First Chapter Graham’s Wicked Kiss

Chapter One

November 1826

North of Edinburgh

Graham Chamberlin pulled Draco to a halt just as the large drive to the Chamberlin estate began. He’d spent too many weeks in Edinburgh. With luck on his side, he made it to his ancestral estate, gifted to him by his grandmother, just before the first snows of winter would start. What he discovered in the city was that the life of leisure and balls he was invited to didn’t suit. Neither did any of the debutants he met there.

Leaning on the saddle horn, he looked over his soon to be home, Runningmeade Manner. Over the years there had been little change on the outside. Now, he wondered about the interior. His brother, Donal Chamberlin, had been sending coin to keep the home well appointed. Yet he’d also heard rumors the home had fallen into disrepair at the hands of the current manager.

His brother’s holdings stretched to the states. He had little time for this home or the surrounding lands. When Graham volunteered to check out the manor as well as the grounds and perhaps live here, Donal agreed whole-heartedly. This suited Graham just fine.

As he studied the lane and the row of trees leading to the front steps, he noticed three different heads poking out from three trees along with spindly arms and legs waving at him. He laughed outright remembering days long past. Times when he and Donal played in the same trees, usually not in the dead of winter though.

After watching for a few minutes, he nudged Draco forward keeping his attention on the lads while wondering just how old the boys were as well as to whom they belonged. Clearly, they appeared to be at home in his trees. He pulled up beneath the first tree.

“Come down, lads. All of you present yourselves. Front and center,” he called out in his sternest voice, hoping they would obey but not having any illusions.

They seemed to take his order to heart, all three dropping to the ground in almost perfect unison. Urchins to be sure landed sure-footed on the grass beside the lane. They all needed to be scrubbed from head to toe, possibly twice, but they would clean up well. He needed to laugh although he didn’t want the laughter to come at their expense. So, he held the laughter he felt behind his teeth.

The threesome lined up in front of him, straight faced and stiff as boards.

The tallest and he assumed the oldest of the trio spoke. “We were told to watch out for you and welcome you home. Heard you were coming just last month.” He inhaled a deep breath obviously meaning to say more but was interrupted.

“No one told us we’d have to be here on the lane for two weeks. Did you know it’s cold out here?”

“I was never informed I had a deadline.” Graham’s laughter was unchecked this time.

“Well, someone should have done just that or you could have sent a message,” the tallest said indignantly. “Not like it’s summer, ya know.”

He’d just been properly chastised by the boy and meant to proceed with further introductions lest they think it okay to reprimand an elder. “Do the lot of you have names? I’m Graham Chamberlin.” He waited for acknowledgement and perhaps some information if they were agreeable.

“I’m Dodge,” the tallest said as he cleared his throat. “Been called that for a long time now.”

Graham reckoned he must be nearing eleven or twelve years. He directed his attention to the next in line.

“I’m Ollie.” The lad nodded, his hair falling in front of his face before he looked up and pushed it away with his hands. It was hard to tell Ollie’s age while he was pretty sure the boy was younger than Dodge, perhaps eight or nine. He had no way of proving the fact.

“And you?” This lad was small and seemed to need at least three good meals in his belly. The others must have helped him into the tree because he wasn’t tall enough to reach the lowest limbs.

“Midget,” the lad grinned, “Please to meet you, sir. We’re supposed to make sure you have everything you need and show you to the house.”

“Who sent you?”

From what Graham heard about the estate, he didn’t think anyone here would care if he was greeted or not.

The boys looked at each other sharing glances several times before they seemed to come to a silent agreement.

“Ria sent us.”

Graham found himself nodding his head and rolling all the names around in the cobwebs that made up his brains right now and could not come up with one person on his list of employees who was named Ria.

He dismounted, intending to walk with the boys to the stables and while there discover a little bit more about their truths along with how much more they would be willing to tell him. “Who is Ria?”

As he walked past them, he wondered if they intended to stay on the lane. Looking over his shoulder, Ollie was drawing circles in the dirt with one foot and Dodge was tugging on Midget’s hand.

Once again, seeming to reach some form of silent agreement all three started walking.

“Ria’s no concern of yours,” Dodge said, his voice gruff and taking on a prickly edge. “We protect her so you don’t have to worry about her or go near her.”

Protect her? Bloody hell who or why would she need protection from. For a moment he thought to ask them for more information. By the slant of their lips, he didn’t think any more material about this mysterious Ria would be forthcoming. Instead, he decided to let them lead the way to the stables and give them time to become accustomed to him. Clearly, they had trust issues.

A few minutes later, Graham stopped in front of the stable doors. “Do you know how to take care of a horse? Draco needs a brushing down then food and water. Any of you want to do that?”

“Don’t know nothing about horses,” Dodge said, looking at him as if he had mush for brains. “Don’t know how to ride neither.”

“I’m afraid of the huge beasts,” Ollie said, once again his gaze directed to the ground below and what he was doing with his foot.

“I’m not afraid,” Midget volunteered. “Don’t think I’m big enough to brush him.”

“Perhaps at least one of you should learn. What do the three of you do around the house besides wallow in the dirt?”

The words were uttered harsher than he’d intended. Nonetheless he meant what he said. Everyone would have to do something in his household if they expected to be fed and clothed.

Once again Dodge, the apparent spokesperson for the trio, said, “I’d like to learn how to take care of your horse. It’s the only one in the stable now but don’t have the time. The others are in the pasture along with the highland cattle. Have to protect Ria and right now she could be in trouble. We’ve been away too long watching for you.”

His words were said defensively and to make a point of telling him he was at fault if anything happened to the mystery lady.

The boys looked at each other for a few seconds. Once again it seemed the silent conversation between them was understood. They took off at a fast clip. Graham watched them speed around the back of the house where the servant’s staircase would be found emptying into the scullery.

If there were no horses in the stable, would it figure there was no stable boy? Graham led his horse around the house, resigned to the care of Draco. Entering the outbuilding, he searched for anyone who could help him.

“What can I do?” A man strode from a room at the far end of the building.

“Draco needs to be brushed down then fed and given water. Is that your job?” Graham asked, handing the reins over to the man, impatient now to discover what was going on in the main house and establish himself as the owner.

Apparently, there were things that needed tending.

“I’ll take care of anything you ask, sir. Nice to have you back in residence, sir. You staying this time?” the man asked.

Graham stared hard, his eyes narrowing. “Shamus, is that you?”

He held out his hand in greeting. As lads Shamus played with him as well as his brother.

“It is and you’re a sight for sore eyes, I tell you. It’s about time someone arrived here to right the wrongs going on in this place.”

Graham clapped his old friend on the back, thinking he might have to take a few minutes more to find out a bit more information. “Got some questions if you’re up to answering them.”

Shamus looked over his shoulder as he rid Draco of his saddle and blanket. He took a few seconds to start brushing the stallion. “What do you want to know?”

Graham positioned himself against the stall, crossing his arms in front of him. “Let’s start with the lads. Who are they and why are they here?”

Shamus grinned as he stroked the horse several times. “The lads, so you met them. Not surprised that Ria sent them to greet you. What did they tell you?”

“Not much, just that there job is to protect this woman, Ria.” He waited then, studying the man.

Shamus hauled out a bucket of water and once Draco had his fill gave him his food.

“Dodge do the talking?” Shamus laughed.

Graham nodded, his brows drawing together as he waited impatiently for Shamus to be a bit more forthcoming.

“He’s the oldest. If you were looking closely without assuming anything, Ollie is a little girl and Midget of course is the youngest. They came with Ria one day. They’ve stayed although Ria keeps herself scarce with good reason. Not really sure why they stayed but the house is shelter for them.”

“Where did they come from?”

“If Dodge can be trusted to speak the truth, the worst streets in Edinburgh. Had to do things, if you get my drift, just to eat. I’m surprised they let on that Ria is a woman.”

“I’m beginning to understand a few things. Why does Ria have reason to keep herself scarce?”

He didn’t like the direction of his thoughts, although there were a myriad of reasons why the lady might not want to be found.

“Around these parts the main reason is well known. I’d be hopin’ that your first order of business would be to get rid of Leod, your manager of the estate. Don’t recall his last name, whether or not I was ever told I can’t be remembering. Think the lady is hiding from something that happened to her in the city but that’s just my gut telling me things. There’s no evidence I could be right or wrong.”

“And why would I want to get rid of this man?”

He didn’t like the fact the questioning and answers began with Ria and ended with Leod. Again, his mind travelled in a direction Graham didn’t appreciate nor would he allow.

“He’s turned Runningmead Manor into a whorehouse. Pretty simple. Don’t think it’s what you would want for your home. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Answer more questions when I have them.”

“Whatever you like.”

“Millie still here?” he asked as he pushed away from his position, meaning to see for himself at the main house.

“Only because she keeps praying either you or your brother will show up and set this mess to rights. Suppose her prayers have been answered.”

“Suppose they have.”

Determined, Graham strode to the manor, walking up the broad front porch steps. When he stepped inside, a man stumbled drunkenly down the stairway from above. His pants were unfastened and his shirt hung loosely from his shoulders.

This must be the man Shamus was alluding to a few minutes before. He spread his legs, his hand at his side. “Who are you?”

“Leod is the name. I took up residency here when it seemed no one was going to claim the land and the crumbling home. Didn’t ken why it should go to waste. So many in these parts are homeless.”

“Graham Chamberlin, owner of this crumbling home is now in residence.”

“You own this?” he asked as he quickly tried to put his clothing to rights.

“I do and, well, you’ll have to move out. You’re no longer welcome here in any capacity.”

“How do I know you’re tellin’ the truth and you are who you say you are?” He stumbled a bit then hanging on to the back of the chair the man glared at him, his eyes narrowing in seeming concentration.

“You don’t, except for my word as a Chamberlin.” Graham couldn’t imagine anyone living here unless they were desperate. Everything was in disrepair and needed hard work as well as a sizeable amount of groats to make it livable. “You haven’t seen fit to make improvements? Have you been taking the money that has been sent your way?”

The man shrugged, his body seeming to relax. “No funds. If you’d sent money, I would have done something.”

“My brother has been sending funds for the last five years. Most likely you drank the coin away or spent it on yourself,” Graham mumbled as he studied the shabby entryway to his home.

A woman ran down the steps naked but holding a dress in front of her. Graham watched her leave the house. His breath nearly stopped as did his heart as he processed the scene. “You use my home as a whorehouse. I heard that from my employee in the stable.” Anger began to simmer inside as he perused the rapid flight as well as the woman’s backside.

“She wanted it. I was just obliging her wishes. She came to me beggin’ for me to take her.” The man grinned as he too watched the woman.

“That’s why she was naked and racing away. Because she was asking for it? Get out!” With a shaking hand, he pointed to the door. “Don’t ever want to see you again.”

“My things…” the man started up the steps.

“I’ll have whatever is in your room put on the front lawn. You can have them picked up when you please. Don’t ever want to see you again.”

Arms crossed in front of him both impatient and angry, he waited for the man to leave. As far as he was concerned Leod’s departure couldn’t be soon enough. The puzzle that was Ria was still before him. He meant to get to the bottom of that riddle as soon as he possibly could.

When Leod finally exited the house, Graham let out a long sigh of relief rumbling from his lungs. Striding through his new home, he examined every part of it, every nook and cranny. He was just about finished on the third and last stage when he noticed a movement, a tiny shadow push back against the wall coupled with the softest whimper.

He reached the spot in two quick strides then crouching down he peered behind a lose wallboard. What he saw surprised him. Two huge blue eyes peered at him from behind a set of knees drawn to her chest. Her hair was matted and tangled against her scalp, shortly cropped and greased with black boot grease.

“Who are you?”

He hunkered down beside her, wishing he could draw her out from her hiding place. There wasn’t one doubt in his mind she was ensconced in this tiny corner because of the man he just sent packing.

She pushed back farther, her breaths almost nil as she was attempting to hold the air inside her lungs. From beneath her ragged skirts two sets of dirty, bare toes caught his attention. She pushed her grimy and disheveled hair from her face, but the terror he saw in her eyes was real. While he watched and studied her, the apprehension seemed to linger.

“Cat got your tongue? He almost laughed but held the chortle back not believing for a second she was seeing anything humorous in this situation. In truth neither did he.

She was shaking her head, clearly terrified of him. In all his life he couldn’t recall any woman every being frightened let alone terrified when he was present. His thoughts travelled back to the man, Leod.

“Did Leod hurt you?” He would have the man tarred and feathered if he harmed this tiny delicate woman in any way.

She was shaking her head no. To his surprise and pleasure, she seemed to be relaxing. Her chest was no longer pressed tightly against her legs, nor were eyes blazing with fear or anger. He wasn’t sure.

“Good then. Come on out and tell me your name.” He held out a hand to her in hopes she would accept his peace offering. Was not surprised when she declined the invitation.

She pushed back farther. Her hands remained tight around her legs, which were still pushed up against her chest.

“I promise I won’t hurt you,” he paused realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere with her. “At least tell me your name.”

Her lashes fluttered for a second then she focused on him, appearing to come to some conclusion. “Ria.”

“That’s a fine name, Ria. Now tell me why you are hiding here on the third floor?”


He expected to see tears but there were none, only determination in the set of her jaw. “Blessed hell,” he muttered. One look at the man and he knew trouble surrounded him. “You told me he didn’t hurt you.”

“Aye, but he wanted to rape me. The lads were able to keep me safe and hidden these last weeks that we’ve been here.”

“I understand.” Yet he didn’t. He figured getting to the bottom of this would be easier with the children in hand than with her. They were more likely to let something slip that would give him a better comprehension of her circumstances. “Are you going to stay there or come out?”

She looked at her feet then back to him seeming to consider. However, a few seconds later it didn’t appear she was willing to leave her hiding place any time soon. “Suppose Leod didn’t like to exert himself to come to the third floor.”

“He got winded and had to stop every so often to drag in air,” she said, her voice to soft for him to hear clearly but he understood the gist of it.

“A bit overweight you’re saying?” He laughed hoping to reassure her enough so she would leave the place.

She nodded, her fingers winding through the fabric of her gown, her eyes focused there. “Yes, he rarely searched for me here. The lads always found a way to make it harder for him to walk to the third floor.”

“The lads are protecting you from Leod then? They understand what he intends?” His speculation was true but would she admit it? He was watching her closely and realized the dirt was an affect also. Where her gown slipped a little, he saw clean white skin.

“They shouldn’t but they do. We’ve dealt with this for a couple of years now.” She lifted her shoulders slightly, looking resigned to the fact she was addressing but unwilling to put before him.

“You know,” she picked up the fabric of her gown then let it fall softly around her, “that I’m a fake.”

“A fake?” he queried. “What on earth can you mean by that.”

“I’m not innocent or naïve as you probably believe I am,” she told him, her voice soft as she spoke the words.

He had to wonder what exactly was behind her admission now.

“As long as you don’t lie to me, I don’t care. I’ll wager though that the lads bring you dirt so you can paint your face and hands with it. Quite a clever disguise if you ask me, but then you didn’t. Does it discourage Leod from taking liberties you aren’t willing to give?”

“I don’t know. It was Dodge’s idea. I refused at first but wondered about the possibilities to give into his wishes. Well, he told me the dirt on my face wouldn’t hurt when they weren’t there for me. I agreed.”

“You mean they don’t stay by your side night and day?” He wanted to laugh but wisely refrained after seeing the expression on her face.

She was shaking her head. Her eyes wide once more, “They do some work for Millie when she asks. You aren’t going to put us out, are you?”

“I don’t know. What kind of work can you do?”

He smiled, watching her closely for a reaction to his question. Where her mind went would tell him a lot about this woman who intrigued him more than he thought she should.

She visibly bristled at his unspoken suggestion. “I won’t be warming your bed if that’s what you’re getting at, sir.” Instead of pushing back and cowering she rose. Her hands were fisted at her sides, eyes blazing.

He was quite pleased with her reaction. He showed her with a half-smile. Standing beside her, he wanted to show her he would control the situation but also that despite what would happen to her now was up to him, he would help her. “Do relax, Miss Ria. I’m not going to make you pay for your residency here in my bed. I’m not Leod, nothing like him at all. I appreciate a willing woman as much as any man. However, since you are obviously unwilling, we won’t pursue this.”

The sigh of relief was visible as well as the tentative smile she graced him with. “I can work in the kitchen with Millie if she’ll have me. If not that, I’m quite capable of cleaning. Everything here needs attention from the floors to the stairs to the walls. At the convent I did a lot of cleaning.”

At the convent?

“It’s true. I believe it would take a small army to put everything to right by the New Year. Even then it might not happen.” He wanted her to be a part of this and he wondered what skills she had that might give her at least a bit of a recommendation for something more than cleaning.

“I’d be happy to help.” She turned to him then, smoothing the folds of her gown. “I don’t have a place to sleep.”

He waved his hand a bit, wishing to pursue the other line of his questioning a little more thoroughly. “Miss Ria…” he paused hoping she would provide a last name.


“Miss Ashton, can you read and write? Calculate numbers?”

She nodded her head, seeming to wait for him to disclose the reason for his questions. “Yes. I’ve had schooling.”

“At the convent.”


Miss Ashton was inadvertently adding to the puzzle surrounding her. She was well spoken, could read and write as well as calculate numbers yet here she was under the protection of three little urchins. He needed to get to the bottom of this if for no other reason save, he was curious.

“Then I’d like to put you in charge of the staff. I will give you permission to go into the village with me tomorrow. You may help me decide who we need to hire. Also,” he held up his hand when it appeared she might protest, “you will be my second in command here. It will be up to you to make sure everyone is doing their job properly.”

“What about the lads?” she asked, once again finding the folds in her gown with her fingers.

“You are aware that one of the lads is a lassie.” He was tired of secrecy and would accept nothing but the truth from Miss Ashton.

Her face paled and for a second she looked away from him. He thought she might lie.

“Ah, I see that you are aware. Is Ollie in need of protection also?” he asked. “Does she have the same needs as you?”

He watched the line of her neck as she swallowed then looked at her bare toes. “If you don’t mind my feet are cold. I’d like to know where we will be sleeping. If it’s not too much trouble the children, well the… I’d like them close by.”

Accepting the diversion for the moment, “Do the children have other clothing to wear besides the ones they managed to soil today?”

“No, I wash them out every night and hang them up to dry.”

“They sleep with nothing on? That must be embarrassing for the lass.”

He didn’t wait for an answer but poked his head around the corner to motion for the children to show themselves. “I’ve an idea if all of you will follow me. We’ll see to some used clothing for the children then I’ll show you where you all can sleep.”

“Thank you,” she moistened her lips. “The children do need something else to wear.”

“You shouldn’t have to wash their clothing every night. In any case that will be up to the new scullery maid we’ll hire tomorrow. Follow me.”

~ * ~

Ria wasn’t at all sure following this man was prudent or safe, but she had no other options. He told her he wasn’t like Leod. Of course, she understood all too well that only the passage of time would tell her the truth of the matter. The larger question was if he was like the other men who had been in her life.

“It seems I’ve remembered that my mother used to fold up our outgrown clothing before putting them in storage up here in the attic.” He pushed open a door at the end of the hallway.

She and the children stood at the opening all unwilling to enter into the darkness. He marched to the window at the far end, drawing up the window and opening the shutters. Light slanted across the floor as well as the myriad of trunks sitting in the room while collecting dust. Still in the doorway, she watched as he sifted through various trunks opening lids then closing them until he discovered the ones he wanted.

Finally, she stepped forward, standing beside him and peering into the trunk. “Just what are you doing?”

He held up several items, britches and shirts both small and large. “These should fit Dodge and these Midget. Don’t have any dresses for Olivia though.”

“Ollie,” she persisted.

One perfectly arched brow rose a fraction as he studied her for a moment. “I will purchase a few garments in town for her tomorrow.”

“She would prefer to wear boys clothing,” Ria said through gritted teeth, wishing she didn’t need to accept charity even if it was for Ollie’s sake and not hers. Otherwise, she would refuse it. “We do not need or want, nor will we accept your offer until I’ve the funds to pay for her clothing myself. Until then, maybe we could find some boys clothing that would fit her.”

A tentative smile formed across his lips before he pressed them tightly together. “These clothes are used. They were my brothers and mine. There is no charity involved. They will earn these through the work they will start doing. As for Olivia…”

“What about the dress for Ollie? I don’t have money. Besides she is safer for the time being if people think of her as a boy.”

“Olivia need not hide behind britches any longer.”


Graham let out a long slow breath of air, his features rigid with what she assumed was anger. “In any case, she needs to be a girl now. I will make sure she is treated as she should be. You no longer have to worry about her or yourself. Other than perhaps what you would prefer to do during the day.”

He strode to another trunk before pulling out a couple of dresses. “These were my mother’s. Feel free to look through them. Pick out anything you’d like. There is something of everything a woman might want or need. Can’t make any promises about the fit. I believe at least in height the two of you are of a similar size.”

She was breathing hard. She knew despite his good intentions he couldn’t promise anything of the sort. She put aside his offer of his mother’s clothing intent on finishing the previous conversation first. “As long as he’s alive, she’ll be in danger as will I. You cannot think to gainsay me in this. As they think to protect me, I do my best to keep them safe as well.”

Frozen and without a word in his defense, he watched her then went on as if nothing had been said to him to negate what he thought. Giving in to her wishes, he brought out a pair of britches and a shirt he thought might fit Ollie. He held them up, “Until I can purchase a few dresses for her.”

He was of a mindset she couldn’t fight so she chose to say nothing. Over his shoulder, she peered into the trunk, seeing a few pieces that might fit her. The door had not been locked. She decided she would make a trip up here some time when he wasn’t home. In the second trunk she picked out a gown and a few other things for herself.

“Very well.” With submissiveness she didn’t feel, she clasped her hands in front of her. “We will proceed as you dictate.”

He laughed, his gaze focused on her as he crossed his arms. “Why do I get the feeling you don’t mean to comply to any of my wishes?”

She lowered her lashes before looking at him, “As long as she has a choice, I won’t gainsay you. If there comes a time when I feel Ollie is in danger, we’ll leave.”

“You’re free to leave here anytime you like.” His voice was calm but she heard the underlying irritation coupled with anger.

It didn’t make sense. He didn’t know her. “Good, then we understand each other.” She collected the clothing, handing the items to the children as they left.

“We don’t, Ria. That’s the problem here, but you’ll discover the truth soon enough. Now, I’ll show you to your rooms. I’m putting the lot of you in the south wing. My residence is in the north. You will have free access to anything you need.”

Without another word, he stepped in front of them, striding down the steps to the second floor and turning when he reached the landing. She still wasn’t at all sure about his intentions, unwilling to test his words. There was no reason she could see that he should put them in some of the best rooms in the manor unless it was for his own purposes.

He stopped then, opening a door for her. “This will be yours, Ria. There is a sitting room as well as the usual bathing and sleeping rooms. I’ll send enough hot water for all of you to bathe sufficiently.”

“Thank you,” she said but by the look in his eyes, he noticed her reservations to his good deeds.

“I suggest you let me bathe the boys. You can take care of Olivia… She will have a room for herself”

“Ollie,” she said, understanding he was growing impatient with her insistence. “Even with a room all to herself, we’ll probably find her curled up with the boys in the morning. In my recollection, she has never willingly left their sides.

He cleared his throat several times before continuing his speech. “I don’t trust the boys to get themselves clean without aide. Since Dodge is far too old for you to be in the bathing room with him, I’ll attend to the lads.”

“I’ve a feeling you’ve jumped over some details. Are you going to force them into the tub when they bathe?” She nodded toward the room he’d pointed out was for the baths. “You will find them quite unwilling participants.”

“If I recall as a lad, I wasn’t willing either. Seemed I liked the dirt better than soap and water. Also didn’t see what was wrong with a few well-earned smudges, badges of honor.”

“Would you like us to take a bath there?” She pointed to the room in her suite. “Us? By that you mean Ollie and me. You and the boys will go somewhere else.” Again, she was left in the dark as to what he was saying as well as his intentions.

“Yes, after my journey I’m also in need of a soak in nice hot water.”

“You will not get a nice hot soak if the boys are involved in any of this. If you wish for peace and calm, your bath should be taken in your sleeping quarters, not here.”

With what looked like disappointment, changing to a strange smile, “I suppose you are right but only after I see to Dodge and Midget.”

Millie appeared suddenly as if she’d been summoned. Ria was sure she had been in some way listening at the door. She was grinning at the lord and waiting expectantly for the orders that were sure to come.

“We need hot water, lots of it. The first water should come here for Olivia and Miss Ashton.”

This time she refrained from correcting him, nearly biting her tongue to do so. He slanted her an amused grin before continuing his orders to Millie who curtsied and left. She understood he’d won this round. He would continue to address Ollie with her female name for as long as he chose.

He made himself comfortable in a wing chair in the sitting room. She wanted to know what he was thinking as well as expecting from them. The control was absolute. She cringed at the thought. A few weeks ago, she’d been under the power of another man. She’d vowed when she escaped that servitude it would never happen again. If the children were not involved, she would leave as soon as he retired for the night. With the children came intense responsibility she could never flee.

She chose to stand. In any case, sitting was an impossible task for her. Even when she was hiding, she kept herself off the floor. He motioned to the wing chair facing toward his.

“She can’t sit,” Dodge spoke out. “Don’t expect her to do so.”

“Or?” he queried with proper politeness that left Ria cringing.

“She’ll leave tonight. I know it. She won’t take us with her this time seein’ we’ve got a respectable home to live in until we mess it up. She’ll sneak out when no one is the wiser.”

“You’re not going…” Both Ria and Graham spoke at the same time.

Ria, however was directing her command to the children, specifically Dodge who was the leader of the little troupe. She understood all too clearly if she left, he would try to find a way to follow.

“Just like Graham can’t hold you here, you can’t keep us from going with you. We’re family. I’m not going to let you be out there, alone,” Dodge’s voice rose with surprising fury.

“Enough,” Graham slashed his hand in the air, obviously frustrated with all of them. “Baths first then we’ll talk about dinner. Perhaps after that someone will explain to me why Ria cannot sit.”

Dodge let out a soft whistle. He fastened his gaze on the window and something outside while Olivia shifted from one foot to the other her view of them doing the same shifting while Midget stood his ground his lip tucked beneath his teeth as if that was keeping him from spilling the information.

Millie led the way with the hot water. Two men followed her with buckets, left then returned to finish filling the tub. Ria nodded at Graham, telling him without so many words that it was time for him to leave with the boys.

“I will see you at seven when dinner is served.” He led the two boys from the room, a hand on each of their backs.

“Do we have to take a bath?” Dodge asked as the door closed behind them. “Not really feelin’ the need.”

Ria couldn’t understand Graham’s response though she could guess at what he would say. In any case she would see Ollie to the dinner table. However, she didn’t plan on joining them and undergoing another bout of humiliating questions. Why she couldn’t sit was none of his blessed business, and she was pretty sure the boys would stay quiet. When the question was posed, she shot Dodge the sternest expression she could summon.

“Come, Ollie, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“I would like that. Why don’t the boys want to take a bath?” she asked as she stripped the filthy clothes from her body. “I hate being dirty.”

Ria tested the water with her hand. “It’s not too hot. You can get in.” Then, “Don’t know why. Boys are just like that.”

Ollie lowered herself in the tub, playing with the soap and the sponge. Between her hands she squirted the bar into the air and giggled. “Watch.” She repeated the process and they both laughed.

“Do you want some help?” Ria handed her the sponge.

“You can do my hair. It’s so filthy and tangled I don’t think it will ever be clean again.”

“We’ll get it clean. I promise you.”

Ria smiled at the little girl who’d become so precious to her. The thought of Ollie’s life in Edinburgh brought tears to her eyes. She hoped this manor with Mr. Chamberlin at its helm would be somewhere they could stay. Ria understood she would have been unable to maintain the little girl’s disguise much longer. When the men understood what she could do for them, she would have been pimped out. Ollie was beautiful so she wouldn’t have been left on the streets or placed in a bordello. No, she would have gone to one of the expensive bordellos where only the finest politicians and lords convened. Not that a situation like that was tenable.

“Are you going to get clean water?”

“This will do.” Ria grimaced at the water that was growing a darker brown with every washing. “There now, let’s rinse your hair and get you dried off. Then it will be my turn.”

Ollie was sitting on the hearth dressed now in her clean britches and shirt while Ria was humming and finger combing her hair in an attempt to rid the little girl of all the snarls.

“Knock, knock, everybody decent in there?” Millie didn’t wait for an answer but pushed the door open for a peek. “Good, here’s some more hot water for you, Miss Ria. Under the circumstances, thought you’d appreciate clean water for yourself.”

The tub was emptied and filled again, just waiting for Ria and the hot soak Graham had spoken of earlier, but this one was for her. “Oh my, thank you. I thought I’d be using Ollie’s water.”

“You think I’d let you do that? Never. Now, I’ll bring a comb up as well as few other things I can find. Besides the boys’ mother, you’re the first woman to live here. Most of my life, it’s been a house of males. They could have put a sign on the doorstep, no women allowed.”

Ria waited until Millie appeared and disappeared again before disrobing and stepping into the hot water. She sucked in a swift breath of air as the water hit her back. Millie brought her valise with her second dress in it a few minutes later and set it near the tub. Ollie combed her hair, tugging at the tangles until Ria saw tears in her eyes.

“You going to wash your hair?” Ollie stood over her. “You should you know. This black grease is ugly.”

“I’d like to but I don’t want to be recognized. You know that.” She ran the cloth over her body. The soap smelled of lavender. She closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she dared wash the filthy stuff away.

“Who would recognize you? There is no one here except Sir Graham.”

Ollie was right. If she didn’t wash her hair, it would not surprise her if Graham didn’t insist she do so in some overbearing way of his she was beginning to recognize. He wasn’t like any other man she’d known, but she hadn’t known many. Her life in the nunnery near Edinburgh certainly didn’t prepare her for the life afterward.

Ria ducked under the water for a moment to get all of her short hair dripping wet. When she rose, she soaped and rinsed. With Ollie’s encouragement, she washed her hair three times before it was finally devoid of the black stuff she’d rubbed into it.

Feeling clean and better than she had in a very long time, she rose and wrapped the towel around her. Standing by the fire she combed her hair until all the tangles were gone.

“Now we are both ready for dinner.”

Ollie’s stomach rumbled hungrily, the sound generating laughter between the both of them.

“I cannot go as well you ken. Sitting in the tub was all I can manage for one day. Do you think you remember where the dining room is?” Ria inhaled a deep breath. “Perhaps you can bring me a little something to eat after the meal is finished.”

“I can but you really think he will let me without investigating for himself?” Ollie asked, her hands on her hips.

“You are much too wise for a ten-year-old. However, we will deal with the repercussions when they are here. Not a minute sooner.”

“I’m nearer to eleven.”

“Nearer to the age where concealing you would be all that much harder. I’m glad we left when we did.”

“You did it. No one knew you were a girl,” Ollie pointed out, a slight smile on her tiny face.

“We left because we were found out. Blue discovered the truth one night when I was careless. Staying in the city was out of the question. I would have lost you and the boys.”

Ria was determined to never go back to that life. Thinking about it sent a shiver down her spine.

“Is that when he beat you?” Tears slid down her cheeks and Ria brushed them away.

“Yes, yes it was. He was very angry. While I made a mistake, he made one too. That’s when I took advantage. He didn’t think I would be able to move because of the pain. So, he left me untied, unguarded too.”

“If he wanted to pimp you out, why did he beat you?”

“He knew I would heal. He wanted to make me hurt as well as understand that I couldn’t deceive him and get away with it. I know he had big plans for me. If he ever finds us…” She couldn’t bear to think about that scenario. Ria made herself believe the man would never discover their whereabouts.

“I ken it.” Ollie wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tight. “He won’t find out because of me. If he finds you, he’ll find the rest of us and I think I like it here.”

“Now, I want you to go on downstairs and eat with them. Don’t let on how I’m feeling. If Graham asks just tell him I wasn’t hungry.”

“The boys are going to insist they see you. They always need to make sure you have not been hurt.”

“You have a question or comment for everything. Of course they will, but they can wait until after dinner. The important thing now is that no one tells him about my back.”

She slipped into the cotton shift she pulled out of the small valise she brought with them. One of Blue’s ladies gave her two dresses she’d outgrown and could no longer wear otherwise she would have still been wearing pants and a shirt. She had one pair of pants along with one shirt with her. Blue lashed her while she was still wearing her clothing emphasizing with each stroke that she was never to ape a man again. If she did, this would be her punishment until she understood the orders. By the time he finished, her clothing was in shreds around her and useless.

“I’ll go now,” Ollie said, “as soon as you lie down. I’ll cover you up so you’ll be all warm and toasty.”

“I’d like that. Thank you. Now enjoy your dinner. You can tell me all about it tomorrow or tonight if I’m still awake.”

She turned then to walk to the bed. The gasp behind her startled her. “You’re bleeding.”

Ria pulled at the shift as it stuck to her back. Unable to help herself, she groaned. “Help me. I need to get this off.”

Ria knelt down and held up her arms. Slowly the shift fluttered over her head. Ollie let it drop to the floor, tears in her eyes.

“You’re back is all red. It’s not just the blood.” Ollie’s voice was shaking. “It’s your skin too. I have to tell Sir Graham.”


The last thing Ria wanted was for Graham to see her back. If he was told, she didn’t have any doubts that he would force her to show him her injuries.


“Go, I’ll be just fine. You know I will.” Ria slanted her a shaky smile. “I always land on my feet. I’ll sleep on my stomach.”

Slowly, Ollie backed out of the room. Ria tried to get comfortable, struggling with the pillow until she had it where she wanted it. She managed to bring the sheet to her waist. The tiny effort proved to taxing to continue. She closed her eyes trying not to relive the events of her life.

She’d suffered far worse than this lashing by the hands of another man after he took her from the nunnery. Going back to that was not tenable. If it happened, she would once again find a way to leave. That day was bleak. She recalled every moment. Mary Margret tried to save her, gave her money and the means to flee to London. The sister even booked passage on a ship for her.

Unfortunately, she never made it on board. The man who wanted her intercepted her and hauled her back to his home near the city. Ria groaned softly, her back aching now that she had no obligations to take her mind off the pain. The lashes had been burning for the last three hours. Now the pain was nearly unbearable.

Ria didn’t know how long she’d been lying on the bed in the dark. A soft breeze from a slightly open window attempted to cool her back but was fairly useless. She supposed the air rippling across her was better than nothing. Her head pounded as she passed in and out of consciousness. The clock in the hallway chimed eight times. Truly she didn’t know if Ollie would keep quiet about her condition. She hoped she would. She was proud of the little girl and her efforts. Now, it just remained for her to return to the room and go to sleep. The boys would show up. She’d have to make them vow their silence.

She groaned again and it seemed the sound came from outside herself. The heat she was feeling touched all of her from the inside out. Moving her arms and legs was impossible now. Her eyes were closed. She thought perhaps she heard voices but that would mean Ollie told. She was sure the little girl would do as asked.

“Bloody eyes!”

No mistaking Graham’s voice or his anger. Fighting from the black fog swirling in her head, she tried to sit up then remembered she wore nothing.

“Don’t move a muscle,” he said as he kneeled beside the bed. The back of his hand touched her forehead then he swore again.

“Dodge, go get a bucket of water from Millie and bring her here. Tell her it’s urgent.”

“You don’t need to be here,” she whispered, her voice barely a croak.

“Water?” he asked pouring her a glass.

“If I’m going to drink that you’ll have to leave the room.” Her head was turned sideways. She saw the stern expression on his face and the crease line between his brows.

“Not a chance. If you can push up a little ways, I’ll get the rim to your lips and you can sip.”

“I’m naked.”

“True. Do you want some water or not?”

To her, his voice sounded patient yet despite the earlier sternness she heard a touch of amusement.

“I’d tell you I won’t look, but if I don’t all the water will probably end up on you as well as the bed instead of where we want it to go.”

She pushed up and sipped then a few seconds later they repeated the process.

“Thank you,” she mouthed and fell back to the bed, closing her eyes, understanding he wasn’t the first man to see her unclothed.

“Now that you’ve been refreshed, who did this to you?”

If she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, maybe he would go away or at least forget the question she didn’t want to answer.

“Ria.” His voice was stern and held the insistence that he wasn’t going to let this go without an answer.

“Blue did it to her,” Dodge spoke up from behind, his voice taking on a tone Ria had never heard before from the young boy.

“Who is Blue?” Graham spoke the words slowly.

“The man who was going to pimp her out,” Ollie said, her tiny voice filled with anger. “He would have done the same to me, but Ria was disguising me as a boy.”

Graham didn’t respond to Ollie. Instead, he lightly touched the slash marks then pulled the cover all the way off almost as if he remembered that she couldn’t sit.

She gasped when she felt the air across her backside.

“Bloody hell,” he said again but this time the whisper held a touch of venom in his anger.

All the way to the tips of her toes, she felt the emotion emanating from him but didn’t understand what it was. She’d never felt as if any man in her life cared one way or the other for her. Fending for her survival one day at a time since she left the abbey had been her predominate goal.

“Should I send for the doctor?” Millie asked.

“No, I’m going to tend to her. What I need you to do is get my saddlebags for me. Bring them here. It’s in my room on one of the wing chairs facing the fireplace.”

“Do you think it’s proper?” she asked.

“No, no,” he said. “I’m sure there is nothing proper about any of this. Nor was there anything about Ria’s beating.”

Ria heard the sound of Millie’s steps as she left the room. When she returned. “Here it is, sir.”

He rumbled around in the packs, pulling out things before letting them drop to the floor. Then, “Go brew some tea with this. It’s willow bark. It will help with the pain. Do it as quickly as you can.”

“Pain?” she groaned softly and wondered if anyone heard her.

She felt his breath across her cheek. “I’m sorry but your back is infected. I’m going to have to cut you in places so the pus will drain.”

“No, no there is no need for that.”

He wasn’t a doctor. What did he know?

“There is. I’m sorry but if I don’t take care of you now, there is a good chance you’ll die. Drink this.”

He handed her the bottle of whiskey he retrieved. Once more he held the bottle to her lips until she downed a few tablespoons of the liquid. From the corner of her eye, she watched him pour the whiskey on his knife. Her gut clenched as her entire body tightened.

He was gone for a few seconds then, “Put this in your mouth. Clamp down hard.”

“Sh-sh-shouldn’t you wait for the tea?”

“The whiskey should be enough for now.” He told her as he began to wipe her back with a cool cloth. “I’m going to pull the remaining vestiges of cloth from the lashes. That’s what’s infecting you. Have to get rid of them or none of this will do you any good.”



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