Tuesday Tip-Posting Reviews on Amazon

Posting Reviews on Amazon

We have received the following letter from Amazon. It is frustrating, but unfortunately we have to follow their guidelines because we cannot achieve our goals or yours without Amazon. So please do not post on Amazon any future reviews of books by any of our authors as all of you are considered our business associates. You can still post reviews on Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, your own bog or website and other places.


Amazon Letter


We have determined that one or more Amazon accounts related to your account posted customer reviews on your books.

To maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience, Amazon prohibits reviews on your books written by you or your relatives, close friends, business associates, or employees. Please ensure that these parties do not write reviews on your books. Violations of our policies may also violate applicable laws.

If this problem continues, we may not allow you to publish on Amazon.com.

To learn more about this policy, please see our Community Guidelines (https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201929730), FAQ for authors (https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G202101910), and our Anti-Manipulation Policy for Customer Reviews (https://www.amazon.com/no-manipulation).


Seller Performance Team



Goodreads/Barnes & Noble:

If you wish, you can still publish reviews on Goodreads and Barnes & Noble as well as other publishing sights such as Smashwords and so many more. If you see a new release you would like to review, please not we will be happy to send it to you.

Again, we ask you not to post the review on Amazon.

Check Out New Release

Buy at: Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Read first chapter

BLURB: The Banshee


David Raferty awakes from a troubling dream to find he is travelling to his Uncles rural town, a place holding many memories. Still confused why he is there he begins to recall faces and places all the while discecting clues to a brutal murder. As more victims appear David, his Uncle, the sheriff and an unwitting priest search for the source of a childhood tale believed to be terrorizing the town… again.

3 responses to “Tuesday Tip-Posting Reviews on Amazon”

  1. Boy, they are real bastards, aren’t they?

  2. Regarding Amazon Review, how would Amazon know who are my “close friends?” Is “big brother” watching over us? And what is the criteria defining close friends vs distant friends? Finally, why are these changes being initiated?

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