Fun Facts: D. A. Cairns ~ Reptile Lover
Enjoy Fun Facts about author D. A. Cairns.
Fun Facts: D. A. Cairns is the author of Love Sick Love and A Muddy Red River.
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Fun Facts about D. A. Cairns
I have always loved reptiles, especially lizards. As a boy I caught a Bearded Dragon and kept it as a pet for a liitle while before releasing back into the bush.
I own a pair of boxer shorts with a picture of Mr.Spock on them and the words, ‘Are you out of your Vulcan mind?’
I used to be afraid of dragonflies, but having conquered that little phobia, I now fear nothing.
My guilty pleasure used to be pornography, but I now hate it so I don’t have any guilty pleasures.
I’m a big heavy metal fan so I often dance\headbang to bands kike Disciple, Metallica and POD.
I’m not very active but I have a pretty good collection of money: coins and notes from around the world.
My first car was a 1971 HG Holden station wagon. White on the outside and all red on the inside.
My ‘hero’ is Jesus Christ. The perfect man, God incarnate. I follow him and worship him as my lird and saviour.

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