Winter Comes: Need Positive Thoughts

Winter is coming: It’s Check In And Share Day, Positive  and Great Thoughts.

Let’s Make Fireworks: Check In and share what you did this week: Positive & Great Thoughts only.

#Check In and Share Day

Time to pay the piper! How did you do? How much did you write? Did words explode on your WIP? Check In and share something positive from your week.

This is the Rogue Phoenix Press weekly Check In. Every Sunday we encourage our authors and visitors to let us know how their writing is going.

How well are you doing?

Had problems this week? That’s ok. Just sit down this coming week and write. Whatever you do, don’t let difficulties from the week before get in your way this week.

Every word is one word closer to the finished product.

Please share your accomplishments in the comment section.

Be sure to use this post to set a goal for the week then try to accomplish that goal.

Promotions: Check in and Share how you promoted your book

There are many ways to promote your books.

  1. Share with your promotion group of family, friends and fans
  2. Tweet: If you don’t have a twitter account, it’s easy to set one up.
  3. Instagram: refer to earlier post.
  4. Pinterest: refer to earlier post.
  5. Goodreads: refer to earlier post.
  6. Build your email list: refer to earlier post.
  7. Add your author profile to Book Bub
  8. If you know other ways to promote please share in the comment section.

Outlines and Character building: Check in and Share

Maybe you didn’t add words to your WIP, but developed your book.

How are your characters developing? Check out the character development articles on my personal blog.

Tell us what you did in the comment section.


#Beware The Bones #ParanormalRomance

9 responses to “Winter Comes: Need Positive Thoughts”


    Remember that masterpiece that dropped between the cracks somehow and you never went back to finish? A family saga, a children’s fantasy, a whodunit, or something or other that you began building. Only it got so big and so intricate that you put it on the back burner when a life situation came up or you ran out of ideas. Now you’re trying to upgrade it but it’s TOO BI-I-IG! You forgot how the story was developing, or what the middle game was coming to, or even who some of the integral characters were. It’s like a half-painted mansion that you wonder how you got onto in the first place.

    There’s your answer. Pull it up on the PC, draw up a big cup of coffee (or whatever) and start on Page One. Read it with your fresh pair of eyes. See if it pulls you in, if your characters are speaking realistically, if it’s moving along quickly enough and if the plot is unraveling smoothly. If it is, then you should be ready to contribute as soon as the last page leaves you hanging. If not, then it needs fixing. What’s with the dialogue? Are there too many characters? Where are the speed bumps? Is there a scene you don’t need or one that needs to be inserted? You’re the architect, but keep the bulldozer on hold. What was it that compelled you to put all that time and effort into it?

    When you’ve found all the answers, you may start considering the end-end game. You’ve got all the reasons why this is a great book and it’s going to sell. So keep them on a separate page and remain true to them. For this is how you’ll solicit the work and convince a publisher or agent that this is the next big thing. And, most important of all, you’re re-sold it to yourself. And you should be your biggest fan.

  2. Nancy Dafoe says:

    Very positive thoughts this week. I signed a contract for book two in the Vena Goodwin murder mystery series, Both End in Speculation. Thank you Rogue Phoenix Press. I’m finishing formatting for e-books. I set up another reading for You Enter a Room, and I will be placing another book order later today.

  3. Chris Young says:

    A week getting ready for Christmas. Working on a new WIP and seeing the word count continue to grow. I hope all of you have had something positive in your week.

  4. I announced my contract with RPP for Wolves and Deer; A Tale based on Fact. The novel revolves around unsettled London and Paris of 1832 and the relationship between Prince William (William IV) and actress Dora Jordan. That might sound like dull history but I promise–it’s not! I’ve added a comic twist that’s more likely than “fact. ”

    Here’s the link to the announcement:

    I decided to send RPP an avatar instead of an author photo. I have author photos but never made an avatar. At first I wondered if it made sense–an historical novel and a modern image. But it does. Wolves and Deer takes place a few decade before photography. What did people do for passports? They relied on descriptions added by passport agents. Talk about unflattering!

    I made some suggestions for the cover but am relying on someone with talent to come up with an image tempting to readers yet true to the novel.

    That was my week. Thanks for asking!

  5. I find it helps to write multiple drafts of my WIP. Each time, the characters do something new and totally surprising. That’s what makes it scary and fun.

  6. Genene says:

    I’ve been doing a lot of marketing/promo–steep learning curve for me, but I’m starting take the pieces I’ve learned and consider how to add a new twist. So I consider that progress! As part of this learning, I’m going to take part in an online branding webinar with Mary Buckham this Wednesday, so am looking forward to learning even more with that class.

    I’m also continuing to make progress on the second book of my Collie Chronicles. The characters and situations continue to surprise me as they unfold, so I’m very pleased with that!

    So nice to hear of progress others are making and appreciate the sharing of your processes!

  7. Getting ready for the release of Spirit of the Amaroq in February from RPP. Looking into all the way to promote etc. Keep at it fellow writers!

  8. G. Lloyd Helm says:

    Thank God I am mostly finished with my pre-Christmas book selling gigs . I have sold a lot of books which to me is positive but selling them is harder than writing them. Never the less I feel good about having done it.

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