First Chapter Ella’s Pleasure

Chapter One

London 1820


“Where have you been?” Ella asked wondering why over a week had passed since she’d received an invitation from Drake Montgomerie. By the end of the first week, she’d been sure he didn’t mean to call on her, and she fell into a slow slide to despair.

Drake closed his expression, his eyes shuttering. “Business.” His curt tone sent a moment’s foreboding Ella’s way and a shiver down her spine.

She didn’t expect accountability from him, they barely knew each other, but she hadn’t thought to be on the wrong end of his dark disposition either. With trepidation she watched the shadow dance across his face. “My apologies. I suppose my curiosity bettered my common sense. I have a tendency to do that.”

“I was away. Just business as usual, didn’t know I needed to keep you informed of my whereabouts.” The dark expression lingered while he seemed to remain deep in thought.

Well, this evening had certainly started in a bad way. She hadn’t improved the situation and she’d apologized. “Of course you don’t.” She turned away from his slanted gaze, wilting inside.

Touching her chin, he turned her face so she looked into steel hard eyes. “Rest assured I sent the invitation because I sought your company and to get to know you better.”

His touch upon her skin sent a wave of shimmering heat spiraling inside. She cleared her throat, wishing she had a reply. Several tense seconds passed before she said, “I fancied your company too.” Yet she knew he came because his father wanted him to wed and beget an heir.

The boat sailing across the Thames docked. They’d chosen the water route over the walkway across the river. Drake jumped from the boat before offering her a hand to help her from the vessel.

Vauxhall garden in all its glory stood in front of them. He bent over and whispered close to her ear, sending another shiver of heat through her. “Should we wait for my men and The Duchess?” he asked, slanting her a quick heart warming smile and an endearing wink.

With those words, Ella’s mood lightened and it seemed the clouds parted and the sun shone brighter. “Of course not,” she skipped down the pathway, her head turned slightly so she could see behind her. “Why make chaperoning easy?”

A roar of laughter and a few long strides brought Drake to her side. “You, my dear, are a breath of fresh air. Why should we indeed?”

An hour remained before dusk, but the gaslights along the walkways lit the grounds. Walking in silence, Ella held onto his arm, thinking about Drake and her rapidly escalating feelings for him. She really did want to know where he’d gone, what kind of business he engaged in. He didn’t seem to talk about his work and made it clear with one foreboding look he didn’t want her to know anything except what he deemed acceptable to share.

Amorica, her sister had fallen in love with a smuggler and had a difficult time convincing herself Damian Andrews had not killed their mother. A smuggler had, but that didn’t mean Damian was the type of man who would murder an innocent woman. Which brought her attention back to Drake’s business.

She didn’t have any qualms that she knew of but Drake’s reactions to her both physically and verbally had her imagination thrumming with possibilities. Drake looked over his shoulder and seemed to sigh.

“Did your men catch up to us? I really hoped they wouldn’t, at least not this soon.” The Duchess did not mean to give them privacy and she admitted to herself that might be a good thing. She wasn’t like Fayth. Her ruin and no marriage was not what she fancied for herself. No, falling in love and making a home with the man who captured her heart was what she wanted and desired.

“They did,” he said, “as well as The Duchess. We didn’t do a very good job of eluding our chaperones.”

“While you were away on business, I tried to lose the bodyguards.” Ella hated when they followed. Their constant appearance behind her gave her goosebumps and set her nerves on edge.

He let out a bellow of laughter. “Were you successful?”

When he asked she felt the muscles in his arms flex and his fist tightened. Anger seemed to fill his soul, even though on the surface he laughed. Why would he care if his men went everywhere she did; but she remembered Fayth and the man who attacked her in front of the dress shop. She recalled Abbot Rushley who had threatened her. “No, never.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” He stopped. “Look at me.” He waited until she turned. “You must never be out of their sight unless you’re with me. I don’t want to come back from business and find you’ve vanished like your cousin did.”

Feeling like a petulant child, she let out a frustrated breath of air. “I understand but I don’t like their constant presence.”

“We have no choice in this matter. Until Rushley shows his hand, I can’t risk your life.” Once again his voice turned hard, his eyes dark and brooding. Rushley was responsible for the death of his cousin, having slept with her until she was with child, only to abandon her when he discovered the truth. His cousin took her life. He despised the man for all the lies he propagated to get what he wanted. “Do I make myself clear?”

It seemed he meant to put a constant damper on this evening, but she intended to change the melancholy hanging over them. “You know I do. Let’s think about more pleasant things.”

They stopped in front of a lake; musicians played and a juggling act performed down the trail. Close by it appeared that a troupe of actors was planning a performance as a stage and props were assembled.

“Should we sit?” Without waiting for a reply, he set the basket down and spread out a blanket before turning to give a nod to his men, who formed a semicircle around him and stood with feet planted firmly apart, staring at them.

Her body shuddered at the site of her bodyguards. “Yes, are you hungry?” Her stomach rolled with nervous jitters and she didn’t think she could eat a thing, but she could pretend.

“Famished, are you?” Drake opened the lid and sifted through its contents. “We have an assortment of cheese and meat as well as a loaf of bread. And, a bottle of red wine.”

“No, not very. I’d like a glass of wine though.”

“Absolutely, what is a picnic without wine?” He uncorked the bottle then pulled out two glasses, filling them. Handing her a glass and holding his in the air, “To our first outing.”

“Yes, to our first real outing,” she repeated, praying she wouldn’t do something foolish or impetuous that it would make this adventure their last.

“Have you ever been here, Vauxhall Garden?” Drake asked. One arm rested on a knee as he sipped his wine and popped a morsel of cheese into his mouth. He held one out to her, but she didn’t accept.

“No, I haven’t but then you would have guessed that.” She felt the gentle warmth of the wine as the liquid pooled in her stomach. With another sip, an easiness surrounded her. Perhaps this adventure would result in a happy ending.

“Why?” he queried before pouring her another glass, his gaze riveted on her lips, unraveling her one tiny strand at a time. She couldn’t help running her tongue across them.

“I believe I told you this is the first invitation I’ve accepted since I’ve been in London, since we went for a ride in Hyde Park.” Her cheeks seemed to warm as she felt the gentle slide of his fingers across hers.

“I forgot. My mind must have been somewhere else.” He picked up her hand, weaving his fingers with hers, the sensation mercuric and evocative.

Ella’s pulse raced and she closed her eyes trying to make sense of the heat his simple gesture sent through her. Wishing to take her mind off Drake, she pointed. “Look, they are starting the play. What do you think it’s about?”

When she turned to look at him, his grin seemed to fill her heart. “We’ll have to watch and see.” He brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back while his thumb lazily circled her wrist.

Good lord, with just that simple touch she nearly swooned.

The play began with ribald gests, which had the audience roaring with laughter. She heard Drake chuckle once in a while then he’d look at her, concern etched in his rugged features. “Would you like to move somewhere else?”

With her free hand, she rubbed the back of her neck. “No, this is fine as long as you are enjoying it.”

“I want this to be about you,” he told her, bending close to her ear. His heated whisper sent a golden warmth to parts of her she’d never known could react to a simple breath of air.

“They are funny, it’s just…”

“Does my touch bother you?” He brought his hand to the back of her neck and massaged the muscles there. “You’re tense. Is it something I did? I hope not.” His strong fingers seemed to touch every nerve.

“Not bother but… I have no words.” Having never thought about such things, she had no idea a man’s touch could evoke feelings such as the ones she experienced now. Wishing to feel everything to the center of her core, she closed her eyes, absorbing his touch into her.

He chuckled, letting go of her hand and bringing both hands to ease the tenseness in her back and shoulder, his touch mercuric. Working magic, she rotated her neck before leaning into his caress.

“How do you do that?” Ella held her breath for a few seconds, reveling in the heated feelings his strong hands evoked.

“Do what?” he bent close to her ear once more, and she felt his tongue glide slowly across the pink shell.

“Drake.” Her voice quivered while she nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Do you like this?” He bit gently on the lobe while his fingers wove another different type of enchantment.

“It’s heaven. I’ve…” his thumbs circled and massaged at the base of her neck, leaving nothing untouched.

“You’ve…” he prompted then placed a soft kiss at the same spot. “What is it? Tell me.” He seemed to command.

“I don’t know if our chaperones will allow something like this, like what you’re doing.” She leaned into him, her body begging for more. “But don’t stop unless you have to.”

“I’m sure The Duchess will let us know if we are doing anything not appropriate.” He ran his warm tongue along her neck then nibbled his way back down.

A tiny moan slipped from her throat. “What are you doing to me? I’m a mindless puddle. I don’t think I can move.” She closed her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her again.

His voice was silk and so smooth she knew he seduced her but she also meant to enjoy every enchanting magical touch and each gentle nuance of this massage. Memories she could hold onto while he left on business and while she never knew if he’d send another invitation.

“I’m making sure that while I’m away you don’t accept an invitation from anyone else.” He continued, kneading her arms then back to her neck and shoulders and back down her arms.

“Are you leaving again? So soon?” Disappointment at his words ripped through her. “Do you have to?”

“Not tomorrow or the next day, but soon I imagine. I expect a summons in the next couple of days.” She started to turn but he held her still. “Don’t ask questions I can’t answer. Please,” he told her. Once more his lips burned her flesh where they gently touched.

“Stop that.” The Duchess, beat her cane on Drake’s back. He whirled, grabbing the cane in a swift move.


“Duchess,” Drake said letting go of the cane, his eyes changing from the slow burn of anger Ella thought she saw to sparkle of something that looked strangely of approval.

“You may be the heir apparent, but you take too many liberties, Mr. Montgomerie,” The Duchess said. “Be forewarned I take my role in Ella’s life seriously. You will not bed my ward unless you put a ring on her finger. Now behave yourself. You know she’s innocent. She’s no worldly ways to speak of.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, his tone contrite yet he still grinned. “Ella is so beautiful I forgot myself. It won’t happen again.”

“See that it doesn’t.” The Duchess turned and marched to a place behind them, sitting down on a blanket next to Scarlett her companion. As Ella watched she saw her auntie pour herself a glass of wine and sit back with a huge smile plastered on her face as if she watched a show.

“What was that all about?” Ella turned to Drake, confused at the performance her aunt had just made and the picture of contentedness that replaced the harsh words just uttered.

Drake chuckled softly, “If my instincts are correct, I’ve just been chastised as if I was a small child, but by the look on your aunt’s face, she approves of me. Next time I want to seduce you, we must make sure there is more privacy and your aunt is nowhere to be found.”

“You think she approves of you? I hope so because I like you a lot.” Actually, she felt more than like if she were honest with herself, she was already half in love with Drake Montgomerie, notorious rake and womanizer. Fayth had told her the Duke wanted his son to marry. Perhaps that was all she was, a way to appease his father.

“Is that all you feel? Like?” He settled her against his chest. “I’m going to have to do something to change that.”

“For now,” she lied to him, but it was a falsehood meant to protect her heart. She vowed she’d never tell him she loved him until she knew for sure how he felt and she heard the words from him first.

“More wine?” he asked, pouring her another glass before she could reply.

“I’ve probably had too much already.” Relaxing into Drake, she let her head fall against his chest. A girl could get used to this.

“Just enjoy. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t like, and The Duchess won’t let me do anything she doesn’t deem appropriate.”

Even then, his hand found hers. He picked it up, bringing her fingers to his lips, kissing each one then running his tongue between them. After exploring her hand, he turned it over and kissed the palm before gently biting the base.

Ella had closed her eyes, imaging what it would feel like to have him kiss her lips. Another moan slipped from her lips. He was seducing her, she was sure, and she also knew her auntie would not be able to see his actions. He’d artfully placed her in a position where at least that one hand could not be seen.

“You are very clever,” she told him. “Would you like it if I touched you in the same way?”

He stiffened against her back. She heard the masculine groan and smiled inwardly, sure she had her answer. “Be careful what you do. I’m not sure, chaperone or no chaperone, I could resist your touch.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Her hand still held within his strong embrace, his teeth nibbled the tip of each finger. With her other hand, she waved a cooling breeze across her face.

“The time will come when you will discover just what your touch does to my body.” He set her hand upon his cheek. The stubble of a day’s growth sent another salvo of warmth inside, and her body clenched and unclenched, pulsing with a need she didn’t understand.

“I would like to learn about your body,” she murmured, letting her fantasies runaway with her thoughts.

The players had turned more ribald than before, catching her attention. Drake put his hands on her ears. “I’m not sure you should hear what they are saying. Do they embarrass you?”

Glad for the slight respite from his attention and not understanding what he wanted from her in return, she laughed. “I’ve heard those words before.”

“Where?” he asked, turning her to face him.

She looked into his beautiful eyes and the concern so clearly etched in his features. “Men use that language all of the time. You know we work in the stables and around men. We tend to the sick in the village and even bring meals to the needy. One does not live without hearing men speak their natural language.”

“So,” he ran his finger from her earlobe to her chin, “you have not led a sheltered life.”

“In some ways yes and other ways no.” She remembered when Guy, Hunter’s half-brother, visited the McLellan castle. They all used foul language. They were disgusting and made her skin crawl.

It was Drake’s turn to look a bit perplexed. “I’m not sure I expected that answer. You were supposed to be sheltered and innocent.”

“Fuck,” she said in a whisper, “is truly an ugly word. “I don’t like it, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t heard it used.”

“What makes it ugly?” he brushed his lips on hers. “I hope The Duchess didn’t see that.”

Before she could reply or form the words into the right phrases to explain her feelings, one actor made lewd gestures to another then in a loud voice he said, “She was a really good fuck.”

For a moment, her heart fluttered and she knew what she would say. “Fuck,” she told him, “is meaningless to anyone but a man. The word has no feelings and no emotions tied to it. Fuck is an act. I’m not saying only men can have a good fuck. I’m sure there are women who can say the same, but I wouldn’t know. In that way I was protected and perhaps remained an innocent.”

He let out a roar of laughter. “Very astute.”

“I’m not done,” she told him with a smug smile, needing to prove to him she wasn’t totally naive. “I’ve heard other words or phrases used by men to describe relationships.”

“Have you now.”

She wasn’t sure if that was question or a statement. “Yes, I’ve listened to my father’s men. Sometimes they didn’t know I was close by.”

“You are far too curious.” He picked up a piece of her hair that had fallen lose. “So soft, silken fire,” he murmured. “What have you heard? Tell me, I’m intrigued and curious.”

“Many not quite so rude have said they’ve had sex with a woman.”

“And what do you think about that phrase, my petite?”

“Well, ‘have sex’ denotes some feelings maybe an emotion or two. I think the pair might know and like each other. Perhaps a phrase used between a mistress and her keeper. At least a certain fondness might exist between the couple.”

“I agree when a man and a woman have sex they like each other, and they might even reach a point of love.” He seemed to study her, and she wondered what he was thinking because his eyes appeared to sparkle with humor.

“So, you’ve had sex, it seems.” Covering her mouth, she wished she’d not said that knowing his lovers were none of her business, but her curiosity seemed to speak for her.

His smile told her everything she needed to know. “I will try to be honest with you in everything possible even though my past is none of your concern, only the present and perhaps the future.”

“You don’t have to answer, truly. I was just curious.” But she wanted to know everything about him. She couldn’t say why, but she suddenly found herself jealous because she knew his answer would be yes.

“Ella, I’m twenty-six years. I haven’t been celibate since my father took me to a sweet lady who was paid to teach me about sex, and she was very good. So, yes, I can truly say I’ve had sex.”

Her face heated. “You didn’t have to tell me. I believe I’m a bit jealous.”

He laughed again, his laughter emanating from deep inside. “Only a bit jealous? I’d hoped for more.”

The breath she held caught in her throat. “I dinna fathom why you’d want me to be jealous of your lovers.”

“What else do you know about lovemaking?” Once more he brushed her lips with his then again eliciting a tiny moan.

She inhaled long and deep letting the air out slowly. “Both Amorica and Ravyn speak of making love to their husbands. They say the act is beautiful, astounding, pleasurable and… amazing.”

“Is that all?” This time his smile was gentle and understanding.

“No, It’s not all. From what they’ve said, I’ve gathered that making love is a joining between two people who love each other more than life itself in an attempt to become one with each other. It’s as beautiful as the other word is ugly.”

He inhaled a swift breath of air. “Before you ask, no, by your definition I’ve never made love to a woman, yet I hope someday to make love to you.”

She sucked in air, her eyes widening, having no idea what to say back. “I believe I might like that, to have you make love to me.”

“I like your answer, but not today. We might give The Duchess a heart attack.”

She needed to steer clear of this topic. “Have you had a good fuck?”


~ * ~


Bloody eyes, how had this conversation gone so awry? She made him laugh and think in ways about life he’d never thought about before. Slowly, moment-by-moment she changed his life, hell she changed him. “You are such a free spirit.”

She stared into his eyes. “I’m sorry, you must hate me. I had no right to ask such a personal question.”

“Never angry about personal questions unless it’s about business,” he told her, “and now that you define it, yes, I suppose I’ve had a good fuck a time or two.”

He watched her moisten her lips and close her eyes as if she inhaled everything he said into her active and too curious mind. Who was this woman who captivated his soul and constantly sent his mind in a tailspin?

She smiled pertly a mischievous glint in her hazel eyes. “I believe women should be treated the same way as men. We are equal in every way save strength and size.”

“What about learning? Most women can neither read nor write. They don’t understand numbers,” he challenged her.

“Because men want to think themselves superior they don’t let women go to school. Instead, they learn how to cook and sew. They grow up to take care of men’s needs instead of theirs.”

“Do you put a unique spin on everything?”

“No, I don’t believe so, but it’s the what my father taught me, us, my sisters. The only way he fell short is trying to wed us. He promised we could wait until we fell in love then he changed his mind.”

I’m falling in love with you and I hope you will feel the same for me.

“Is falling in love so hard? Was there no one where you lived?”

She seemed to ignore his question. Instead, she went on, “I’ve never understood why a man can have multiple partners and a woman is condemned if she has sex with a man she is not wed to. Why is a mistress treated and thought of differently than the man who is keeping her?”

She had opened up the thought processes in his head. Why indeed? “Because a man is stronger and a woman needs protection. Because a man wants to know if his woman is having his baby or a bastard.”

“I can protect myself.” She looked at him as if he was daft. Indignantly she continued, “I don’t need a man to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

“I suppose you can in some situations. Come, let’s walk. I’m not entirely agreeing with everything you’ve mentioned, and I’m in no mood to argue.” He rose, extending his hand to help her to her feet.

“So chivalrous,” she accepted his offer. “But you do know I can stand without the help of a man.”

Once more she drove him to laughter. “I suppose you can, most likely before you could walk.” What else would this little imp come up with to shock him? He could hardly wait. He tucked her hand into his arm and was pleased when she leaned into him, the outside curve of her breast nestled against his arm.

They strolled for several minutes without conversation, seemingly filled with thoughts. The walkways abounded with people but wishing for a bit more privacy Drake turned away from the crowds. He finally found an empty pathway still lit with lights but exactly what he wanted.

Yet a man approached from another path. His dark look sent Drake into a protective mode. “Stand behind me and don’t move.” He immediately set her where he wanted her.

“Lord Drake Montgomerie,” the man said, his stern countenance did nothing to relieve his suspicions.

“Yes, what is it you want?” His heart raced, energy overpowering his emotions. He poised on the balls of his feet ready for a fight if it came to that. Her hand against his back reassured that for the time Ella was safe.

“Your men are behind you and closing,” she whispered, her voice wavering softly.

His little imp was astute, yet by the sound of her voice she could be frightened. This might convince her she didn’t have all the tools at her beck and call to protect herself. “Good.”

The man cleared his throat and from a breast pocket of his jacket, he pulled a sealed envelope. “This is for you.” He waited.

“You may go,” Drake told the man, tearing open the missive and keeping his gaze fixed on the man’s hands while attempting to read the message.

“No, I was told to wait for a reply.”

Drake read the letter, a dark cloud filling his heart. “Tell him I will be there as soon as I can. I will leave in a few hours.” This was not a good mission, and he feared for his friend and partner, yet realizing he had to also think of this information as a trap.

“Very well,” the man turned on a heel, striding from his sight.

Drake’s gaze fixed on the man while he sorted the information he read, wondering if any of it was true. He’d thought Logan in some trouble for a few days simply because he told him he intended to leave Bordeaux two days past, and he’d been surprised when Logan had failed to report to him. He opened it again, staring at the words as if in denial.

Ella stood beside him, gazing at the paper. “What is it?” Her head bowed it seemed to Drake she was looking at the words as if she understood.

“Bloody eyes.” Quickly he crushed the paper between his fingers, and this time he stuffed the parchment in his pocket. She couldn’t possibly know what the letter had said, could she? It was written in French and few women could even read and write English. What had she said about learning to read? He mulled that over for a few seconds.

“Nothing,” he told her. “Just a note from Logan asking for assistance. It seems he’s stuck somewhere and needs me to rescue him.”

She narrowed her eyes as if she wanted to call him out then she graced him with her signature smile. “Nothing is good. You should definitely come to the aid of your friend.” she skipped along beside him. “Where is Logan? I’m sure Eveleen would love to help.”

“Don’t worry about it and don’t worry your cousin. As I just told you, it’s nothing.” But he wondered if Ella detected the change in his tone. Wanting to convince her this was really nothing, he needed to put a lighthearted spin on the rest of the evening.

“I don’t think I believe you but since I know nothing, I’ll do as you say.”

“Good.” Little imp, why wouldn’t she believe him, and what did she think she knew. Being a prudent man, he meant to discover all she thought she knew.

As if reading his mind, “It’s that dark look you have when you’re mulling over something. Now that doesn’t mean you’re lying, but I think there is something more serious going on than you want to tell me.”

Wishing to divert her active mind as well as her inquiries, he placed a wayward lock of hair behind her ear, reveling in its softness. “We need to speak of other things, maybe get to know a little more about each other.”

“I know what you are doing, Drake Montgomerie, and I’m going to let it work although there is not a lot to tell. I’ve lived a dull life.”

“I don’t believe you. There is a depth to you I intend to discover. So far, you have kept yourself secretive and aloof. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“You first.” She shivered when he ran a finger around her earlobe.

His seduction began to take hold. “I don’t know what to say,” he told her as he let his finger travel across her chin down the length of her neck before slowly tracing her collarbone.

Her eyes closed as she ran her tongue across her lips, moistening them. Instantly, his body hardened. Damn, what was he doing to himself while he meant to take her attention away from the letter to more positive thoughts.

“You, sir, are unraveling me one wee bit at a time. I can’t think and I can barely breathe.”

“I believe you are doing the same to me. Do you like my touch?” he asked, letting his fingertip drop precariously close to her cleavage.

“Hmm…yes,” she told him letting a long slow breath from her lips.

In a most primitive way he needed to inhale her breath, take her air into himself. Bending close, he settled his mouth gently on hers, touching his tongue to her lips. “Ask me anything.” He moved away, not wishing to frighten her.

“Siblings?” her one word was a breathy whisper along his neck. Now her forehead rested against his chest. “I can hear the beat of your heart.”

He smiled, wishing he was close enough to hear hers. “Siblings, you asked.” He gave her his arm and they began to walk again. “I have a sister and a brother. Although I’m constantly surprised my mother gave the duke two heirs. I believe you have three sisters.”

She rested her head against his arm while they strolled. “True; Amorica is the oldest then Tavia and Tira are twins.”

“Amorica married Damian Andrews. An honorable man who I had some business with at one time.”

“You know them? Did you know Damian was a smuggler?” She shot the question at him quite unexpectedly.

“Hush,” he placed a finger against her lips, enjoying another reason to touch her. “Your brother-in-law might want to return to England some time, and I’m sure there is still a warrant out for his arrest.”

“Oh!” Her fingers tightened on his arm. “You wouldn’t turn him in to the constables, would you?”

“No, my petite rayon de soleil.” My little ray of sunshine. “I would not. He is a strong honest man, and his mission was from the heart. He and Aric rescued many families from the tyranny of other countries.” Telling her he had sent them secret missives that helped them with the cause was not something she should know. He meant to never put her at risk, and he didn’t know who or what she was loyal to besides her siblings and her brother-in-law. He could never tell her what he and Logan were involved in.

“I’m your sunshine?” she asked, smiling. “What should I call you?”

Her innocent inquiry stunned him, made him once again question what she’d seen on the letter. Perhaps her father or her mother had spoken French and at one time used the pet name for her. Taking nothing for granted, he decided he had to find out more. “Yes, you’ve brightened my life, and your smile burns my soul. I’m sure you’ll think of something, maybe Drake.”

“I like petite rayon de soleil. My father used to call me that.” Once again she graced him with the smile that never failed to send heat spiraling inside.

He’d never felt anything like this before. While he had his share of dalliances, no woman had made him burn with need. The more time he spent with Ella, the more she seemed to become part of his soul as well as his heart.

They turned onto another trail. More people strolled along this path. To one side musicians sang. A hot air balloon had been tethered close by. “I’d love to ride in one of those,” she blurted impulsively.

His gut clenched at the thought, yet in the back of his mind he knew he’d indulge her sometime. “You are too adventurous and inquisitive for your own good, yet I’m growing to enjoy that side of you,” he told her, placing a chaste peck on her forehead.

“Well,” she told him defensively, “it would be so much fun to look down on the earth from up above. Don’t you think?”

“People are not meant to fly. We are not birds.” He recognized his dark brooding voice and knew he had to change it up before he frightened her away.

“Doesn’t matter, I would like to fly, soar on the wind like an eagle.”

“See that little dog?” he pointed with one finger at a brown and white dog with a pointy nose, pert little ears and a curly tale. Pulling her other hand into his he squeezed, hearing her small intake of breath.

She seemed to search the crowd for the animal. “I see. He’s got his nose stuck in someone’s pocket.” She laughed, “What an adorable trick. See, he’s got a handkerchief.”

He laughed with her, but he hesitated to tell her the truth. Clearing his throat, he said, “It’s not an adorable trick. The dog is a thief.”

“What?” she swiveled to stare at his face. Their gazes met and he held her to him, wishing she understood the ways of London, including the seamier side.

“He steals embroidered handkerchiefs from the wealthy and brings them to his owner. She in turn takes them to a handler who gives her a pittance for her efforts.”

“How do you know the owner is a she? I didn’t see anyone.”

“Watch where the dog goes. Look over there, he’s weaving in and out of the crowd. The owner of the handkerchief is chasing him, but he can’t keep up. The little devil is wily. It seems the dog plays with him.” Drake welcomed the change of conversation. When he watched Ella’s expression while she searched for the elusive thief, he knew he wanted more of Ella.

“I…” her tiny white teeth worried her lower lip. She bent over at the waist, putting her at eye level with the canine as if the action could help her see.

“He’s darted into a dark corner to give up his trinket to the young lady who waits for him. In a few minutes, the dog will race from the other side to find a new mark.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” She let go of his hand, straitening and put her hands on her hips.

“What question?” Truly failing to remember. He’d been so intrigued by his whimsical lady.

“Really, you forgot.” She paused tapping one toe and pursing her lips. Lips he wanted to kiss. “How do you ken the thief is a lady?”

“Oh, that question. Her hat fell off one day and her hair tumbled down her back. Beautiful hair,” he mused with a smile and a wink. “Since then she’s cut it off. But she won’t be able to fool anyone much longer.”

“Would it be so bad if people knew she was a girl?” Ella asked as Drake placed her hand in his again.

“Terrible,” he swallowed hard, knowing the fate of the young lady as soon as her true sex was uncloaked. “She will be sold to the highest bidding pimp or go to a whore house. She knows it too. The young lass has bound her breast to help hide the fact she’s female. But the curve of her hip and the delicacy of her cheek bones…” Drake let the sentence dangle in the wind. Considering her fate in a few months or at most a year he was tempted to help rectify her plight.

“A whore house or a pimp?” Ella parroted. “Can’t she say no?”

“Of course she could, but she’d find herself on the streets without a shelter over her head. Now she has food and a place to sleep.”

“That’s horrible. We have to do something about that.”

“She wouldn’t accept your help. I’d wager she’d fight you every step. Look, here comes the little rogue for another go around. He’s caught the gents handkerchief and a purse too.” He paused, “I know that man.”

They watched as Drake’s friend rushed after the dog. “Stop,” he yelled. “Little thief, you’re not going to get away with this.”

“Come,” Drake said as he picked up his pace, trying to see what was happening in front of them. “This could make for some fun entertainment. Brett doesn’t like losing, and I’d guess the dog could put a serious dent in his ego.”

A few minutes later the dog turned down the alley. Brett had been fast enough to keep the canine in his sights and follow him. Soon Brett had the tiny female by the scruff of her neck and was most likely hauling her to the constable who patrols these gardens. Almost losing the little gal, he swept her into his arms and over his back, his hand on her derriere.

Drake let out a roar of laughter. “He’s taking her home,” he told Ella, dumbfounded as they watched Brett’s driver bring the carriage to meet them. “Wonder just how long it’s going to take Brett to discover he’s a she.”

“Why would he do that?” Ella asked, staring at the crowd who were also watching Brett drive away with the dog loyally trotting behind the carriage.

Suddenly the carriage came to halt. Brett opened the door and the dog jumped inside.

“Well, bloody eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.” Drake pulled out his pocket watch and frowned at the time. He’d wasted precious moments with Ella and he had to leave, but he meant to kiss her before he left for Bordeaux, and this kiss would have to be one to hold him until he could see her again.

“Come, let’s take this path.” He settled one hand on the small of her back, directing her to the left. “I want to show you something.”

She gazed at him with wide eyes. “What? It’s getting late, I’m sure The Duchess will be looking for us.”

“Trust me, she won’t have to search for you. Between my men and Scarlett, they know exactly where we are. I mean to elude them for a few minutes of privacy.” He bent close to her and whispered. “I want to kiss you and there are just too many folks here.”

“Kiss me? I like your kisses.”

“I’m glad.” Lord, but he didn’t know what he’d do if she’d told him the opposite. “This way.” They were strolling deeper into the gardens where fewer people walked. Privacy was what he wanted; this was exactly where he meant to steal a real kiss from Ella Hepburn.

“What are those noises?” she stopped and looked at him, searching for the source of the sounds.

He ran one finger between his collar and neck attempting to figure out what to tell her. “They are people enjoying pleasure.”

The expression on her face outlined by the gaslights amazed him. “Is it what I’m thinking?”

“I don’t know. What do you believe you hear?” He laughed inside at the joy he felt about this inquisitive lady.

“Well, I don’t think they are just kissing.” Even in the half-light he watched the blush rise on her cheeks as she covered her mouth as if she understood what was going on all around her.

“Remember our conversation about love making?”

She nodded her eyes huge with wonder. “In public?”

“My darling girl, can you see them?”

“No, but I now know what they are doing.”

“Hush,” he said, guiding her to a spot just beneath a light. “I’m going to kiss you until your Auntie finds us and stops me from having my wicked way with you in those bushes.”

He turned Ella and looking into her eyes, his mouth descended to meet hers. His hands at the small of her back pulled her close. With a surprised gasp she delighted him by opening her mouth. His tongue invaded with a primal urgency, creating a mercuric heat within. Tasting her sweetness and the honeyed depth of her mouth, his groan emanated from deep within.

Ella responded by wrapping her hands around his neck and running her fingers through his hair. Slipping her tongue inside his mouth, she met him with courage and passion. Her tiny feminine cry of surrender gave him confidence she enjoyed him. His hands slipped lower to cover her derriere and pull her tight against his pulsing cock, wondering if she understood the intense desire emanating from him.

He accepted all of her; teeth, tongue, lips, pressed together in an age-old rhythm. Taking her inside himself was heaven on earth. For a moment he pulled away, needing to see her eyes. Her face, flushed with pleasure, enticed him and his mouth found hers once more. Never wanting this to end, his kiss became urgent, and she responded with so much passion he wanted to bury himself deep inside her warmth. For today and this moment the kiss would have to be enough.

A sudden sharp pain shot across his back. “Stop this, Drake Montgomerie.” Another whack hit him in the buttocks and another. “Stop. Unhand Miss Ella before I let my sword slip from its hiding place.”


~ * ~


The Duchess sat in her parlor with Ella and Eveleen surrounding her. Her sigh seemed to fill the room with depressive thoughts and the expression on her face looked a bit ethereal and perhaps wishful. Ella squirmed in her chair. Since the night before, The Duchess had not addressed the issue of Drake’s kiss, and Ella really didn’t know how she’d respond to her great aunt when she did voice her opinion. Waiting was terrifying.

“Why did you call us here?” Eveleen asked, seeming to be totally unaware of the happenings from the night before.

Ella had slipped into her bedroom without speaking to her cousin and needing time to think about Drake’s kiss, reliving the moment through her imagination. Privacy in this matter was important. She didn’t want to let anyone know how she’d felt when he kissed her.

“It’s Fayth. We still don’t know where she is, but I assume she ran to Jarret when presented with a terror she didn’t know how to deal with. She obviously didn’t trust me to keep her safe. After all, the attack, at least we believe this was an attack, happened on my watch. For some reason she has put her faith in Jarret Kingsley. We must accept her choices and support her.

“Do you believe Jarret will have her best interest at heart?” Eveleen asked, and Ella knew Logan had not kissed her cousin or touched her. She was still innocent. Ella was pretty sure he cared for her cousin, but would he kiss her or…

“Pishaw,” The Duchess waved her hands in the air, a disgusted look leaving more creases on her age-lined face. “This is what we need to talk about. You girls are untried. You know nothing about a man’s world or how they think when it comes to women or anything. You’ve been brought up without a mother to talk to you about men and that they think with another part of their anatomy when they are with women.”

“You mean their kisses?” Ella asked, unable to hide her emotions.

The Duchess sat back, a small smile on her face. “When I first received an invitation from the Duke, I thought the same as you, Ella, but we are both wrong.” The old lady drummed her fingers on the arm of her chair. “We need a sex talk, auntie to nieces. Something your mothers would have done if they hadn’t died at such young ages.”

Eveleen inhaled a sharp gasp. “Sex talk?” her blush seemed to cover all of her that could be seen.

“Yes, I was remiss with Amorica, Ravyn and Christel; Fayth too. I’ve learned my lesson. This time I won’t let you all down. You will know what your men want, and you will have the information to tell them yes or no.”

“What do they want?” Eveleen leaned forward, seemingly fascinated by The Duchess and the information she meant to give them.

“Sex,” The Duchess said bluntly. “They want to bury themselves inside you and pleasure themselves, but something they forget, because they think with their cock instead of their head, is that there are consequences. Entanglements.”

Ella mulled over everything The Duchess said. “I know there can be complications but…”

“Don’t let that kiss he gave you in the gardens go to your head. Why, I remember my first kiss. The duke, he was such a rake. I loved him the moment I set eyes upon him. And when he kissed me, I couldn’t think. It seemed I heated from the inside, out and he unraveled me one small strand at a time. Thank God, he loved me and married me. I’m going to tell the two of you but it’s not to go any farther than kisses until your man takes you to the alter. Promise?”

Ella thought she knew where this was going. “You slept with the Duke before the wedding.”

“No,” Eveleen said, her hands on her mouth in seeming astonishment.

“I see there was no reaction from you,” The Duchess turned to Ella. “You have not slept with Drake. I would know because I’ve not given you but a few moments of privacy. But you’re not surprised.”

“He’s only kissed me,” Ella said, folding her hands in her lamp but just as Ella, she didn’t precisely understand what The Duchess referred to. She’d wanted more but was innocently unknowing what exactly it was. Her body had thrummed to life when he touched her hands and kissed her fingers. Words escaped her when it came to the erotic kiss he gave her before he left, and she had no idea what part of his body The Duchess referred to as his cock.

“Girls, you must promise me that you will not fall into a trap of your willingness to experience what your man is more than hopeful to encourage you to reciprocate. You must wait for the wedding.”

“Of course,” Eveleen chimed in.

“I don’t know if I can do that, promise, but I will try.” Ella folded her hands in her lap, gazing at them and wondering exactly what The Duchess asked her to promise. She knew she wouldn’t give up kisses and she also understood there was more she wanted to experience.


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