First Chapter Tavia’s Deception

Chapter One

London 1821

Tavia stood between her twin Tira and her cousin Larena waiting for a possible suitor. She swallowed her fear as well as her distaste for the marriage market. Only her older sister, Ella had what one could call a successful season. Ella met Drake Montgomerie at a ball just like this one and fell in love. Well, Eveleen met Logan and she too fell in love. Perhaps she should try a little bit harder but she wasn’t sure she even wanted to fall in love or even get married.

No, on second thought, this was not what she wanted as she watched the males in the room devour them with their eyes. The man approaching made her skin crawl. She rubbed her arms in an attempt to ward off the chill encroaching. Praying the man was eyeing someone else, she looked down in hopes he would take the subtle cue.

Tavia and Tira Hepburn along with Larena Graham were the new charges of The Duchess, their auntie Charlotte, in London England. Aunt Charlotte took them dress shopping for their presentation gowns the week before, and now they appeared at one of the festivities of the season at St. Jame’s Palace. The debutante ball this evening was at the invitation of the Duke of Somerset.

The man stopped at The Duchess and bowed, lifting her aunt’s hand and placing a kiss on the back. The hairs on the back of Tavia’s neck stood on end. She couldn’t hear what they said but the next moment, the man, twirling his mustache, stood in front of her.

“Edwin, Edwin McMasters. May I have the honor of this dance?” he asked smoothly, his smile narrow and menacing.

With a quick look to The Duchess and the nod the older lady gave her, she understood she had no choice but to accept his invitation. When she stepped into his arms, nausea assailed her.

He was tall and thin, smelling of cigar smoke and alcohol. She counted the seconds as they moved around the dance floor. The palm of his hand was sweaty and hot. She thought she might gag. Tavia swallowed hard, wondering when she could end this politely.

“What are you doing?” Stunned she found herself maneuvered onto a dark balcony away from the men and debutants swirling around the room in their fashionable silk gowns. She was pushed up against a wall, his hands braced on either side of her.

“Making you mine.” His mouth found hers and his tongue probed for entrance. She couldn’t breathe. Trying to push him away she couldn’t. She was shaking her head but he held it with hands on both sides of her face.

Inside she screamed no, but nothing helped. His tongue pushed her lips apart. She coughed, choking from the contact. Suddenly, Edwin sat on the ground, his legs sprawled on the floor, rubbing his jaw.

“Bloody hell!”

Her gaze ran the length of her savior from his well-muscled legs to his trim waist and farther to the width of his shoulders. He was the largest man she’d ever seen. He looked at her with his steel gray eyes as if he knew what she was thinking.

“The Lady Tavia Hepburn said no.” The tall redheaded man offered his arm to her and escorted her back to her position by The Duchess before introducing himself. “James Macmurra at your service.”

“I remember you.” She blinked several times, her hand to her chest, trying to catch her breath. “Thank you for rescuing me.” She flashed him a smile of gratitude as well as relief, perhaps even a tiny bit flirtatious.

“I’m glad to hear that. If I recall you were Jamie Lundin’s partner at Drake Montgomerie’s wedding.” He turned to look at Tira. “And you were mine.”

Recalling Ella’s wedding to Drake, Tavia cleared her throat. “The wedding was a disaster.”

“Let’s not speak of that,” James grinned at her. “May I have this dance?” He looked to The Duchess for approval.

“Of course, go on with you, enjoy.” The Duchess waved them away. “You’re only young once. Enjoy.”

Heat swept through her body. Anticipation at the thought of his strong arms around her left her breathless, perhaps a kiss. Broad shoulders and narrow hips, his feet planted firmly apart, she was mesmerized by his form and silver hue of his eyes. His gaze sizzled with some undefined message. She felt a sudden urge to test the feel of his red hair and beard.

She accepted his hand as he led her to the dance floor. His fingertips were calloused and her hand seemed to be engulfed by his. She stared at the floor, terrified of meeting his gaze, yet longing to do just that at the same time.

“Lady Tavia?” he asked, drawing her closer so he could position his hand on her back. They began to dance the quadrille, flying across the floor. The steps were rapid, skimming steps. He held her tighter, guiding her, managing to lead her around other couples.

The music changed to a Scottish reel with its own intricate steps. She didn’t want to stop. These moments with her Scotsman were magical. He enchanted her. At the edge of the dance floor, he whirled her to a stop.

“James?” She was breathing hard and smiling at the huge man who could move with such ease and grace. “You amaze me.”

“Would you like to cool off?” he nodded toward the balcony. “Just for a moment. I promise I’ll be a gentleman.”

Her hand rested on his chest where she felt the strong beating of his heart. She heard the rapid staccato of her own heart, pulsing. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to be a gentleman. “I am rather hot.” She waved a hand in front of her face wondering where she’d placed her fan.

Keeping her hand in his, he led her outside. The night air was chilly but against her heated flesh, it felt good. He paused at the edge, bringing her hand to his lips and placing a kiss on the back.

“Do you like to dance?” When he turned to her, his eyes sizzled beneath hooded lashes.

The touch of his warm lips sent a shiver of delight coursing through her. She moistened her lips. “With you I do.”

“I like to dance to the pipes. They have a haunting quality about them, and I’ve always loved the sound.” He slipped out of his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. The scent was of leather and a bit of rose water then all James.

“Where in Scotland are you from?”

“Edinburgh I call my home now, but I grew up in the highlands. It’s beautiful there. Whenever I feel lonely, I return. I’ve a hunting lodge I enjoy that lies by a loch. Are you cold?” He touched her forehead, gently pushing an errant strand of hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

“No.” She could never be cold when he stood so close.

He folded his hand over hers where it rested next to his heart. He smiled at her. “Do you want to stay out here a little longer?”

She couldn’t stop the slow bubble of laughter emanating from her. “Yes, but if we stay much longer, The Duchess will be here, pounding you on the back with her cane.”

“I don’t plan on doing anything that would cause that. If you look just beyond the drape there, you’ll see your aunt. I don’t believe she’ll attack me unless I do something that would warrant that. I’m pretty sure holding your hand is fine even though I’d like so much more.”

Her heart lurched beneath her ribs, hoping for perhaps a kiss. She and Tira had endless conversations about kissing. They both knew Ella had let Drake do things she shouldn’t have done before the wedding, and The Duchess let them.

“You’d like more…” her voice trailed off as he ran a calloused fingertip across her lips. Her mind spun.

“I’m not a suitable catch for you, Lady Tavia. I’m a ship’s captain, not a lord. Your family will never agree to a match between us. So, even though I would love to pursue this relationship, I won’t.”

“Oh,” she murmured, disappointed by his statement.

“I’m leaving at the end of the week. Trust me you’ll find someone suitable.” He leaned against the balcony railing, holding her, gazing at her. His hands spanned her waist. She stood close to him, even closer than when they danced.

“Where are you going? I’d like to see the world, everywhere. If I could, I would love to go…” she couldn’t think. The fingers of one of his hands left a heated path down her neck and across her collarbone. “Fayth went to Paris and Amorica lives in Maryland. Oh…” she gulped air. “Should you do that?”

“No,” he said before he dropped his hands. “I should be strung up by my thumbs, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

“Is The Duchess still watching? If she is, you haven’t done anything that isn’t acceptable.”

Both hands were on her waist again. “I’m not about to test things. Are you hungry or thirsty?”

“We could go for a walk in the gardens,” she suggested, wanting to find someplace where The Duchess might not follow, somewhere he might kiss her. She found that more than anything she wanted James to kiss her.

“That’s not wise. I should put you back on the floor so a suitable man might ask you for a dance.”

“I don’t want to dance with anyone else. I didn’t come to London to find someone who will marry me, a suitable man. I’m going to book passage on a ship. The only thing that matters to me is seeing the world.”

He coughed and again, pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. This time his fingers lingered longer than the first time. “You would put your life in danger to see the world? You can’t just find a ship and book passage.”  He sounded shocked. “The Duchess would never let you do that.”

“Why would it be dangerous to book passage on a ship?” she demanded. “People do it all the time and survive to see another day.”

“Because you would have no one to protect you. I can’t let you do something so foolish. Your life and well-being are too precious.”

At his words she stiffened. She could do and be whatever or whoever she wanted. “You have no reason to say that. Why on earth would you think my life would be in danger if I was on a ship.”

Looking away for several seconds, he cleared his throat. “You are too innocent by far. I captain a ship and have done so for several years. My crew are no more saints than I am. The risk would be too great.”

“Tavia, there you are.” Tira appeared on the balcony with Larena. “Do you want to walk with us in the garden? You and James?” she asked. “Gavin and Jamie are coming too.”

She turned to James, a dark expression gracing his face. She was sure he was about to shake his head no, but something seemed to change his mind. “Why not?”

“Why not indeed,” she murmured, disturbed by his comment. He could at least act a bit more enthusiastic. Her presence with him suddenly seemed to be a burden. Still he stared at her, his eyes sizzling with some pent-up emotion Tavia didn’t know how to define.

“We’re bored with the dancing and Scarlett, Aunt Charlotte’s companion, promised to chaperone. Our Auntie is sitting, resting.

“She looks tired,” Tavia skipped ahead.

“The Duchess is going home soon but said she’d wait up for us. We’re supposed to remember the talk we had this afternoon before the ball about how men think,” Larena said. “She’ll probably have her nightly brandy and a lemon bar.”

James coughed then cleared his throat. She heard him murmur, “The way men think?”

The three couples headed outside where gaslights lit the gardens, the air redolent with the scent of roses. Tavia and James strolled behind the other two couples. Their carefree happy chatter filled the silence of the evening.

James offered his arm, and Tavia accepted his polite gesture. “My cousins and sisters used to visit an island near the McLellan castle,” she began. “I miss those trips to the island. We had so much fun.”

“Chaperoned, of course,” James said as they strode past the other couples who had stopped to kiss.

She felt the distance between them growing even as she wanted so much more. “Absolutely not. None of our fathers knew about the island until Hunter, Allura’s husband, appeared vying for her hand in marriage. None of our father’s except perhaps the Laird McLellan even cared what we did.”

James hand suddenly rested on hers. “You were impetuous as a child just like your thoughts now as a young lady of booking passage on a ship to see the world. You must take care,” he warned.

“Well, it’s not your life. I plan on living mine the way I choose.” They stopped at a gazebo deep in the gardens.

“We should probably get back to the others.” He leaned against the structure, turning her to face him.

“I don’t want to go back.” You need to kiss me, she wanted to tell him. Her hands rested on his chest as he settled her between his legs, his hands on the small of her back.

“People will talk.” He closed his eyes, drawing air into his lungs. “I don’t want your reputation ruined before the season has barely begun.”

She laughed softly, “You see, I don’t care about my reputation. If I’m doing something I’ve chosen to do with someone like you, then I’m happy.”

“You should consider what people think in everything you do.” He tightened his fingers and she enjoyed the subtle pressure.

“Do you? Do you contemplate what people think of you? Or do you just do what you want or what you believe is right?”

“Bloody hell, I’m a man.” He brought one hand upward to rest on her shoulder, on her bare skin beneath his jacket.

At the sensation of his calloused fingers, she shivered. Yet she meant to tell him what she thought about males dictating to her. “Women should be treated as equals. At least that’s what I think.”

“Why?” he queried, his finger tracing a line along her jaw. “You are far more precious than I am.”

She ignored his question, focusing on his lips instead of the conversation she didn’t want to have with this man. “I’ve never been kissed before.” Boldly, she touched his chin, felt the soft texture of his beard then drew her finger across his lips.

He stopped her, holding her hand in his. “And you want me to kiss you? Why me? Why not someone who has a title before his name? You could have so much more.”

“Please,” she said and not wanting him to say no to her she continued. “I want to know how I’ll feel when a man kisses me. When you kiss me.”

“I truly don’t want to tell you no, lass, but it wouldn’t be right.” He kissed the tip of her finger instead. “I enjoy your company more than you should know, but I’m not the right man for you.”

“Ah, kiss her,” Gavin said from behind them. “If she wants you then you are the right man for her.”

“Kiss her,” Tira laughed. “She can’t be the only one of us who isn’t kissed tonight.”

“Go on with all of you.” He growled low in his throat. “This conversation is between the two of us. There is no room for eaves droppers.”

“Really, you should kiss her. We’ll give the two of you a wee bit of privacy, but when we finish the stroll through the garden and return, we want to hear that you kissed her,” Larena said, all the while laughing.

The sound sent a primal shiver down her spine. She couldn’t speak. She moistened her lips with her tongue, his gaze riveted on her mouth. “James…”

“You unman me you’re so beautiful. But…” he watched her intensely, his large hand resting on the side of her face.

She was beginning to understand the power the subtleties of her body had over this man. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned into him. “You can’t, won’t, kiss me. Perhaps I should kiss you then.” She rose onto her toes, her breasts pushing against his chest.

“You play with fire, Tavia. Don’t tease a man.”

Was that what she was doing? Teasing him? She blinked several times, pressing into him and feeling things she’d never thought to feel. “Do you really believe I want some lord just because he has a title in front of his name? I’m not that shallow. I would take offense if you knew me better.”

Her statement brought a chuckle from deep in his chest. “Do not take offense. I’m not marriage material. I spend most of my life at sea. Would you want that in a husband?”

“It’s exactly what I want because I would like nothing more than to join him on his travels. Someone like you is perfect. You are perfect. We are perfect together,” she stated emphatically.

“You don’t know me well enough to make a statement like that. I might beat you when you disagree with me or don’t do what I ask.”

She was shaking her head, tendrils of hair falling from her swept up hair. “You would never do such a thing. A man’s true character is always apparent to his male friends. Drake would have never asked you to be a groomsman at his wedding if you were an evil or mean man.”

“Do you have an answer for everything?” His hands framed her face while he moistened his lips, his gaze blazing into hers with unrequited fire.

“Perhaps,” she spoke softly, anticipating the kiss she was sure would come soon. She wanted to feel the warmth of his mouth on hers, taste the essence of who he was. He was so close she inhaled his breath.

“When I kiss you, I’ll be your first,” he murmured, his lips close to hers yet not touching.

“Yes, please.” Her fingers wound into his hair. She felt the earth tremble beneath her feet, but it was his huge body shaking with desire she assumed.

“I shouldn’t.”

“Of course you should.”

“Well, well, well, The Duchess would be interested in this. She might even have you keel hauled on one of your boats.”

“Edwin. I’d know that high pitched whinny voice anywhere.”

They broke apart. She was breathing hard. From the darkness, Edwin strode toward them. “You refused my kiss but you let a Scotsman kiss you. He doesn’t have a title,” he sneered. “And I do.”

“Stand behind me,” with one large hand James gently moved so he stood in front of her. His hands were fisted at his sides, and it seemed he rocked on the balls of his feet ready to fight, “What do you want?”

“Apparently the same thing you do,” Edwin said approaching them. “Let me kiss her and I’ll be gone.”

“Never,” James ground out through clenched teeth.

“You should let the little lady speak,” he said with a sneer. “I bet she wants a real man, not a Scotsman or a commoner.”

“I gave you my answer a few hours ago.” Tavia poked her head from around James back. “No.”

“Everything alright?” Gavin and Jamie approached with the girls.

“It will be as soon as this bloody fool leaves,” James said. His hand touching Tavia’s, she felt an inner strength permeate through her.

It seemed Edwin knew when the odds were stacked against him. “I’ll have to try another time when you don’t have this giant standing over you,” he said looking over his shoulder as he walked away. “I will taste her.”

“I don’t like the way that man looks at you.” James wrapped an arm around Tavia, pulling her against his hard frame.

“He’s a lord. Do you think he’s more deserving of a relationship with me than you?” Tavia challenged, beginning to understand the protective nature that defined James Macmurra.

“No. He might be a lord but he’s a wastrel and cad,” Gavin said. “I don’t pretend to understand what is going on here, but you need to be wary of that man. He owes debts to a number of my friends, and he doesn’t have the means to pay. I’m assuming he’s looking for a rich heiress to finance his vices.”

“Then he’s trying to court the wrong girl. I’m not a rich heiress.” She turned to James. “You’re not looking for one…”

“That’s right, I’m not looking for an heiress. I’ve made my fortune and have more money than I need or could spend in a lifetime of simple living.”

“Enough of that,” Tira pulled Tavia from James embrace and away from the men. Larena followed. “Well,” she whispered. “Did he kiss you?”


~ * ~


“Dressed up again, I see. Where are you going tonight?” Seamus O’Malley, the first mate on James’ ship, seemed to strip his thoughts bare as he scrutinized him.

James had been staring at the ledgers in front of him for what seemed like hours, a glass of whiskey on his desk. He glanced up, knowing he wasn’t going to finish anytime soon. “Don’t know, Drury Lane or Covent Garden. Not sure what the ladies decided on.”

“Not your cup o’ tea, if I say so myself. Don’t see you going to the theatre for the fun of it or the opera. Who’s the special lady who has you sweatin’ buckets?” Seamus chuckled, rubbing his bristly chin. “Whoever she is, seems she’s got you tied up in knots.”

“I didn’t know how to tell her I wasn’t interested.” James wasn’t interested in the theatre, just a girl he had no right to court. Seems as if he was making a colossal mistake and wasting valuable time on something that was going nowhere.

“Looks like interest to me,” Sean said. “You wouldn’t have been starin’ at those papers all afternoon. And it looks to me as if you’ve made no progress or is it just the little gal you’re interested in and not the theater. Take her to your bed and get it over with then you can forget her and get on with your life.”

“She’s a lady, Seamus. Someone I have no business courting. I don’t have a title or an estate to offer, and I certainly can’t take her to my bed.” He could certainly buy land or a home if he wanted to settle down and start a family. He had the means. James sat back, drumming his finger on the table as he let his mind wander to the possibilities.

“Don’t be so noble. Love doesn’t pay any attention to the things you just listed. If you’re in love…” Seamus let the idea hang in the silence of the cabin.

“Love?” he murmured thoughtfully. “I barely know her. I believe you’d call it lust.” But her beauty blindsided him the first time he saw her. When she talked to him, he was more entranced by the magic that was Tavia.

“We still sailing in a couple of days, or do you plan on another captain for this old vessel? You know you have men who’d love to command the ship and who are quite capable. Stayin’ on land and courtin’ the little gal might be the right thing to do. Otherwise, by the time we get back to port she could be wedded and bedded. You’d be the loser.”

His thoughts settled on Edwin, his grimy hands touching her. He was one of those men who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. If what happened last night was any indication, the odious man wanted Tavia.

“I can’t do that.” James rearranged the papers on his desk before stacking them in a pile to be read later.

“Won’t?” Seamus questioned.

“It’s best for her if I leave and don’t look back.” She wouldn’t allow Edwin into her life so he didn’t have that to worry about, just every other suitor in the ton.

“Did she say that? Did she tell you her life would be better without you? If you tell me yes, I’ll call you for a liar.”


“Well then, you best be doin’ some serious thinkin’ about your future and the lady you’re about to leave behind. You’re not gettin’ any younger. Sometimes a man needs to settle down with a wife and children to make his life complete.”

“And I see you did just that?” James leaned back, resting his hands on his stomach, grinning and feeling the humor.

“Had a wife once a long time ago.” Seamus said. “And a little boy.”

James sat up, concerned. “I didn’t know. What happened?”

“She died and my boy with her. I was at sea and couldn’t do nothin’ about it. ‘Nough said.” He turned to leave then stopped. “James, we need a new cabin boy. I put the word out and told the harbor master just this morning.”

“A new one? What happened to Mica?” This posed a new problem and one he’d have to deal with if they didn’t find one.

“Decided he wasn’t meant for life at sea. He was seasick most days, and the crew teased him unmercifully.”

“Make sure we find one before we set sail in two days.” James followed Seamus from the cabin. Down the gangplank he hailed a cab, giving directions to The Duchess’ townhouse. He settled back, mulling over the conversation with Seamus.

He didn’t like the idea of Tavia finding someone else, but he attempted to maintain his thoughts trying to convince himself. She would be better off with someone closer to her station in life, someone who would be there for her. Seamus’ story confirmed his reservations. His first mate had been at sea and his family died. That wasn’t a story he wanted to be told about his wife.

Yet no one else seemed to think the same way he did. He’d leave this to chance. If she was still a single lady when he returned, he’d court her. Satisfied with his decision he focused on the cargo and when it would be loaded. Seamus could oversee the loading so perhaps he and Tavia could go for a ride tomorrow in Hyde Park.

The carriage slowed to a halt. He strode to the porch and rang the bell, waiting nervously. This took more courage than battling a storm at sea. The butler opened the door and waited, a stoic expression on his face.

“James Macmurra, calling on Tavia Hepburn.” He wiped sweaty hands on his pants.

The butler stepped aside then ushered him into the parlor. Apparently, he was the last to arrive. Jamie and Gavin sat in chairs sipping brandy, seemingly relaxed. The butler brought him a drink.

“Hope this is to your liking.”

James leaned against the doorframe, holding his glass aloft, “Cheers.” Either of you eager for an evening of opera at Covent Garden?”

Both men laughed. “Not here for the opera, just the ladies.”

“So, you both have eyes for your lady. You plan on marriage when this is all over?” James pursued the topic that had been on his mind all afternoon as well as last evening.

“Can’t say I’ve given it much thought. It’s too soon.” Jamie said. “She’d have to be willing to leave London. I’ve a life in Baltimore I won’t leave.”

“Me neither,” Gavin said. “Larena intrigues me. She says outrageous things that take me by surprise and she makes me laugh. A man could do worse and,” he paused in thought, “she’s beautiful.”

“You know how these things go,” Jamie began.

“And how is that?” The Duchess stepped into the room then tapping her cane on the floor held each man’s gaze for several seconds. As if to intimidate these men, as she walked she continued to tap her cane.

The staccato of the cane meeting the floor seemed to match his heartbeat. James ran a finger around his collar, waiting for the lecture to begin. “What would you like us to say, in for a penny in for a pound?”

“Mr. Macmurra, you do get to the point of things. I like that. Don’t want to beat around the bush, I see. You’ve got places to go and time is of the essence. Well, I’m not going to live forever, and I want to see these girls find men who will treat them right. I’ve only had the opportunity to plan two weddings, and both went terribly awry. Not at all what I had planned, no, not at all.”

“I would never hurt your niece,” Gavin spoke up. “I mean it.”

“That’s not what I was speaking of,” she looked to Gavin. “If you don’t have marriage in mind, you should leave here at once and let someone who does have a chance to court her.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I do have marriage in mind someday,” his voice assumed a strange tone.

“What about you, Jamie Lundin? What are your intentions? Are any of them good?” she turned to Scarlett who brought in a plate of scones and refreshed the men’s drinks.

Jamie cleared his throat. “Certainly not to hurt anyone. Tira enjoys my company, and I hers, but I’ll return to the states in a few weeks. Perhaps by then we’ll have a better idea what we mean to each other. Would you be happy with her leaving England?” He issued a challenge of his own.

“Whatever makes her happy will please me, and make the last of my duties successful where she is concerned. Then she directed her attention to James. “You know Tavia wants to travel. She wants to see what’s on the other side of the sun. She believes with all her heart that she needs to follow sunsets and chase sunrises. A bit fanciful for my taste, but I believe she sees that opportunity in you. Don’t disappoint her.”

“Tavia has said as much to me. She brings to life something in me I thought long dead. I’m not sure myself what that means. My ship is leaving in two days. If you’d rather I left right now, I’ll do your bidding. I won’t be able to court her until I return.”

“Ah,” she waved her hand in the air, “you don’t want to go to the opera. I understand.” She leaned forward and cackling, “Tonight you will escort her to Covent Gardens, and tomorrow I expect you to ride with her in Hyde Park. She has her heart set on it and as you well know, I don’t want to see any of my charges disappointed or unhappy.”

James cleared his throat. “I don’t have a title in front of my name or a home in London. An apartment in The Albany is what I call home when I have an extended stay here. My suitability is questionable.”

“Fine, then you won’t be taking her there or seducing her into your bed. That bit of information makes me feel much better. I’m going to tell it the way it is. If you’re looking for something other than a chaperoned courtship, you are seeing the wrong ladies,” The Duchess told them in her most formidable voice. “Both Scarlett and I are determined to make sure nothing untoward happens.”

“You need not worry about me trying to seduce Tira. I would never bring her to my bed before we are wed…if we are wed,” Jamie added hastily.

The Duchess held her glass to her lips for several seconds. James was sure she didn’t swallow. When she set the glass on the end table, she closed her eyes for a moment before speaking, “I remember the late Duke. He promised much the same thing, as did my nieces’ fathers. They were all rakes of the worst sort until they met their ladies.”

“But the duke seduced you?” Gavin asked with a soft chuckle. “Who would have guessed?”

James began to enjoy this conversation and wondered where this would end up. “Of course you didn’t let him.” He believed the opposite, but for some reason he needed to see if The Duchess would be honest.

“On the contrary, I loved that man so much I would have done anything he asked and he knew it. Oh, he was arrogant or perhaps confident would better describe him, and his pride saw no end. He was a bit like the three of you only much more handsome. He had me in the palm of his hand the first time I looked into his gorgeous dark brown eyes.”

James wanted to protest that he wasn’t arrogant but perhaps he was. He possessed other sins, but he did have a few virtues.

Jamie seemed to stiffen. “I would never seduce Tira. She’s an innocent.”

“Balderdash. If given the opportunity there is not a doubt in mind you would use all the powers you possess to sway her into your arms and bed.”

“I like to think of myself as a gentleman.” He seemed determined to convince either The Duchess or perhaps himself.

“All three of you are gentleman, but you are men first. Would you expect anything else from a debutant besides innocence? They are beginners, and the girls know nothing about sex and how a man thinks. Except perhaps Larena, her sister does breed horses.”

“How a man thinks?” all three asked at the same time, looking to the other as if they knew the answer.


“Enlightenment would be nice,” James said, believing he had an idea about where she was about to go with her statement, and for some reason he couldn’t fathom enjoying it. No wonder Tavia spoke her mind. The characteristic must be inbred.

“As you like. I mean to do just that.” She paused in thought, watching the amber liquid as she swirled it in the crystal glass.

“You spoke to the girls about this yesterday. I remember how she told me I thought with a different part of my anatomy. Wasn’t entirely sure what she meant.”

“The Duke found this tiny cottage near a lake. It was beautiful and somehow we escaped our chaperone. He must have spent hours trying to figure out how to do it. That day it was raining so hard he didn’t have to make up an excuse to take me to this spot he knew of.”

“The cad,” Gavin laughed out loud. “A man of my own heart…” His words died away.

“Perhaps I now have reservations about your intentions toward my niece,” she directed the comment to Gavin before continuing her story. “We were both soaked to the bone by the time we were in the cottage. With a fire going, he set the mood for my seduction.” She waved one hand in the air, “But I digress.”

“To escape the chill of the night, he convinced you to take your riding habit off and spread it out to dry.” James said, knowing it was something he would do with anyone of his female friends except Tavia. With Tavia he was determined to keep his hands to himself.

“Yes, well, his words made perfect sense. He did wrap a blanket around me when I had nothing but a few things on my person.” She blushed, recalling the events. “It seems just like yesterday.” A lone tear slipped from an eye to slide down her cheek. “I do miss William so.”

“I’m sorry he passed so soon. His death must have been incredibly hard on you,” James said. Suddenly on his feet then kneeling in front of the woman everyone called The Duchess because of how formidable she was. But at this tender moment she was Tavia’s Auntie Charlotte. He held her trembling hands in his. “I hope I’m as blessed as you were when it comes to finding my true love.”

She let him hold her hands for some time before she pulled away. “I’m a maudlin fool. I’ll be joining him soon enough. Which brings me to one of the finer points I intend to make today with you young men before you do something someone might regret.”

Her emotional break down seemed to change the tone of this meeting, at least for him. He yearned for a relationship like the one Charlotte described, and he wondered if Tavia was truly the woman for him. In such a short time she touched something inside him he never knew existed.

“So,” Jamie said, “what are these finer points you want to make?” He roughed his hands through his hair, seeming as touched by her story as she was.

“First,” she began tapping the cane on the floor, “you three will make several promises to me right now, today, before I let you do anything more with my nieces.”

“I’m sure I can promise anything you ask. It couldn’t be too difficult,” Gavin said with a cocky air to his words.

“You might be surprised. I’m guessing you’ve only slept with widows and perhaps a few women of ill repute. These women don’t come with family and friends who will defend their honor or even care about what happens to them. You can come and go as you please with no repercussions to yourself, but women you bed can’t say the same thing even if they are debutantes.”

James reminded himself he had a lady in every port he visited. They were willing to have sex with him and just as The Duchess implied, he took them for granted. “What would you like me to promise?”

“There are several guarantees I need the three of you to make, but the first one is that while you are courting my nieces, you must promise me you will not have sex with any other woman.” She waited, seemingly patient hands folded primly in her lap.

Gavin and Jamie were quick to answer, but James thought about the issues he had about courting Tavia and if he was truly wooing her, it would be months before he saw her again.

“What about you, young man?” She directed her question James’ direction while she loudly tapped the cane on the floor as if intending to get his undivided attention.

Heat rose to his face, “Even if I wanted to, I’m not sure if I’m courting Tavia. My ship leaves…”

“I know, in two days. You cannot continue to use that fact as an excuse,” she harshly interrupted. It seems you must make a decision right now and in front of me and your friends. Are you or aren’t you going to see Tavia? If you have a lady in every port, you’ll have to inform them you are no longer available. Can you do that?”

His heart thundered in his chest. He still had so many reservations, and the what ifs seemed to grow faster than he could possibly explain.

“Are you courting Tavia?” The Duchess persisted.

“Yes.” He knew the answer would leave him with no regrets, not until he returned and if in the time he was gone, she found another man.

“Can you forgo your mistresses?”

“I have no mistresses.” That part was true. He didn’t keep anyone.

“Then my apologies, the ladies who wait for your arrival with baited breath,” she spoke softly for the first time.

“If I have Tavia waiting for me here, I have no problem promising not to see other women. I will keep that vow.” With his words, a weight was taken off his chest, and he began to look forward to this evening.

“To the second part, which will most likely be easier. Promise me you will not abscond with your lady to a cabin or to your ship in hopes of finding out if the two you are sexually compatible.”

“Of course not,” James was quick to say. “A single lady has no place on a sailing vessel carrying cargo. Your niece and I have already had that conversation.”

“Good, my heart couldn’t take another scenario such as the one Fayth and Jarret put me through. What about the both of you?” She directed her attention to Jamie and Gavin.

“I promise,” they said in unison.

“Very well. Gavin, I’ve learned your family owns a hunting lodge. Are you positive?” She challenged the young man.

They all understood what she wanted to learn.

“I will not take her there for…” he stopped midsentence.

She smiled clearly pleased, “I would send my men to collect the two of you if you tried something like this. Drake took advantage of my wishes to see my charges happily wed. I was convinced Drake was the right man for Ella. The only one here who fits the category of suitor material is the only one unsure if he wants to court my niece.” She directed her gaze toward James.

Her words shocked James. Most times confidence exuded from him. With Tavia he’d been unsure from the moment he saw her. He wanted her but knew she wouldn’t desire a man who spent his time at sea, a man without a title, a man who had no place to call home save his ship.

Gavin and Jamie appeared as if they wanted to protest but wisely kept their mouths shut.

“What is the next promise?” James was beginning to sweat. The first two had been strange; the next one promised to surprise him as well.

“The hardest one of all is simple because it goes against everything that drives a man.” She looked pleased with herself.

She managed to pry promises from all of them. Whether they kept them or not remained to be seen. Temptations waited around every corner.

“I wait in anticipation,” James murmured, appreciating the elder lady more with each passing minute.

She cackled, pouring herself another brandy and sipping slowly, finally setting it on the table. He found himself holding his breath in eagerness.

She cleared her throat. “I was a bit parched. Let’s get this over with. I’ve explained all this to my nieces. Men think with a different part of their anatomy than women. Be assured they don’t know as yet exactly what I meant, but they are aware of the problem.”

“And…” he didn’t know if he was relieved or not. If she didn’t explain anything about that anatomy, he thought it would inevitably be left up to him.

“I told my girls men think with their cock while they thought with their hearts.”


~ * ~


Their evening gowns were hung and ready to put on, their makeup was strewn across the dressing tables, powders, eye paint, soot mixed with oil for the lashes.

“Don’t use too much,” Larena cautioned as she applied a shiny pearl powder on her face followed by a light rose-colored blush to her cheeks. “This is so much better than a white face.”

“Do you think James will kiss you tonight?” Tira asked. “He really just has to and you have to let him. A kiss from the right man is heavenly.”

“I have to do no such thing. Last night I wanted him to kiss me, but today everything has changed. If he does though, I won’t object. I might even like it.” Tavia smushed her lips together after applying a soft lip color.

“And why not? You know he’s going to be away at sea for several months. You have to do it now so he’ll remember you,” Larena patted her hair into place and smiled at herself in the mirror.

“I’m leaving too,” Tavia said softly, her hands shaking with fear of the unknown. “I’ve been taken on as a cabin boy on a ship, called the Firtha, sailing for Spain and Italy.”

“You haven’t!” Larena whirled on her cousin, her hands on her heart. “That can’t be safe.”

“I’m going to pretend I’m a boy so no one will be the wiser. Supposed to report for duty as the new cabin boy tomorrow afternoon so I’ll be settled in when the ship leaves port. As soon as I’m ready, I’ll have Tira take me to the docks.” The closer she got to the time of departure, the more she reconsidered. So many fears assailed her.

“Do you even know what a cabin boy does?” Larena asked, clearly shocked at Tavia’s statement. “They might have to do something totally inappropriate. They are boys, you know.”

“I made inquiries.” Tavia said, turning her back to her sister Tira for help with the corset. “They wait on the captain for one and carry messages from one end of the vessel to the other. I think I’m supposed to help trim the sails too.”

“Well, I guess you could do part of that. Should find out how to trim sails sooner than later,” Larena said sarcastically, eyeing her fingernails, “But why would you want to? You really should stay here in London where you won’t be putting your life in danger.”

“You know why. We’re stopping somewhere in Spain and Italy. I can barely contain myself. I’m afraid I’ll say something to James and he’ll tell The Duchess and she’ll lock me in tomorrow so I can’t get away.” Reciting all the places she was about to see left her breathless.

“I’m half tempted to tell her myself. This is really a fool’s mission. When our auntie finds out we hid the information from her, she’ll be furious. I don’t have any idea what she’ll do,” Larena said.

“Tira and I went shopping this morning and I’ve breeches and shirts, bought strips of cloth to bind my breasts. No one will guess I’m a girl.” She sported a huge smile, feeling a new surge of confidence.

“What about your hair,” Larena said dryly. Even if you keep it tucked beneath a hat, you risk losing the hat in a brisk wind. How will you explain that? When all your hair tumbles down your back.”

“Don’t put a damper on this. I’ve got it all figured out. Tira and I discussed this escapade at length. I’m going to cut it off.”


“Yes, tomorrow after we get up, my first escapade will begin. I’m supposed to go riding with James, but I’m going to feign sickness. Once Tira has chopped it all off, we’re going to the docks. I’ll find the ship and board. Bought a duffel bag to keep my clothes in,” she said proud of herself and the efforts she and her twin made for this adventure to succeed.

“Escapade is right.”

“I’m going to the states after Jamie leaves,” Tira said smugly, looking to her sister, seeming to ask for approval. “I’m going to stay at Ravyn’s house in Baltimore, and I’m going to learn how to build ships.”

“Really,” Larena said, gazing at the twins as if they’d gone stark raving mad. “You’re going to pretend you’re a boy, too, and leave me all alone here? I don’t like it that you’re all deserting me.”

“I’m sorry but we’re pursuing our dreams.” The twins ran to hug Lorena.

“You and Gavin will get along just fine. What are your dreams? You must have some or one even.”

“I don’t know,” Larena said. “My passion is to ease the plight of the poor. I want to fight for all the injustices that have been done by the English government to the commoners.”

“That’s very noble. And you, too, would get more accomplished if you were a man,” Tira said.

“Someone go peek and see if the men have arrived,” Tavia said as she was putting the finishing touches on her hair.

“I’ll go,” Larena said and departed without a backward glance.

“Do you think she’ll tell?” Tavia asked, afraid Larena would do just that. “I shouldn’t have said anything. At least when you leave, you’ll be with Aidan and Ravyn and Aric will visit from time to time. You’ll have a home and you won’t be on a ship and sleeping in the same place as the rest of the crew.”

When she said the words, her adventure seemed more daunting and dangerous than when she planned it. She could not sleep with the crew. She’d have to find some place on deck where she could curl up and remain safe. This was a far cry from purchasing passage and having a room of her own. James’ words came back to haunt her.

The door opened and Larena slipped inside, her back to the closed door. “They are here sitting in the parlor with refreshments and The Duchess is lecturing them.”

“About what?”

“Promises. She’s making them promise certain things. I didn’t hear what exactly, but we can ask them tonight,” Larena said breathlessly.

“I can only imagine. Do you think the promises are the same as the ones we made to The Duchess?” Tira asked while she finished with the fastenings on Tavia’s dress.

“Probably not,” Tavia said, trying to remember the three promises the girls made.  “They couldn’t possibly be the same.”

“The Duchess wouldn’t ask the same of the men. She could never make them promise not to go anywhere that was not chaperoned or unprotected.”

“No, they’d laugh at her,” Larena said.

“We promised to think with our heads not our hearts where the men are concerned,” Tavia said, pausing a moment. “She most likely told them not to think with their cock.”

“Close enough,” Tira said. “What’s a cock?”

“We’ll have to find out. Whoever discover it first has to tell everyone else.”


“What do you think there third promise was?” Tavia asked. “It certainly wasn’t ours. We promised to stay open minded and if they did something we didn’t like, we had to tell them or her. Either one was fine.”

Larena spoke up. “I heard her say something about sleeping with a different woman in every port. I don’t know what the promise could be except not to do that.”

“He really does sleep with a woman every place they stop?” Tavia’s voice cracked. “Who does he have in London that he sees?”

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