle in his sky-blue eyes. In any case, she returned to her original idea. She intended to wed the Duke of Weston.

She set her sights back to the man who stole her heart when she first saw him in a coach in Paris then on a horse in the streets of Glasgow. It had to be love at first sight. At the time, she didn’t know who he was. She often wondered if she would ever find out the man’s name, the man who stole her heart.

Two months ago, at a masquerade ball in Glasgow given by some earl, she couldn’t remember his name, she discovered he was there. At a distance, she’d seen him, standing so tall and broad shouldered, his dark black hair falling rakishly over his forehead. She couldn’t quite make out his features as a mask covered them but she knew it was him. His introduction cemented her opinion. By the time she pushed her way through the throngs of people to ask for a dance or at least to introduce herself, he was gone.

Vanished. Her early eagerness changed to despair then caught at her heart, moisture filling her eyes. Still, she didn’t intend to lose this man of her dreams.

Despite the fact she searched every room in the mansion, disrupting several liaisons, she failed to find him. For a minute or two she slumped to the floor, sitting with her dress splayed out all around her and fought the tears. At the time she was two weeks from turning eighteen. While she didn’t have any illusions he would fall in love with her the very moment he saw her, she still needed to find a way to meet him. She couldn’t do that unless she could manage an introduction. Despondent once more, she slowly made her way back to the ball and asked permission to leave. She couldn’t bear to be there one more second, knowing he left.

It was just her luck as her carriage began to draw away from the mansion that he stepped from another carriage, striding up the steps to return to the festivities. She would have turned the carriage around but Lacie pleaded exhaustion along with the ever present need to feed her baby and was accompanying her home.

Now, back at the bakery, “Your mind is in the clouds.” Lacie sat down beside her holding the young heir on her lap. “Are you thinking of the Duke of Weston again? Glad you finally managed an introduction. I’ve met him before and he’s very handsome, but boring if you ask me.”

“Didn’t get an introduction. Besides, he is just stoic like my brother. Believe it goes along with the title as well as the responsibilities. You changed my brother though.”

“Perhaps he’s really a bad boy at heart. He could be just like our husbands,” Chelsea said with a smirk as she wiped her son’s fingers after he smeared the sweet mess over his chubby little cheeks.

“I am and just how I’m going to go about meeting him I haven’t the vaguest idea.” She sipped the tea in front of her as she placed a sticky bun on her plate. “How do you think I can do that?”

“Well,” Lacie paused to adjust the baby sleeping in her arms, “I did hear he might be in Glasgow for the summer. Seems there was some scandal he was involved in. Also heard he’s escaped London to a quieter place.”

“Probably to avoid a duel. I heard that too,” Daryl said. “Your duke got himself in a fine fix. He must have a temper. If you do meet him, you need to be careful.”

“I heard he’s gone to ground it was so bad,” Merry muttered. “Nobody is going to see him, least of all me.” She swiped her finger across the icing on the sticky bun then licked the sweet stuff. Think I’ll spend the summer at Southcliff. At least I’ve free reign of the countryside, with no one there to tell me what I can and cannot do. You and Leslie will be stuck in town most of the summer, so I won’t have to explain to anyone what I’m doing or where I’m going.”

“No nightly rides,” Bliss pointed out shaking her finger for emphasis. “You know it’s not safe. Promise us.”

Merry avoided Bliss’ eyes, staring at her hands resting in her lap. She would do as she pleased. There was no danger in the nightly rides that she could see. After all, she never saw anyone when she chose to indulge in one.

“Yes, you will have the house pretty much to yourself. However, if we hear of any exploits, Leslie will be the first to drag you back to the city so he can keep a brotherly eye on you,” Lacie said, apparently recognizing the simmering need to do her own thing in her eyes.

She lifted her shoulders in a deceptive shrug, “What would I do? There is absolutely nothing for me to get into trouble with. Besides, I’m eighteen now and very capable of making my own decisions. I don’t need a guardian or a chaperone, thank you.”

“While I don’t doubt that for one instant, we both understand certain things.” Lacie winked at her. “A girl doesn’t have to do much to get into trouble, especially with their men folk.”

“I’ve no men folk,” Merry pointed out with a wistful smile as her thoughts flew to the Duke of Weston.

“There is the river and the pond,” Chelsea said as she wiped the mess from the mouth of her little boy. “All of us know you have some kind of attraction to the water and swimming.”

“Well, if I do go swimming, it won’t be naked,” she muttered as she looked from one lady to the other, heat creeping up her face.

Last time she swam that was exactly what she did. That was only two weeks ago.

Garret and Grant took that moment to run yelling around the table, their younger cousins chasing after them. Bliss grabbed one of the twins around the waist then stalked after the other, her intentions clear.

“Believe it’s time to take these little hellions to the park so they can run off some of this extra energy before they see their doting papas,” Bliss said with a determined air. “Of course, if I took them home, I would tell Broc it was time for him to do his duty with the boys and play with them.”

All the little boys except Daryl’s and Lacie’s were herded out of the bakery to run off steam. Daryl and Lacie were left with Merry who was still moping, mostly for effect. Yet there was a certain depression that had settled around her, weighing down her shoulders. She needed a diversion. Wished for something to take her mind off the Duke of Weston.

“You’re set on marrying this Duke of Weston then,” Daryl said watching Merry closely. “Perhaps you should go to a few more balls coupled with an open mind. It might lead to something. You don’t know who you might meet. There could be another man for you.”

“Just as there was another Donal for you,” Merry shot back clearly angry and unwilling to compromise in this. She did know her heart better than anyone.

“Promise me you won’t wed him if you don’t love him. He could be awful, you know, a real bounder. With the scandal hanging over his head, there is a hint of that,” Lacie told her.

She let out a long dramatic breath of air as she tilted her head thinking about the man she wanted so desperately to meet that she could just barely inhale air. “I’ll promise. Just because he’s devilishly handsome and owns a magnificent stable doesn’t mean he’s a nice person.”

Lacie laughed, obviously amused by the stable part. “There is more to a man than his stables.”

“It’s all true. I could meet someone and fall madly in love at some ball, but…” She drew in a deep breath of air feeling as if her eyes were crossing. “I’ve been to five balls in the last three months. All the men I’ve seen are boring and simpering fops. I want a real man. One whose body is like Leslie’s and Donal’s, all muscle and hard. Believe it or not, I want him to challenge me, give as good as he gets. I don’t want a man who will cow tow to my every whim.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Daryl murmured slanting Lacie an all-knowing glance before she laughed softly. “You might get more than you’ve bargained for, especially if you like your freedom.”

“That is hardly giving the men a chance if you’ve already made up your mind,” Daryl pointed out.

“Why was it so easy for you? I’m certainly not going to settle for a simpering dandy. None of you did.” She had thought so long on this she was sure mazes of confusion were forming in her head, labyrinths she would never decipher. “I would rather never marry than settle.”

She sighed then, envisioning the Duke of Weston, his long well muscled legs to his broad shoulders and strong chin. She wondered what color his eyes were. Merry just knew she would melt when he looked at her with desire in his eyes. She knew what that looked like. She’d seen the passion in Leslie’s eyes often enough when he stared at Lacie.

“Of course, you won’t have to settle. When you’re least expecting it, you will look up and the man of your dreams will be standing in front of you,” Daryl said thoughtfully. “That’s what happened to all of us.”

“I will not hold my breath,” Merry murmured. “I plan on having fun until then. If pining away would get me what I want, that’s exactly what would happen.” She was thinking of riding her little mare every day and perhaps even at night since Leslie would not be there to chastise her for her behavior. Come hell or high water she was going to make the most of this summer. Even if she didn’t meet the duke, there would always be another day, another ball, another chance.

“Perhaps Cam can find some nice man at the university to court you. There are nice men there, perhaps a student and not a professor,” Lacie said thoughtfully.

Immature. Was the one word that came to Merry’s mind when she thought on the students at the University of Glasgow. She promised herself she would not settle even while she closed her eyes and saw the Duke of Weston’s masked image standing in front of her, holding his hand out to her, asking for this dance.

She would never settle.

Daryl left the table to finish closing the kitchen for the weekend. Tomorrow was Sunday. The Sabbath was the only day the bakery was not open. Justine poked her head out the door to say goodnight and Emilia, the other lady who helped Daryl, was right behind her.

Lacie set the heir apparent in the stroller before giving him a quick kiss to the forehead. “I’m going to the townhouse. Do you care to come with me or do you want to stay here for a while?”

Merry let out a long breath of air, pushing her hair from her face. “I’ll walk with you then I think I’ll get a carriage ready to send to Southcliff with my maid. I’m so restless and out of sorts I can barely stand myself. Fresh air coupled with the freedom of being alone is what I need. Then and only then will I feel better.”

Once inside the townhouse, Merry called for her maid. Lucy appeared so quickly it seemed to her she must have been waiting for the summons. “Get my trunk packed, yours as well. We’re going to Southcliff for the summer. We’re just getting started a little early. I’m riding Sir Alistair. You can take the carriage as soon as everything is ready.”

With the directions given, Merry quickly changed into her riding habit. Less than fifteen minutes later she was astride her mare and headed out of town. While the sun peeked its way from behind clouds, the day was relatively cool. A soft breeze blew from the west and even though it was not a hot day, within the hour Merry’s forehead was covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. She longed for the cooling waters of her pond and to laze the rest of the day away.

As she drew closer to Southcliff, more intense ideas of veering off the road in order to head to the small pond near their home captured her thoughts. Mayhap she would give in to her inhibitions later this evening. This time of year, the water would be nearly frigid but would also be invigorating.

No, she decided, now would be the best time. She would rid herself of the dust and sweat accumulated from the ride, rendering herself refreshed and ready for whatever would come next. Turning her horse off the road, she headed for the pond, sweet relief from the scattered workings of her mind.

When she arrived at the pond, the water rippled a soft silver hue capturing its beauty. She slipped from her mare leaving her where she could graze. As she walked toward the water, she noticed a huge black stallion tethered nearby. Perhaps she should leave. In this case curiosity drove her, needing to see who dared invade private property, her very own pond. Well, the pond was Leslie’s, but what difference did that make?

The stallion was amazing; tall, sleek and well muscled, his hindquarters strong, made for running. He nickered when she stepped close, stroking his nose, murmuring sweet nonsense words to him. She couldn’t help staring at the magnificent animal’s sleek clean lines, the beauty of his coat.

“Now, who has left you here. I’ve a mind to ride you, you sweet guy. I bet you’re the gentlest male in all of Scotland.” She continued caressing the horse, her mind lost in images of her on top the stallion, racing the wind.

For minutes her gaze was focused on one animal. As if sensing something, she turned to see a man rising from her pond, his shoulders broad, his body lean and muscular. His dark wet hair fell rakishly long around his head before dipping to nearly his bronzed shoulders. His chest was broad, his stomach muscles hard. A tiny gasp parted her lips as she could not stop her unruly eyes from lingering on him. From the top of his head to the point where the water hid the rest of him, she liked everything about the man.

She drew in a quick ragged breath of air even while she walked to the edge of the pond. Her gaze having switched from the stallion to the man, she could not force herself to look away. Her stomach somersaulted again and again. Heat flushed her cheeks

Merry’s parched throat made it difficult to swallow.

The man stopped, wiping droplets of water from his face as he stared at her, his gaze almost as penetrating as hers. With a bit of laughter to his voice, he spoke, “You might want to turn around.”

“Why would I want to do that? You are trespassing, sir. This is Stewart land. You should understand that is my pond where you’re swimming. Did you ask anyone’s permission? I should send for the magistrate.”

She knew she was all bluster. No way in hell would she have this man tossed off her land.

His brows drew together, eyes narrowing. His hands were placed on his slender hips. “You could join me. That might prove interesting, lass.”

A gasp of air filled the silence before she stepped back, thinking it might be prudent to walk away while she still could, having noticed a pile of clothing near his horse.

“You’re naked.” Her words were a bit strangled. She wasn’t sure he heard, wasn’t sure she wanted him to hear. Didn’t think her statement warranted a reply since his lack of clothing was blatantly obvious.

“Would not be swimming in my clothes, sweetheart. At the moment though I’d like to leave the water behind me. Your pond is a bit cold. Unfortunately, right now, not cold enough.”

“I’m not your sweetheart,” she grit out suddenly angry yet she didn’t know if she was angry with herself as well as her wayward thoughts or with the man who dared swim in her pond.

Now you know good manners should have you turning away and riding on home.

If I did that, I wouldn’t see him naked, now would I? As you well know, except for my brothers when they were young boys I’ve never seen a man with no clothes. I’m sure he’s a fine specimen of a man.

You would regret it. He doesn’t look like a man who would let you see him, without there being repercussions.

Do be quiet. I’m going to go in just a minute.

“Ah, but you could be my sweetheart.”

More curious than she had any right to be impulsively ignoring the voice of reason in her head, she crossed her arms in front of her, thinking perhaps if she could soak up the beauty of the man for a few more minutes she would leave. Merry truly did want to see what he was hiding beneath the water. This man was no simpering dandy. She could tell by the arrogant tilt of his head, along with the way the lighthearted note of his first words changed tone when she confronted him.

“Turn around now or leave. I care not but I’m coming out.”

His voice rang out, loud and clear. Threatening.

She was far too curious.

Merry gasped as he started walking again, the water covering less and less of him. Her gaze followed the water line as it dipped downward. She saw the dark hair on his chest narrow. “How dare you?”

Not as curious as she thought she was she turned tail, mounting her horse and racing toward home.

From behind her she heard his laughter along with the ensuing comment, “For some reason I thought you had more courage.”

She almost turned the mare around, the need to confront the arrogant man foremost in her mind. Prudently, she thought better of it.

Merry felt the heat of the encounter on her cheeks. Even the light wind caressing her face did little to cool her flaming face. An eternity seemed to pass before she was in the safety of the stables. For at least a minute, she leaned against her mare’s neck trying to calm her racing heart.

The man was an arrogant cad of the worst sort, playing with her emotions with his nakedness. Finally, feeling more in control of her shaking body, she slipped from her horse. She saw to the mare, taking the saddle off, feeding and watering the horse. After that she brushed her, stroking her, thinking of the man as well as the way he stared at her, remembering his rudeness as he threatened to show himself to her.

A noise from the front of the stables caught her attention. She stepped from the stall only to find the man of her thoughts standing at the large door, the reins of his stallion in hand, a dark wicked smile gracing his arrogant features.

Her breath caught in her throat as she fearlessly strode toward the man. “What are you doing here?” She was pointing a finger at him. Had every intention of poking him in the chest before she thought better of it, dropping her hand.

“Nice to meet you again.” His gaze raked over her just as hers did when he stood naked in her pond. He settled on her bosom before lifting his eyes upward to her mouth. She couldn’t help herself. She ran her tongue along her lips, leaving a trail of moisture.

“I will thank you to answer my question.”

She endeavored for all the authority in her voice she could gather. Stiffening her spine, her chin tilted high while she waited.

He quirked a dark eyebrow upward before turning her question back on her. “Then don’t thank me. What are you doing here?”

“Of all the…”

Merry was at an obvious loss for words, something that never happened. Her verbal aptitude was well known. She could spar as well as hold her own with anyone. After all, she practiced with her brothers. She wasn’t sure if she liked him staring at her or not. Heat throbbed in strange places, while butterflies danced in her stomach. His gaze seemed appreciative. That gave her a bit of a thrill, thinking he might like what he was looking at. Not even Douglas looked at her that way.

“Nerve?” He supplied the single word for her, a half smile tilting the corner of his mouth.

Thoughts of him kissing her came to mind, his lips touching hers. He had the most beautiful mouth she’d ever seen on a man, full lips that beckoned. “I would appreciate an answer,” she told him as her anger with this man simmered deep in her belly and her confusion about how she felt about that raged. “Why are you standing here?”

He strode closer, his stallion following behind. “I’m the duke’s new horse breeder.”

Insolently, his gaze locked with hers, challenging her in a way no one had ever done before.

“Kelly O’Brian is our horse breeder.” She spoke with a confidence she didn’t feel.

Surely Leslie would have told her if he hired someone to work at the stables. Surely… but Leslie was out of town for a while, ensconced in London with Drake Montgomery. If Lacie had known of this, she would have told her.

“Horse trainer,” he corrected, “and he’s away on his honeymoon. The duke told me he had mares coming. Also told me he wanted to breed them. I’m in charge of that. Breeding. You do ken what that is? Don’t you?”

With his gaze focused on her mouth then dropping to her bosom more heat flooded her, warmed her as well as her face once again, felt the fire as if he stroked her. She placed her hands on her hot cheeks in a feeble attempt to cool herself off.

It seemed he realized the effect the direction of his attentions had on her, his grin widening for a moment before he sobered.

He crossed his arms on his chest still staring and frowning, his dark blue eyes simmering with heated emotions.

“How do I know you speak true?”

“Why should I not toss you from the stables. You’ve yet to explain your presence here,” the man said, his voice filled with confidence. “Leslie Stewart did put me in charge here.”

She clamped her hand over her mouth, stopping herself from giving him a few choice words. “You’ve no right to speak to me that way as well as in that impudent tone of voice. You’re hired help and a commoner at that.”

“Ah, now we have part of the truth. A commoner who dares to return a noble’s rude gaze or should I say stare? You were more than gazing at me now. Also when I was naked. Had no choice except to allow the insolence. I know you found me quite to your liking. Didn’t you? Tit for tat, why not?”

He stepped even closer, his presence overpowering, stripping her of what sanity might remain.

She moved back, her heart in her throat as she tried to look anywhere except at him. She found she could not stop staring at him, all of him, and remembering the Adonis rising from the water, his muscles, the sleekness of his flesh as water sluiced from his form.

“I trust you should apologize. I’ll go to my brother. When I tell him about your impudence, he will fire you for your brazenness.”

She stepped back again, bumping into her mare, groping for words. With nowhere to go she tried to step around him, but he blocked her way from the stall.

His arms still crossed over his well-muscled chest, “You can try.” This time he smiled, an all-knowing smile, an arrogant smile as if he knew she would get nowhere if she went to Leslie with any type of complaint. “Didn’t you say he’s in London? Was that my imagination?”

He set the challenge. She meant to win. “He will be home soon. If he won’t dismiss you, I’ll have his wife fire you.”

“Ah, so you do agree I work here.” He extended a hand. “I’m Devlin Mathews. Would you mind telling me exactly who you are along with what you are doing at Southcliff? Perhaps even why you believe you can have me fired with the snap of your fingers.”

He bent closer, his breath whispering so close she could scent mint on his breath.

She sipped air, unable to get a real breath into her lungs. Heat flooded her body, an inferno, smoldered from her toes to her head, “I’m Merry Stewart, the duke’s sister.”

“Ah, the youngest of the tribe, Angelica. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Nobody calls me Angelica.

Seems this man does.


She had her hands placed on her hips in defiance. Now his words were a set back for her. She couldn’t think of a single reason why her brother would talk about her to a man such as this, a commoner. “Leslie would not have spoken about me to the likes of you.”

“Here we are again, this commoner-noble thing you have going. Doesn’t your older brother have several very good friends who are minus a title?”

He implied so many things by his comments, least of all was the notion that she was the baby of the family. She had this incessant urge to prove to him she was no child, least of all a baby. Yet she could think of no way to do such a thing.

“I’ll show you to your room.”

This time he didn’t block her way when she marched past him. He didn’t follow either. Instead, the odious man continued to watch, making her feel self-conscious without saying a word.

“Should take care of Windwalker first.”

He set to work on his horse, ignoring her as well as the firestorm building inside which he was singlehandedly responsible for.

She stood nearby unable to leave, unwilling to stop looking at him while beneath his fine white lawn shirt his muscles moved and bulged with his work. After his dip in her pond, he had failed to fasten his shirt.

When he finished and with that same rakish, devilishly handsome smirk on his face, he said, “Now you can show me where I’m to bed down.”

The way he said the words seemed to take on a different meaning, almost as if he was asking her to join him. That couldn’t be. He couldn’t be. No, it wasn’t possible for a commoner to imply that.

Was it?

Her breath caught in her throat, as she was sure he meant more than what he said. There were subtle innuendos in his words and tone. She wasn’t sure she understood. However, she’d been around the bad boys long enough to make significant guesses. Curiously, she wanted to ask him what he meant but prudence, something she rarely had, stopped her.

~ * ~

Devlin Mathews enjoyed the brisk cold water as he swam beneath, surfacing then diving deeper. It had been his intention to wash the dust and sweat from the road before he walked into the Stewart stables. Leslie Stewart told him many things. Nevertheless, the foremost was that even though Angelica was expected to summer in Glasgow, she could always be a surprise. She changed her mind often. Could invariably turn up unexpected. Leslie also told him she could be a very real thorn in his side.

Doing the unanticipated had long been her agenda. As Leslie told him, she improved with age but still, if he was to live in the stables and breed the new mares that would be sent within the week, he would have to learn to deal gently with his unpredictable but lovely sister. Merry would be under his step and in his way most nearly all of the time.

Because Angelica could not be trusted to stay in the city despite her promise. Because she would do as she wished. Leslie had not entrusted him with the need to make sure she did nothing to risk herself, nonetheless he implied that if he needed to do just that, he had free reign to handle her in a way he deemed appropriate. In short, she was his to discipline if necessary.

The week traveling here he enjoyed the Scottish countryside, enjoyed the playing of the pipes and everything Scottish. Half way he stopped at his great aunt’s home letting her pamper him with an amazing meal and soft bed, understanding that until he was able to purchase a bed as well as have it delivered, the pallet in the stable boy’s room was not worth sleeping on. So, he remained in Glasgow longer than he intended and despite everyone’s wishes until the bed was delivered.

Well, it had been delivered this morning. He would be there in less than an hour, as soon as he was fatigued enough and was able to drink enough brandy to fall asleep. Nights were an impossibility for him, drifting into the depth of Morpheus eluding him. His best friend called him out over the most ludicrous of stories. He didn’t even like Teddy’s sister, Emma. There was no way in hell he would get her pregnant so he would have to marry her.

His lungs near to bursting, he surfaced. Wiping water mixed with hair from his face, he looked up. What was left of his breath caught in his throat. While she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, she was intriguing. He very much liked what he was gazing at. When he looked again, he found she was staring at his horse, stroking him, murmuring soft words that only Windwalker and she could hear. More intrigued than ever he strode to shore only to stop short recalling he was buck-naked and his clothing was piled near his stallion.

When she focused her attention on him, her smile was devastating. Now she was staring at him, at his mouth to be exact, her gaze drifting lower to remain at the waterline as if she wanted to see him intimately. When he told her to leave, she remained feet firmly planted in one spot for the longest time, challenging him with her blatant perusal of his body. By the time she finally left, he was aroused beyond anything he’d felt in his life. He was ready to ride after her and throttle her.

She told him this was her pond. That led him to believe the girl must be Angelica Stewart, the unpredictable lass Leslie warned him about. If she was going to be a handful, she would be his handful, at least for the duration of his stay here at Southcliff. He began to whistle, thinking he might come to enjoy the summer here in the country outside Glasgow. Leslie also told him she would use the argument that she’d come of age to justify any ridiculous and dangerous behavior she was inclined to perpetrate.

He would see her again soon. Just how he would handle this delicate situation without getting into hot water with the Duke of Southcliff eluded him. However, he would figure something out. During the ride from the pond to the stables, he went over various possible scenarios in his mind, all of which ended up with him in bed with her.

Well hell, that just wouldn’t do. Angelica Stewart was not just a skirt to be tossed and enjoyed for the summer. She deserved better. Better was not something he could do. So, he would have to find a very real way to leave her alone, which might be a nearly impossible task given the fact he was still aroused.

When he strode into the stables on the Stewart property, he wasn’t surprised to see the woman of his tangled thoughts in the stable once again staring at him. She was stroking a horse, her horse this time while murmuring sweet nothings to the beast. What he wouldn’t give to be on the end of her whispers. Wrestling with his thoughts of her murmuring in his ear while she caressed him, he cleared his throat, pushing everything from his mind except the present along with how he would deal with this willful and thoroughly spoiled woman-child who burned him with a smile.

He stared at her, waiting for her to notice him. Several seconds ticked by. She did notice. The coming confrontation was heated, simmering with soul-penetrating passion between them, hunger he could not, should not touch. If he caved to his desire, the heat would flame.

When he was finished grooming the big stallion, he followed her through the stables to the back room. She told him she would show him where he would sleep. With her so nearby and untouchable, his nights would most likely be restless.

“Your room,” she said, bending over to peek inside. “There’s a new bed. I didn’t know Leslie ordered one.”

“Thank god,” he said laughing before offering, “Care to try it out with me?”

He leaned over her; his hand splayed across her back as she was bent slightly peering into the room. Playing with fire would be the death of him, pure torture. This time, he didn’t think he could stop.

She stood up so quickly she nearly knocked him over, her head hitting his chin. “What? What did you say?” Her deep blue eyes flashed, seemed to touch upon his soul as she turned to confront him.

His grin deepened even as he regretted his next words. He looked to the bed then back to her, “Care to try it out?” he repeated, needing a way to get her to leave.

The blatant invitation might do the trick.

If she didn’t go soon, by the way she stimulated him, he would have her skirts tossed. He’d be deep inside her before she could tell him what she thought of him. He would tease and flirt. Nevertheless, he drew the line at blatant seduction. Her brother was a friend after all. If anything did happen between them, he would be honor bound to wed. He wasn’t ready for marriage. Not to Angelica, not to anyone and especially not to Teddy, his best friend’s little sister, Emma.

She was standing now, in the middle of the doorway, stepping backward again. This time, it was to move further inside his bedroom. He grinned as he watched the play of emotions across her lovely face. Her eyes shimmered and darkened with what he knew to be desire, a passion he longed to test and explore. Even though he understood the consequences, he couldn’t help himself. He stepped forward watching her once again move in the opposite direction, ever closer to the big bed occupying most of the room.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he told her, his voice softening, tempting her to run he hoped. If she didn’t, he wasn’t sure he could be responsible for himself.

Suddenly, her arms whirled. It seemed she was losing her balance. “I…”

He moved quickly, holding on to her then falling with her he turned them so he caught the brunt of the fall as they landed on his bed. He grinned at her, “Guess I’ve your answer, Brat.”

He laughed as she fell across his chest, her slight weight settling down on top of him. This was not the outcome he wanted from his teasing. For now, he meant to enjoy the few seconds he would have her in this position.

Her hands on his chest, she pushed, “Let me go,” she said, but there was neither command in her voice nor any realization of the situation she was in now. She was sprawled on top of him, her breasts pushing against his chest. Until he rolled with her, presenting his body atop hers, she could have gone anywhere she pleased. Now she was tucked nicely in his arms. She was beneath him.

“Not yet,” he said, resting on his forearms, staring at her lips then the valley between her breasts, wondering about the size and texture of the twin morsels on either side. “Not until you answer me. Well, I guess you decided it would be a good idea to try out the bed. What do you think? Should we crawl under the covers and see what happens next?”

The invitation was blatant as well as another attempt to frighten her to remain far from him.

She glared at him as if he was a mad man. Perhaps he was a bit crazy challenging her in this way. He meant to provoke her to get her to leave when in truth he was enjoying her company far too much. She would leave soon enough then he’d be left to tamp down his lust. A powerful lust that if she cared to look was quite obvious.

“I didn’t answer as well you know it. Did you push me?” She hit him on the shoulder. He grunted simply because he thought it was most likely what she wanted.

“I would never push a lady.”

He fiddled with flyaway strands of hair moving them away from her face, wishing he dared kiss her. A commoner kissing the sister of a duke just wasn’t done.

Well hell.

This wasn’t at all what he thought would be happening tonight. At this point in time, he was enjoying the feeling of her breasts pressed against him. Turning her again, he ran his hands down her back until he reached her nicely rounded bottom.

“Sir.” The single word sounded breathy while at the same time filled with passion.

“Devlin,” he reminded her.

He was amusing himself with ungrounded hope. Moving away from her he held out his hand.

She blinked a few times before she accepted the offered hand, her cheeks flaming with color. Quickly, he pulled her to a sitting position then off the bed and into his arms again. Pressed close to him he held her for a few more seconds. His arms dropped to his sides.

“I should go.” She smoothed her skirts, looking to the floor.

“You should.” He agreed with her even though he would have liked her to stay. Damn the consequences.

Merry wiped her hands on her dress, plucking at the fabric as she looked around him. “You might step aside.” Her voice was breathy as she finally lifted her chin high enough so she could see him. High enough he had no doubt she was the sister of a duke.

“Perhaps I should require a token from you,” he said, sliding a finger along her chin before letting it travel down her neck to the rapidly beating pulse. “A small token before I let you pass.”

“What would that be?” she asked, her voice gaining strength as he allowed her more distance between them.

“A kiss, only then will I let you pass.”

Where did that come from? He just spent a considerable amount of time convincing himself a kiss was not possible. Now he asked for one. Damn, but everything he was doing with the girl was out of character.

“You are no gentleman.” Anger tingeing her words, she pushed past him as he let her stomp by.

“True. I never said or implied I was.”

He laughed, watching the provocative swing of her hips as she marched from the small bedroom he was going to call home until the end of the summer. At least he managed to get her out of the stables for now, yet he was anxiously awaiting his next encounter with Angelica Stewart.

His angel.

Now that he was alone, he managed to look around the room. His valet had been here ahead of him with a trunk where he would find the clothing he would wear. His secretary had also been here. A small desk sat in the corner with papers on top he assumed would be the correspondence he needed to examine before the end of the day.

While his grandmother thought he needed to rusticate for a while, he still had work that could not be left undone. Finding a bottle of brandy on the desk, he made a quick note to ask for a case. If the following days were going to proceed anything like this one, he would need to drink himself into oblivion just to fall asleep at night as well as keep Angelica a virgin.

Sitting against the headboard before stretching his legs out in front of him, he sifted through the papers he held in his hand. Really, there was nothing that needed his immediate attention. He sipped the strong drink, finishing the glass then pouring another. With his eyes closed, he let his imagination take over his thoughts. Inadvertently, they all sped directly to the little brat who had felt so comfortable and appealing in his arms. To Devlin it seemed she was made for him.

The second glass finished, he decided to take a look at the stables. The mares would arrive tomorrow or the next day. While he was sure Leslie had seen to the accommodations for the mares, he had a pressing need to make sure they were kept safely away from his stallion. Even though it was a distraction for him, the breeding of these horses was important to the livelihood of both stables, his as well as Leslie’s.

As he wandered the stable, he realized Leslie was most competent. The wandering changed to pacing until his restlessness took over his body. It wouldn’t do to finish off the bottle of brandy so he decided a midnight ride might be in order. Perhaps it was now closer to dawn, he couldn’t be sure. His pocket watch was in his jacket. While he was curious, he couldn’t be bothered to discover the time. Somehow, in the country with so little to occupy his days and nights the hour of the day just no longer seemed to matter.

He wondered then when Angelica would make her next appearance. The sooner the better he decided. Her very demeanor challenged him, kept him on his toes. He realized he couldn’t wait to see her. He decided that perhaps sleep would do him well in this circumstance. A midnight ride could be had any time. Perhaps he could convince her to go with him.

You’re playing with fire. If you don’t watch yourself, you’re going to get burned. Aye, he might. In this case the pleasure would well be worth the ensuing inferno.

Or would it?

He would have to leave that question unanswered for the moment.

He disrobed, eyeing the bed and remembering her splayed on top of him then his body over hers. The groan leaving his lungs surprised him for a moment. She would never agree to bed him, a commoner coupled with a noble lady. No, but this situation intrigued him to see just how far she would go. Perhaps he would push her a bit farther today. The sun might shine upon them. He fell asleep with thoughts of Angelica filling his dreams.

The scent of strong coffee wafted in through the slightly open door to his room. The hinge didn’t work; was one of the things on his list to improve before he left at the end of the summer. He was surprised to smell coffee. Unlike most in the British Isles, he preferred coffee to the tea that was most often served.

With one eye open, he saw that light filtered in through the one window, the day giving a promise of warmth.

“Devlin? Devlin are you up?”

So, she was back and bringing coffee as an offering of sorts. Was it a peace offering or did she want something from him? Perhaps she thought the strong brew would replace the kiss he asked for last night and didn’t receive. If it was strong enough, it would at least for the time being replace thoughts of the kiss. Perhaps not.

He pulled on his soft doeskins before striding shirtless into the main area of the stables. She’d set up a table and two chairs, the coffee and something else on the table.

“Would you like a sticky bun? I just learned how to make them a few days ago.” She held out a cup of coffee.

“A sticky bun.” He grinned accepting the coffee, his mind taking a different route all together than what she would expect. Yes, I would definitely like to try her buns. As he sat down, her stare travelled along his chest, lower then lower until it stopped at his unfastened pants. Heat flamed inside him at her blatant perusal. What had he expected? He chose not to wear a shirt for his own purposes, wanting to see if the heat from the night before still existed between them.

It did. Now it flamed brighter and hotter.

“Daryl taught me. I made some for the bakery. Some of the customers told me they are really quite good.” She sat down on one of the chairs, sipping the hot liquid she held in front of her, watching him expectantly, a hesitant smile.

“I bet your buns are very tasty.” He bit into one, chewing thoughtfully, studying her, realizing she had no idea what he meant.

Her brows drew together, chewing over his words. “They are,” she agreed with him. “As is the coffee.”

“How did you know, Brat?” he asked.

“Know what?”

“That I preferred coffee over tea.”

“Do you? I always thought coffee tasted better with my buns,” she said straight faced. “Link, my youngest brother brought a lot back from Virginia.”

The liquid in his mouth spewed out with a cough. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. Coffee tastes better with my buns,” she told him so much indignation in her voice.

Keeping his laughter behind his teeth, “That’s what I thought you said.”

He’d like to try that particular combination as he wondered how much of what she said was feigned innocence or if she knew exactly what he was talking about. He’d like to discover that too. Did she have any clue what he referred to?

“So, what do you think?” She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with anticipation of his response.

His heart twisted, lightened, changed from his usual jaded thoughts. With his mouth full of sticky buns, his eyes catching her gaze, he said. “They are really very good with your coffee. Or is it your buns with the coffee? Maybe it’s the cinnamon and sugar with the melted butter that makes your buns so delicious.”

She smiled, her twin dimples changing her face, so much he gasped, “Thank you. I can make them for you every morning if you like. You can taste my buns every morning along with all the cinnamon, sugar and butter you want.”

He inhaled then very slowly he said, “I would like to taste your sticky buns every morning, thank you.”

She beamed even more. “Ask and you will receive,” Her eyes were alight, her smile beautiful, overpowering.

Inwardly, he groaned. Ask and you will receive. There were a lot of things he could think of that he might want to ask of her. Trying to stick his wayward thoughts to the farthest recesses of his brain, he finished eating.

“Are you wanting to ride this morning? I’d be happy to go with you since the mares aren’t here yet.”

Her face fell, her lips turning downward in a small pout. “Of course, if that is what you’d like.”

After such a good beginning he didn’t understand her reticence. Didn’t understand why she appeared disappointed by his invitation. “Why don’t you want me to go with you?”

She pursed her lips together, stiffening. “Yesterday you were in my pond. If you remember correctly, I couldn’t swim. I was…”

“Wanting to swim today. Do you think that is wise? Swimming all by yourself?”

He would go with her. If he did, he would never be able to keep his eyes from her. To save his soul, he couldn’t help uttering the next question. “Do you swim in the buff?”

Her lips quirked, her eyes smoldering with defiance, “Yes.”

If she kept this up, he wasn’t going to be responsible for himself. Trying to keep his body in check was increasingly impossible as every word from her moist pink lips provoked and inflamed his senses. “You don’t want me to go with you then.”

He wasn’t sure if he should allow her to go by herself. Leslie implied he might want to keep her from doing something stupid. In his mind, what she planned was indeed stupid. “Perhaps you could swim in your shift.”

“What good would that do?” she asked him with more defiance. “As soon as the fabric got wet it would be like swimming in nothing at all. My shift would be soaked through.”

She was right of course. “Can’t let you go by yourself.”

His voice was harsh when he spoke. The thought of anyone coming along and finding her as good as naked sent his gut rolling as anger built within. His imagination sped to what might happen.

“It’s really quite safe. However, just to be certain that’s why I usually go at night. Even if someone would ride by, the night would be too dark to see anything. They wouldn’t even know I was in the water.”

His gut tightened even more. He stood so quickly his chair fell over hitting the floor with a loud bang. “No. You are not to go riding at night, Brat.”

While Leslie had mentioned keeping an eye on her, he didn’t think she would ever do anything quite this reckless or stupid.

“I’ll thank you to keep your orders to yourself.”

She stood also, striding, back stiff to the stall where her little mare was housed.

“Don’t thank me then.” He raced after her, grabbing her arm, swinging her around. “I’m coming with you, Brat. You’ve obviously no idea just how dangerous this endeavor could be.”

“Then I can’t swim. You would keep me from one of my few pleasures?” Her voice was incredulous as if her intentions were not something other than absurd and dangerous as hell.

“You can swim as long as I am there to guard your buns.”

He grimaced as her face flamed, regretting his words and undermining the few minutes of peace they shared this morning.

Well hell.

“It’s the only way you are going to get wet as well as get what you’re thinking. Choose what you want. Don’t leave without me.”

He strode to the stallion deciding he should saddle Windwalker before he saddled her horse. If he didn’t, she would most assuredly take off without him. In truth, he thought he was being very diplomatic. In his way of thinking, this was the only solution. He would simply not look at her.

When he finished saddling his stallion, he heard the hooves of her horse pounding behind him. His heart caught in his throat. By the time he turned, she was out the doors. Bloody hell. The frustration and anger simmering deep in his belly caught him by surprise. If anyone was going to see her wearing what would be nothing, it was him.

He swung onto his horse, racing out behind her. She was incorrigible, didn’t take to reasonable commands at all. What he asked of her, he believed was extremely sensible. He didn’t understand how Leslie assumed he could ever keep track of her. By the time he was out the door, she was disappearing behind a hill.

When he caught up with her, he’d tan her backside.

He’d rather kiss her senseless until neither could breathe.

~ * ~

Lacie looked up, startled from her musings about her husband when Leslie walked into the drawing room. “You’re home sooner than I thought you would be. I missed you.”

“Montgomery finally took no for an answer. The man surprised me,” he said, placing a kiss on his son’s forehead then Lacie’s. “I missed you also. Kept thinking of you so, couldn’t wait to get back. Did the horse breeder show up, Devlin Mathews?”

“I believe he did, a few days ago. He stopped by to say he was going out to Southcliff after he spent a few days here in town. Mumbled something about needing a new bed, among other things.” She laughed, remembering the lumpy pallet that was in the room. Leslie had made love to her there. “He didn’t seem too worried about the sparse accommodations. Said he would take care of whatever he might need.”

“Thought as much. The man is resourceful.”

“Why, is there something you’re not telling me?” she asked, cocking her head a bit sideways to study him.

She was sure there was more to Devlin Mathews than he was willing to share with her. That didn’t sit well with her. Since Merry was at Southcliff, she felt it only right that both understood exactly who the man was. Horse breeder, that wasn’t all Devlin Mathews was. She was sure of that fact.

“So, you haven’t heard anything from Merry.” It seemed he didn’t want to talk about the horse breeder.

“It’s been strangely as well as eerily quiet around here. Not real sure what to think about it. Beginning to wonder if she is sick or if I should be alarmed. From time to time, I’ve thought to send someone out to check on her. Didn’t think she’d stay in isolation for more than a day or two.”

Lacie still watched him closely even though she knew he would never give his thoughts away. His time as a spy trained him well.

Leslie held out his hands for his child swinging him into the air. “Missed the little tyke.” Then changed the subject back to his sister including the horse breeder. “We should wait a while before we send out the troops. I’m trying to keep in mind that Merry is an adult. Now that she’s attained that status, don’t want to worry about her. Besides, I’ve the utmost faith in Mathews’ integrity. Nothing will happen between them simply because of who I am.”

“He’s still a man,” Lacie logically pointed out while she watched the play of emotions over her husband’s face.

She remembered the times when he kissed and coaxed her to his way. He was always successful in his seductions. If Mathews had it in his mind to kiss Merry or do more than just kiss, the deed would be done.

After a lengthy pause, he said, “Perhaps I should pay a call to see if the mares have arrived. Wouldn’t hurt to give them a surprise visit in order to see what they’re up too. It would be interesting to hear Devlin’s version of my sister involving of course, her antics, because there would be antics.”

“Merry won’t be suspicious if you show up unannounced?”

Lacie was now more concerned than ever if Leslie thought his sister and the horse breeder might be up to something that would only serve to get Merry into trouble. Even with all her considerable knowledge garnered from listening to her two older brothers, she was an innocent. If she guessed correctly, except for a few shared kisses three years ago with her bodyguard, Douglas, she was totally untried.

“If I have my way, Merry won’t even know I’m there.”

“You know that would be impossible. The black stallion you ride is unmistakable. As you well know Merry spends several hours every day in the stables.”

Lacie wondered now if Merry might not spend more time there. Devlin was a handsome young man, arrogant to boot, although Leslie would most likely call it confidence.

When Lacie first saw the man, she wondered if possibly Merry could lose her heart to him, suspecting he was more than just a horse breeder. He had a way about him that spoke of complete confidence—of nobility. She stared at her husband, playing with the young lad in his arms who would eventually have so much responsibility. It might be nice for Merry to find someone who could be carefree, be able take a moment to play rather than spend most hours working.

Leslie seemed to read her mind. Defending himself he began, “I’m much better than I used to be. I’ve made snow angels with you every time the sky has brought snow our way. Playing with my son has become an essential part of my life. I’ve emitted a few choo, choos when we brought out the toy train.”

“Yes, but you had to be coerced each and every snowfall. It’s time for his nap.” She took the boy from Leslie, heading up the stairs.

“When you put him down, we can play. More than willing.” He was behind her on the stairs, his hand resting on the small of her back before drifting lower. “Need to play with my wife. Been away too long without her in my bed.”

“It’s almost dinner time. You will have to wait.” She set the boy in his bed, covering him with a blanket.

“I’ve waited weeks.” His lips caressed her neck then slid across her shoulders. He moved up her neck, playing with her delicate earlobe with his teeth and tongue then travelling to her lips where he could nibble his way across her mouth.

She shivered with the desire she always felt with his touch. “I suppose I’ll let you have whatever you want. I’ve missed you too much to deny either of us.”

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